final a/n
hey guys! it's me, cal ((:
hmm so this a/n is probably going to be a little shorter than my normal final a/ns, probably because this fic is about half the size of my normal fics haha. this is,,, my fourth klance fic ahhHHH that's insane. don't get me wrong, i loved writing it, but somehow, it felt different from my other fics. maybe because this actually takes place in the voltron universe. or maybe,,, it's because this fic kind of flopped haha.
please please please don't take this the wrong way. i appreciate every single one of my reads with my whole heart and i know that 6k is amazing and i'm so so so grateful. but compared to my other three fics, it was a little disheartening to see this one go under the radar, same as amd. sometimes i wonder if it's because my writing has decreased in quality, which makes me feel worried about the future of my writing, but other times, i think that maybe it's just because the voltron fandom is slowly disappearing.
i didn't really want to say this yet, but considering that if you're still reading this, you're probably an og fandylion, a little while after i finish amd (which will be within the next few days) i have a big announcement that i'm gonna make on my board (so keep ur eyes open haha). i'm not sure how the fandylions are going to take it, but i hope it's received positively. maybe i'm just overhyping it haha
let's see,, i started this fic on january 16th (2019, for future fandylions haha), so this process took just over 6 months,,, wow. uhhhhhuhuhhh what else? this fic basically started because season 8 hurt everyone. i was,,, disappointed to say the least (you can read my season review in hnh if you haven't) and i wanted to make the fandom happy again. i've never written a fix it fic before, but i had a lot of fun writing this one. all of my other klance fics are alternate realities, so obviously i loved exploring realities like that this way.
there isn't much to say about this fic bc it was so short, but feel free to ask me any questions about the plot or the characters or anything really. i hope that i ended the fic well and i hope you're okay with the way it wrapped up ((:
there were a lot of times during my writing process where i lost heart, doubting whether this fic was even good enough to continue, but i've only ever abandoned one book before and i'm never doing it again. and i'm happy i didn't- this book is my baby haha. she took a long ass time time to write but a lot of shit happened through writing it and i believe that i've grown a lot thanks to this fic and the writing process it put me through
writing fics is never easy, and there will always be times when you feel like you should give up or that you're not good enough. but if i had let that feeling control me when i created beat drop, i wouldn't be where i am now. this is the same for any of your passions that you want to pursue. i started at 0 followers and now there are 1.28k fandylions who've joined me on this journey. beat drop started with 0 reads but now it's about to hit 200k. you've gotta start somewhere, but once you do, if you put love and passion and your whole heart into your work, the only way you can go is up.
outliers has made me realize a lot of things about myself (you'll hear about this in a few weeks when i post the note) but i think the most important thing i've learned is that, whether my works get hundreds of thousands of reads or just one, i'll keep on writing for you guys because you're my home. wattpad is my safe place. i doubt there will be a day when i stop writing on it lmao.
even if the subject of my writing changes, i will always be your cal and you will always be my home.
thank you for reading <33
over and out.
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