Wooyoung spends most of his time devoting himself to his secret mission. Secret as in, he also told his friends. Oh, and Yeosang also mentioned that he's told his friends too. Somehow they keep getting involved with each other but none of them mind, although they would never tell each other that.
He thinks back to what his mother told him when he had asked about the necklace.
"Why? Did you lose it, Wooyoung that was a really important necklace!" His mother sighs disappointedly, pacing the room and trying to figure out how to find it again.
"No, I didn't lose it! I was just wondering" Wooyoung gulps, he guessed the necklace was special but with the way his mother is freaking out because she thought he lost it, makes him nervous.
"Oh you're suddenly wondering now, months after I give it to you huh. You did lose it didn't you"
Wooyoung sighs, his mother knows him too well for him to sneak around and ask her questions. "I swear I didn't, it's just that you told me it could protect me but it doesn't do anything- is it supposed to have magic in it?" He decides to partially tell her the truth, just so that it would be easier for her to believe him.
"It doesn't work?" The Queen frowns, seeming to be genuinely perplexed at this fact. It makes Wooyoung actually nervous to hear where that crystal is actually from.
"Where did you get the necklace from, mother?" He says quietly, something tells him that this is more secret than he thought, especially with the way his mother is reacting.
"It's a small piece of a sacred crystal" she says, pulling him into an empty room away from unwanted listeners.
Wooyoung widens his eyes. "What kind of sacred crystal..." something about the way she says it makes him anxious to hear. Especially since they're in an empty room, it must be something no one knows about.
"It's- a long story son, it came about just before you were born, during the civil war. I'll tell you about it another day" the Queen pats his back and hastily walks to the door but Wooyoung stops her, blocking the exit.
"Why don't I know about this! Shouldn't you have told me about these things since I'm crown prince?" Wooyoung in all honesty couldn't care less about his country's politics and the wars that happened before he was alive. But this mysterious crystal is linked to it and stuck with Yeosang so he wants answers now.
"We were going to tell you soon, you just had to bring up the necklace all of a sudden" she says accusingly as if it's his fault.
"Please, mother! Just tell me about this crystal- how is it supposed to protect me, what magic is in there!"
She sighs, then nods "Alright. I'll just tell you what that crystal is. Your father is supposed to tell you all this so when he does, pretend you didn't know". Wooyoung nods quickly, telling her to hurry.
"That crystal contains all the magical powers of your ancestors. During the war when things were looking bad for us, the king- your grandfather and his family harnessed all their powers into the crystal, sacrificing their lives to protect us. It was how we were able to win the war".
Wooyoung's mouth hangs open. Oh he fucked up. "You said I have a piece of it... where's the rest of it?"
"After it was used it got too overcharged with energy and burst, we only have found this piece"
"So you're saying that crystal contains the powers of multiple purple marked. That's why it can protect me?"
The Queen hums. "But you said it doesn't do anything right? Did I give you the wrong crystal... bring it to me and I'll check it for you"
Wooyoung shoots out of his seat. "It's okay! I actually think it works fine." He looks out the window. "Oh look it's noon already, I'm late for my lessons, have to practice running a country!" He rushes out of the room without looking back.
He lets out a deep breath once he's out of the room, this is worse than he thought. He contemplates whether to tell Yeosang or not, he might get angry at him.
Quickly rushing to San and Yunho, he decides it's best to ask them first what the hell he should do.
Unfortunately neither know what to do and only just stare with wide eyes in shock, they only have a million questions and not one answer.
"Why is it reacting to only him?" San asks, it's the question they all have and one that seems impossible to answer.
"I don't know" Wooyoung sighs. Thinking about all of this is giving him a headache. He shouldn't have given Yeosang that necklace.
"Since powers were put in, is it possible to take them out?" Yunho suggests, they have no idea how to do that but it could be a lead.
"I don't know"
"Could Yeosang gain powers from this?"
"I don't know"
"Why did you even give it to him?"
"I don't know!"
Wooyoung looks at his friends, not meaning to raise his voice. He groans, putting his hands in his head. This is where he realises that this is going to be extremely difficult to solve. There are too many questions and they don't even know where to start.
"Hey, don't worry we're all going to figure this out together, Yeosang and his friends too. It's not your fault ok?" San pats his back comfortingly. Wooyoung can't help but think it's all his fault, if he'd have just minded his own business and didn't give Yeosang that necklace they wouldn't be here trying to fix this mess.
