chapter six
"This is definitely not just a few friends." I shouted to Luke who's side I was glue to. We had been at his house for a few hours and his first and second floor were crowded with people. It went from 30 to 130 in a matter of half an hour and we were still sure that people were pouring in as the night went on.
"At least it's a good party." He replied, looking around at the vast amount of people dancing to the loud music that circulated around every inch of his home.
I kicked a few cups on the ground as he led me to the kitchen where all of the drinks were and we immediately spotted Michael with an unfamiliar girl clinging onto him, most likely a senior girl who was too gone to even know where she was.
I gave Michael a small wave which he gave a smile in return, turning around and grabbing a few small cups for us as he held onto the shorter girl at his side.
"I'm taking her home," Michael said, nodding down at the dark hair girl who curled farther into his side. "Don't get too shitfaced while I'm gone. I want to see that." He told us, getting a laugh out of me and Luke.
We watched as he weaved out of the kitchen, careful to keep the small framed girl from stumbling over. I glanced back over to Luke who was already pouring drinks from a can and into our plastic cups.
"Classy as ever." I joked, taking the red cup from his hand.
"Red cups make it more enjoyable." He gave me a wink which I shook my head at. It was my first drink of the night and Luke was probably on his third or fourth. There were still a couple more hours to the night and I had a feeling he wouldn't be wasting them.
Luke grabbed my arm, pulling me into a small group of people he was talking to. I recognized a few faces, but wasn't actually friends with any of them. He added me into the conversation, refilling everyone's drinks the second they finished. By the looks of it, I wasn't the only one who was asked to 'supply the booze'.
"So you're the one Luke and Michael got busted with?" A dark haired kid asked as he pointed to me, getting my attention. I nodded a few times at him then went deeper into the conversation with him as a few people tuned in.
I felt a tap on my shoulder after a few minutes and I turned around to find Luke gulping down the last of his drink. He tossed his cup in the garbage and I raised an eyebrow at him.
"Michael wants to meet me outside, I'll be back in a few." He informed me then immediately walked off after I gave him a nod that told him that I understood.
I returned back to the small group I was talking to, having to squeeze closer together so we could hear each other over the other loud voices and, literally, bumping music. It sounded as close to a night club as you could get.
We all went on for a little while and I soon began to zone out. I stepped back from the group, walking over to a cooler placed under a table of other various drinks. I grabbed a can and cracked it open as I searched the room for Luke or Michael and was lucky enough to see Michael heading my way. It had looked like he was trying to find me too.
"Andy!" He called out, waving his arm up in the air and walking over to me. "A couple of us are out back, you wanna come?" He asked, holding out his arm so I could hook mine around it.
I didn't give him an answer and just went with him anyways, weaving throughout the obnoxiously loud kids dancing and yelling. It seemed to take us a while, but we had actually made it to a balcony that looked over the huge backyard Luke had.
Michael pushed open the glass door and let go of my arm. We sat down next in the two open chairs next to Luke and the first thing they had done was offer me a cigarette. I rejected it, not wanting to show my smoking habit in front of half of the junior and senior class. Unlike most kids, it was something I'd rather keep between me and my friends and not share it with the entire world.
"Katherine's here." Michael spoke after a short silence. I looked over to Luke just as he rolled his eyes and blew a small amount of smoke from his lips.
"I know." He mumbled as he stuck his cigarette between his teeth so he could type on his phone.
Michael peered over to me then back at Luke, "Are you going to say anything to her?"
"I'm freezing," Luke said, changing the subject. He then shifted his body towards me, blowing smoke in my direction. "Andy, do you want to go back inside?" He questioned, completely ignoring Michael. I noticed that this was the first time Luke had called me my normal name and figured I would give some sort of prize for it, just not now.
I glanced over my shoulder at Michael who looked annoyed if anything. He slumped back into his chair and pulled out his phone, waving us off as if I even made a decision.
"Uh, sure." I answered, feeling some sort of tension between the two boys but I pushed it aside and let myself enjoy the night.
Luke took me back to the kitchen again, this time because there was a circle around the table with guys and girls cheering people on. As we approached the table, I heard Luke laugh as we found a girl with her shirt pulled up just enough to expose her stomach and a boy sucking off alcohol from her torso.
