chapter fifteen
from: luke skywalker
received: 9:36pm
to: luke skywalker
sent: 9:37pm
from: luke skywalker
received: 9:38pm
How are you
from: luke skywalker
received: 9:38pm
You left your book at my house
to: luke skywalker
sent: 9:40pm
shit are you serious
to: luke skywalker
sent: 9:41
and i'm good, i could go for a donut right now though
from: luke skywalker
received: 9:44pm
from: luke skywalker
received: 9:45
I'll drop it off at your house tomorrow morning :)
to: luke skywalker
sent: 9:45pm
i can get it from you at school, you don't have to show up to my house you goof
from: luke skywalker
received: 9:46pm
to: luke skywalker
sent: 9:46pm
from: luke skywalker
received: 9:47pm
I'll bring you donuts
to: luke skywalker
sent: 9:47pm
Luke wasn't joking when he was showing up to my house in the morning.
My alarm went off at 6:45 and Luke was here at 7:10 on the spot. Since I didn't actually get out of bed until almost 7, I was answering my door in a big baggy t-shirt and shorts as well as the smallest amount of makeup.
When I opened the door Luke was leaning against the brick wall to his right, an arm above his head and his other hand clutching a bag from our local coffee shop that had the absolute best donuts.
"You weren't kidding when you said you'd be over in the morning." I awkwardly laughed. I don't know if it was because I looked like a mess or because I definitely had an unexpected half hookup with him, either way I felt a little bit of tension.
"At least I brought donuts," he replied, shaking the bag he had in the air.
I gestured for him to come in which I'm not exactly sure why since I would just be running back into my room in a few minutes to get ready since I had to leave in 20 minutes.
"Where's your parents?" He asked, realizing that I was the only one home.
"My dad's at work in Peru currently." I told him, leading him to my kitchen.
He nodded, "What about your mom?"
I grabbed my backpack on the table, "She doesn't live with us." I simply said. I reached out my arm to Luke, opening my hand so he would get the gesture that I wanted my book.
He handed it over to me without a word and I could feel him eyeing me as I put it in my bag and zipped it up. "Thanks for the annotations, by the way." He gave me a polite smile, his eye brightening up. "They made me sound smarter than I really am." He joked.
I faced him as I leaned onto the side of the table, my hip supporting my weight against the wood. My arms crossed over my chest, "I know you didn't much of them done." I replied, a half smile to match his that had fallen a bit.
"Was that a reference to me-"
"Yes." I cut him off quickly, my cheeks burning at the reminder that I made the not-so-smart decision of letting Luke get into my pants with no spoken words about how we felt, I guess. If 'us' was an actual thing.
"Cheeky. I like you." He replied, mimicking my stance.
I shrugged, glancing down to the ground. "Not very cheeky, more of just stating my observations." I was trying to push aside the elephant in the room that was the whole 'this kid has seen a lot of you, if you know what I mean'.
He chuckled, it was sort of forced and I could tell. He reached for the tip of his nose, his fingers scratching against it lightly. "I, uh, actually kind of wanted to talk about..." he paused, "That."
I really wanted to roll my eyes, or maybe even punch him if I was really feeling it. Luke was extremely confusing to me, one day he was sweet and kind and the other he was skipping class to smoke and not caring where his hands were going on me. There was no denying that I was attracted to him, and the few times we've kissed I could tell he knew what he was doing. We just didn't communicate about any of our feelings or whatever, for all I know Luke could be a sleaze and just to fuck me. Good thing he's been half way there.
Then there was Kat. And I feared Kat. She was tall and had such dark green eyes. Her red hair was always down and styled perfectly and not one person could miss the tattoo that curves around her forearm. She was wild and took a lot of chances, I could tell. And Luke was crazy for her. He's told me so many times they aren't together, but it doesn't matter. I was more than likely ruining something between them.
"What, us fooling around when you have a girlfriend?" I beamed, tilting my head to the side. It came out a little more harsh than I expected, but I didn't care.
His eyes widened a little, mostly because he was surprised at my reply. "Not my girlfriend," he said, holding up a finger. I raised an eyebrow at him and he just glared at me. "She's not." He calmly replied.
I let my arms fall to my side, "Just follow me to my room, I have to finish getting ready." I sighed.
I turned my back to him and just hoped he was following me. As I approached my room I looked over my shoulder and found that he was in fact behind me. I stepped inside and he came in too. At that point I was thankful for cleaning up the disaster that was my room last week.
"You can sit anywhere." I told him, gesturing to basically my whole room. He just nodded as made his way to my bed as I sat in front of the vanity next to it.
He cleared his throat as I picked up my brush and decided that I could probably just finish my makeup in the car. I turned around to face him, gently combing through my messy hair.
"So yesterday," He began. My eyes fell to the floor, then back up to him as I tuned in to listen to what he had to say. "I actually don't really know what I want to say. I figured we'd have this weird conversation over text, but I didn't want to do that. I feel like you deserve an explanation and I deserve some fixed confusion." He told me, locking his fingers together as they rested in his lap.
