Runaway. That's what I'll be, a runaway. Despite the long, grueling hours with Hydra, excitement was creeping up inside me for I knew that Oliver was planning our escape. We would run away, maybe live in the woods, and we would collect books. That was our plan, for I always enjoyed my lessons with Papa and Oliver admitted that he did like reading. And we'd live happily ever after, just like a fairy tale! That was our story, or at least the happy ending I envisioned for us. The perfect world I created for Oliver and I would give me a spark of joy in the midst of Hydra. No matter how much calloused hands I got from climbing, or how many blistered feet from being en pointe, I stayed optimistic about our future. It was true that my last escape attempt failed miserably, but this time Oliver would be with me and we would succeed.
But, as per usual, life threw us a curve ball. Oliver and I were assigned our first mission together, and we would leaving the Hydra facility for the first time in over a year! A gala was to be held in St. Petersburg in three weeks time, and Oliver and I would pose as the children of a business official played by a Hydra soldier. But, we would have to gather the names of a few S.H.I.E.L.D. agents attending the gala who were supposedly tracking the location of our base and would be attending the gala as well. All we were told is that S.H.I.E.L.D. was a chaotic organization that we had been quietly invading over the years. I was over-the-moon ecstatic- not for the mission part of it- but I was naively thinking that this would be our time to escape. One night while I was conversing with Oliver, I said, "I'm excited to get out of here, permanently."
Oliver shook his head and replied, "They'll be watching us like hawks when we're on our mission, it's too obvious. But there is something we can do to help move our plan along."
He leaned closer to me and whispered in my ear, "I overheard an officer saying that there will be people at the hotel we'll be staying at who have access to boarding passes for a drug trafficking boat."
"Why would they be at the hotel right now?" I asked Oliver.
"I don't know," he admitted, "But we will have to go get those passes if we have any hopes of getting off the continent. The organization, Crimson Night, that they work for is probably used to trafficking kids-"
Oliver smiled and said, "Well, we are still kids, Elissa. If we went anywhere involved with the government they'll just put us in foster care, and Hydra will likely be able to find us again."
"So the drug traffickers are safe?" I concluded uncertainly.
My friend's face grew solemn and he said firmly, "No one is safe. We only have each other to trust, that's why we'll get out together."
However, in the excitement soon to come my mind would be ridden of any thoughts regarding our escape.
Sooner than I expected, the time came for our mission to commence. I was given a suitcase with all the 'essentials' Hydra thought I needed: Civilian clothes, a gala dress and heels, toiletries, and my weapons.
My weapons consisted of the handgun I mainly used in training, and a knife which looked delicate yet deadly. I held the knife and stroked its sharp blade, slicing a small sliver in my index finger. Grinning, I knew that if the knife could cause my body some damage with barely a touch, then I could only imagine what it could do at its full force. That didn't terrify me like it would've a year ago, instead it made me happy. I paced around my cell, thrusting the knife at invisible threats that existed only in my imagination. In a way, it felt good to be powerful and capable of damage, because then I would have some authority. Then I would have some control over my life.
We were ushered up the same elevator I attempted to escape in many weeks ago. This time, however, I made it past the first three feet of ground. I wanted to run, jump, and spin around just to let my hair blow in the wind, but I had to hold myself back and march orderly down the gravel-and-snow-mixed pathway like the soldier Hydra was training me to be. I saw two cars at the end of the path, both looked expensive and stealthy. But, a sack was thrust over my head before I could see the inside of the car, preventing me from seeing the outside world as we drove off to Russia.
When the sack was lifted, sun kissed my pale cheeks and blinded my eyes. I was still in the car, but I had no idea where we were. I squinted out the window and for the first time in my life, I slowly made out the figures of buildings- real, live buildings! It was as if I was living for the first time, and I stared in awe at the towering skyscrapers. "St. Petersburg is beautiful," I breathed, and I decided that I would want to visit there as soon as I escaped. Then, the car door was opened and I stepped outside, embracing the hustle and bustle of the city. The weather was frigid, but I didn't care; I was filled with warmth inside.
"Move," A firm hand shoved me forward. Once again, Hydra was here to rain on my parade. I was ushered forward towards a grand building that looked like one of the castles Papa made me study. The glistening golden towers stood tall and proud, and through the big archway there was a spacious courtyard with cobblestone ground, and majestic flags waving in the breeze. We moved forward through dark, wooden doors, and then I was met with a marble white room with two white and gold staircases leading to a sublime fountain revelling in its splendour. A man clad in a black suit with gold cuffs and white gloves walked up to us and rattled out something in Russian, but the soldier pushed me past him and up the right staircase, where I was met with a long hall of doors. I had to move down to the farthest door on the right, and the soldier shoved me in quickly and locked the door behind me. He barked from his place outside, "Get dressed for the gala." And that's when I noticed my suitcase.
