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Hey guys ! Omg this book is boring I know. I'm not really sure if I should take it down and work on it but let's just see. Uh I hope everyone has a great day or night ! Hope you guys are staying safe (: ! Much love to you all ! 😋❤️
PapiYoongi; I just got here.
My mum picked me up.
PapiYoongi; yeah no
So when are we planning to meet?
Me; my house ;)
PapiYoongi; I'm scared.
Me; 🙄🙄🙄
PapiYoongi; anywhere but your house smh
Me; your house then;)
PapiYoongi; anywhere but houses 🙄🥱
Me; I just wanted to cuddle 🥺✨
PapiYoongi; you're fucking lying.
I'm just heading to the store to grab food for my mum
Me; and you didn't want to ask me if I wanted some huh
PapiYoongi; what you do need is eyebrows goodbye.
| Kim Taehee |
I scoff as I reread his message. This yoongi guy was hot but he needs to fix his attitude cause it's making him hotter and hotter.
"I'm hungry too." I mumble. I decided to go buy me some food cause I was starving. I quickly chucked on something suitable then quickly grabbed my wallet and phone.
As I was heading out of my apartment, I noticed the apartment next to mine had boxes sitting outside it. But no one lived there.
It seemed strange but I guess someone was moving in. I left it alone as I walk down the hallway and into the elevator. My apartment complex wasn't that big but it was nice, it was cheap also cause my broke ass ain't buying an apartment that costs my whole life.
When I got outside, the cold air hits my bare skin as I shiver in cold. My dumbass thought it was gonna be sunny but it was still cloudy and cold.
As I walk down the streets, cars were beeping as people were fighting over useless things like newspaper. This was California.
I shove my hands in my pocket as the wind glides through the rim of my fingers. Pictures of yoongi slid in my head as a cheesy smile slipped on my face.
"Ugh. He's too hot for me." I chuckle.
As I stroll down the road, a peep of sunlight hit my face. Finally the sun comes out now. The supermarket came into view as I sped my walk.
This supermarket was my ultimate favourite. You know why? Because everything was cheap. Yes I'm a cheap fucker.
As I got closer, I could smell the samples out from here. I quickly walked inside as the warm ness was felt. This market had a cozy feeling which made it so much better than other markets.
I grab a trolley as I walk down the chip aisle grabbing all the chips that I like. I threw each chips inside the cart as I walked further down the aisle. This grocery shop was amazing, you could literally buy the whole store with only 5 months of salary.
As I continue to stroll down each aisle, I look at the top of the shelf to see my favourite cereal, but of course I was way too short. As I struggle to jump up and try grab it, I puffed out air as I heavily breathed out. I couldn't even deal with how unfit I was.
"This is why I should go to the gym" I shake my head at myself. I continue to keep jumping until I literally gave up. I was looking around seeing if any males were walking past so I could pretend I was in need of their help. But no, this isn't a movie.
I puff out in annoyance as I walk away heading towards the paying area, idk what the fuck to call it so we're calling it that. I have the IQ of a monkey so obviously I wouldn't know.
As I was walking, I see my favourite lollies on the side. There was only one left so obviously this was my luck on getting it. As my hand was reaching for it, another hand grabbed it. My eyes widen as I look at the person. It was a male. He had a mask over his face as his hoodie was over his head. He looked Asian but I couldn't really see.
"Sorry, I was going to get it." I frown. He scoffs as he pulls the candy behind his back. I watch him walk away as I reach for the lollies but failed.
"Miss, my hand grabbed it first." He took a step back. I fold my arms as we continue to stare at each other. His eyes looked familiar but of course my dumbass wouldn't remember. I don't even know my timetables smh.
"Uh no, you clearly saw me going for it." I narrow my eyes down on the candy. At this point I wanted to grab the lollies out of his hand and run, that's how immature I'm thinking. The man stares at me until he walks away.
"Hey!" I call out. He ignores me as he lines up to pay. I scoff as i wriggle around in annoyance. I guess you can call me a child. I was craving that all week but I was too lazy to go get it. I decided to shake it off as I line up as well to pay. The cashier awkwardly smiled as she previously watched me and that man fight over the last candy bar.
"I thought exams week was over?" She smiled. I raise my brow as I scoff. She thought I was in high school, do I really look that young? Probably not.
"I'm not in high school anymore." I nervously smiled. The cashiers smile faded as she coughed. The awkward silent triggered me as she finished up.
"Sorry. The total today is 45 dollars." She chuckled, I handed her my card as I pack up all the bags. As soon as I finished, I walked out of the supermarket mentally swearing at that man who took my poor candy bar.
| Back At The Apartment Complex |
As I got out of the elevator, my hands were getting tired from holding all the bags. I walk down the hallway as I see a figure going into the apartment next door. So I was right, someone was moving in. I smiled as i started to get closer towards my apartment.
As I walked past, I peek inside the open door to see a male placing down his shopping. I put down the bags as I rattle through my pockets to get my key. As I was rumbling through my pockets, I didn't notice the man already outside the apartment.
"Hey, do you know where the maintenance is?" He asks. I turn around to see the exact same guy from the store, the one who took my candy bar. His mask was still on but his hoodie was off. His hair was a dark black as his curls up.
"You?" I gasp. His eyes widen as he instantly turns around.
"What's your name huh?" I ask, he clears his throat as he slowly turns back. His fingers move to the back of his neck as he nervously scratches.
"Uhh Suga?"
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