Hey guys! I'm baaaaack with a new story! Yes, I am so sorry that I didn't post this in January like I said I would but I have been crazy busy like you wouldn't believe. Literally I have had barely any time for writing and I still need to fix the next chapter. >.< But anyway, I thought you guys have been waiting long enough for my next story and because today is LEAP DAY I decided to celebrate by posting the prologue! Now IDK how often I will be able to update right now because my workload is awful, I have to take the ACT tomorrow and I just have even more personal crap I have to do. So... bare with me. But the more comments and votes I get, the faster I go. ;) Lol, but seriously, comments are a big motivator for me to hurry up.
Anywho, before I stop talking (I guess talking), this prologue is dedicated to both Xx_Mimic_xX for trying to make me a cover and to ani-and-his-angel for making me THE AWESOME COVER YOU SEE BEFORE YOU! Thank you both! And also thank you to MrSettles for being my beta reader for this story.
Also shout out to @emjen_enla and her story What if: Ghost for inspiring this story.
Alrighty without further ado... here we go...
The ever gray sky loomed above, crying, sobs erupting from the innermost parts of the clouds. Rain slammed the concrete below mercilessly, pounding it with the force of a thousand soldiers. Thunder rumbled ominously as if searching quietly for prey. The water from above accumulated quickly, flooding the streets of the Galactic City. Weather of this nature was uncommon among the capital city of the galaxy, and those with decency stayed indoors. However, those that were members of the Jedi or Sith guilds were not ones that radiated decency to most people.
Two hooded figures stood amidst the rain pounding their backs. Their presence was even more mysterious as their inky cloaks whipped around them, showing no facial features of any kind. One could not even tell whether these people were aliens, humans, male or female. The pair walked calmly, despite the rain and the fact that they were in lower levels of Galactic City. The synchronization of their steps was almost unnatural, a rhythm that resonated through the concrete streets below.
The wind suddenly began to calm and the taller figure of the two abruptly stopped. Standing absolutely still, the being gazed its sharp eyes around, looking, searching, feeling for something...
The shorter of the two then noticed that its counterpart was no longer following. Turning around to find its statuesque partner, the being ran up to the its partner, nudging it softly.
"Master," The being murmured, his voice clearly belonging to a human male. "What is wrong?"
His master removed the hood covering its face, revealing a middle aged man beneath.
"Do you not feel it?" He asked softly, his now soaked hair spilling around his shoulders. His apprentice also removed his hood, a braid spiraling down the side of face.
"No," He answered. "What is it?"
"I don't know... but the force is abnormally strong around here... like it is telling us something..." The older man trailed off, eyes glazed as he searched for the source of the force.
"Master Qui-Gon, maybe it is just the rain... we should get indoors." His apprentice said and began to drag Qui-Gon with him.
"No, Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon firmly stated, "Something is here, we must find it."
"I just-" Obi-Wan abruptly stopped, his face in unreadable shock. He faced his master, in awe of what he was feeling.
"I feel it, too." He remarked simply.
"It better not be a trap by the Sith guild, if so, we are in very-" A startling cry cut off Qui-Gon, leaving the pair looking around all over.
"Is that-?"
"This way!" Qui-Gon called to his apprentice and he ran over to the other end of the street, Obi-Wan on his heels. Another clap of thunder screamed over the landscape as the two Jedi raced across the sidewalk, following the sound of the earlier exclamation.
"In here!" Qui-Gon shouted, ushering Obi-Wan into an alcove he stumbled upon. Both entered into the darken alley, force senses alert to whatever danger this area may bring. Obi-Wan's eyed the brick walls, almost frightened about how strong the force was in this premises. The cry that was heard earlier faded into a quiet whimper... almost childlike...
Qui-Gon followed the sound, slowly walking farther into the alcove. He rounded a small corner to find a small box in the middle of the area. The sniveling sounds grew louder as he neared. Obi-Wan was right behind his master, peering over his shoulder at the box.
