- 32 -
Hi! How is everyone? Thank you all for always supporting this book, i love you all to bits! Btw it's term 4 for us here and let's just hope my teachers leave me alone.
| Kim Taehee |
"I like you too daddy."
His arms wrap around me as my heart warms up. Oh my gosh. We just confessed.
"Your letter was something I've never expected but I loved it." He smiles. I nod as he rubs my back.
"I'm tired." He hums. He leans on my shoulder with his head snuggled in the crook of my neck.
I smile as I waddle backwards and closed the door. He was still on my shoulder as I puff out in air.
"Go and lay in my bed." I chuckle. He shakes his head as I smile.
"Will you come?" He asks. My eyes widen as he gets up intertwining our hands together and walked into my room.
He kicks my door open as he lays completely on my bed. I chuckle as he pulls me down with him.
He crawls on top of me as he snuggles close. I smile to myself as I run my fingers through his hair.
I've never been this soft before. He's making me go all types of ways.
| present |
"Let's go eat!"
"Again?" Yoongi moans as he slouches. I roll my eyes. It was the next day from Ehem Ehem.
My legs wouldn't even budge. And here I am wanting to go eat.
"But your legs." Yoongi looks down at them. I awkwardly chuckle as I lay down.
My legs were so sore I couldn't even shift them around. I groan as Yoongi holds out his hand.
"I'll be your walking stick." He chuckles. I laugh as I grab his hand and tried to stand.
My legs were wobbly as I almost fell to the ground but Yoongi catches me.
"Oh for fucks sake." I groan at my legs. "Yoongi you didn't have to go that hard."
He laughs as he pulls me up holding me so I wouldn't fall. I could just be able to walk but it wouldn't last long.
"We should just order food." Yoongi whines.
"I'm tryna be adventurous." I wink. He rolls his eyes as he guides me to the couch. He sits down first as he gently puts me on top.
My eyes tried so hard not to widen as he wraps his arms around my waist.
"Baby.." he mumbles. I look at him as I raise my brows.
"Yuh." I play with his front hair. He closes his eyes.
"Let's order food." He whines. I smile as I grab my phone from my back pocket.
"What do you wanna eat?" I ask as I look through the options.
"Chinese? Wait no I feel like pizza right now." He nods. I skip through the pages trying to find a pizza place.
"Here pick." I hand him my phone. I get up from his lap as I was able to stand still. I take one step forward as I wobble.
"Omg I'm walking!" I smile. Yoongi wasn't even paying attention.
Each step I took hurried but it was so worth it to walk.
"Let's go eat out!" I smile. At this point I was so happy to even walk.
"Babe!" He calls out. I look back as he shows me a place. "I like this place."
"We can go eat it there." I pout. "Or maybe a park."
"Alright fine." He groans. I smile to myself as he gets up helping walk over to my closet. "I'll be back. I'm going to go for a shower."
"Alright!" I smile. He nods as he walks back out. I hear the front door close as I hum to myself.
"Is this like a date?" I smirk. "Eh."
I dig through my closet finding nothing. And I wasn't bothered to even look deeply.
I grab my towel limping over to my shower. Thoughts from last night came into my head as I blushed.
| Time skipped to the park |
We were under a tree with a bunch of food having a picnic.
It was so nice out. The sun was out, there was a gentle breeze going. Yoongi was laying on my lap as we both look up in the sky.
"It's so nice." I close my eyes. There wasn't much people here at the park. In the corner of my eye I see Minho walk over. Oh no.
"Omg hey Taehee!" He smiles. Yoongis eyes snapped open as he sits up staring at him. "You must be Yoongi."
"Oh hey." I smile. Minho looks at the both of us as he chuckles.
"Taehee! I heard Mina just had her baby!" He smiles.
"Did she? I forgot to bring her present omg." I grit my teeth. I could see Yoongi was tensing up.
"Yeah and I told her we were going to visit soon." He replies.
"She didn't even visit when I was in hospital." I roll my eyes. Minho laughed as I chuck a strawberry in my mouth.
"She's changed." He nods.
"Yeah the fuck she did." I roll my eyes knowing damn well she didn't.
"Her baby daddy is so ugly." Minho shakes his head. I laugh out as Minho joined.
"Yoongi. This is Minho." I smile. "Minho. You already know him."
"Nice to meet you." Yoongi says with no smile. Minho smiled in joy as he looks around.
"Where are you from in Korea?" Minho asked. I look back at Yoongi. Damn he never told me where he was from too, unless I can't remember.
"Daegu." Yoongi answers shortly.
"Oh I'm from Seoul." He smiles. Yoongi ignores him as I frown. Why did his mood change.
"Yoongi." I bug him. He looks over at me with his face not caring.
"Well. I should go." Minho smiles. "Bye!"
I nod as he runs off. I look back to Yoongi as I smile.
"What's wrong?" I ask. I tap him as he looks away. "Yoongi."
"I'm tired." He closes his eyes. I frown as I watch him turn away from me laying down.
"What's wrong?" I bug him. Yoongi didn't move an inch.
"What's his name again?" He suddenly asked. My smile widens as he looks back at me with his face untouched.
"Minho. Why?" I reply.
"Bastard." He whispers. My eyebrow furrows as I lay next to him.
"Something is up with you." I nudge him with a smile. He looks at me as he sighs.
"I'm not jealous." He groans.
"I never said you were." I smile cheekily at him.
Yoongi swears under his breath as he looks away. I smile to myself knowing that he is jealous.
"He's just a friend." I laugh.
"You guys seem closer than that." He replies. I laugh as I nudge him again.
"I don't even like him." I smile. He shrugs.
"I don't care." He folds his arms.
"Yoongi." I smile. He wasn't even looking at me.
I playing with his fingers until he finally got up making me smile.
"Do you like him?" He asks. I scoff as I sit up with him.
"No." I smile.
"Honestly I don't care if you like him. He's ugly anyways." Yoongi whispers.
My eyes and smile widens as I lay on his lap. His eyes floated away from me as I could see a tiny smile on him.
"You're jealous." I play with his chin. "Don't even deny it."
"Yeah I am." He groans.
"I wouldn't even get mad if a girl talked to you like that." I smiled.
"You're fucking lying." He chuckles.
"Yeah I know." I reply.
"It's so hard ignoring you." He sighs as he looks down. "With Jimin it was so easy."
I burst out in laughter as I roll away from him.
"What?" He rolls his eyes.
"Hey that's my dad." I falsely point at a random walking in our direction.
Yoongi looks over as his eyes furrow.
"Why is that Jimin walking over?"
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