chapter twenty
I heard the screaming sirens. I heard the paramedic announce my heart rate. I heard the rain on the streets. I heard no familiar voices.
It was interesting. Living, listening, but not moving. Not interacting. I couldn't exactly help it of course, I was in between conscious and unconscious. I felt no pain, no emotions. I just know I could hear.
I don't know how long I laid in this hospital bed before I woke up, but I sure felt sore. It felt like I hadn't moved in months. My eyes were only half open and I was easing my sight to the brightness.
I rolled my head to the left and I saw a nurse messing with the machine I was attached to. She smiled and glanced down at me. "Good morning."
I turned my heavy and achey neck towards to clock to my right. 4:53 in the morning.
I caught a glimpse of Ashton sleeping in the chair in the corner of the room. His long, lanky legs were stretched out over the white tile.
My nurse handed me a small plastic cup of water and several pills, all different colors and sizes. She explained they were for pain and a few other things that didn't process through my hazy mind.
I sat up as well as I could. My body ached all over and my arms felt so weak.
"Thank you", I choked out.
I gulped down my water running over the moments that led up to me being here in this cold room.
I was shaking. I don't know if it was from the memories, the temperature, or the anxiety of being here. My spine shivered as I recalled the impact. There was only a single moment I could really put my finger on.
When I slung off the road, I remember taking my hands off of the wheel so fast. I was so afraid to turn into it, just like my dad taught me when I was 16. I was afraid of messing up when I know I could've done something to make this so much less worse than it is.
A doctor came into my room. Her long, black braids tucked into a neat bun behind her head. She introduced herself. She was explaining so many things at once to me and I just smiled and nodded. I signed page after page of paperwork. She told me she talked to my dad, and he'd be here soon. I didn't break anything, just bruised.
I felt dizzy. Not sick or nauseous. The room was spinning and I peered over to Ashton who was staring back at me with red eyes.
"Your dad sent me here." He quietly said. "He got a call and jumped on the first flight here. He'll be here soon and we can get you home."
I smiled. "Home." I repeated. I stared up at the bright hospital lights. "What exactly happened?" I asked, looking back over to him.
"You went around a corner and hit a bank. You passed out from the airbag hitting you, but after that it was your body reacting to panic and stress or something like that. Your car is banged up, but it'll survive. You're pretty banged up too. I know you'll survive too."
I quietly laughed. "Yeah." Is all I managed to get out.
I cared so much for this kid. My eyes were tearing up in the corners. I couldn't imagine a life without him and I'm glad he doesn't have to live one without me.
My dad was a tough one. We had been arguing all day on whether I should be going out or not the day after I'm released from the hospital. He wanted me to rest my body more and I was getting cabin fever. I knew he needed to be back at work and I wanted to feel as normal as I could again.
I had been texting Ashton and Calum all day. I even got a text from Michael hearing that he got the news and that he wanted to see me soon.
My dad and I made a deal. He would stay for two days more and I could go out for dinner tonight, as long as I'm back before 10. Then tomorrow, I'm all his so we could spend father-daughter time before he heads back to work.
My dad didn't know about Luke. He didn't know that he was some stupid boy that was messing with my heart. He didn't know he could look like the devil, but also an angel when he's hitting a punching bag. Dad wasn't aware of the tracks he left on me or our home. From the door way, to the stairs, and to my bedroom.
My cloudy thoughts dispersed as my phone buzzed on the kitchen counter.
From: Ashton
Received: 5:58pm
Pizza at my place at 7?
I felt so relieved. I needed to vent and relax and release all of my frustration about everything. And I loved my dad, but he wasn't the one tonight.
"Hey Dad, is it okay if I go to Ashton's tonight? Is that better than going out to a restaurant?" I asked, a loving smile on my face to win him over.
He nodded, "Of course. Do you need a ride?"
I shook my head, "No. Ashton can come get me."
My dad squinted at me. I could see his crows feet and his deep, brown eyes narrow at me. "Are you sure? I've been driving for many more years than he has and it might just be more safe and I think-"
"It's okay dad," I said quickly. "He lives close. We'll be fine," I assured him.