"We'll take it step by step." Yunho says with a smile. "Since we're dealing with a strange crystal maybe it would be best to go to someone who knows about them a lot- someone who study's and works with them for a living. I'm sure they'd know about this one too".
"Where would we even find someone like that" Wooyoung says dejectedly. He doesn't want to be a killjoy but he's really overwhelmed with what he just heard from his mother and what he's just got himself into.
"I'm sure there are people in the market place that sell crystals, maybe Jongho or Mingi could recommend places". Yunho says and Wooyoung nods. "But for now, get some rest. We can do this another day"
He tries arguing, saying he's fine and that they can do it today. But San and Yunho force him to get rest and clear his mind a bit. He's secretly thankful because honestly he's not in the right mindset to do all this hunting. He wants to wallow in his guilt for a bit first.
The next day Wooyoung is already feeling better, having gotten suddenly motivated last night and started planning different plans.
He goes alone to Jongho and Mingi, his friends being too busy with their actual responsibilities, they tried telling him to go another day but Wooyoung refused, he's motivated right now, he doesn't mind going alone anyway, since this is something he caused, he'll take responsibility and fix himself.
Once he's arrived at the familiar place, he looks around for either Jongho or Mingi.
"Are you Jongho's friend?"
Wooyoung turns around to see an old woman smiling at him. He's hidden his marks so she has no idea who he is.
At first, he's surprised since no one really comes up to him since he's often with guards or his blue marked friends.
"I've seen you and two others come by often and talk to Jongho and Mingi so I thought you might be his friend. I'm Jongho's mother, by the way"
Wooyoung takes a moment to think, are they friends? He thinks they're on their way to becoming friends, he wants to anyway, apart from their initial meeting they seem like nice people. It's too complicated to explain so he just nods.
"Ah that's wonderful! I keep telling Jongho and Mingi to make more friends, maybe then they'll stop coming and working here and socialise instead. I'm glad, you seem like a nice person. They're inside by the way, don't wait outside in the cold" She points to a curtain inside of the stall, telling him to go in.
Wooyoung watches as she leaves, feeling strange. Jongho's mother is nice, he wonders how she would react if she knew who he was. That's why he prefers covering his marks when he's out here, he feels like everyone can treat him as a friend.
He walks to the curtain used as a door, raising his fist to knock then stopping. He can't knock on a piece of fabric but he doesn't want to just move the curtain and walk in. They're not that close yet. "Hello?"
The soft murmuring from inside suddenly comes to a halt, leaving a few seconds of silence before Jongho opens the curtain and freezes, looking at Wooyoung in surprise. "How did you know we were here?"
"Your mother let me in" Wooyoung says, pointing behind him. He finds Jongho's shocked face amusing. "Yes, she recognises me, San and Yunho now, she thinks we're friends since we keep coming back"
Jongho looks around. "Where are your friends?"
"They were too busy to come today" he explains and Mingi suddenly appears behind Jongho.
"You came alone? Are you allowed to do that?" Mingi says. Of course, anyone would worry about Wooyoung wandering around alone since last time. None of them want to get in trouble, especially Mingi since he was there last time.
"Don't worry, I'm allowed to go out alone. I'll be quick too I just wanted to ask some questions".
The pair look at each other, and Wooyoung watches them speak to each other with their eyes. Then, Jongho steps aside to let him in and Wooyoung smiles happily.
He wastes no time in explaining, telling them exactly what the crystal is and how he has no idea what to do to get rid of it from Yeosang. He doesn't find it difficult to tell them, since they're on good terms and would be more than happy to help him because their close friend is involved.
"Oh, wow" Mingi says, taking it all in. "So you have no idea why this crystal is doing this to Yeosang?" He asks and Wooyoung nods. They all take a moment to think in silence, Wooyoung is hopeful since their fresh minds might be better than his overworked one.
"Have you tried asking a crystal expert? I mean there's nothing we can do right now about all this so it might be best to just look for clues, that way we might find the answer" Jongho says.
"Yeah, I thought that too, that's why I came to you guys. Do you know anyone with a lot of knowledge on crystals?" Wooyoung asks, hoping that they will be the ones to help him solve this.
Mingi nods. "There are lots of crystal experts around, a lot of them run stalls in the market. I could take you there if you want?"
Wooyoung gasps accidentally. He didn't expect them to offer so quickly, he was prepared to beg for them to help him. "Really? You'd go with me?"