The girl giggled as he took her hand a pulled her up as he finished, hoping off the table and heading away from the table with the same guy that just did a body shot from off of her.
"Why don't you get up there?" Luke nudged my side, obviously joking with me, but that had changed in just a few minutes later.
We were convinced to see who could down 5 shots the fastest and the winner got to take a body shot from anywhere they pleased from the loser. I had lost at this challenge that one of the guys had made and it was way too close to even tell who the real winner was. I would fight and say it was me who won, but soon enough I was already laying on the table with Luke's arms on either side of me.
We were both too into the game to realize how weird this might have been, but the burning alcohol running through our blood did nothing to help us realize that. I hiccuped as he leaned over me, breaking my laugh.
I grabbed harder onto the hem of my shirt that I was holding right below the edge of my bra as Luke poured the cold liquid onto my stomach. I took a sharp breath and he immediately latched his lips onto my hot skin. His lips were just as hot and tickled against me as he did the best he could to drink down all the vodka on my body.
I laughed once more and he moved his hands to my hips to hold me down, only making it that much more unbearable as his stubble poked me. It seemed like ages, but he was done in a few seconds and stood back up and looked around the cheering and whooping crowd.
He reached out to me as he raised his eyebrows, completely smitten with how red he had gotten my cheeks. I put out a hand thinking he was going to help me sit up, but instead he grabbed the end of my shirt and pulled it down the rest of my torso. I slowly looked back up to him and hopped of the table, trying to steady myself on Luke's shoulder from standing up too fast.
I was pulled away from the crowd without warning and then continued to be tugged through the sea of people that had actually shrunken in size. I could tell he was leading me back to the balcony we were on before this from the path he took to get there. Despite the multiple people that bumped into us, we were able to refrain from spilling our drinks and keeping ourselves going.
Luke slid the door open and led me back towards the chairs where Michael was still sitting with his nose in his phone.
"There you guys are." Michael muttered, glancing up at us once we sat down. "You guys were gone for almost an hour."
Luke handed him his drink and he grabbed it from him, looking like he drank down half of it. "Just having a little fun." Luke shrugged, throwing an arm around my shoulders. I looked up at him and watched for a moment as he kept his eyes off of me yet still managed to drive me crazy by biting back his bottom lip.
Michael raised an eyebrow at us while he nodded a few times, not even hiding the fact that he was suspicious of something.
"Well," Michael began as he got out of his chair. "I'm meeting someone out front so I'll be back in a couple minutes." He informed us which we only nodded our heads at. He shut the sliding glass door behind him and left us in silence.
I looked down to my ring-covered hands in my lap that held onto my cup. I brought it to my lips, drinking down what seemed to be more than just beer for the night. I placed it on the table next to me and relaxed as much as I could into the wooden chair. My elbow rested on the arm rest as I held the side of my head in my hand, letting my hair fall over my face.
I then heard a patting and I turned my head to Luke who was gesturing for me to come sit in his lap. I glanced from his hands to his face which I could only make out half from the darkness of the night.
I reluctantly got up and crawled onto him as he kept his arms wide so I wouldn't be worried about having to move around him. It was awkward at first, shifting on his legs so where my back was pressed against one side of his chest and my legs were thrown across his. He kept an arm loosely draped around my back and kicked up his legs on the wooden railing as if it was hint that I shouldn't try to escape.
"Are you having a good time?" He asked, looking between me and the large land he had as a backyard. I nodded at him, turning my head to look out to the field-like scene.
"Yeah, probably too much fun." I let out a faint laugh, watching as I swung my feet back and forth over the arm of the chair.
"Or not enough fun," Luke said. "There's always room for more trouble." He smirked, getting me to face him again.
"And what more trouble could we get into?" I laughed. He simply looked over to the side, fighting back a grin.
"Okay, maybe not trouble, but maybe something else." He replied.
"What exactly is your idea of 'something else'?" I leaned a little more towards him, not noticing I did it until his chest rose from taking in such a deep breath.
"Tell me, Andy Emerson, have you ever kissed someone before?" He asked out of the blue. I looked back down to my feet for a quick second then back up to his eyes that were turning more red by the minute.
"You're getting off topic." I told him with a sweet smile.