"It's coming from the inside of that box?" He whispered to himself in a quizzical manner, wondering what in blazes a whimpering box was doing out here.
Qui-Gon inched closer, now only a few inches away from the box, and peered inside. His ocean colored eyes widened in shock at the sight before him. Inside the box was an infant wrapped in shreds of a blanket, a boy, his face bright red from crying. Qui-Gon instantly sent soothing feelings through the force to the child and it gradually calmed him down. However, the master was stunned to see how much raw force potential this infant had. The young boy was sending his own force messages to Qui-Gon, ones of fear, anguish and panic. Qui-Gon knew it was instinctual, that the boy wasn't purposefully sending these messages. Yet the forcefulness, the sheer power that the master was reading coming off of this boy was amazing.
"His midichlorian count... that's impossible..." Qui-Gon thought, brushing a strand of his long, glossy hair out of his face. Qui-Gon leaned closer and extended his arms as if he was going to pick up the child-
When Obi-Wan yanked him back and Qui-Gon fell to the dusty ground below.
"What are you doing?!" Obi-Wan asked, his expression nearly hysterical.
"I could ask you the same question, my young apprentice." Qui-Gon stated matter-of-factly, crossing his arms.
"Don't touch him! You don't know what he is capable of, please tell me you sense the power inside of him." Obi-Wan scolded, eyeing the boy.
"Obi-Wan, he is just a child. He is strong but harmless," Qui-Gon paused, "I sense he will be more powerful than Master Yoda."
"I agree," Obi-Wan muttered warily, "He is powerful."
"That is my we must take him, he will be an amazing addition to our guild." Qui-Gon said.
"No, I don't think they will take him, he is too unpredictable." His apprentice commented.
"Obi-Wan, you're not suggesting of us abandoning this child here? To fend for itself?"
"I-I don't know-"
"Alright, no," Obi-Wan started, running a hand through his hair, "I was just saying that we shouldn't take him. There is an orphanage that is a couple of blocks away from here, we can take him and drop him off there."
"Obi-Wan, don't you see? His force sensitivity, his midichlorians, you can't ignore his power! He belongs with us! If he goes to the orphanage and is discovered with his power, he will be killed. You know that." Qui-Gon stressed, his eyes pleading with Obi-Wan. The younger man was silent, averting his eyes from Qui-Gon.
"Do you think that is why his mother left him?" Obi-Wan inquired softly.
"No, she was trying to protect him," Qui-Gon answered, "I can sense it on him. Not emotions of disgust and fear, but ones of love, sadness, and courage."
"They must have threatened her if she didn't give him up to be killed. She then ran off and concealed him here-" Obi-Wan hesitated, unsure if he should continue with his train of thought.
"What is it, Obi-Wan?"
With a sigh, Obi-Wan continued "Do you think she-?"
"No, she is gone." A simple statement yet it held all the weight of evilness of those in power. Obi-Wan's jaw hardened, shaking his head in disgust.
"How could they do that?" He murmured in disbelief.
"They don't want to take any more chances since one of our kind killed their child. However, the protection and security has been too overbearing, I don't want this child's fate to be the same as its mother's." Qui-Gon remarked, rubbing the child's head.
"I-I agree." Obi-Wan said, nodding as if reassuring himself.
"Okay then," Qui-Gon bent down and took the child in his arms. However, when he stood up, a small piece of flimsy paper spiraled to rest on the ground. Obi-Wan stooped down to pick it up and read the two worded message on the flimsy.
"Anakin Skywalker." Obi-Wan whispered. He looked towards the child and Qui-Gon couldn't help but smile.
"Hello, Anakin. You are going to be a Jedi, I promise you." Qui-Gon whispered to the bundle in his arms. The child just stared back with his shocking azure eyes, filled no longer with fear, but with a sparkling tremor of hope.
Yes, I know some of the stuff rn may be confusing but it'll get cleared up eventually, don't worry. :) Anyway, votes and comments are always appreciated! *waves*
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