chapter twelve
Luke hadn't said a single word before going straight to my lips. He exhaled as he pressed his against mine, kissing me just a little harder. I let my move from the collar of his shirt to the back of his neck to pull him towards me the slightest bit more. His chest met mine and just as his body started to warm up mine up, he fell to the side and made sure I met him there, gently tugging me towards his body.
He had been conservative while kissing me. The movement of his lips had nearly been as soft as the pink color that shaped them. His touch was gentle and almost felt hesitant, but in a way that told me he was unsure exactly where he could explore my skin rather than if he should explore. He didn't take it past just simple kissing and never got handsy or took advantage of the moment we were having.
He was also a good kisser. Not just the actual lip to lip contact, but how he knew just where to put his hands or the right time to deepen the kiss. He had made it feel genuinely intimate. It wasn't intimate like all of the fake scenes on TV and in movies, it was real and there was fumbling and suppressed laughter that made it enjoyable. My feelings were still foggy with him, but if liking him meant that I'd get to kiss him like this in the middle of the night every night then I would be completely okay with that.
It seemed like Luke wasn't getting any tired from tugging and nipping at my lips and I wasn't complaining. A few minutes into the kiss he had sat up and pulled me into his lap. My legs wrapped around his torso while I kept my arms loosely around his neck. His hands constantly moved between the back of my neck, my waist and back, and my hair. Right now he decided that pulling my towards him with his fingers trailing up and down my back had been the best idea.
"Andy," Luke murmured in between left short and sweet kisses on my darkened lips.
"Hmmm," I hummed, pulling back just an inch away from him and tangling my fingers in his hair.
"Can I stay here tonight?" He asked. I jerked back from him, catching his tired eyes.
"I'm not having-" I stammered, shaking my head lightly. "Not like-"
"Not like that, Andy." Luke softly laughed, sliding his hands down my sides so they rested at my hips as I gave him a sheepish smile.
"Sorry, I probably just made things awkward." I sighed. Luke pulled me back to him, sinking down a little lower and looking up to me.
"It's okay." He quietly said, kissing right in between my collarbones. It was the first place he had kissed me besides my lips and I'm sure it wouldn't be the last. His lips grazed over my left collarbone as my head fell backwards, giving him more access as he kissed up my neck. "Andy?" He asked again, this time not letting me answer before he spoke. "Are you tired?"
I took in a deep breath as he moved up to my jaw. I looked back at him, now face to face with him again. I kissed his lips once, keeping my hands locked behind his neck. I nodded a few times and he gave me a gentle smile.
He let go of my hips and brought his hands to my shoulders, pushing me back until I fell into my pillows. He grabbed my phone from next to me, checking it to see that it was nearly two in the morning. He yawned and set it down next to me again as I rolled on my side. I felt him crawl towards me, letting his lips linger on my temple before getting off my bed.
"Goodnight, Andy." He quietly said, stretching his arms over his head.
I furrowed my eyebrows at him, "Where are you going?" I questioned.
"The couch." He informed me as if I was supposed to know this.
"You can sleep in here," I shyly said. "You know, if you want." I added, scooting over to show him that there was at least a little bit of space for him in my small bed. He looked to the floor and shook his head.
"Okay." He smiled, walking back over to my bed. I tucked in my legs so he could crawl over me and to the spot next to me. "But I'm a blanket hog." He told me, his laugh following after his words.
"I already found that out an hour or so ago." I whispered, looking over my shoulder to him as he rolled his eyes. He shuffled towards my back, unsure if he shoulder throw a tight arm around me or not.
"Goodnight." He mumbled into my ear, his fingers twisting and toying with the back of my tank top as we drifted off to sleep.
I woke up slowly as I always did, but this time the blare of my alarm clock wasn't there to wake me from my sleep. I figured I had woken up before it was supposed to go off, but the bright light shining into my room told me otherwise. I shifted around in my bed in attempt to get more comfortable again. It was then I had noticed someone's back was pressed against mine.
I was startled for a second then relaxed when I heard the soft snores coming from Luke. What all had happened last night popped up in my head and I couldn't help but smile. I sat up slowly, being careful not to wake him. I peered over at him to see his blonde hair poking out of the blanket that was covering his face. His knees were curled to his chest as he was too tall for my bed. I was a few inches shorter than him and even I was pushing the height limit.
I shook my head a few times, getting up and heading towards my bathroom. It was after I let my damp hair fall out of my bun from last nights shower and halfway through my makeup when I realized that even though it felt like a Saturday morning, it was a Thursday morning and we both had school.
"Shit, shit, shit," I mumbled, looking up in my mirror before rushing over to my phone that was laying on my bed. It was 10:30am which meant I was two hours late for school and I had three tests that were coming up in just three hours.
I instinctively pulled the covers off of Luke, as this is how my dad would wake me up in the mornings when he was home. He immediately threw a hand over his face, shielding his eyes from all of the light. He looked confused for a second before looking over at me and it was obvious that he had remembered what had happened and why he was in my room.
"Luke, it's almost 11." I told him, watching as he ran his hands through his hair in attempts to fix it.
"What's your point?" He asked, his words barely getting out from his voice being raspy.
"It's Thursday, we have school," I said. He rolled back over in my bed, his back now facing me.
"I was hoping for a more exciting point." He muttered.
"Seriously, we're already late to school and it would be worse if we just skipped a whole entire day and I would miss-"
He cut me off, "What does this have to do with me?" He asked over his shoulder, furrowing his eyebrows at me. I couldn't tell whether if he was genuinely annoyed with me or if he was just grumpy in the morning, so I decided just to keep it down and try not to agitate him.
"I figured that I should tell you that we have school today." I shrugged. He roll back over to face me.