"I mean if you want me to come with you. I want to help Yeosang too"
"Thank you!" Wooyoung really is grateful that these people are kind, maybe it wouldn't be so bad to befriend them. "Can we go now?"
Mingi hums, standing up. "Yeah, I'm free to go now. Jongho are you coming?"
The younger shakes his head. "I'm good, it's too cold to be outside even with a spell. Tell me if you find anything useful though."
Mingi nods and walks out, Wooyoung following closely behind him.
The walk is silent since the pair have nothing really to talk about. They're not that close to be just chatting about their day, and it's still awkward for Mingi to be asking Wooyoung random questions since he's a prince.
Wooyoung just spends his walk thinking about Yeosang and how the hell he makes this crystal react in such a strange way. It's like the crystal is only stable when Yeosang is in contact with it. Perhaps the magic in it has been suffocated for so long that it reacts to someone with no magic in them. Which also brings him to the question of why Yeosang has no magic, the question he desperately wants to know the answer to.
It's odd because Yeosang seems to have no interest in wanting to know why he's different from everyone else. If it were Wooyoung, he'd spend his life working nonstop to discover why he has no marks. He wonders if Yeosang did in fact want to know the reason behind all of this, but gave up. He will never understand Yeosang's situation but he can empathise with him. He gets why Yeosang lives hidden like this, this world is so plagued with the idea of marks, even he gets sick of it sometimes.
They believe the shape of your marks define your exact personality, that all hearts are the same, all clovers are the same and so on. Wooyoung doesn't really interact much with people to a personal level but with nearly everyone he's met, he would be able to guess their marks if it was hidden. Yeosang is just like anyone else, he just looks the tiniest bit different. No one chooses the mark they're born with. But this world is too cruel to leave him alone if they ever find out that he's born without them.
"I don't really go crystal shopping but I've heard good things about this person"
Wooyoung looks up from the ground, not realising they're already here. Mingi is pointing at a stall and Wooyoung nods, gesturing for him to lead the way.
As they walk closer to the place, Wooyoung takes a look at the person running the stall. It's empty at the moment so the man is just sitting and watching the buzz of the market.
Then, Wooyoung's stomach drops.
He knows him.
His heart races as his eyes frantically scan the man, recognising him but at the same time, he doesn't look familiar. He takes the chance and runs up to him, standing right in front of him so he sees him properly.
The man is about to welcome them to his stall but upon seeing the prince his jaw drops. "Wooyoung?" He stands up quickly to look at him with wide eyes.
Wooyoung is crying, he tries to be angry but his tears make it out first. He curses his hearts- they make him too emotionally driven.
Mingi is startled at the sudden change in emotions, he looks at the other man in confusion, wondering who he is to make Wooyoung suddenly cry like this.
"Seonghwa hyung..." Wooyoung cries out, throwing himself onto the man and hugging him. The other responds just as enthusiastically, arms wrapping tightly around him.
The pair cry for a while in each other's arms, after being separated for a year and becoming overwhelmed with each other's presence now.
Wooyoung pushes him away abruptly, looking into his tear stained face. "You" he grabs his collar. "What happened to you- why"
He looks at the red hearts on his cheeks.
He's never seen them before, they used to be blue.
His shaky hand reaches up to touch the unfamiliar marks. "How?" His fingers trace the hearts carefully, as if the red colour was hot to touch.
Tears flow down Seonghwa's face once more and Wooyoung wipes them away gently. "I'm sorry Wooyoung"
Wooyoung scoffs, grabbing his shirt once again. "Sorry for what, make it make sense to me! Why did you leave us! Why do you now have red marks! Why did you make me grieve for you for months!"
Seonghwa let's out a shaky breath, trying to calm his tears and gain some sense before explaining. "I-" he starts, looking at Wooyoung then signing. "Fell in love. And bonded with him".
Wooyoung blinks, loosening his hold on his hyung. He widens his eyes when it clicks. "You got married!?" He looks at the red hearts on his cheeks once more. "You bonded with a red marked..."
Seonghwa nods but it's still didn't make sense to Wooyoung. "Do why did you disappear? I thought you were dead hyung, dead! And now a whole year later you're right in front of me"
"Wooyoung I'm so sorry. I swear was going to come back, I just had to figure out how to actually do that first." Seonghwa tries to hug Wooyoung again but he gets pushed away instead.
