Opening Old Wounds
Ashlyn’s POV:
Brantley’s words about telling the parents about us kept playing in my head. He didn't know that aside from Chase and Miranda, I didn't have a family. And even they were not blood. My parents had been killed my freshman year of college in a boating accident with fishing in the gulf. It wasn't something I liked to talk about because truthfully, it hurt to even think about it, much less say the words aloud. Plus there was the fact that I was supposed to have been on that trip with them but had flaked at the last minute to hang out with a new guy I had met, telling them that I needed to study for midterms.
But I knew that if I expected Brantley to be honest with me, I was going to have to be honest with him in turn. And that meant that I was going to have to open up wounds that I would rather leave closed, hoping that he would be there to help me heal them. Knowing my thoughts were going to dampen my mood tremendously, I waited until Brantley was seated and engaging with the crowd before slipping away and finding something to occupy my time. I didn't want to see the look of disappointment on his face when I wasn't there like he had asked me to be.
My thoughts were running a hundred miles an hour and not focusing on my surroundings when I bumped into someone. Since I wasn't paying attention, I nearly lost my balance. A hand wrapped around my arm keeping me from falling. Alarm bells went off inside of my head, telling me without looking who had hold of me. I knew that I was going to have to fight like hell to get away and the best plan of approach was going to be surprise. Balling up the fist on my right hand, I drew back and swung a perfectly executed right hook that connected squarely on the jaw of the person holding my arm. When the person holding it howled in pain, it was like my brain caught up with what was going on. I took in the sight in front of me. Standing in front of me holding his jaw was Ben, Brantley’s drummer, not Blake who I had assumed it was. Guess that's what I get for assuming. Then again, Ben shouldn't have grabbed me like he did. But if he hadn’t, I would be on my ass right now so there was that.
“Shit, I'm so sorry, Ben.” I said, not bothering to make eye contact. I was too embarrassed to look him in the eye after the way I’d just reacted. But the nurturing side of me wanted to go to him to make sure he was okay.
“It was my fault. PJ told us about Blake and all earlier. I should have known better than to grab you like that.” said Ben as he massaged his jaw. I watched as he continued to rub his jaw, hating that I was letting Blake scare me to the point that I was feeling this jumpy. Then again, it wasn't just Blake. It was knowing that I needed to tell Brantley about my parents too. The combination of the two was racking hell on my emotions. And speaking of my emotions, tears were welling up in my eyes and threatening to spill over. Ben noticed because too. “Hey Ash, it's okay. It really is. Don't cry. I don't want to have to explain to BG why you are crying. I don't want to die tonight. If BG finds out you're crying because of me, he will lose his shit. He’ll probably tear me limb from limb just to prolong the pain.”
“Ben, It's nothing you did. Hell, it's not just that shit that happened earlier. I have to tell BG something huge about me and my past and talking about it breaks my heart. I know I need to tell him but I really wish there was a way for him and I to just never have this conversation.” I said, a lone tear streaming down my face, the rest clogging my throat.
“Whatever it is, you know BG aint gonna change his opinion of you right?” said Ben, tentatively raising a hand to rest on my shoulder. I felt myself tense up but instantly forced myself to relax. This was Ben for crying out loud, not that douche bag I called an ex. Ben would never do anything to hurt me or anyone for that matter.
“I know. Doesn’t make it any easier to talk about though.” I explained as I tried to pull myself together.
“Ash, the only thing that could change that man’s opinion of you is if you told him you used to be a man. And since there is talk of you two trying your best to turn the bus over last night, I highly doubt that's the case.” said Ben, causing me to blush. My god, how many people knew we had tried to fuck eachother brains out last night? “Look, BG’s show is starting in 20 minutes. I need to get back with the band. You coming with or do you want a little alone time.” said Ben.
“I’ll catch up. I need to clear my head before I face Brantley. He’ll take one look at me and know something is wrong.” I said.
“Ash, he’s gonna know something is wrong even if you do pull yourself together.” said Ben, giving me a soft look. “Not to mention he will see my face and want to know what happened there. And for the record, I’m a shitty liar. That's why I never play poker with the guys.”
“Yeah, but I don't want him worrying about me before his show. I want his mind on the fans and not my bullshit. They should suffer through a substandard show because he's worried about me. His fans are everything to him. I won't take time from them just because I need a hug” I said, putting a smile on my face that I really wasn't feeling. Truth be known, I wanted to run to Brantley, to tell him how shaken up I was over the whole Blake altercation earlier. But it could wait.
“Suit yourself Ash,” said Ben as he turned on his heel and headed for the back of the venue. I watched, contemplating if I should follow, ultimately deciding that I was right. I needed to get myself together, put my game face on, and pray that Brantley didn't call me on my bullshit.
With a sigh, I walked the direction I had been walking that led to the stage. Watching Luke perform would help lift my mood. That is if he wasn't doing ‘Even if I’m Leaving’. That song always brought tears to my eyes and made me think of my parents. As I walked, I sent up a silent prayer that I had missed that part of the show.