"I'll take any chance to miss school," He softly laughed, his mood lightening. "But you can go and I can just stay here." He suggested, yawning as he ended his sentence.
"You want to stay in my house by yourself until 4 o'clock?" I raised an eyebrow at him and he did the same.
"Is that weird?" He questioned, getting a quick nod from me.
"Just a little." I laughed. He then sat up, taking a look around my room before speaking again.
"I'm not quite sure how we both managed to squeeze into your bed, but it was actually pretty comfy." He gave a sleepy smile and I sighed, joining him on my bed and taking the spot next to him.
"I've been told." I replied, giving him the same half smile.
"So do you always have boys sleeping in your bed?" He looked me up and down once as I rolled my eyes.
"Just the ones that are open to it." I teased, pushing on his shoulder.
"What about me moving in? Can we still make that work?" He asked, scooting back to where he could lean on my pillows and headboard.
"Yeah right," I jokingly scoffed. "Tell me how much you're willing to pay rent and we'll talk."
"How much do you want me to pay?" He replied, crossing his arms over his chest with a smirk.
I shook my head and climbed off of my bed, "Don't push me on that."
That was the last thing I said to him before leaving my room, knowing that'd he'd follow behind me. I was about to turn into the kitchen when I heard his feet padding along the floor to catch up to me. I peered over my shoulder to find him now walking at my side.
"I need another favor." He sighed, trailing beside me as I walked towards my pantry to find something to eat.
"It depends." I answered, not looking over to him this time.
"I really don't want to go back to my house unless I have to, so do you mind if I can shower and get ready here?" He asked, his voice sounding unsure of his own question.
"We have a guest room," I told him, pointing down to the room right across the hall from mine. "My dad had a co-worker stay at our house about a month ago, so there's a working shower and clean towels and new toothbrushes and everything else in there," I said, getting a nod from him.
"Thank you," he said. It came out more as a relieved sigh and it only made me wonder what had made him want to stay here over his own house.
I figured Luke had it all. A big house, a nice car, money. He didn't how to worry about making sure his bills would definitely be paid this month or that his basic needs were taken care of. His parents weren't home too much, but enough to actually see him. He had siblings and had his own ways of having fun and I just suggested that he had a near perfect life.
But when it came down to it, I realized that just because Luke didn't have the problems I did, it didn't mean that he didn't have any problems at all. Sure they were different and not something I would think I would be worried about, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. I was glad that I had caught myself being insensitive to these things before I went on and actually said something that could've made me look like an ass. I wasn't exactly sure what these problems were, but I could tell they were there. Self struggles or simple life struggles, I knew I was willing to help.
I got up from my spot at my kitchen table, taking my bowl to the sink and cleaning up any mess there had been. I sighed and looked around, the feeling of being alone settling on me. Usually, I'd call Calum or Ashton and hangout with them, but I stopped myself from doing so when I heard water shut off just down the hall.
I sat and waited for Luke to come out, hoping that he would come up with some idea that could get us out of the house. I heard his footsteps right after then saw his head poke into the room.
"Hi," he said, walking right by me. I turned around to seeing him grabbing a bowl from my cabinet.
"Well, hi," I replied, laughing as he went through my pantry and grabbed food as if it was his own house. Either way I was okay with it, he just looked rather comfortable in my house.
"Thanks for the shower and stuff. I really appreciate it." He smiled, now walking back towards me, now with a spoon and bowl of cereal in hand.
"You're welcome," I said, raising my eyebrows at him as he sat down across from me rather than beside me. The table was small and square, it could fit up to about 6 or 7 people, so it wasn't like I was struggling to have a conversation with him.
"I like your house." He told me, his head tilting slightly to the side. "It's comfy and I feel like I could jump on the couch without getting in trouble." He explained, his smile growing.
"You still jump on the couch?" I asked, having the thought of him trying to jump on the couch for whatever reason and having his parents scold him. It was a pretty entertaining thought.
"You don't?" He replied, with his spoon sticking out of the corner of his mouth.
I giggled, "You're like a child, I swear."
"Am not," he said as he threw a piece of his cereal my way.
"Keep your Lucky Charms to yourself." I joked, flicking it right back at him. He tossed a few more across the table, on of them successfully landing in my hair. "Stop." I whined, picking the marshmallow out of the ends of my hair.
"Andy Emerson, are you up for an adventure today?" Luke suddenly asked, standing up and putting his bowl in the sink.
"Yes," I sighed, sounding more relieved than anything. "When are we leaving?" I asked him, looking up at him as he was now standing over me.
"Are you not even going to ask where we're going?" He laughed, biting down on his ring around his lip as he ended his question.
"Alright, Luke," I said, standing up beside him. "Where are we going?" I questioned, brushing past him and turning back to face him with my arms crossed.
He rolled his eyes, "It's a surprise," he said. I glared at him and his smile grew as my annoyance with his answer did.
"As long as I'm back at school before 1:30." I told him, pointing a finger towards him. He reached out a grabbed my hand, pulling my closer towards him. He had a light grip on me just right above my elbows.
"You will be." He assured me, now sounding eager to leave. I was nearly chest to chest with him and I noticed this, my eyes trailing up from there, over his collarbones then right back up to his eyes. I could tell he took it in a suggestive way, but I decided to let him think that just to mess with him a little.
I smiled softly, "Let's go."
andy bein a lil bitch
i'm not even going to lie this took so long because i've been spending my days watching horror movies it's literally all i do it's a really bad habit so i apologize for that
i have an outlines playlist ready but i wont publish it until the story kind of evolves??? idk i forgot the word but yeah if you have any songs that remind you of these losers just comment them ok sweet
thank you for reading this i'm glad so many of you enjoy it :'-)
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