What is it with interruptions today?
Brantley’s POV:
Dave was just finishing up my tattoo when PJ strolled onto the bus. Immediately, I could feel the tension rolling off of him in waves. Something had happened and based on the brooding bull look he was wearing, it wasn't something minor. Seeing PJ look like he was ready to commit murder had my heckles rising. I was usually the one wearing the look he had, not him.
“What happened?” I said, sitting up and swigging my legs over the side of the table. As I did, the tender skin on my lower abdomen pulled tight, reminding me that tonight was going to be interesting as far as performing.
“I just kept Lil Bit from murdering Blake.” said PJ as he stood at the sink washing his hands. At his words, I flew from off the table and over to him so fast that I wasn't even sure my feet hit the floor. When I reached his side, I saw that the water swirling down the drain was tinted pink from blood.
“Who’s fucking blood is that?” I roared, seeing red. So help me, if PJ says that even a drop of that is Ash’s I’ll murder Blake with my bare hands. I’d heard rumors of him being at a few stops this season but hadn't wanted to believe that he would try to get near her. Guess I was wrong.
“Blake’s. Pretty sure he had a broken jaw though.” said PJ, continuing to wash his hands.
“Where is Ash?” I said, my tone anxious. I needed to see for myself that she is okay.
“Over on Luke and Nicole’s bus, Boss” said PJ.
Not even bothering to grab a shirt, I jammed my feet into my nikes and ran off the bus. Running as fast as my legs would take me, I ran at full speed until I found myself at Luke and Nicole’s bus. When I reached the door, I pounded on it hard, not caring if I scared the shit out of whomever was on the bus. When the door swung wide and I saw Nicole standing there, I didn't wait for her to invite me in. Careful not to bump her after what Ash had told me this morning about Nicole being pregnant, I slipped past her, and walked onto the bus. When I laid eyes on Ash, I breathed a sigh of relief. Without a word, I walked over to her and lifted her, wrapping my arms around her and holding her tight against me. I let the scent of her coconut perfume mixed with her sweet scent of her shampoo wash over me and calm me.
“Br-Brantley? Are you okay?” said Ash, pulling me back to reality and making me realize that I had to be hurting her side. Easing my hold on her, I let her feet hit the floor as I placed my palms on either side of her face.
“Better now that I know you're okay.” I said before placing my lips over hers. I’d intended for the kiss to be gentle and caring, but just like it always was with her, it wasn't. I felt the flame that burned between us building higher and higher each time our tongues tangled and knew that I needed to get her to myself. Summoning every ounce of willpower I had within me, I broke the kiss and rested my forehead against hers. “You're really okay?”
“Yes.” she whispered, her breath coming out in pants from the intensity of our kiss.
“Holy crap. If I wasn't already knocked up, I would be now from watching you two together.” said Nicole, pulling Ash and I from our own little world. I smiled with male pride and Ash buried her face into the bare skin of my chest.
“You know how it is.” I said matter-a-factly, my smile one of pure male pride.
“I do.” said Nicole, smiling at the two of us knowingly. “Now if y’all will excuse me, I need to go get dressed so I can watch my man give another one of his amazing shows.”
With that, Nicole walked off to the bedroom, silently shutting the door behind her. I didn't get the chance to tell Ash that that was our cue to leave because before I had even realized it, she had her fingers laced with mine and was dragging my six foot frame behind her as if I was a child.
When she and I climbed off the bus, I lifted her, and slammed her back against the side of Luke’s bus before planting my lips over hers in a blistering kiss, absorbing the moan that slipped past her lips. The feelings I was feeling at the moment were unlike anything I had ever felt before. The thought of her being hurt had been something that I hadn't ever wanted to think about. Instead of voicing my feelings, I poured them into a kiss as my hands plamed her ass, digging my fingers into the cheeks, knowing that I was goine to leave marks.
Ashlyn’s nails dug into the tender skin on the back of my neck at the same time as she wrapped her legs around my waist and rubbed her pussy against my cock. Instantly, I was hard as steel and ready to claim her. And I would have to consider it would have been so easy to slip her panties to the side since she was wearing a dress. It would be so easy to slip one of the thin straps on her shoulder down and draw one of her nipples into my mouth. But the clearing of a throat behind me had me growling in frustration. What is it with people interrupting me today? With a growl, I broke the kiss, but continued to hold Ash tight against me. The blue of her eyes was almost black from the desire she had flowing through her veins.
