chapter fourteen
warning: this has sexual content if ur uncomfortable with that then you can skip the last part of this chapter!!!!
"I don't know if she even likes me, Andy." Ashton groaned from beside me. I was in my bathroom fixing up my appearance and he was sitting on the counter next to me rambling on about his undeniable love for Blair. He had about an hour until he had to leave for work and he came right on over just before I was about to leave to go to Luke's.
I laughed, pulling my mascara wand away from my eyelashes. "You hung out with her all during spring break and I'm sure something more than just hanging out happened," I suggestively raised an eyebrow at him and he just rolled his eyes at me. smirked, "And she said yes to going to prom with you. Would a girl who doesn't like you come all the way across town just to see you?" I asked.
He shrugged his shoulders, swinging his feet a little out in front of him. I simply shook my head at him and went back to touching up my makeup.
Ashton wasn't necessarily insecure, he just lacked a little bit a confidence. He had a lot to boast about whether it was his grades or athleticism or physical appearance but never once has he used those as an advantage to get what he wanted. Ashton thought he wasn't enough for Blair, that she could do so much better just from his own self doubt. But I could see a bit of change in him, bigger smiles and definitely a lot more talkative and that's when I realized that I didn't have to worry about her.
As for me, I didn't really care anymore. I didn't care about relationships or really love in general. After a horrible heartbreak last year I finally got over it during Christmas break and for the past 4 months I've been beyond carefree. Now with Luke popping into my life it was a little weird since I hadn't even liked a boy since my last relationship. I didn't know what Luke wanted and I was actually happy that it wasn't bothering me. I figured a little messing around wouldn't hurt anyone.
"How far along are you on your book?" He asked me, changing the subject. Ashton was the best at hopping around in conversations and I'm pretty sure it's his way getting people to listen to what he's saying.
I shrugged, "Not too far." I truthfully told him.
"You might want to hurry up on that, we have a test next week." He reminded me. He was practically my walking and talking planner along with being one of my best friends.
"Yeah, yeah, I know." I waved him off as I pulled my hair out of the ponytail it's been in all day. "I won't read it and use SparkNotes and get a B like every other test I take." I said, giving him a cheesy smile.
He rolled his eyes, "Why don't you just read it an get an A?" He asked. School came easy for him as it did for me, but that didn't keep him from actually doing his work and being the perfect student he was.
"Because I'm a busy woman, Ashton." I joked, picking up my brush at waving it towards him in a taunting manner.
"Then where are you going now?" He finally asked. It was pretty obvious that I was leaving, or at least getting ready to, when he stopped by.
"Nowhere important." I simply stated.
He raised an eyebrow at me, "Then why don't you miss it and stay home?"
I sighed, figuring it was the best just to tell him what I'm up to. "Because I'm going and having over my partially annotated book to Luke." I sneaked a glance over at him, seeing the blank expression he had on his face while he watched me run my fingers through the ends of my hair. He quickly shook his head, furrowing his eyebrows at me.
"You should've made him do it by himself!" He exclaimed, getting a short laugh from me.
"I'll be catching up on reading with him too so what's wrong with it?" I asked, giving him a small smile as my hands dropped to my hips and I faced him.
"I'm sure you guys won't be getting any work done." He suggestively said, his lips pulling into a sly smile. "If you know what I mean." He teased.
"We haven't done anything!" I shot back, getting an 'I'm not stupid' look from him. I tilted my head at him, trying to convince him. "I'm serious." I blankly said.
He softly laughed at me, "I'm glad you have Luke to do all of your crazy things with."
"Homework isn't crazy." I pointed out, turning my back to him as I left my bathroom.
"I meant that all of the things I have enough common sense to not do, you do with him instead." He said as he hopped off my counter and followed behind me.
I rolled my eyes, "You say it like I'm robbing banks and playing with ouija boards." I huffed as I turned back to talk to him.
"I didn't mean to offend you, I'm sorry." He sighed, shaking his hands through his hair. "I'll let you go have your play date and I will weep as I'm on my way to work." He told me as I reached over for my book bag on my bed.
I narrowed my eyes at him, clutching onto my straps as I slung my bag over my shoulders. "You're annoying and I'm late, so I'll be leaving."
"Come on Ands, don't be like that." He gave a fake whine as we left my room and headed straight to my front door.
"Bye." I simply said, grabbing onto the door handle and letting him walk out first. I followed behind him and headed towards my car as he went to his.
"Bye!" Ashton finally called out, giving me what looked like an overly excited wave along with a cheesy grin. I shook my head as I tossed my bag into my passenger seat and I gave him a small wave back as he drove off.
I sat down in my car, pulling my phone out of my pocket to check the time as I started my car. I pulled my seat belt over my shoulder and threw my phone by my book bag and drove off. The 10 minute car ride was practically nothing by now and I had seemed to get there in just a minute tops.
