where your first kiss was 💏
pony: behind a bookcase at the library
you too were studying and the pony threw he's book down and said loudly "I HATE SCHOOL I WISH I WOULD BE SMART" you giggle as everyone shushes him "shut up!" he says they shush him again "ok i swear you try studying when you don't get anything just shove those physic book right your...." you push him and do the only thing to make him shut up you kiss him you pull away "shut up!" you say he smirks
darry: on the front desk of his work
you walk in "hi darryl."you say and smile "hello beautiful" he says "when will you be back from work." you ask "i do t know all i know is that i'll be working really late so if you can stay at the house tonight to look after my brothers yeah." he says you sigh "ok." he say and stroke his cheek he leans forward and kisses you you kiss back you pull away "i'll see you later." you say and walk out
soda pop: mini water party at the dx
it is the hottest day in history you fan your self with a magazine and sit in sitting chairs in the DX lot its closed today due to the heat you wear short shorts and a tank top soda has his shirt off but still wears his jeans "i'm dieing!" you complain "me too if this is what's turkey feels like i'm sorry." he says "ughhhh" you groan "hey this is a car wash and shop" he says you smile he runs in solids and turns the wash stuff on you get up and run into is cooling down he joins you he laughs "ahhh soda soda i got soap in my eye." you say waving your hand he laughs and rises your face off you open your eyes and his his blue gray eyes starring back at you you kiss you both like it youpull away and laugh
johnny in the lot
you go to the lot and sit down on the sofa thing you touch you arm and shoulder bruises are already forming as well a cut on your lip you hear someone running and they stop, panting as they reach the couch,"y/n i saw you running away and i wanted to make sure you were okay" johnny says and starts a fire you and johnny have been dating but haven't kissed yet he sits next to you on the couch you look away not wanting to see you cry even though he has and you've seen him you lip stings and the brusies pulse "hey y/n what's wrong" his hands move your face twards him tears stream down your face "y/n" he says and pulls you in and makes you feel a safer and happy you turn towards him "j-johnny" you say "yes." he asks " don't ever leave me okay." you ask "i'm never planning too" he says wiping away your tears you smile he does to then you both slowly lean in for a short knowing kiss and then you actually kiss
dally:after a rumble
you want to go with dally to the rumble but all he says is no "y/n i'm not letting you go. what if you get seriously injured or worse somebody breaks the rules, pulls out a knife and kills you." he said "that won't happen dally please i want to go please please please." you beg your both in the kitchen you walk closer to him "Hey dallas you ready" you hear darry's strong voice yell "what why does d/gf (darrys girlfriend) get to go." you complain "because...." he says "because?...." "y/n please just stay here.... please" his eyes are glassy "ok please be carful" you say "DALLY!" darry yells he hugs you and then walks off
you and johnnys gf who is also your best friend sits on the couch you pace around knowing that he's either coming back with something broken or looks really bad calm down y/n you k ow dallys can hold a fight." she says that dosnt make you feel better the door burts open and pony boy comes in carrying a johnny along with soda pop your friend runs up to johnny and hugs him he hugs her back they all walk in darry takes his gf to the bathroom "S-Soda where dally" you ask soda look at you sadly and is about to speak "i'm right here" dally says "Dallas!?" you run and hug him he hesitates at first but then hugs you back "we won baby we won!" he says you smile you pull slightly away and look at him face not beat up that bad just a cut lip his temple red and is bridge of his nose i cut his knuckles are also red and bloody you sigh and pull him your lips crash he kisses back "i'm glad your ok." you says
steve: you were sick
you lay on her bed feeling like shit when you get a text from steve
steve: hey sugar
you: i'm not feeling well can we talk later
he dosnt answer your parents arnt home to help you feel better and steve is all the way at the dx witch is a 30 minute drive a five minutes later you hear a heavy knock on the door you groan and get up knowing it your parentsyou wrap a blanket around you since your cold and put in you slippers you go to the door and open it seeing a red faced out of breth steve "st-steve how did you get here." you say moving out of the way so you could come in"i r-ran" he says you sniff he smirks and hugs you "no steve." you say he laughs "i dont feel good" you say "i'm here to make you feel better" he says you smile he leans in you pull back "steve i'm sick" you says "fuck it well be sick together."he says and pulls you close and kisses you you kiss back "you are totally going to get sick." you say after you two pull away he laughs
two bit: pj day
you and two both sit on the floor of the curtis house in minnie and mickey onsies watching mickey and minnie "hey guys..." pony boy walks in you guys don't answer "what are you wearing." he says onsies." you say "it's like 400 degrees out side why are you wearing those." he says "because we can ok." two bit says "ok." pony says and walks out "why are you so mean to pony boy." you say and pout "what do you mean?" he asks "you always talk to him rudely." you say "no i don't." he says you frown "fine i'll be nicer to pony boy......but you, not so much." he says and smirks "two?...." you look at him he scoots closer you back up he jumps on you and tickles you "ahh two bit mathews stop stop!" you laugh he looks at you you look at him you kiss it's sweet and caring you two pull away "i think mickey would be proud" he says you laugh
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