He pulled me into a hug and I embraced him as I would if I were little again. Me being in a small accident definitely brought us closer in this season of our lives. I cherished the feeling. I could only hope that someone out there would treat me and care for me half as well as my dad did.
Calum and Ashton were playing video games and honestly, I really didn't care for it. I lounged on the beanbag behind them as they shouted profanities and insulted each other while staring at a split screen.
My phone buzzed underneath me, pulling my attention away from the action on the screen.
From: Luke
Received: 9:43pm
I want to see you.
I wanted to scream. My face burned red and my heart raced. Oh man, I wanted to rip him to shreds right then and there. My blood was boiling and my thumbs hovered over my dimmed screen. What did he want? Another make out session? To remind me that he still loves Kat?
To: Luke
Sent: 9:46pm
Why am I like this?
I stared at the screen, my anxiety blowing through the roof as I waited for a reply.
From: Luke
Received: 9:47pm
Right now, preferably.
"Andy, what the hell are you about to get into?" I thought to myself.
I sent Luke my location.
I'm an idiot.
I still really like Luke.
But he treats me like cap. Boys are so stupid.
But he's so intelligent and unique.
From: Luke
Received: 9:52pm
Be there in 10.
My heart was racing.
"Hey Ashton?" I spoke.
He turned his head quickly over his shoulder then back to the screen. "Yeah?"
"Um, my dad will be here in like, 10 minutes to come pick me up. My curfew is at 10 tonight and he wants to make sure I get home okay." I lied, hoping it wasn't obvious that I was about to go see a guy.
The game was paused and they both got up. Ashton could tell something was up immediately.
"Are you alright?" He asked, analyzing my face for anything giving off signs that would indicate I'm not fine.
I nodded, "Yeah. I'm great." I awkwardly laughed. "My dad is just being over protective, you know?" I said, rolling my eyes.
"Okay." Ashton replied.
"We're really glad you got to watch us play video games all night like you usually do." Calum added.
We headed downstairs and out of Ashton's room. I checked my watch, only 5 more minutes until Luke was here. My heart was practically in my ears.
I slipped on my shoes and threw on my jacket that I laid on the couch earlier. "Thank you for hanging out with me, guys. It feels good to be out of the house."
"We're just glad you're alive and well." Ashton smiled at me as he threw on a jacket for himself. "Let me walk you out to your car." He suggested.
I turned around to see headlights coming through the small glass window through his front door. Luke was here a little early
"N-no, it's okay." I stuttered.
"Let us!" Calum added, reaching for the door.
"No, it's okay, seriously. My dad is super eager to head home." I lied through my teeth again. It was so painful to not be truthful with my friends, but knowing them they'd hold me hostage here or kill Luke.
I quickly opened the door Ashton look confused as he stared out through the doorway. "Did your dad get a new car?" He asked.
"Uh, yeah! Company car. Totally cool, right?" I quickly asked, tripping over my words. "Thanks for having me!" I shut the door and trotted to Luke's passenger side door. His windows were newly tinted and I couldn't see his face.
Before I opened the passenger door, I looked back to the small window of Ashton's door. Both of them were staring me down.
I shook my head and yanked the door open. I swung inside and drew in a small breath before I faced Luke.
I slowly turned my head to the left, and to my surprise I didn't see Luke. I saw a soppy head of black hair and the sweetest round face.
"Michael?" I choked out.
He had the most mischievous smile on his face.
"Hey Andy. It's so good to see you again." He popped a cigarette between his lips as he threw Luke's car into reverse.
My phone buzzed again. I fumbled for it and my shaky hands unlocked the screen.
From: Dad
Received: 10:01pm
Where are you? Close?
I choked down my panic and turned off my phone. My eyes were as wide as could be and I could barely breath.
Tonight, there was nothing stopping me from seeing Luke. I was set on that.
does andy get kidnapped by michael? does she murder luke? does her dad freak tf out and file a missing persons report? tune in next week on maury!
Jk, i hope you guys like thisssssss
Love you guys thank you so much for reading and voting and commenting
Comment "tortilla" if you read this far!! ;-)
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