chapter ten
I was currently buried in school work, trying to cram in information for the three tests I had tomorrow. I had just gotten home and rushed to my room to get rid of any possible distractions, which failed once my my phone started a ringing to tell me that I was getting a call from Luke.
"Hello?" I answered, barely getting the last vowel out before he started to speak.
"Andy Emerson, did you hear about the guy who had his whole left side was cut off?" he quickly asked.
"What?" I said, unsure of what he was talking about. I set my pencil down and pushed myself back from my desk.
"Oh my God, stop." Michael's voice was heard over the line after Luke spoke and he didn't sound too pleased. I giggled as Luke proceeded to tell him to shut up as he laughed as well.
"Yeah, he's all right now." Luke said, a groan then coming from Michael. The joke had hit me and I shook my head as Michael was now on the other line instead of Luke.
"I'm sorry, Luke's trying to be funny." Michael apologized. Fumbling was heard over the speaker and I raised my eyebrow, guessing that Luke had taken his phone back.
"You're going to hell." I chuckled, referring to his terrible joke that was actually funny, but he wouldn't be hearing that from me.
He laughed, "I know."
"So what'd you call for?" I questioned, leaning back into my chair.
"That joke I just told you!" He said, as if I was supposed to know that this was his actual reason.
"Are you serious? I dropped my studying for you." I joked.
"Well pick it back up and come over." Luke told me.
"I have three tests tomorrow." I groaned.
"Bring it with you, I need help with math anyways."
"What about my other two classes?" I asked, either way I knew I wasn't going to get much done. It just depended if I wanted to be with Michael and Luke or just by myself.
"I can help you with those," he said. I tapped on my chin, debating on whether I was actually going to let Luke convince me.
"I'll be over in twenty." I told him, standing up and stretching my arms over my head.
"Hurry, we have important things to do, Andy Emerson." He seemed eager with his tone, it was obvious that Michael was more than likely not entertaining him. Luke was practically a tall child anyways.
"Stop using my full name, you're going to wear yourself out." I told him, a half smile pulling at my lips.
"Whatever," He let out an over exaggerated sigh. "See you in twenty."
We said our goodbyes and tossed my phone on my bed. I ran my hand through my hair as I let out out a sigh. I shook my head as I collected my papers and books back together, neatly putting them back into my backpack.
I hauled it over my shoulder, exiting my room and walking towards my front door. I grabbed my keys off the hooks hanging by my door and I turned over my shoulder to face the open space of my empty house. I was so used to having my dad away that it seemed like I was the only one that lived here. It was something I grew used to, but not something I was exactly happy with.
I shook it off and headed towards my car, tossing my bag full of school work into my back seat. Usually, it would've taken me around ten minutes to get to Luke's house since he did live pretty close, but I couldn't ignore my stomach that was growling at me. I drove through to get fries and a slushie, picking one up for Luke and Michael as well since I knew they would drink all of mine before I was at his house for ten minutes.
I texted Luke to tell him I was at his house once I stopped at his gate to get in. I pulled through after I punched in the gate code, driving right up into his driveway. I parked and got out, grabbing my bookbag from the back and heading towards his front door. I rang the door bell, tapping my foot and I looked around all the land he had around his house. Seconds later, I heard a few locks turn and then found Luke standing right in the door way.
He glanced down from me to the paper bag in my hand and the few slushies.
"You can't eat that fast food shit, it's so bad for you." He said, raising his eyebrows at me.
I blankly stared at him, silently letting him know that I wasn't dealing with his fear of greasy food. The thought was broken once he started laughing.
"I'm just kidding, I hope I'm still worthy of some of those fries," he said, opening the door to let me inside. I stepped inside, letting my backpack drop right to the wooden floor. "Do you need any help?" He asked, already holding out his hands to grab anything.
I nodded, "Yeah, just take my backpack." I told him, heading towards his stairs. "Where's Michael?" I asked over my shoulder, climbing the stairs with him behind me.
"He just left, actually. He said his mom was yelling at him about something and had to get home." He told me. I nodded my head as I walked down the hallway to his room as he trailed behind me. "He avoids home as much as possible, so he figured it might be something urgent." He added.
"Oh," I simply said, thinking of how that's how I felt about my home. I didn't even have any troubles there where it seemed Michael did and I wanted to stay out of my house as much as I could. I could only imagine what it would be like if there was a physical thing keeping me from there.