“PJ needs you. VIP is about to start” said Ben sheepishly. He knew I was going to kill him. In fact, I was already thinking of new and inventive ways that I could do it and no one know it was me.
“I’m sure the fanc can wait 15 fucking minutes,” I said through clenched teeth. Dammit all to hell. This was the second time today someone had kept me from doing what I wanted. Ben didn't even bother waiting for a reply. Good damn thing too because I can promise you, he wouldn't have liked what I would have said.
“Before anybody else can imterupt us, I'm carrying you to that bus and I'm going to check every inch of you with my own eyes to make sure you're not hurt.” I growled as I began walking us in the direction of my bus.
“You won't hear me complaining.” said Ash before lowering her mouth to my neck. When her teeth sank into the tender flesh that connected my neck to my shoulder, I stumbled but quickly righted myself. This woman was going to be the death of me, but wouldn't it be one hell of a way to die.
“As much as I don't want to sweetheart, I have to get to VIP before PJ sends the hounds looking for me.” I said as I lay on my back in the middle of the bed, Ashlyn’s head rested over my heart as one arm draped over my waist just above my fresh ink. We were both sweaty and breathless from tearing at one another as soon as I’d climbed the first step onto my bus. At my words, Ashlyn nuzzled into my chest and placed her lips against the skin over the middle of my chest, sending flames of desire through my veins. Damn, this woman was as sensual as they come. Digging the tips of my fingers into her ass, I growled and said “I'm serious baby. I gotta go.”
“Fine.” she huffed but the effect was lost when I looked down at her and saw that her blue eyes glittered with contentment. Seeing her so happy had my own smile spreading wider.
“Get dressed and meet me at VIP. That is unless you need to check on things with Luke.” I said.
“Actually, I do need to check on him. Shouldn't take long though. He's a good boy and stays out of trouble for the most part.” Ashlyn said as she made a move to sit up. With a deep breath, I sat up and stood from the bed before walking into the bathroom, not bothering to shut the door. I needed a quick shower before VIP.
“Okay.” I yelled over the sound of the water rushing through the pipes in the shower.
Once the water was heated, I climbed inside and took the fastest shower I think I have ever taken in all of my 36 years. With my towel tired low on my hips, I walked out into the bedroom to see Ashlyn slipping that pretty little pink floral dress she had on only moments ago over her head. Seeing Ashlyn naked was beautiful, but seeing her getting dressed was something else. Something more meaningful. Before I could even think about my train of thought, I caught myself wondering what it would be like to watch her getting dressed every day for the rest of my life. A month ago, if you had told me that thinking about forever with someone wouldn't have caused me to break out in hives, I would have told you that you were full of shit. Sure enough, instead of hives, I was already wondering what Mama, Daddy, and Kolby would think of her.
Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I walked over to my closet and grabbed the first pair of jeans and the first shirt I came to. I decided on skipping boxers. One, they would have just rubbed the area with the fresh ink to a point that it would have been painful. Second, it was one less layer that I was going to have to remove when I had my way with Ashlyn after the show. As I slid the shirt over my head, a wicked thought popped into my mind. I wonder if Ashlyn would be apposed to having sex center stage, after the show and after the crew was all gone of course. Since we were here for two days, there wouldn't be any tearing down of the set. Deciding to keep that thought to myself for now, I tugged my jeans up my legs and tucked my cock into them before zipping them making sure that I didn't catch any of the skin on my cock in the zipper. Been there, done that, and its was not any fucking fun.
“You ready?” I asked as I slipped boots on and grabbed my hat off the bedside table.
“Yep.” said Ashlyn. “Lead the way.”
Lacing her fingers with mine, I led us off the bus and into the venue. When I reached VIP, I saw that the room was packed. Since things were so new for Ash and I and no one really knew that we were together, I placed a quick kiss on her lips and shot her a smile.
“Watch from the back of the room. I said as I got ready to walk into the room. Stopping at the doorway, I turned and gave her my panty melting smile. “And don't worry, I wont out us. Not tonight anyway. I’m thinking we should tell the parents before we tell the world.”
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