chapter two
"Ugh, he was so hot." My head fell into my hands as I went on, again, about Luke to Ashton who was sat right in front of me.
It was Friday night and we were sitting at the coffee shop that was attached to a book store. We had just purchased 3 inch thick books to help study for our tests we'd be sending into colleges and planned on using our time wisely, but instead it fell through as we thought it was.
"What was he even in ISS for?" He shook his head, pushing his fallen hair out of his eyes.
"Mrs. Anderson caught him smoking on campus." I told him as I watched him lean back in his seat.
"That's disgusting." He scrunched his nose up at the fact, pulling his phone from his pocket and scrolling through it.
I sighed, "I know, right?" He raised an eyebrow at me, peering up at me from his phone.
"Ands, you smoke." He said. I frowned at the nickname he had called me which had caught on with the rest of my friends, then went back to the subject.
"He smokes and chances are, he's an asshole." I stuck out my bottom lip as I fidgeted with my hands. "But God, Ashton, the lip ring and he has such nice hair and-"
"Why don't you talk to him then?" He interrupted, sitting back up in his seat and scooting in closer to the table.
"Because our school is overpopulated and I can't find the kid anywhere." I groaned. He rubbed the back of his neck, obviously deepening his thought on my problem.
"Well, his name is Luke, right?" He asked. I nodded slowly, waiting for him to continue.
"What's his last name?" He furrowed his eyebrows at me as I rested my elbows on my table.
"Hemmings." I told him. Ashton tugged on his lip with his finger, trying to get any progress on this. I sighed again, sliding the book I had just bought towards me.
"I know him from somewhere, I swear to you."
"Maybe we can-"
"Calum!" He suddenly said, practically jumping out of his seat. "Calum was telling me about Michael Clifford switching into his English class." He explained.
Michael Clifford was probably the most bad ass kid at our school. And by bad ass we mean the one who gets in the most trouble. And him being a senior got him a free pass to get out of any actual trouble though. He was able to kiss ass and sweet talk while he got the whole school to do the same to him. His jeans were always ripped and I don't think I'd ever seen him wear any other color than black, or really anything dark, and he always carried around a lighter in his pocket. Always.
"What does Michael Clifford have anything to do with this?" I shook my head at him, rubbing a hand over my forehead.
"Luke and Michael are friends." He added, leaving me confused.
"I thought Michael hated anyone that was an underclassmen?" I scanned around the near empty coffee shop, becoming oddly curious of our surroundings. As if even saying Michael's name would make him appear.
"Technically, we're upperclassmen. And apparently not." He shrugged. "It looks like Luke has more perks to him than just his face." He smirked, nudging my arm.
"I'm so conflicted." I whined, lowering my head back into my hands again. "Sometimes it sounds like he could easily break our necks, but then when I talked to him it seemed like he'd enjoy playing with a litter of month old puppies." I said, earning a laugh from Ashton.
"Don't laugh." I whined again. If there was anyone worse to come to with my boy problems, it would be Ashton. Since I didn't exactly have them in the first place since I haven't been throwing myself out there like most of our class and the fact that Ashton couldn't keep a relationship longer than two months, it was a bad mix.
"I just think it's funny how you're hung up on him." He laughed once more, making me roll my eyes. "What are you supposed to do when, despite what everyone says, he sees you aren't actually as big of a trouble maker as everyone thinks you are?"
I groaned at his words, knowing that we've gone over this a hundred times. I drink, but I don't drink a lot. I smoke, but I don't smoke a lot. I've had sex, but I haven't had sex a lot. And the list just continues on. I was just a typical teenager, but when word got around it was always stretched beyond my control and it seemed to match my attitude, so people suggested things about me that weren't entirely true.
"I mean, he'll probably figure it out before then." I sighed, flipping through the pages of my book.
"Before what?" He asked.
"I don't know, if we actually get to be friends." I shrugged and his laugh soon followed.
"Do you really think that Luke is going to want to be just friends?" He shook his head at me and dragged his back pack to the side of his chair.
"We barely even know each other! And what's that supposed to mean anyways?" My voice rose slightly at him, suddenly remembering that we were in public and shrunk back down in my seat.
"Ands, you have half of the guys in our grade crawling on their knees for you."
I rolled my eyes, "That's not true."
"I mean, you're hot. And there's no shame in saying that." He pushed his hair out of his eyes, watching as I jotted down a few notes.
"Ashton." I plainly said, putting down my pen.
"But you burp like a man, that might drive him off."
"Ashton." I repeated, louder this time to get him out of the other world he was constantly in.
"But then again, everyone knows that you can do that thing with your leg where you-"
"Ashton!" I nearly yelled, stopping him before he continued on any further. "Stop!" I raised my eyebrows at him and he did the same, realizing what was coming out of his mouth.
"Okay, what were we talking about? Luke, right, okay." He leaned onto the table with his elbows, gripping onto his upper arms. "I'll talk to Calum. I'll see if he can get Michael to get Luke to find you or something." He insisted.
"Can Calum do it without getting hit in the face?" I knew that Michael was infamous for getting in fights with anyone that he decided he could take, which was practically everyone.
"He can try." He chuckled. I scribbled down a few more notes and took in a deep breath.
"Okay." I sighed as he nodded at me, returning back to our work.
I trudged down my hallway, my stomach growling after the much needed 12 hours I just slept. It was 10am on a Saturday and I felt like I was having to drag myself everywhere across my house.
I yawned as I poured a bowl of cereal, picking up my phone off the counter next to me to find multiple texts from Ashton and Calum. Most of them asking me if I was awake then proceeding to tell me to wake up.
