Chapter 8
That day they met all their teachers (that is, all their teachers on Tuesday timetables), who are:
1. Professor Golderkock. (She's a Dragon-wolf and taught Defence and Attack lessons ) [@pokemon222999 you should know] She has superior powers and marked Earnest, Dem and Cana as her favourite. And she liked Harry Potter books (duh).
2. Professor Nanotum. (He's a Pilot Dragon and taught Flying lessons) He was always eager to help out and though that Earnest had a special talent at flying and asked him to join Koarte ('The Flying Sport'. Something like Quidditch except the players are dragons and there are no balls) when he is a second-year. He also promoted Earnest as Flying Leader.
3. Professor Lolette. (She's a Gardener Dragon and taught Dangerous Plants lessons) She was a bit plump but was enthusiastic. She disliked Earnest though (but not as much as Jecnur and Nocturn.)
4. Professor Hoegarden. (He's a Mechanic Dragon and taught Invention lessons) Dem was extremely good at Mechanics. Professor Hoegarden immediately promoted him as Mechanic Ambassador. Dem was overjoyed: he had always loved fitting pieces of metal and inventing different metal stuff.
5. Professor Marsher (She's a Witch Dragon and taught Divination.) Cana tripped that night on the way to her dorm room and broke her tail's bone: exactly as Professor Marsher had predicted! Divination is getting scary when the teacher hates Earnest...
6. Professor Bobbham. (He's a Lava Dragon and taught Dragon Science lessons) Everyone hates this subject. It's all about... *droning droning droning* what?! I can't hear you.
7. Professor Frostco. (He's an Action Dragon and taught Dragon History lessons) Dragon History is supposed to be boring, but Professor Frostco is an Action Dragon-- he won't let anything be boring! Professor Frostco made charts, models, robots... even mini-drama theatres to let the pupils remember details of History by acting! Professor Frostco, amazingly, put Earnest in charge of History Theatres and History Puppet-shows.
8. Professor Quadron (Nah he's not a professor technically---he's just a friend that made amazing cooking) He taught cooking to Earnest, Dem and Cana privately in his cottage. Their friendship was already strong.
Luckily Tuesday did not have Arts and Brew nor Anti-poison lessons or else the whole 'first-day celebrity' would be ruined. That night Earnest felt good, with his new, shining 'Flying Leader' badge on his bed stand.
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