chapter thirteen
I was on an adventure with Luke and what I had learned so far was that Luke wasn't actually very adventurous.
"Give me just one spoonful." Luke whined, trying to stick his white plastic spoon into the scoop of chocolate ice cream I had.
I jerked it away from him, "No, you have your own damn ice cream." I huffed, furrowing my eyebrows at him as I suddenly became very defensive of my dessert.
"Not the mint kind." He groaned, slumping back into his chair. I gave him a glare which he gave right back to me.
Luckily I had a plastic spoon to keep my mouth occupied since my words weren't. We had sat in silence for a while, the only thing being heard were the chatters of the few people around us and the occasional ringing of the bell above the door.
I peered up from my phone as Luke awkwardly shifted in his chair. He leaned his elbows onto the table and kept his eyes on my phone just to keep his eyesight somewhere other than me. I set it down and he lazily looked up at me.
"Andy," he began as his eyes wandered off.
'Here we go again,' was all I thought to myself. I'd been through endless conversations like this a guy did the whole sighing as he said my name then telling me that what had happened was either a mistake or for it just to stay between just us. Then they would go on to say that they weren't ready for a relationship which I wasn't even looking for.
I sat patiently in my chair, leaning back and crossing my legs since I figured he'd be rambling on about something I really didn't care to hear. It's not that I didn't want him to say it, it just gets old that they guys figure that you want a relationship. Sometimes all it was was just a little messing around, nothing that was a big deal.
"Okay, I don't really know what I'm trying to say, so bare with me," he said. I nodded my head at him as I waited for him to continue. He groaned after a second, running his hand through his hair. "I feel like an asshole for this and I'm apologizing in advance if it hurts your-"
"Spit it out, Hemmings." I cut him off, my tone bland so he could go ahead and say what he wanted without trying to avoid a certain emotion from me. Whether it was sadness or anger or whatever he expected.
"I'm still with Kat." He told me, a sheepish look in his eyes. "Well, not exactly with her, but there's something between us, you know?" He added.
I nodded my head once again, "Okay." I slowly said.
"And I don't really want to drag you into it."
"Okay." I repeated.
"Because she's a bitch," he said, now nodding his head at me. I scoffed at him in a joking way which I was lucky he understood.
"Don't be so rude to the girl you like." I replied, trying to casually change the subject. I knew what he was getting at.
"You would understand if you were in my shoes." He raised his eyebrows at me, a short laugh leaving his lips.
"I'm sure I would." I gave him a small smile, one that came out more fake than friendly.
"But back to my point, I don't see a problem with us still hanging out and stuff I just feel it's like, disrespectful to her, I guess." He shrugged.
"I get it." I told him, happy that the conversation I expected had gone differently. I sat up in my chair and mimicked how he was sitting with his elbows on the table. "I'm just glad you didn't decide to give me the 'It was a mistake and let's pretend this never happened' conversation."
"I'm just glad you haven't hit me in the face." He laughed, tugging at the hoop around his lip with his teeth.
I raised an eyebrow at him, "There's still time for that."
"Then I promise not to screw up anymore." He laughed, shaking his head a few times.
"You haven't." I assured him. "We messed around, who cares?" I quietly asked. The corner of his mouth slowly pulled into a smile at my words.
"It actually made me pretty happy that you just said that. I was afraid that I was going to hurt your feelings." He admitted.
I shrugged, "I've had it worse." I told him, thinking back to the few bad relationships that I've had. Most of them ended in a screaming match and a lot of foul words exchanged, but nothing too much more.
He gave me a small smile during the pause in our conversation. It felt a little weird to have this conversation with him, but I'm glad he actually had the guts to tell the truth and not just sugarcoat it.
"I feel so stupid." He muttered, burying his face in his hands.
"Don't feel stupid." I replied, watching as his hands feel to the table and he intertwined his own fingers.
"I just didn't think this through." He sighed. "I'm not usually..." He trailed off, looking for the right word. "Caught. Not usually caught between two girls." He sighed, "That probably sounds really douchey, but it's all I can think of."
"I get what you mean. I'm glad you're sticking to one person, it's really mature." I replied.
"I mean, if I wasn't with Kat then I'd totally go for you and-"
"Don't say that." I interrupted. He gave me a confused look and I simply stare back at him. "Focus on her, it sounds like she means a lot to you." I explained with a sweet smile. "You'll figure it out." I assured him, even though I wasn't even sure myself if what was going on was right.
It was my last class of the day on a Friday, so naturally I paid no attention. I was in English with Ashton which was our second class we had together. I was a smart student and was lucky about that, but chemistry and English weren't my strong points and I got all the help from Ashton I had needed.
"Was is it, two chapters over the weekend?" He asked as he struggled to get his completely full back pack shut. He was referring to the book we were reading, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. While it was completely inappropriate as a book for school, it was an entertaining read.
"I don't know." I sighed, resting my chin in my hand.
"Come on, Ands. There's a little less than two months of school left, you need to push through them." He told me, raising his eyebrows at me.
