17. the investigation
Keith opened his eyes and immediately regretted it. Bright light met his pupils, too bright for this early in the morning, too bright for... Too bright for the inside of Red. Keith bolted upright and immediately regretted that when he very nearly slammed his head on the top of the bunk above him.
Bunk? What the fuck is going on here? Where's Lance?
Keith looked around desperately, trying to piece together his surroundings. He was in a small, square room, cement walls on three sides and thick iron bars on the third, a swinging door built into it. The floor was also cool, grey cement and the only furniture in the room was the bunk bed on which Keith sat, a toilet, and a sink.
Is this a... jail cell?
Standing, Keith tried to dig back into his memories for any clue of how he got here, but he came up with nothing. The last thing he remembered was falling asleep in Red's pilot seat, worrying about what the hell he and Lance were going to do now that the TRAM was decimated.
Walking up to the bars of the cell, he tried his best to see into the hallway, but it looked like it was empty.
"Hey!" he called loudly. "Hello? Is anyone there?"
No response.
"Hello? Anyone? Is anyone in here? My name is Keith Kogane and I'm a Paladin of Voltron."
Keith cursed- he probably shouldn't have given that away. But, on the other hand, whoever had captured him had probably captured Blue and Red too, so they probably knew that he and Lance were the Paladins of Voltron. Whether that was a good or a bad thing, he didn't know.
Where was Lance?
Keith was about to call out again when he heard the sound of a heavy door opening and closing, followed by footsteps down the hall. He reflexively stood back, away from the bars of the cage, in case he needed to fight his way out. He didn't have his Blade or his bayard on him, but he was still pretty damn good hand-to-hand.
However, he immediately put a raincheck on the fighting impulse he had when he saw the two men who showed up in front of his door. Were they men? They were obviously guards, dressed in all black with bullet-proof vests on, rifles slung across their shoulders and with masks over their faces.
One of the guards took a keychain from his pocket and unlocked Keith's door. The second guard walked inside, grabbed Keith's arm (not roughly, but definitely with a firm grip) and led him out. He proceeded to click handcuffs around Keith's wrists (in front of him, thank Quiznak) and Keith had to actually bite the inside of his cheek to keep from saying "Kinky". The second guard waited for the first to close the door behind Keith, then he grabbed Keith's other arm and began to lead him down the hallway.
This, naturally, was when Keith started to get scared. Well, not scared really, just anxious. He had no idea where the fuck he was, where Lance was, where he was going, etc. etc. The list went on. In short, he was way too confused and anxious to even try to resist the guards.
The two guards led him out of the hallway and through the heavy door into yet another hallway. Keith almost wanted to ask the guards if they knew where they were going as they traversed through the hallway maze, but decided against it when he realized that they were approaching a dead end with a single door on the right side. It looked pretty intimidating if he was being honest.
The guard who had had the key to Keith's cell stepped in front of the door and unlocked it with the same keychain (Keith didn't know how the hell he kept track of all those keys) and the second guard pushed Keith inside.
The inside of the mystery room was surprisingly ironic. The same size and shape as the cell Keith'd just been in, but this time, it had no bunk or sink or toilet, just a large, flat table with two chairs on one side and one on the other.
"Keith!" Lance sat in one of the chairs, opposite from a man in a button-up shirt and tie and dress slacks. The man's blazer was hung on the back of his chair and he had an almost comically plain face, kinda like Clark Kent if he was a lot less attractive and muscular.
Keith looked to Lance and noticed the handcuffs on his wrists, but other than that, he couldn't see that he had any injuries. The Clark-Kent-looking-guy motioned for Keith to sit down and, reluctantly, he did, sitting in the empty chair beside Lance.
"You okay?" Keith asked the Blue Paladin, who smiled and nodded, nudging Keith with his elbow playfully. Keith looked beyond Clark Kent's head and noticed that one of the walls of the room was a mirror. He squinted. Was this some kind of interrogation?
"Alright, boys, let's start from the top. Where are you from?"
"Eat a dick," Lance suggested happily.
Clark Kent rubbed the bridge of his nose like he'd been going through this for the past ten minutes. He probably had with how pleasantly pissed Lance looked.
"Look, Assman. You abducted us, took our Lions who-knows-where, and haven't answered any of my questions. We're not telling you quiznak until you give us a little background." Keith looked at Lance with a sly smile. He had to say, Lance was pretty good at throwing a fit.
"Now, you listen here. If you don't start acting professionally and with an appropriate manner, I'll send you right back to your cell." The Investigator had a vein popping out of his forehead.
"Oh, Investigator, I'm about to wet my panties in suspense," Lance deadpanned. "Who are you, my dad?"
The Investigator looked like he was about to explode, his face red. Slowly, he turned to look at Keith. "Perhaps you can be more reasonable."
Keith sat back in the chair with a smirk on his face. "Perhaps," he said with a dopey face, mimicking the Investigator. Lance laughed quietly.
"Please, we're just trying to conduct an investigation here. I've had a rough day and I just need some answers."
Keith pretended to think for a moment. "That sounds like a you problem, Investigator."
Lance broke out into giggles and the Investigator looked like he'd lost any and all confidence in humanity. There was a sudden voice over the intercom: "Investigator, this is going nowhere."
The Investigator straightened immediately, eyes attentive. "Yes, sir. What should I do, sir?"
"Guards," the intercom said boredly. The two guards from before (at least, that's what Keith thought- they looked identical, though) entered the room and promptly cocked both of their rifles in sync. Keith nearly jumped out of the chair.
"What the quiznak?!"
"Let's try this again, gentlemen. Which planet do-"
Suddenly, the people who occupied the investigation room heard a muffled bang, then two more. They didn't really sound like gunshots but the Investigator looked up, squinting at the sound's direction. It seemed to be coming from the wall with the two-way mirror.
"Corporal?" The Investigator asked the empty air.
Then, with a deafening crash, the two-way mirror shattered. The guards immediately started shooting through the chasm in the wall and Keith pushed Lance out of his chair and onto the floor, shielding him with his body. Ear-splitting gunshots rang out through the room and Keith closed his eyes tightly, covering Lance the best he could with his hands still cuffed.
The room was suddenly silent. Someone tapped Keith's shoulder. The Red Paladin slowly pulled himself off Lance, who looked scared out of his mind, and turned to look at the figures who'd interrupted the interrogation.
They both wore masks similar to those of the guards, but their outfits were definitely different. The taller of the two wore a blue turtleneck under a long olive-green trenchcoat, his sweater tucked into cargo pants.
The shorter figure was fitted in dark jeans and a cropped black jacket with fur on the lining. A pair of goggles hung around his neck.
Both of them held large blasters, the taller of the two double-fisting strange, cyber-punk rifles. They had a few other weapons strapped to their bodies as well, and Keith noticed an eerily familiar blade in a hilt buckled around the shorter figure's thigh.
"Let's go," the taller of the two told the two Paladins, looking over his shoulder at the doorway, "we don't have much time."
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