"Well, now we have an extra slushie." I lightly laughed, getting our conversation back on track. It's not that I wasn't concerned, it's just that I felt kind of weird talking about others people's lives. It wasn't exactly any of my business and it wouldn't be any help to talk about it if Michael wasn't here.
"I'll probably drink that." Luke confessed, taking it out of my hand as he brushed passed me, taking a sip of it.
"That was mine." I whined.
"Too late." He took another sip as he sat at his desk, going right back to what he was doing on his computer before I came over.
"I hope your whole mouth turns blue." I teased him, putting my things down next to him.
"And I hope yours turns purple." He moved my bag from the chair next to him, putting it on the floor and rolling the chair by him.
I unzipped my bookbag as Luke was distracted by his computer. I pulled out my math binder although I was sure I wouldn't be using it. I stood up and sat down next to him, rolling closer to him and reaching for the slushie across from him.
"So are we actually doing math or are we..." I trialed off, waiting for him to stop on a tab on the screen. He stopped on one and I raised an eyebrow, "Going on YouTube?"
"It's educational, I'm showing you something." He laughed, typing in a few words into the search bar.
"Vsauce?" I asked, unfamiliar of what he was showing me. He clicked on one of the first videos, a man popping up on the screen and going on about knowing where our fingers were. "Luke, what are you showing me?" I questioned, glancing over to him.
"Just watch it." He told me, a smile growing on his face.
About a minute into the 11 minute video, he was talking about how we had way more than five senses and started the topic of tactile illusion. I had no idea what that meant and about half way through the concept of it Luke paused the video.
"Can you flip your tongue over?" Luke asked, just as the man in the video did. I nodded my head sticking out my tongue and doing just so.
"Can you?" I asked back, swiveling in my chair so we were now facing each other. He did the same as I did, giving me a nod that he could.
"Of course," he said. "But, what you do to get the 'tactile illusion' part is that you run your finger over the tip of your tongue while it's upside down." He explained, showing me what he meant. "You have no 'upside down tongue touching' sense, so your brain has no idea what's going on and it-you just have to do it. It's weird." His cheeks flushed a little as he went on. If anything, it was actually cute that he knew all of this. Anyone that could roll facts off their tongue attracted me.
"I can't take you seriously with your mouth all blue." I giggled, already trying to do this weird thing he wanted me to do.
"Oh shut up, Andy." He told, rolling his eyes at me. "I can take you perfectly fine with a purple mouth." He smirked.
I wasn't able to reply since my tongue was currently twisted, so I went ahead and ran my finger over the tip of my tongue, getting the weird feeling he was talking about.
"What is that?" I questioned, doing it again.
"Like I said, since you have no 'upside down tongue touching' sense, when you touch the left part of your tongue, you feel in on the ride side. Weird right?" He explained. I nodded my head, laughing at him once he did it.
"Way weird." I muttered, before doing it again. The feeling tingled my tongue, it had been such an odd feeling to me, that was until I felt the odd feeling of Luke's hand wrapping around my wrist.
I looked up to him as he slowly pulled my hand away from my lips. His smirk had fallen and his lips were parted and soon enough he leaned into me, my hand still in his. My eyes slowly closed as his lips pressed against mine. He seemed hesitant for a moment, but got into it as I pushed my lips harder against his. We seemed to pull apart at the same time, the kiss staying short and sweet, but he made my lips tingle the same way my finger tips did to my tongue.
He was barely an inch away from my face as I waited for him to say or do something. A smile soon appeared on his face, as one did on mine as short giggled fell from both of our mouths.
"You taste like a grape slushie." He lowly said, his eyes still lingering on my lips.
"I wonder why." I replied, doing the same as he was. He moved back to my lips, softly pressing against them for even shorter than last time. I bit back my bottom lip as we pulled apart again.
"I'm sorry, that was probably so weird." He apologized, his laugh tickling against my lips.
"It's okay." I spoke, my breath a little shaky as he sat back normally in his chair. "I like boys that taste like blueberries." I said, tilting my head at him and giving him a gentle smile. My body felt like it was going to collapse from the feeling of him kissing me, it was something completely unexpected. And for some reason that really kept me going with Luke. He was unpredictable and I went along with really anything he did.
"Andy Emerson," He sighed, looking up at me with his soft eyes. He let his head hang down, shaking it before picking it back up, "What are you doing to me?"
the vsauce video is actually real and it's called 'is anything real?' and it's great michael (the vsauce dude not clifford soz) is great and wOW
ok i hope i did the first kiss justice
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