Ashton wasn't exactly overprotective of me, but he just wanted me to stay on track with my life. When school started I had gone through a small rough patch and luckily he was there to get me out of it. It wasn't anything horrible or life threatening, maybe just a little bit of 'teen angst' my dad called it.
"I know." I sighed again. "I'm just ready to do absolutely nothing for two months," I joked. He shook his head at me and just a second after the last bell had rang, telling us that school was out.
"As long as you're friends with me you definitely won't be doing 'absolutely nothing' for two months." He put my words in air quotes then went back to tugging on the straps of his backpack. "Me and Calum can make sure of that." He laughed, pushing through the large crowd of people ahead of us.
We stopped our conversation just so we could get through the loud hallways. Most people were yelling to their friends or stopped to make out with their boyfriend or girlfriend in the middle of the hall. Ashton had quickly pulled me through the doors and the end of our hallway and led me towards the parking lot to where our cars were.
"Sorry again for not being able to hangout at our normal spot today, you know I would come if I didn't have to be locked up at home." He bumped into my shoulder as I kicked a few pieces of gravel.
"Duty calls." I softly laughed.
"Babysitting is not a duty, it's an annoying task given by your mother when she has more of a life than you." He explained, stopping at the drivers side of his car.
"That's true." I agreed, nodding my head to the side.
He rolled his eyes, "I'll see you tomorrow or Monday, I don't know. Maybe Cal and and I will surprise you," he said, his mood changing at the topic.
"Please don't." I gave his a subtle pout, my bottom lip sticking out as he opened his door and sat inside. I grabbed onto the corner of his door as he tossed his bookbag into the passengers seat.
"I'll give you a heads up." He assured me.
"Thanks," I laughed as he gave me a half smile.
"Close my door, as much as I adore spending even more of my life with you, I need to leave." He nodded to my hand that still gripped his door.
"Okay, okay. See you whenever. Just call me or something." I told him, and with that I shut his door and gave him a small wave.
I waited as he drove off to turn back on my heel to head back to where I was parked. I had only made it a few feet before I felt a strong grip on my shoulders. I let out a gasp from the scare that made me jump. I didn't even have time to turn around before their arm was thrown across my shoulders.
"Hi Andy Emerson." Luke beamed, taking a drag from the cigarette between his fingers.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked, taking my hand off of my chest that had somehow made it's way there when he scared me.
He turned his head to me, blowing half of the smoke towards me and half of it in front of me as we kept walking. "Nothing, it's just nice to see you." He told me.
"You're in a good mood." I muttered, looking around at the few students that were still here and peering over towards us.
"I am," he said. "It's Friday and I have nothing to do."
"And why is that a good thing?" I questioned, looking up at him as we walked.
I noticed his smile, a genuine one that wasn't suppressed or lazy. Every feature of him seemed to be bright today and it made me wonder what had made him so happy. I bit at the inside of my cheek as I scanned his profile, hoping that he wouldn't notice.
"Because that means that you're coming over." He informed me, which was brand new information to me.
"Oh?" I raised an eyebrow at his words.
"Show a little enthusiasm." He joked, looking down at me. I glanced away from him and to my parking spot that we had finally made it to.
"I'm ecstatic." I laughed, pulling my keys from my pocket and unlocking my car.
"Good, so just get home and do whatever you need, then be at my house in like half an hour." He carefully watched me as I leaned against my door and crossed my arms over my chest.
"It takes me 15 minutes just to get home." I informed him, a soft laugh following.
"And it takes you, what? 5 minutes to get to my house?" He said, dropping his cigarette from his hands and letting it fall to the ground.
I watched as he put his foot over it to put it out before talking again. "I'll be there." I told him, sighing as I spoke.
"And bring the book we're reading for English." He added, stuffing his hands in his front pockets.
"Why?" I asked him even though I'm sure I already knew the answer.
He gave me a lazy smirk, "I'm stealing your annotations." I narrowed my eyes at him, or more at his response.
"How do you even know I did them?" I asked, a childish tone in my voice.
"Because good girl Andy Emerson is smart and Andy Emerson likes grape slushies that her friend Luke Hemmings will buy her if she gives him her annotations." He told me, a corner of his lips tugging to the side again.
The tip of my tongue peaked out from the corner of my mouth as I glared at him for a few seconds before giving in. "Okay." I softly said, letting him get his way. Luke was one of the few people who I would let bribe me or push my buttons. With most people I wouldn't have any tolerance.
"Thanks." He nodded at me before heading off in the other direction without anything else besides a small wave, similar to the one I gave Ashton.
Luke was really good at messing with my head. I'm sure he didn't do it purposely, or at least I hope he didn't. Some days it seemed that he was the same kid I met in ISS with the intimidation factor and some days he was that kid who who kissed me while a science video was playing in the background. He wasn't too difficult to crack, he was almost an open book to me. I held a little more back, but I'm sure it would all spill out eventually.
We were weird, our friendship was a little more different than the ones I had with Ashton, Calum, or Michael. I'm not sure what it was, maybe the fact that we were both misunderstood loser teenagers, but it was something. And that something was what I enjoyed the most.
this was boring and lame and dumb i was going to rewrite it but i decided not to for future things ok yes i'm sorry
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