I had just reached the side of the stage when my phone started ringing. Glancing down at the screen, I saw it was Chase. Great, someone else who would immediately know something was bothering me as soon as I spoke. Deciding it was best to silence the call instead of ignoring it, I leaned against one of the guitar cases and watched Luke. The now familiar scent of leather, cigarette smoke, and mint filled my nostrils as strong arms wrapped around me from behind. Funny how I didn't react to his touch like I had Ben’s. Hell, I actually felt myself relaxing as he pulled me tight against him. I felt the tears that I had only just finally succeeded in willing away coming back in full force when Brantley leaned close to my ear and started singing the course of ‘Better Together’ along with Luke.
Some things just go better together and probably always will
Like a cup of coffee and a sunrise, Sunday drives and time to kill
What's the point of this ol' guitar if it ain't got no strings?
Or pourin' your heart into a song that you ain't gonna sing?
It's a match made up in heaven, like good ol' boys and beer
And me, as long as you're right here
As he finished the chorus, I spun in his arms and let his strength wash over me. The tears I’d desperately tried to hold back streamed down my cheeks unchecked, wetting his t-shirt. Big hands landed on my cheeks and forced my head back so that I was looking into his eyes.
“Baby, talk to me. Tell me what's wrong.” said Brantley, his voice laced with worry. Seeing his green eyes so desperate to know how to help had the words flying from my mouth so fast that I didn't even know that he would understand them.
“You're going to think I’m stuopd for this but when you said that we needed to tell the parents about us before we told the world, it broke me because I don't have parents to introduce you to. The only family I have is Chase, who you know is my best friend, and Miranda. There are a couple guys in NASCAR that think of me as their sister but we arent as close as we used to be now that I’m not doing PR for NASCAR anymore. I have no one, Brantley.” I said, my sobs wracking my body.
“Baby, you have me. That's all that matters. And once you meet Mama, I know she will pull you under her wing so tight that you won't ever have the chance to get away from her. Same with my daddy. And wait until you meet my brother. Every ‘only child’ I’ve ever met has talked about wanting a younger sibling. Well, stick with me baby girl and you will get that younger sibling in all his annoying, pain-in-the-ass glory. I promise you that.” said Brantley, locking eyes with me. Something in his eyes told me that he was speaking the truth. A man didn't grow up to be the guy I was learning that he was without some pretty amazing parents. “In fact, next week when we are off, I want you to come home with me. I want you to meet mama, daddy, and Kolby.”
“Shit. Brantley, I have plans with Chase next week. He’s got some shit going on with this hoe that he likes to have fun with that I promised I would be there for.” I explained.
“Then do it. You do know he’s my neighbor right?” said B, a smile tearing at his face.
“Wait, you live in the house next to him with the 10 foot gate around the whole place?” I asked, shocked that Chase had never mentioned it but even more shocked that I’d never run into him over at Chases anytime I was here. Then again, their schedules are opposite most of the time.
“I’m not sure that he even knows,” said Brantley. “When I’m home, I usually either stay to myself and have a few people over or I'm over at Mama’s. That is if I’m not in ‘Bama at the deer camp with daddy and Kolby.”
“So you mean to tell me that all that time that I spent trying and failing to forget that night in Vegas, all I'd have had to do was climb that fence anytime I was over at Chase’s trying to drink the memories away and I could have been with you?” I asked.
“Had I known you were there trying to drink me away, I would have climbed that fence myself baby.” said Brantley before lowering his lips to mine and placing a kiss on them that had me melting into his arms. Since I knew Brantley’s show time had to be getting close, I reluctantly broke the kiss.
“Thank you.” I said, not really sure what I was thanking him for. Maybe it was the feeling I felt when I was with him. Maybe it was the kiss he had just given me. Maybe it was the way he had so willingly just offered his family to me. At this point, I had so much to thank him for and no way of ever letting him know just how much it all meant to me.
“My pleasure.” said Brantley, sneaking just one more kiss. “Now come on. I want to do that again just before I climb on stage tonight."
Taking my hand in his, I let him lead us over to where the band was getting their ear pieces in before saying their nightly prayer. The fact that Brantley always made time to pray to God and thank him for his many blessings was a thing of beauty. Many people hide their relationship with God, but not Brantley.
And when it came time for said prayer, Brantley wrapped his arms tightly around me and once again made tears spring to my eyes when he thanked God for bringing me into his life. Sending up a silent prayer of my own, I thanked God for Brantley and asked for a sign from him that Brantley was the one. Almost instantly, the smell of my daddy’s cologne filled my nostrils. I smiled to myself knowing that God had just answered in and that Daddy approved of it. A calmness washed over me then. One that I haven't ever felt in my life. Turning in Brantley’s arms, I looped my arms around his neck and brought his mouth down to mine before sealing my lips over his in a slow and passionate kiss.
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