how you met
Ponyboy: you were reading under a tree at school when someone came up to you and says "hello there my name is ponyboy Curtis." You look up and put the book down and a hand over you face to block the sun light steps in front of the light for you he's a cute boy with mid length greasy hair "oh hello I'm y/n" you say "hello..." He bends down "whatcha reading." He says "oh it's my favorite book gone with the wind I especially like the quote Robert frost wrote." You say and both say the quote at the same time "it's also my favorite my friend Johnny gave me a copy he pulls a tatters book out his pocket "you know something Ponyboy Curtis you quite extrordinary." You say
After that you too spent all your time together and he even asked you to be his girl and you said yes.
Darry: as you walk into darrels work place with your friends he stops what his doing and looks at you your surprised because your other friends at cuter than. You but he just looks at you. You look down and blush "ill be right back..." You say and go to where he is "hello." You say "hi." He says "I'm y/n..." You say "I'm Darrel Curtis but calm me darry would you like to go out sometime." He says she smile and say yes after you plan it you back with you friends. The date is amazing and like you soon start to go out.
Soda-pop: as soda works on your friends car you sit and watch as his muscles flex and retract your friend nudes your arm "stop." you say blushing "come on y/n i know you like him everyone knows..." she says "dose he know?" you ask franticly "no." you glace at soda he smiles winks and shakes his head smilg with the other boy steve "do you like steve" you ask your friend "yeah but he likes someone else" i say "oh." you say you hear a whistle and see steve waving you over. you and your friend go over you sigh "so how bad is it" she aks "not that bad actually you just can't go taming into street lights" he smirks "yeah that was actually my fault " you say bushings and looking away "i'm goni g to get a soda or something" your friend walks off "she was teaching me to drive a stick and it sorta got out of hand" you said "well if you want me to teach you i could and maybe take you out" he says say your ears turn red "are you asking me out." you say "yes." he says "well then yeah i'll go out with you."
it's night time and your dad has beaten you and told you to get out so you do you run into the lot crying and sit against a tree you cry and then realize you have a pencil sharpener in your pocket from school you take it out and unscrew the screw with you thumb nail you take out the blade and hold it up to your wrist thinking it will all be over after this you also look at your scars that were there previously your about to end your life when you hear somebody "don't do it...." they say in a calm voice you don't look at them "why it wouldnt matter anyway nobody would miss me" you say you see his shoes and him bend down he lifts your chin to look at you "i would..." he says clearly you start to cry again he hugs you and you left the blade slip out of your up hand "i've gone through this too it will get better" he says pulling away "in johnny" he smiles "in y/n" he smiles wiping your tear away
your friends all want to go to bucks for a night out with short dresses drinks maybe even sex but you don't want to go because A your a virgin B you drink but not often only when your depressed and C the only short-sexy dress you have is 200 dollars and you don't want to wear it to a bar/club. "oh come on y/n let's go pleaseee"your friend ally says "ally i dont wanna go plus i'm not even ready" you say looking down at yourself with your pjs on "Please we need a designated driver." maci says "and you could put that dress to good use" jazzy says you groan "fine..." they all cheer "but you guys owe me one" you say and walk upstairs to get ready with your friends
your dress
alli's outfit
maci's outfit
jazzys dress
you drive there and the girls laugh and talk in the back and front seats you arrive and you can hear the music coming from he building you park, get out and all walk to the open door you walk in and your friends start dancing and talking to guys you sit at the bar and twirl around you tequila straw "you ok?" you hear a soft but rough voice you don't turn to the side as they sit next to you "no my friends wanted me to come but i ended up as designated driver for tonight" you say "well if you are to be the driver you shouldn't be drinking he says and slides my drink away "Hey!?......" i stop and look at him starring into is dark brown eyes there soft but angry he smiles "i'm dallas winston but everybody calls me dally and you are." he says "i'm y/n, y/ln" you say smiling back "nice to meet ya y/n wanna dance" he says "sure why not." you say and get up
for the rest of the night you too dance laugh and kiss once before you go after that you saw and hung out with him ever single day
you and steve have been best friends for years you both love cars, cake and staying out late but one day,when you were 6, you and your parents left with out saying anything and steve was heart broken
skip to ten years later your mom and dad became rich over the ten years you were gone steve got a girlfriend but never forgot you you pull up into your new giant house you sigh and get out of the car and look at it "well sweet heart come on." your mother says to you as you walk in side "dear your room is up the stairs and to the second door on the left " she says "ok" you walk up the stairs and you go into your room and set down your stuff you put up your hair and put on a white tea shirt ripped splatter painted overalls, combat boots and a black hat with two pricings on the side you grab your tools and walk down you open the garage door and the three cars and two motorcycles you open the hood and start working on the car your father could never infix because he was in the house probably making out with mom
you work for a good 3 hours you sigh and first wipe all the stuff on your face and then get in the car and start it starts you get out and hear slow clapping you turn around shocked to see steve randle and some other girl clinging to his arm "hello y/n" he says in a sexy way "S-steve" you say "well you haven't changed much." he says prying the girl off him "neither have you." you said crossing your arms he walks towards you "you still hanging at the dx" you say "actually i work there now."he says "you've gotten beautiful." he says "wow ok" you scoff "why did you leave." he asks "what." you said "you left....without saying good bye"his expression turns rage "i said good bye." you say "no you didn't!" he says "i told you on the playground and i wrote you notes and i even told darryl to tell you. Every single day steve i wrote you telling you where i was and what adventure i had i wrote and wrote and wrote it you didnt write me back" you say raising your voice but by this time that girl is already gone "I knew that you weren't ever going to respond but i wrote but i stoped last year becuase all those letters i sent you weren't sent back to me." you say tears forming in your eyes "he walk closer "y/n i ever got any letters" he said "did you even worry or miss me." you say as tear streams down your face "of course i did i waited for you for ten years y/n i sat out side your house for 3 years until someone bought it i thought you left me forever hell i even thought you had died." he says you laugh and sniff he wipes the tears away "i missed you." he says "you too." you say he pulls you i fora hug you hug him
you and your friends all live Disney land but you most all why because of mickey and minnie but you mostly love minnie you but like everything hats hears sweatshirts pjs toys food pictures you pulled the sword from the sorceress stone went on all the ride and met all the disney characters except mickey you met minnie but not mickey you put on you minnie ears and look for the mickey "hey y/n it's almost time for the fireworks to start." your friend says "you go off without me i'm going to try and find mickey." you say and walk off
you search for what feels like forever you even wear you minnie ears and i'm his minnie sweat shirt to take a pic with him you sigh and sit down you hear music and know the fire works thing is starting you hear footsteps "but dont look up "are you ok." you hear a guy say "no i found all other characters but not mickey" you say "well i couldn't find minnie." he says you look up and see he jut as much disneyd out as you but mickey he has the other other half of the i'm his minnie shirt it says i'm her mickey and his ears are mickey he smile "i'm keith matthews but everyone calls me two bit." he says helps me up "i'm y/n l/n but everyone calls me n/n(nickname)" you says "so i didn't see minnie and you didn't see mickey....if i'm your mickey will you've my minnie." he asks you laugh "sure." you say
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