"may i talk to you, mr. tomlinson?"
louis looks up and sees liam payne. he can't even wrap his head around seeing liam here, but not the liam he knew.
the teacher nodded and fixed the glasses that sat on his nose. "what's on your mind, liam?"
liam took a deep breath before speaking, "there's this girl, and her name is danielle. she's really pretty and i don't know how to approach her. i mean, i'm a complete nerd—"
louis chuckled and interrupted liam, "danielle? the one with curly hair?"
the student blushed and nodded. "yeah, but i haven't talked to her and i don't know how to talk to her."
"well, i think i can help you out with that," louis said. liam looked at his teacher in confusion, but he just winked at him as the first bell rang.
"dad, just don't say anything stupid," harry jr. begged his father as they pulled up to the school. harry sr. laughed in response. "i'll try, my boy,"
harry jr. nodded and jumped out of the car before his father successfully even parked the car. harry sr. stayed behind and took a deep breath. he's been thinking about this all night, and it's stressing him the fuck out.
his son informed him that mr. tomlinson didn't have a first period class, so harry sr. offered to talk to him during that time. "you got this, harry," he whispers to himself, "you might just be overreacting and it may not even be him."
he finally wills himself out of the car, his heart pumping wildly against his chest. he takes a deep breath and walks into the office.
"how may i help you?" a lady asks him as he walks in. her name-tag reads jesy and harry believes he's seen this woman before. he shakes it off, though, and clears his throat. "i would like to conference with mr. tomlinson,"
jesy raises her eyebrow. "do you have some sort of documentation that proves your statement?"
"um, no, but he knows I'm coming, I think," harry sr. lies, and he slaps himself for being such a mess.
"you think?" jesy asks mockingly and harry nods. she rolls her eyes and holds out her hand. "identification card, sir,"
harry pulls out his wallet and takes out the card. she snaps it from his hand and disappears with it to the back room. harry waits awkwardly as he waits for the rude woman to come back.
minutes pass before she comes back with his ID and a piece of paper that has his ID copied on it with VISITOR bolded at the top. "don't shoot up the school, princess," she mocks and harry smiles a small smile. "they're illegal, but okay."
she sneers as he walks out of the office and into the courtyard. he sighs when he realizes he doesn't even know where mr. tomlinson's classroom is. "well shit," he mutters to himself.
he thinks about going back in and asking the front desk lady, but he decides against it.
he enters the first door he sees that enters the building, and he's greeted by dozens of students swarming to class. "excuse me," he stops a boy with curly light brown hair and a bandana, "do you know where mr. tomlinson is?"
the boy snorts, "year nine hallway," he had a hint of an Australian accent as he explained to harry, "this is year eleven, it's two halls down, mate."
harry nods, "thank you..."
"ashton irwin," the boy finishes his sentence with a smile. he walks off into his class and harry has a spark of remembrance before it disappears.
he walks towards the end of the hallway, and walks over to the left and passes two hallway entrances. this is a big school, harry thinks to himself as a bell rang throughout the school.
kids dispense into their classes and harry sighs. no more help for old man styles, he thought as he started to walk down the hallway. he goes all the way down but sees no mr. tomlinson.
he groans and escapes the hallway and goes two halls down the other way.
harry had to walk all the way down to find mr. tomlinson's class. he suddenly grew very very nervous as he knocked on the wooden door. "come on in!" he heard from the other side, and harry pauses before opening the door.
louis is turned around, trying to reach something on a high shelf. "goddamn this goddamn school with their goddamn high shelves," louis mutters to himself. he turns around and stops in his tracks.
there stands harry, just as shocked as he, and they stare at each other. vague memories float in both of their minds and harry gulps. "boobear?"
louis lets out a dry sob and covers his mouth with his hand. he remembers.
both of the men's eyes fill with tears as they realize they remember each other. how? how?
questions swirl in their minds as they stand across from the room, as if they're afraid the other will run away if they step any closer.
louis takes the first step, and harry stands deathly still, tears threatening to fall down from both their eyes.
the smaller boy steps closer and closer until he sees harry, up close and personal. harry's green eyes look dim as they look down at Louis' blue ones.
"hazza." louis whispers, and harry breaks down and crushes louis in a bone-crushing hug. the two men sob in each other's arms as they hug each other, not wanting to let go. memories of stolen kisses, cuddles, and secret touches rush through both of their minds as if they were locked up behind a door, and only the other had the key to them.