I slowly drove up to Luke's house, spotting his car right out front. I pulled in behind him and parked. I got out and hurried around to the other side of my car and snatched my back pack from the seat and shut the door.
From the few times I'd been at his house, he had always brought me through the garage door and I figured that was the best way to go inside. I headed that way as I sent him a message saying I was finally here since the fact that I was showing up almost half an hour later than expected.
I approached the door, not even bothering to knock since he was the only was at home and was expecting me. I twisted the knob, letting myself in.
"Luke?" I called out, shutting the door behind me.
"What?" He answered, sounding like he was in the same room as me even though I didn't see him standing in the kitchen.
I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as I wandered around the large granite counter in his kitchen. I spotted him laying down on his back as he scrolled through his phone in his hand. He was also in just sweat pants, his shirt missing and a single hand wrapped in the black tape he had.
"What are you doing? And where are your clothes?" I asked, looking around the room. I set my bag down on the counter and looked back down at him as he ran a hand through his hair.
"Well somebody showed up half an hour late and I was going to go and hit a bag full of sand, but I got too lazy." He explained, getting up off of the hardwood floor.
I nodded, "Understandable." I said as he stood up in front of me. He peered down at me with that stupid smirk he always had and I raised an eyebrow at him.
"And do you really have a problem with me being shirtless?" He asked. My expression fell as I glared up at him, my lips my tugging into a small smile.
"I do have a problem with you being on the arrogant side, but I can manage." I told him, his smirk falling as he took a step back from me.
"Beat me at my own game, Andy Emerson." He said, grabbing his t-shirt from off of the back of the chair. He nodded towards the room next to us as he started peeling the tape off his hand. "Living room." He muttered, nudging me to get out of the way so he could get to the trash can.
I nodded and grabbed my bag. I tugged a strap over one shoulder and headed to the room over.
Apparently he had two living rooms since I didn't spot the red love seat we were on the first time I was here. I wasn't surprised since his house was in fact huge and shrugged, letting my back pack slide off. I picked it up off the floor and was about to set it on the couch when Luke had stopped me.
"Not on the couch!" He quickly said, rushing over to me and taking the blue bag from my hands.
"What? Why?" I asked. He put my book bag in the couch across from where I was about to and turned back to me.
"My parents are literally insane about this thing. They got it from my grandparents or something and if I even breathe near it then they freak out." He explained as I slowly nodded. I'd never met his parents and he barely ever spoke of them, but when he did it was pretty interesting.
"Then why are we working in here?" I questioned.
"Because there's a perfectly good table and two chairs in here." He answered, gesturing in front of him.
"And in your kitchen, dining room, and other living room along with your actual room." I added. He peered down at me, giving me a faint frown.
"No need to be a smart ass." He said, turning around so we were face to face.
"No need to be a dumb ass." I replied as I crossed my arms over my chest. My small smile was growing as his irritation with me was.
"To the other living room it is." He grumbled, pushing past me and heading down a hall and turning a corner to the other side of his house.
We threw our things onto the ground, both collapsing on the couch at the same time. We spent some time just listening to the faint music Luke had turned on and just sat and made quiet conversation. His snarky remarks still continued as it was obvious he hadn't gotten out of the image he put on at school.
At school, he kept to himself and his friends which was normal. When it came to his attitude and tone it got a little more sharp and snappier. It wasn't necessarily in a rude way, but he definitely didn't take anything from anyone. Even though most people were a little weary to approach him in the first place.
It made me wonder why he had been so relaxed and nice around me. Out of all of the people to pick up and stick with it was me. The first day I met him he was showing his little bad ass side so somewhere in between day one and now something changed with him. Or even with me.
We had been working on our books for nearly an hour, minus Luke's frequent snack breaks and my horrible ability to stay on task. We'd finally been able to figure something out and with bowls of chips on the table and my head resting in Luke's lap as he made me read out loud to him, we had been pretty productive.
"The light in darkly brilliant." I read, quickly glancing up at Luke to make sure he was listening. "There are different mountains up there, but they are mountains, with their own white arctic snows." I paused as the paragraph broke. Luke had put his own book down and read over my shoulder as I spoke.
"They had emerged at the top of the high-stacked cumulo-nimbus, and now began lazily to drift don its contours, as Fenchurch eased Arthur in turn from his clothes, prised him free of them till all were gone, winding their surprised way down into the enveloping witness." I glanced up at him, his eyes glued onto the paper as he tugged on his bottom lip just slightly.
I inhaled sharply, taking a breath before reading on again.
"She kissed him, kissed his neck, his chest, and soon they were drifting on, turning slowly, in a kind of speechless T-shape, which might have caused even a Fuolormis Fire Dragon," I stopped in the middle of the sentence to giggle as well as Luke. I looked up at him for a second, catching his stare on me and going right back to reading. "Had one flown past, replete with pizza, to flap its wings and cough a little."