It lay on a Queen-sized bed, its faded brown colour contrasting with the white sheets. I opened it and inside lay a folded pale grey dress. I lifted it delicately, for the silky material seemed as fragile as a fresh snowfall. Slowly I slid it over my tiny body and felt a gentle weight as soft, grey tulle fell to the ground around me. I looked at my rough, dirty arms and saw that the skin up to just past my elbows was covered in a lacy material. I need to see myself, I thought, and quickly began searching for a mirror.
I did not have to look long, for a full body-sized mirror was in the bathroom. The dress was a masterpiece, and although I wore it when I was only a small child, I would wear it any day now! The whole dress was pale grey, with a lacy bodice and three-quarter lengthed sleeves, and a flowy tulle skirt with a slight poof. Small grey flowers dotted the skirt of the dress, and a small ribbon with a bow was on the waistline. It was beautiful, but I thought it looked ugly on me. I was dirty, gaunt, and I had chapped skin and dark bags around my eyes. My hair was dishevelled, and my fingernails were gnarly and cracked. The dress was fit for a princess, and I was just a peasant. So, the dress came off and I stood in the bathroom, staring at my ugly body with an ugly scar stretching across my stomach.
This won't do, I thought, I have to get ready for the gala. For Oliver. I paced around the bathroom until I came across a curtain, which I promptly tugged open. There was a faucet at the top of a tiled wall and a handle near the middle, a bar of soap, and fancy bottles labelled 'shampoo' and 'conditioner.' I knew right away that this was a shower. The last shower I had was at my house with Papa, but it was just a faucet and a pump. I would normally bathe in the river if the weather permitted. This shower was fancy, and I wanted to give it a try. I turned the handle far to the right and touched the stream of water that fell from the faucet. "Ouch!" I hissed. It was too hot. I played around with the handle until a soothing, warm water poured down, and then I stepped inside.
The shower went rather fast, but the grit streaming off my skin for the first time in over a year is a feeling I'll never forget. I had no idea if I should use shampoo or conditioner, so I mixed them together and slathered my hair with it. Using the bar of soap, I scrubbed and picked out all the dirt that had been stuck underneath my nails for months. When I stepped out and stared at myself in the mirror, I felt good, I felt reborn. Like a princess, I thought happily.
Once more the grey dress came on, however this time I was happy wearing it. Giggling, I twirled and watched the skirt fan out around me like a flower spreading out its petals. Staring at myself in the mirror, I genuinely smiled. Today I was beautiful, but I wished my father could've seen it. But, I wiped away the teardrops forming around my eyes, I was going to be strong tonight.
Eventually, a female Hydra officer entered the room. She was very pretty with almond shaped eyes the colour of chocolate, and ebony hair pulled back into a bun. The officer said nothing, but braided my hair into an intricate bun, and dusted some makeup on my face. Then, she handed me a pair of silver heels. I slid them on and wobbled, but her hand was there to block my fall. She guided me through a few steps until I got the hang of it, but still she said nothing. Just as she was about to leave, I said, "Thank you."
The lady nodded and smiled.
"What's your name?" I asked without thinking. I regretted it, thinking that she was going to punish me. But, instead she said very quietly in an accent I didn't recognize, "Lara,"
"Goodbye, Lara,"
No sooner than Lara left Oliver entered the room. He was clad in a black and white tuxedo. As soon as we saw each other, smiles broke out on our faces. "You look gorgeous," he said as I ran into his arms.
I laughed and said, "You're looking fine, too!"
"Isn't this incredible?" Oliver asked, giddy with excitement.
"I love it here," I sighed happily, jumping onto the bed. "I never want to leave!" But, I knew that wouldn't be the case. Once the mission was complete Oliver and I would have to go back to the Hydra base. There would be no more ballgowns or galas or being pampered in regal buildings. That left a sinking feeling in my stomach.
However, when I looked at my friend, I knew that one day we would have our own imaginary galas where we would be free. For eternity. In a world of our own. So, I decided that I would be happy for tonight- even if it was only for a night- and I would try to make this fleeting moment last forever.
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