"my baby," harry sobs as he kisses louis' head repeatedly, "my baby lou,"
louis lets out another heart-breaking sob as harry pulls him in closer. they collapse on the floor, not even caring that the door is indeed open and anyone can walk in and see the two men crying their eyes out.
harry breaks free from the hug and places both of his hands on louis' cheeks and kisses him. fireworks erupt immediately as louis complies, kissing back with a strong force of need and want.
louis shuts the door with his foot as he straddles harry, tears still flowing both their cheeks as they kiss each other repeatedly. "my God, I've missed you so much, baby," harry sobs as he kisses down louis' neck. "i don't even know how this is possible," louis whispers as harry explores louis' chest with his hands.
"me neither, but we can talk about that later," harry sniffs as he quickly unbuttons Louis' shirt. "harry," louis says in surprise. harry shakes his head. "i've been waiting for you for fifteen years, i'm not waiting any longer." harry says, more tears glazing over his eyes. they look at each other for a second and louis caresses harry's cheek gently. "i've missed you so fucking much." louis whispers as he leans in again, capturing harry's lips in an urgent kiss.
louis slides off his button up and breaks away to take of harry's t-shirt. "i'm so sorry," louis whispers and harry shakes his head. "i'm sorry too, baby. so fucking sorry."
"you left," louis sobs softly as he unbuttons harry's pants. "i'm so fucking sorry, baby," harry whispers.
harry slides off his boxers and pants in one motion as best as he could with his awkward position on the floor, and louis grabs it firmly. harry reaches over to unbutton louis' pants and does the same motion he did with himself. "i'm tight," he whispers self-consciously and harry looks at him. "it's okay, baby, i'll try to be gentle, okay?"
louis nods and harry lays louis on his back, tears slowing down on both of the boy's faces. "i'll go slow, okay?" louis nods.
harry takes his fingers and sucks them gingerly and goes to enter louis' hole.
he enters louis' hole with one finger, and louis winces. "you are tight, baby," harry says softly, "are you okay?"
louis nods, "put another one in." harry complies and wiggles in a second one. he waits for louis' face to soften before he started to wiggle them.
he soon entered a third one and tried to stretch the hole out as best he could. "are you good, baby?" louis nods and smiles a small smile. harry spits in his hand and drawls it out on his shaft.
he positions himself and slowly enter louis, and louis immediately claws at the floor. "fuck," louis mumbles. harry bottoms out and waits until louis' face doesn't show pain.
louis nods, "move," he says. harry started at a steady rhythm, before speeding up. slaps filled the classroom and louis moaned. "harry, harry, harry," louis chanted. "I'm close,"
harry leaned down and kissed louis' chest, "i love you, baby,"
louis squeaked and tears glazed over his eyes again. "i love you too, so much," harry moved up to kiss louis' lips. louis groaned and his moans got more high pitched. "FUCK!" he screamed as he came all over his stomach. harry rode out and came deep within louis, collapsing on to him afterwards.
harry sat up and kissed all over Louis' stomach, neck and face, whispering "I missed you," and "I love you," and "you're more beautiful than I remembered,"
a few minutes passed and harry pulled out of him, and sat up and took a box of tissues. he cleaned louis up as best as he could. "come over tonight for dinner," louis whispers as harry finished cleaning up. harry looks at him and smiles. "okay," he leans down and gives louis another kiss, "we need to talk anyway, about how this happened."
louis nods, "yeah we do."
harry sighs and grabs their clothes and gives louis his clothes. they get dressed, stealing kisses and laughing into each other's mouths like giggly teenaged girls.
they finally get dressed and harry takes a piece of paper, writing something on it. "i don't want you to leave," louis whispers as harry writes down his number on the paper. harry sighs as louis lays his head on his shoulder. "we'll see each other tonight, okay?" louis nods and kisses his shoulder.
harry looks at the clock, "i should go though," he whispers, and louis sighs. "tonight, right?" he asks hopefully. harry smiles and gives him the piece of paper. "yes, baby," he leans in and gives him another kiss. a slow one, and louis' heart explodes of happiness. "i love you," harry whispers against his lips, and louis smiles. "i love you too," harry gives him a quick peck and detaches himself, going towards the door. he opens it and looks back. "oh, and stop ignoring my son," he laughs and louis shakes his head fondly. harry winks and closes the door behinds him. louis bites his lip to contain his smile as the bell rang for second period.
*zayns bc unedited*
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