"Why would that be hard? Why did you come back to us, all three of us cried so much when you mysteriously disappeared. You didn't care about us" Wooyoung's voice breaks, Seonghwa was the only hyung that cared for them, he was like a real older brother they all looked up to and adored, even though he's only a year older.
"That's not true Wooyoung and you know that." The other says sternly and it suddenly reminds him of the old days. "You guys know I hated life there and... when I started to make a new one here, I didn't know how to go back. I didn't know how you'd react if I showed up with red marks, if you'd hate me-"
"Hyung!" Wooyoung cries out. "You know us! You know we don't care about marks- why would we hate you. You should have just come back to us" he starts sobbing again into Seonghwa's chest while the other pats his back.
"I'm sorry Wooyoung, I'm so sorry I made you and the others hurt like this." Seonghwa closes his eyes, no being able to handle the guilt. He genuinely did plan to go back but when he was ready. Wooyoung suddenly coming here is a little overwhelming, what if he forces him to go back with him.
"Who is it" Wooyoung says, voice muffled in his chest and Seonghwa looks at him in confusion.
"Who is the one who stole you from us." He says with a frown.
"Uh" Seonghwa hesitates, but then looks at Wooyoung's sad face. "He's-"
Suddenly someone approaches them with a confused face. "Seonghwa who's this?"
The pair look at the newcomer in unison and Seonghwa smiles gently. "Wooyoung, this is Hongjoong- my husband."
Wooyoung glares at Hongjoong, trying to intimidate him. But the other only smiles brightly at him. "Oh you've told me a lot about Wooyoung! Hello your highness" Hongjoong bows politely and Wooyoung's intimidating stance falters.
"You told him about me?" He looks at Seonghwa curiously, he even mentioned the fact that he's the prince.
"Yeah, I told them about all of us of course. You guys are too special to hide". Wooyoung pouts, hating the fact that his mood is being lifted. He would've thought Seonghwa would make up a fake life as a blue marked but this Hongjoong guy knows everything. He must really love him.
Wooyoung examines his face, he definitely is handsome, with red spades on his cheeks. Those red marks that made his precious hyung's go from blue to red.
It's not like he cares that much, he's more shocked and upset that he did this in secret and disappeared. They didn't even have one clue Seonghwa just stopped showing up to their hangouts one day and that was it.
Seonghwa notices the way Wooyoung is looking at Hongjoong in resentment. "Again, I'm sorry for not telling you guys about this." He places his arm on his shoulder but Wooyoung doesn't react.
Hongjoong also looks guilty, since it's mostly his fault. "I'm sorry too, Wooyoung-ssi"
At times like this he really hates being born with hearts because he can tell when an apology is genuine and Hongjoong's sincerity is making it hard for him to hate him.
"You don't have to be sorry" Wooyoung sighs. What's done is done, he can't reverse time and even if he could, something tells him Seonghwa would go back and do the same.
Seonghwa touches his shoulder and smiles, a silent thank you for not cutting ties with him.
"Now that I know that you're safe and happy, I'm fine with you staying here and not coming back. I know how much you hated your old life, I'd never make you come back just for us. But be warned, we will visit you all the time now." Wooyoung says, wiping his final tears. He would love to have Seonghwa back with him but he knows he's found the life he's been wanting his whole life.
"Where are San and Yunho by the way? I'm surprised they're not with you- you guys used to be inseparable" Seonghwa says, confused when looking at the stranger with Wooyoung.
"They were too busy to come with me today, this is Mingi" Wooyoung almost introduces him as a new friend but he's not sure if they're that close yet. He looks at Mingi apologetically, he had to stand there whilst they were crying and reuniting.
Mingi bows politely in greeting and Seonghwa smiles. "You have other friends! Wow Wooyoung I'm actually surprised, you wouldn't even talk to other people and now you have another friend" He eyes his red marks, curious as to how they became close.
"Ah well-" Wooyoung looks at Mingi, who is also looking at him. Mingi gives him a small smile and Wooyoung feels his stomach swoop happily. Maybe they are friends now. "Yeah"
"We're actually here for an important reason- we wanted to talk to someone who's well versed in gemstones"
Seonghwa and Hongjoong look at each other, not expecting the serious tone in Wooyoung's voice. "Hongjoong specialises in gems and crystals, he might have the information you're looking for".
They head further inside the stall and take a seat, explaining everything to them- excluding Yeosang's identity. The pair listen intently, asking questions and sometimes gasping in shock.