I stopped before the next paragraph again, both of us sharing a little laugh again. I felt him wriggle around underneath me and I sat up so he could get comfortable again. I turned around to face him and sat with my legs crossed as I watched him sit up a little straighter and take his feet off the table in front of him.
I put my book back in front of me and took in another breath before going on again. Suddenly he had taken the book from my hands, tossing it behind him without care. I felt his hand on the back of my neck, lightly tugging me towards his direction. And in a matter of seconds he had placed his lips on mine.
I spent no time wrapping my hands around his neck and pulling just as hard towards me. His hand crept onto my hip and he pushed on it, telling me that he wanted me to scoot back. He had moved me to where my back was on the side of the arm rest of the couch.
Now both of his hands were on my hips as my fingers pulled on the back of his hair. My mind was completely blank as he kissed me and the only thing I wanted was him just a little closer. It seemed like he had read my mind as he pushed my knees apart so he could crawl in between my legs and close the space between us.
He kept fidgeting with his hands, trying to stabilize himself while also trying to keep them on me. He groaned and pulled back from me for a mere second so he could keep so much of his weight off of me then went straight back to kissing me. Just as his tongue swiped across my bottom lip I was the one to pull back to where just our foreheads were touching.
"What about Kat?" I asked, still being able to feel his slow breath on my lips. He smirked hesitantly lingering over my lips.
"Fuck Kat." He lowly said. He took my silence as the chance to go back to kissing me. My lips parted for him and soon things had heated up more than I'm sure that he intended.
My bottom lip was being tugged at by his teeth, making me putty in his hands. I relaxed a little more into the couch as he kisses were becoming softer, but by the roaming of his hands on me I could tell it wouldn't be stopping there.
I could feel his fingers hooking into my belt loops, tugging them up and to his own hips. My heart sped up a little as I let out a short gasp before shutting my mouth and kissing him just a little harder to try to cover up the fact that I nearly moaned at hip to hip contact.
He smirked against my lips and it made me want to actually smack it off his face, but not when his hands were fumbling around with the button of my jeans.
"Is this alright?" He quietly mumbled as he still tried to kiss me.
I nodded a few times, not giving him an answer out loud. He moved his head down so he could start leaving a few kisses down my neck. I could hear the sound of my zipper being undone as he nipped at my skin, being sure to leave a little bruise that I'm sure would be noticeable tomorrow.
He pulled away from me and grabbed the sides of my jeans to tug them down to where I was able to just kick them off. He went back to kissing me before I even got that done and before he could see how red my cheeks had turned.
His fingertips brushed across my lower stomach, tickling me just a little. I giggled at the touch and that hadn't stopped him from continuing doing it.
"Now isn't the time to act fucking cute, Andy." Luke said, his smile small as his hands wandered down to the edge of the lace underwear I had on.
His nose nudged mine and I glanced up at him, catching his eye. He pulled at the lace, sliding it off of me and in the process brushing my shirt up just enough to expose my midriff. I inhaled sharply as his fingers had pressed against me and I bit down on my lower lip from the sensation he was giving me.
He slipped a single finger inside me and left another kiss on my neck. As he worked his fingers he had moved down to my collarbone and bit at my skin every time he had gotten me to wriggle underneath him.
I had a handful of his hair, my other hand by my mouth to bite down on my knuckles when I needed to. He couldn't keep his lips off of me and every time he broke the contact from my skin he just attached right onto another patch of my fair skin.
"Shit," I gasped as he picked up his pace again.
His lips would press lightly on my temple every so often as he was now focused on me and how I was reacting to him.
My body started tensing as he was pushing me closer to my edge and just seconds later my back arched from the pleasure. A quiet drawn out moan fell from my lips as he pumped slower and let me come down from my high.
I breathed heavily, he fingers still moving slow inside me. He pressed his lips softly on mine this time before getting up off of me and grabbing my jeans off the floor.
"You might want these." He teased, leaning down and letting them cover me. He started walking off in the other direction and left me on his couch completely in awe as to what had just happened.
I grabbed both pieces of clothing from off his couch and tugged them up my legs. I muttered a few profanities as I struggled to zip and button my pants from the churning feeling that was still in my stomach.
Just as I finished I felt hands on my hips and I turned around to see Luke with a thin smile on his face.
"Thanks for helping me with that book." He said, his words burning my cheeks.
"Of course." I shyly replied, now wondering just how many times he'd be asking me to come over for help.
did i really just write this i cant believe this im only 9
no but i wanted to kind of give you a little insight on andy and ashton's friendship!!
if you cant tell already landy is going to be a friends with benefits type of relationship but it wont be like exactly like that id u just have to keep reading to find out B-)
i hope you liked this and if you did go read the bible!!!
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