4. departure
[unedited atm- sorry for any errors<33]
Keith felt Red roar beneath him as they soared away from Earth. It was easier this time- his home was no longer rooted in the physicality of the planet, it was where his mother was, where the Alliance was, where his friends were. Of course, there was always a risk going out like this, but he was used to that risk now. He seized his opportunities and took them.
Keith flexed his knuckles, familiarizing himself with Red's controls once again. He remembered doing this the first time, way back when Shiro had flown the Black Lion and he and Lance had been in Red and Blue respectively. He remembered the resistance he'd felt at first.
Flying Black, it felt like a privilege, a bond of leadership and a promise of duty. But, back in Red, Keith was nothing but bundled nerves, fast reflexes, and pure energy. Red presented no limits.
Keith's radio buzzed and he flicked on the receiver, a small screen showing up on his windshield with Coran's exuberant face displayed upon it. "You did it!" Coran crowed as if he'd doubted the duo.
Keith chuckled warmly. "We're on track for the coordinates for the first jump Coran. It should only take us a few doboshes until we're set."
Coran soluted and exited the transmission.
Keith leaned back in his seat and sighed. He looked over at Blue, who was flying beside and slightly behind him. Keith opened a transmission with Lance, smiling tentatively when Lance's determined face popped up on the screen.
"Hey, man," Lance greeted in a thin, reedy voice. Keith recognized the tone as anxiety.
"Hey. Doing okay?"
"Fine," Lance replied shortly. His blue eyes flicked down to the transmission to meet Keith's and he managed a small smile, but it didn't reach past his lips.
Keith knew that this couldn't be easy for Lance. To be sitting in the same seat that Allura had occupied, his hands over the traces of herself she'd left. Keith could only hope that the sweet smell of her trademark Altean perfume wasn't lingering in the cockpit. "I know this is hard-" he tried gently but was cut off by Lance.
"I said it was fine," the Blue paladin interrupted, but there was nothing malicious in his voice, only tired insistence. Keith left it alone and nodded, trying not to push anything until Lance was ready to talk about it.
This was almost trademark, Keith thought. The resistance against opening up, Keith knew it well, but he'd been able to see that soft part of Lance before. He only hoped that it hadn't been closed down permanently.
Keith closed the transmission and instead focused on the mission. He and Lance were traveling to Black's last known coordinates before he stepped into the other reality, and they'd start there with their search.
Since it was such new technology, they really didn't know what to expect. Of course, the Trans-Reality Access Modulator, or what Coran had otherwise named the TRAM, had been (theoretically) tested and the Olkari guaranteed that it was safe, but there was always a sliver of doubt that was to be expected with such new technology.
Keith was up for the risk, though.
As he and Lance neared the coordinates, Keith began preparing Red for the jump- securing everything and shutting down all but the necessary power systems so that the jump would be easier on the Lion. Keith made sure that Lance did the same with a quick transmission.
Just as he'd predicted, Red halted to a slow stop within a few doboshes, just as Keith had secured everything and double-checked the systems. He slid back into the seat and opened up his transmission with Lance again.
The Blue paladin was out of the frame, but Keith could hear him clambering around in the background, securing everything and mumbling, "So many enchiladas..."
Keith had to bite his lip to keep from laughing.
"Alright, all set," Lance said as he finally slipped back into the frame. Keith added Coran to the transmission.
"We're ready to go, Coran. I'm going to release the TRAM."
"All set on TRAM," Coran confirmed, his face serious.
Keith released the lever for Red's jaws, where she was carrying the TRAM and watched the small sphere, maybe the size of two fists, float up in front of the two floating lions. Within a few ticks, the sphere began to glow, the light expanding outwards and growing more and more brilliant until it gained a definite shape.
A vortex just big enough for a Lion to fit through swirled before them, the familiar teal-blue of the Quintessence lighting up their surroundings.
"We're going in, Coran," Keith informed the Altean. He felt his heartbeat pick up a bit and could sense adrenaline coursing through his veins. His nerves were alight with anticipation.
"Good luck, boys. Do us proud." Coran's face disappeared, leaving only the transmission with Lance.
Keith inhaled shakily. "I'll go first, okay?" he told Lance. "Follow right behind me."
Lance nodded, his blue eyes wide and distracted. He looked like a little kid who was about to watch a scary movie for the first time. Keith was tempted to ask Lance if he wanted to wait a few weeks, if he was sure that he was ready for the mission, if there was anything Keith could do to help, but he decided against prying.
He trusted Lance. They'd do this together.
"See you on the other side," Keith mumbled and turned off the transmission, leaving only himself and Red. "You ready, girl?" he whispered. Red purred, and Keith took courage from her confidence. There was something more than metal parts and buttons to Red, just like all the other lions. It was almost like they were alive.
Keith didn't hesitate. Gritting his teeth, he carefully guided Red through the blinding pool of Quintessence.
The roar of energy and pure light deafened and blinded Keith momentarily, but as his eyes and ears were able to adjust again, the sight that lay before him made his jaw go slack.
hey guys!!
lmao shortass chapter, I know, but I've been hella busy and stressed ((((((: I hope u liked it anyways <3
qotd: whats your patronus? or an animal you associate with?
aotd: a pangolin
i love u sm <33333 have a great rest of ur week!!
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