"This crystal is talked about sometimes among those who study them, but I'm going the honest with you, I thought it was a myth" Hongjoong says, hands on his chin thinking hard.
"What have you heard about it? Why do you think it's reacting that way to my friend?" Wooyoung says, he had to cover up Yeosang's identity by just saying 'a friend'. It was up to them to assume if he has marks or not.
"It's exactly as your mother told you, during the war your ancestors harnessed their magic into the stone to help your father, who became king right after because of the sacrifice that ended their lives". Hongjoong says, it's a tragedy that they all know, remembering the royal family who did everything they could to protect their people. "In terms of why it's reacting to your friends like this... I haven't got a clue. I'm sorry."
"Do you think... because he's red marked and that crystal has purple magic, that it's trying to transfer its magic onto him?" Wooyoung says carefully, trying to get as close to their real situation as he can.
"I'm not sure, crystals can sometimes transfer magic but I think there's something bigger going on. Have you asked his parents? What relation they have with the royal family?"
Wooyoung and Mingi look at each other nervously, "he has no parents".
Hongjoong frowns. "Oh. Sorry." There's an awkward pause before he looks up again. "Ok, sometimes crystals, especially those infused with magic, react weirdly when it's trying to send a message or guide them somewhere".
The prince frowns, none of this makes sense but he's just going to have to go with Hongjoong's words, he's the expert after all.
He's going to have to find more about about Yeosang once and for all.
He doesn't waste any time going to Yeosang's house, thanking Hongjoong for his advice and embracing Seonghwa once again. Mingi offers to accompany him but Wooyoung lets him go home, it's too cold to be out this long and Wooyoung doesn't mind going alone.
To save time he teleports there and not surprisingly, he appears right in front of Yeosang, he somehow always manages to do this. The other gasps in shock when Wooyoung is suddenly next to him, clutching his chest.
"If you're going to teleport here, do it more far away!" He says, frowning at the prince.
"Sorry," Wooyoung says sheepishly. "What are you doing outside, its too cold today and you can't even put on a warming spell"
Yeosang scoffs, "why do you care if I'm cold or not" he goes inside anyway, he's done with his chores today, subconsciously holding the door open for Wooyoung to come in too.
"I thought we were friends. Friends care about each other don't they?" Wooyoung pouts, he's not too hurt by Yeosang's words. He's good at reading people and he is certain the other doesn't actually mind his company, he's just not used to affection and Wooyoung doesn't mind.
"We barely know each other Wooyoung" Yeosang says, not even looking at him.
Yeosang would like to say he's doing it for himself, but when he sees Wooyoung sitting on the chair shivering, he prepares the fireplace. He's used to the cold, being the only one to get through winter without any spells, Yeosang figures he has a better cold tolerance than the average person.
"There's a reason for my visit today" Wooyoung says, watching Yeosang as he piles wood into the fireplace. The other hums and Wooyoung gets distracted for a second looking at Yeosang's back, they way his muscles are defined through his shirt. Something in his stomach flutters, remembering the other day when he saw him shirtless. When Yeosang looks back at him because of his silence, the prince clears his throat awkwardly, feeling his cheeks burning.
"I uh, went to see someone who's knowledgeable about crystals but I didn't get much out of it if I'm being honest. Well, nothing certain, only guesses and ideas" Wooyoung sort of rambles since Yeosang is still looking at him. He's never gotten his attention like this while talking to him, usually he has his back to him leaving Wooyoung wondering if he's even listening or not.
"So, what ideas did they have?"
Yeosang sits next to Wooyoung who is in front of the now lit fireplace, deciding to warm himself up a bit first before making dinner.
"They said..." suddenly Wooyoung doesn't remember anything Hongjoong told him, he's too hyperaware of Yeosang sitting next to him. Even though he's faced forward and not looking at him, the prince feels slightly intimidated with his presence. He has a perfect view of his mesmerising side profile, his statue like features glowing with the fire's light.
"They said the crystal might be trying to tell you something- but we still need to know why. Maybe its because of your family history?" Wooyoung says, looking at Yeosang carefully but the other only hums, thinking about what he said. "Yeosang- you've definitely got something strange going on. You're unmarked, you cant tell me you have no idea why- did you ever ask your parents, they must know something?"
Yeosang sighs. "I told you, I have absolutely no idea why I'm like this. I only knew my mother and she never talked about it. I don't care anyway, I'm fine with my life how it is".