I pulled my hair to one side of my neck, "I don't think there's anything to talk-"
"Oh, come on." He interrupted. "We're completely platonic everywhere else besides when we're somewhere secluded. Have you noticed that?" He asked, his head cocked just slightly to the said, as if he wasn't really believing what I had said.
I shrugged, "Not until you just mentioned it." I honestly told him. I never thought about that once. Not at the few times I've seen him at school or when we're with friends. The only time we'd looked a little more than friends in public was when I sat in his lap on his porch at his party, but everyone else was inside.
"Andy Emerson, I know you have an opinion on this." His voice turned more stern, but it wasn't harsh or scary. It was more in a way that wanted me to just spill every single one of my thoughts out from how much it sounded like he needed to know what was on my mind.
"Look, I don't mind messing around here and there and I know you don't either," I paused. "Obviously." I added. "I just don't like the idea that the next day you'll be doing the same thing with Kat." I sighed. I turned back to my mirror, catching his eye in our reflection. "It's not a jealously thing, it's a moral thing. I wouldn't care if she wasn't in the picture." I explained. Luke nodded at my words and rested on his hands behind him.
"She doesn't need to know," he easily said. Like he's said it a hundred times.
"I'm sure she can find out." I scoffed, keeping it in a joking manner. I sighed again and turned back around to him as I started braiding my hair behind me. "I'm trying to save your ass here. Either we can stay friends or go back to whatever this is if you and her decide to call things off." I tied my hairband around the end of my hair as I waited for his response.
He shook his head, "Kat and I aren't even in a relationship and we probably never will be again. I don't want you to feel like you're breaking us apart or something."
I tucked a few strands of loose hair behind my ears and stood up, "Do you not see the part where you're fucking around with not one girl, but two? Does that not set off some sort of red light for you?" I questioned, walking into my bathroom and grabbing my bag of makeup that sat on my counter.
"I've never been in this situation, so I don't really know what to think," he said, nervously chewing on his bottom him.
"Do you know what you want then?" I asked him, sitting back down in my chair.
"Of course not." He quickly replied. "I'd rather spend my days and nights with you, but I've just known Kat for so long and I feel like it would be wrong to cut her off and go off with someone else." He explained.
I smiled, it was nice to hear that someone would give up their day just to sit with me. We seemed to be those type of people that just enjoyed each other's presence, it was always important to have that in a friendship or relationship or in whatever me and Luke are.
"I understand what you mean." I softly told him, having a quick change of heart. "The only advice that I have is that you aren't forced to be with her. If you don't enjoy it or it's just not a healthy relationship or whatever you want to call it, then get the hell out of it." A laugh slipped through my words at the end, it seemed like common sense to me since it's happened to me before, but Luke just didn't have a grip on the idea.
"But I don't want to call things off between us." He gestured from me to him, leaning back onto his knees with his elbows, his fingers intertwining again.
I looked right at him as I spoke, making sure he would understand exactly what I was going to say. "We aren't anything. Just two teenagers having some fun. Keep that in mind. I won't be completely heartbroken if you decide to stay with her." I pointed out. His eyebrows furrowed and he glanced from the carpet on my floor and back up to me.
"But I like you," he smoothly said.
"What?" I asked him, obviously not knowing this.
"I like you. I thought it was obvious by now." He laughed. "If you need me to make a list why I do then I'm sure I could probably do that for you." His smile was sleepy yet still so pretty.
"No," I nervously laughed. I've never really had a boy straight up confess his feelings to my face, it was sort of cute, sort of awkward, but I liked it. "I mean, yeah, I like you too. I just don't want this little flame we have ruin anything for you." I told him, feeling my cheeks warm up as I looked back up at him.
"It won't." He assured me, his voice calm and quiet. He got up from his spot and walked over behind my chair I was sitting on. I turned to face the mirror as I did this so we were both looking at our reflections. "So what are we then?" He asked, peering down at me, or my reflection in this case.
I paused, not exactly knowing. But I'm sure I could give him an answer I suggested most guys would want to hear. "Friends with benefits?" I said, getting an unreadable look from him as he placed his hands on the back of my chair to where his finger tips brushed against my back every so often.
"That erases the whole feelings part, though. I want you to know that I do the things I do because I'm genuinely attracted to you." He spoke, making it known just by the tone of his voice that he was serious and had no plan of just screwing me then screwing me over.
I turned around to him, tilting my head back to look up at him as I bit on the inside of my lip to keep myself from smiling so wide.
"I'll keep it in mind."
i'm soooo sorry for the wait my life is currently hectic i also couldn't find any inspiration or this agh so i hope it's alright
i'm really trying to get back into a normal schedule, but it's just crazy but i'm working hard 4 u guys B)
(it's 1am and i'm multitasking by doing homework and also finishing this ur welcome)
i love u fam!!!
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