"Just answer it." He chuckled.
"Of course I have," I said. "I had my first kiss when I was 13 during spin the bottle. I was scared shitless." I shook my head at the thought of how nervous I was then I realized that it was the same feeling I had now.
It wasn't the nervous you feel when something scary is about to happen in a movie or when you feel something bad approaching, but more like how you feel before you get on a roller coaster or the seconds before your favorite band comes out on stage at a concert. It was something that made me jump too fast on my actions, but for some reason now was the time when I decided I could push it all aside.
"I was 12 and it was in the hallway at school. I thought I was really cool until a teacher gave me detention for 'public display of attention'." He put his last words in quotes, getting a giggle out of me.
My throat still burned from the previous scene in the kitchen and I was still attempting to wash it down with another drink which only made it worse. I could only imagine how Luke was feeling.
He feet suddenly dropped from the railing and hit the ground with a loud thud, getting me to jump from the sudden noise. He nudged me so I would stand up and I obliged even though I really didn't want to. I balanced myself and Luke quickly followed my lead, tightening his arm around my waist so I could keep myself from swaying from side to side so much.
"Looks like you don't handle alcohol very well." Luke joked, moving his arm from my waist to my shoulders again.
"I can handle it perfectly fine," I assured him as I rocked back onto my heels, almost loosing my balance. He pulled me back towards him with both arms hanging over my shoulders this time since we were facing each other. "Okay, maybe it depends on what I drink, but for the most part, I'm coherent." I said, getting him to laugh.
He suddenly pulled me to his chest and hugged me tight. I didn't question it and simply wrapped my arms around his torso, letting him hug me as long as he wanted. I secretly hoped that he was an emotional drunk and that he was about to cry about weird aspects of his life to me, but once he pulled back from me with a faint smile on his face that all went away.
He stared down at me, biting down on his lip ring which was the only thing that had my attention, but that quickly changed when we heard the glass door slide back open. We dropped out arms from around each other as we watched Michael walk through the door with another girl at his side.
I looked between all three of them as there were no words being exchanged so we sat in a second of awkward silence before Luke spoke up.
"Hey, uh," He said, looking down to me then to the girl at Michael's side. "I'm going to go down some more drinks." He told me, but it seemed to be he was inviting us all to come with him.
Luke stepped forward and walked back to the door, the girl following right behind him. Michael rejected the offer as I did too, realizing that I was practically done for the night.
"What was that all about?" Michael asked as soon as the door closed behind Luke and the girl.
"I don't know who that is." I answered, confused as to why he was asking me about this when he brought the girl with him.
"No, not them." He waved towards the door, furrowing his eyebrows. "You and Luke." He put emphasis on the word 'you' as he looked me up and down once.
"What are you talking about?" I laughed, shaking my head at him. Before he answered, he grabbed a cigarette from the packet that laid on the table that my drink was on and dug through his pocket for a lighter.
He placed it between his lips, "Weren't you just on top of him?" He questioned, looking between the flame he was trying to keep steady and my flat expression.
"I was just sitting in his lap." I shrugged, trying not to make a big deal out of it. "How did you see that anyways?"
"I was spying on you guys." He admitted as if it was no big deal. I laughed at his honesty and took a sip from my drink since I was still trying to rid my burning mouth. "But that was before I got Katherine, so don't worry." He added.
"Katherine?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah, the girl I just brought out." He told me. "Katherine as in red bra Katherine." My mind went back to skipping school with the two boys and going back to this same house where Michael swung a her bra around like in his 18 years of living he had never seen one.
"I thought that was Kat?" I questioned.
Michael blew out a small amount of smoke into the air, trying to keep it our of my direction. "Kat is Katherine, but only Luke can call her Kat. It's some weird rule he made when they were dating." He shook his head and took another drag and I nodded my head. We sat and listened to the dying down music and conversations that were muffled by the walls of Luke's house.
"Hey Andy?" Michael asked, grabbing my attention. I looked up at him with heavier eyes since of how late it was getting. "You wanna drink until we can't see?" He put out his cigarette, standing up before I even gave him an answer. I stood up with him and grabbed his outstretched hand.
andy too turnt
WOOOOO i hope u guys like this :-)
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