"This isn't about trying to change your life, its about this potentially dangerous crystal that won't leave you alone!" Wooyoung says, grimacing at the piece of jewellery hanging on his neck. "We need to somehow find out-"
"Why." Yeosang looks at him in annoyance. "Why do you care so much about getting this crystal off of me. You could just leave me stuck with it for the rest of my life, why exactly do you care. You're a prince, you should be hosting balls or something"
Wooyoung groans, hating how stubborn he's being. "Stop being like this! Why are you so afraid of receiving help? You should be grateful I'm going out of my way to get this information"
"Oh yeah? And what happens when you fix what you did, you're just going to stab me in the back"
Wooyoung pauses, "what? Why would you think i'd do that- Yeosang. We may not be close but you're a smart person, I think you know by now that I have no ill intentions whenever I approach you"
The look Yeosang gives him is pained, teeth clenched and eyebrows furrowed in defeat because he knows Wooyoung is right.
He puts his head in his hands, sighing. "Sorry, I know." Wooyoung doesn't respond, just watching him curiously as he has an internal battle with his thoughts. "My mother- she never talked about anything to do with us being unmarked but one thing I did catch." He lifts his head from his hands to look at Wooyoung. "Was that she hated all the purple marked".
Wooyoung always knew his family had something to do with this, an unmarked person was just not possible without the powerful magic only purple marks possess. With what Yeosang just said, he's certain the reason why his mother hates the royal family is because they have something to do with it.
Sighing, Yeosang looks away from Wooyoung once again. "I know its wrong of me to hate you just because my mother did but- she was the only one I interacted with for a whole 20 years of my life, it was the only thing I was sure of."
"It's okay" Wooyoung says, he won't ever be in his situation but he gets it, "if your mother hated my family then they're definitely linked to this. It makes sense because of the crystal".
Glancing carefully at Yeosang, he can only see his head in his hands. His curiosity only increases when he hears sniffling.
"I'm sorry, I don't hate you" Yeosang says, looking up. His eyes are red and teary. "I just don't know how to react to kindness when all I've gotten in my life was discrimination and hate. You've been nice to me and I'm just blindly being mean to you"
Wooyoung is shocked at his words, something must have suddenly clicked in Yeosang's head and is making him emotional, its a little uncomfortable for him since he's never seen Yeosang be this vulnerable. "Hey, its okay" he pats his back, not knowing how he'd react to physical touch. "You might not realise it but you've done many kind things to me. Do you think I'd keep coming back to you if I hated you?"
A tear slips down and Wooyoung swipes it away with his thumb. Both of them freeze at the action. The prince gulps before speaking again "I want to help you find justice, I don't want you to live your life like this, I'm sure your mother wouldn't either. Will you let me help you?"
Yeosang breaths shakily, Wooyoung's hand is still on his face. He nods subtly but the prince catches it, thankful that he's accepting help now.
The pair are still sat on the floor, close to each other and Yeosang's brain goes haywire once he actually registers their proximity. He's a stranger to affection except for motherly love. And the way Wooyoung looks at him is definitely not that.
The prince slowly inches forward, waiting for any sort of rejection and when there isn't any, he lets their noses touch.
"Can I?" Even though Yeosang doesn't seem to hate this he still wants to ask, he may be going too fast.
Since their noses are touching he feels Yeosang nod, gulping then closes hie eyes. Wooyoung panics for a moment, realising what he's about to do.
But looking at Yeosang's face, eyes closed and ready makes his heart swoon. So he connects their lips.
At first its chaste and close lipped, Wooyoung just lightly pecking his lips and pulling away quickly. Yeosang opens his eyes and frowns, expecting more. With those innocent eyes staring back at him, he looks so perfect, so this time Wooyoung doesn't hold back.
He cups his face with both hands and kisses him. It's slow because Yeosang has never kissed anyone before but it still makes his insides buzz and takes his breath away.
It's clear that Yeosang is a fast learner because he's responding instantly, kissing back as he tentatively touches Wooyoung's waist. The prince smiles at the effort and deepens the kiss, fingers curling into his hair and tilting his head up so he can get a better angle. It makes Yeosang let out a sound he's never made before, he would be embarrassed but there's not even any time to think about it as Wooyoung pulls him even closer, both loving the way the other's lips feel.
They pull away when their bodies beg for oxygen. Yeosang feels hot from the fireplace and from what just happened between him and Wooyoung.
What just happened between him and Wooyoung.
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