I sent them both a short message, telling them I was awake as I walked to my fridge to pour milk into my bowl.
My phone rang too loudly for my liking and to no surprise Ashton's name lit up on my screen.
"What's up?" I answered opening the fridge and searching the shelves.
"Come hangout with me and Calum." He told me as he usually did instead of asking me. I leaned over to the very bottom shelf, seeing that there was an empty gallon of milk sitting in the fridge.
"Are you shitting me?" I muttered, practically slamming the door shut.
"What? Are you okay?" He quickly asked as my milk-less bowl of cereal taunted me.
"We have no fucking milk." I groaned as I ran to my room to find my car keys.
"For a second there I thought you were in serious trouble." He joked.
"I already poured my cereal in my bowl." I whined, slipping on a pair of shoes and heading out of my house.
"That's always part of your lucky Saturday mornings." He sighed into the speaker as I rolled my eyes at the mention of my 'lucky Saturday mornings', something I had named myself in 9th grade when my dad started traveling for his work. He would always leave on a Saturday morning around 5am leaving me on my own for about three weeks until he'd come back for a few days then leave again.
"Where'd your dad head off to this time?" Ashton asked.
"Peru." I informed him, slipping into my car. Chills ran up my legs as the back of thighs touched the cool leather.
"Tell him to bring me back one of those alpacas he saw last time." He laughed as I remembered the ridiculous picture of a group of alpacas standing outside his apartment door.
"No." I plainly said. "I'm driving, I'll call you after I've had my morning cereal." I sighed again, not being fond of being on the phone and driving or making a grocery store run in the morning.
"The interesting like of Andy Emerson." Ashton mocked the phrase I constantly used at the beginning of the year and he could never let it go.
"Bye." I blankly said, hanging up on him before he could say anything else.
My three mile drive to the store was quiet and seemed longer than usual, as which is how my day was already feeling. I'd been up for less than an hour and was ready for the day to end. Mostly so I could possibly squeeze in another 12 hours just for sleeping.
I parked right out front of the near empty parking lot and climbed out of my car, locking it and heading towards the door. I shivered as the automatic doors opened, a just of wind blowing against my bare legs, making me immediately regret wearing running shorts.
I did the weekly shopping here, so I knew the ins and outs of this place. I went straight to the back and grabbed a gallon of milk and headed back to the check out lanes. I scanned the numbers above them and saw that only one was open.
I put my gallon of milk on the black belt, hoping to get the attention of the cashier that was squatted down and digging around for something. I grabbed a drink from the small refrigerator that displayed multiple sodas, water, and energy drinks.
I set it on the belt, burying my nose in my phone as I walked to the end of the lane so I could be ready to pay.
"Good morning, how are you?" The cashier asked.
"Good, thank you." I plainly said, glancing up at him once. I did a double take as well as he did to as we instantly recognized each other.
"Luke?" I furrowed my eyebrows at the tired looking blonde as he returned the same stare.
"We spent a whole day of ISS together, I'd figure you'd know my name a little better." He laughed, scanning my one item.
"Of course I know your name, you were the only kid in that class I didn't want to strangle." I told him. I pulled my wallet out from the front pocket of my hoodie and the realized the state I was in.
"I also apologize for my appearance." I faintly laughed, looking down at the clothes that I had on. I was at least thankful I had my hair down and it was able to hide some of my makeup-less face.
"You look fine." He chuckled, pressing a few buttons on the screen to his right. "Three forty-seven." He told me, glancing from my hands that were digging in my wallet to my expression.
"What a rip off." I laughed, pulling out four one dollar bills. "How are you even a cashier?" I asked, knowing that at my last job I was told I had to wait until I was 18.
He smirked, "I got a good word in."
"What? No way, who?" I held out my hand as he gave me my change and receipt, pushing my bag towards me.
"You wouldn't know her." He shook his head as he gripped a little tighter on the counter. I took in a sharp breath as I grabbed my bag.
"Girlfriend that lives on the other side of town?" I looked him up and down, raising an eyebrow at him. His head fell and it was lifted back up shortly after, giving me a half smile.
"Something like that."
"Boys are stupid." I groaned as I picked up a fry from my plate, watching the two boys in front of me glance at each other then back at me.
I decided against my idea of sleeping all day and headed out to lunch with Calum and Ashton. It mostly consisted of Ashton and I talking about upcoming tests while Calum sat back and relaxed because he was a senior and had already been accepted into the college of his dreams. The only thing he had to worry about was his job at the bowling alley where he ran laser tag. He had filled Ashton's spot after Ashton had quit a few months ago from all the stress and it's where our circle of friends had truly started.
"Except for you guys, of course." I covered up my accidental insult with an awkward smile, playing with the straw in my cup.
"I don't know if I'm more offended or not." Calum narrowed his eyes at me and I waved him off, frowning at my self-caused frustration from the amount of over thinking I was doing.
"Did you do the chemistry work?" Ashton changed the topic which, besides getting good grades, he was exceptional at.
"What chemistry work?" My eyes widened as I quickly became afraid of the work that my teacher, my horrible teacher, added on.
"We had book work." He shrugged knowing that I probably wouldn't do it since I never did the book work.
I pushed around the food on my plate as Ashton and Calum talked among themselves which I easily drowned out. I sighed and felt myself fall further into frustrating thoughts, only letting myself become bothered by, well, nearly everything.
this was short sorrrryyyyyyyyy but i just wanted to let you in on a little of andy's life!!
i hope you are liking this so far even though there isn't much
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