Chapter 7
Wooyoung was in pain, his whole body was aching. The world was black and felt muffled to his ears. Was he dead? He tried to move but didn't think it worked, though he wouldn't know because everything was black. He tried to gather his surroundings but couldn't figure out much except that despite the pain, he felt at ease, safe. One side of his body was warmer than the other as well, the right side. And there was, was that something on his face? Over his mouth? It felt like there was a snap and suddenly the world was unmuffled, his ears unblocking. He couldn't hear much except for a steady beeping sound not far away. He struggled slightly but after a minute or two, he managed to blink open his eyes. He shut them almost immediately as his vision was assaulted with bright light. He groaned slightly before slowing down and taking his time to reopen his eyes, slower this time. They adjusted to the light and he was finally able to see his surroundings. It took him all of 2 seconds to realise he was in a hospital bed. He tried to get up but whimpered as pain shot through his back. The warmth on his right side moved, pressing closer, a soothing warmth making circles on his hip, helping him relax. He had an oxygen mouth on so he took slow breaths to calm himself down. He slowly turned his head to the right so as to not send pain shooting through his body again and his breath caught in his throat.
It wasn't just a warmth by his side, it was a body. San's face was lax and his eyes were closed as he slept peacefully, his body encasing Wooyoung's in a way that was carefully thought out to minimalize possible pain. Wooyoung was shocked to see that San was there, let alone laying with him in a way that seemed like he was protecting him. Did San find him in the alley? Did he go back to look after him? Wooyoung's heart felt warm at the fact that even though San was mad at him, he still wanted to make sure he got home safe. Sure, he didn't and the attacker said it was because of San but San couldn't help any of that and it certainly wasn't his fault. Wooyoung wasn't sure how long it had been since he was attacked, nor did he know how long ago San decided to visit him but he didn't really want to wake him up. Partly because he was sleeping so peacefully but also partly because he didn't want to risk San still being angry with him.
His words really hurt the last time they talked and Wooyoung didn't think he could handle it now on top of the physical pain. He remained laying there unmoving, just breathing and looking around for about 5 minutes before the door opened and a nurse walked in. They locked eyes and she smiled softly.
"It's good to see you awake Mr Jung, I'm just going to see if we can get this mask off you," she said. Wooyoung gave a small nod and she walked over, fiddling with something before gently removing the oxygen mask. Wooyoung took an experimental breath, relaxing when he could breathe just fine.
"How are you feeling," the nurse asked.
"Sore," he replied quietly.
"That's understandable, you experience quite the beating. Do you remember what happened," the nurse asked. Wooyoung thought back to the incident, swallowing dryly as he remembered what happened. He nodded slowly.
"You're quite a lucky person Mr Jung. If Mr Choi had not found you and got you here, the damage may have been worse. Wooyoung glanced down at the boy still sleeping against his side. He gently slid his hand over and lightly clutched to the boys hoodie.
"You've got a really good friend there. He hasn't left your side for the past two days except to go to the toilet. Refused to even leave to eat so we had to bring him food here," the nurse said.
"Wooyoung blinked in surprise at this information. Why would San stay and be so protective over him? He was angry with him. Perhaps he's just waiting for him to wake up so he can yell at him? Wooyoung's stomach dropped at the thought but he quickly pushed it back.
"He is a good friend," he said quietly.
"I'm just going to get a doctor to come in and check on you. I'm not sure if anyone is available right now but I will look. If you need assistance, just press this red button," the nurse said. Wooyoung nodded and just watched quietly as she left. He was left alone with his thoughts and they drifted to what had happened in the alley. He winced at the memories, flinching slightly as he remembered the pain. He was pulled from his thoughts when he felt movement from his side. He stiffened slightly as he looked down and saw San starting to move. His heart started pounding, the previous thought he had pushed away, coming back into his mind. San's eyes slipped open and their eyes met. Neither moved for a few seconds before San suddenly shot up. Wooyoung flinched back slightly and San was quick to move off the bed and backed off quickly.
"I'm sorry, I'm not going to hurt you," San said quickly. Wooyoung opened his mouth to reply before closing it again, realising he wasn't really sure what to say. San didn't seem angry with him. In fact he seemed nervous, worried. San found him and saved his life.
"I'm going to go. I'm so sorry Wooyoung, truly," San whispered before heading towards the doorway. He was sorry and he'd stayed here with Wooyoung for the past two days. Wooyoung sat up quickly to try and stop San but cried out as his pain shot through his back. Within seconds San was by his side and gently pushing him back down.
"Shh, shh, it's ok. It's alright, you've just strained your back slightly so it's best you don't move too quickly Fairy," San said softly, moving his hand to gently run through Wooyoung's hair. Wooyoung nuzzled into it quickly, wanting the comfort.
"Cuddles," he asked softly. San's hand froze and he stepped back, shaking his head.
"I-I can't," he said, shaking his head once again. Wooyoung frowned sadly at that, feeling his eyes well up with tears. San was still made at him. It makes sense.
"I'm sorry. I really was trying to help, I swear. Please don't be mad at me, plea." He was cut off as San suddenly rushed forwards and cupped his face, using his thumbs to wipe away the tears.
"Stop, don't you dare. You have nothing to apologise for. I was an ass, again. I was at fault, not you Wooyoung. I didn't want you to go because I was, I was scared you would get hurt and then I was frustrated because you didn't listen to my warnings," San said with a frown.
"You were worried about me," Wooyoung asked and San nodded.
"I car- you're my friend. I worry about the people I call friends because it isn't many. I tried to keep you safe and then I fucken let you go alone. I'm so sorry Wooyoung, this is all my fault," San said sadly.
"What, how is that your fault? I was the idiot who didn't listen to you and your warnings. I know that downtown can be dangerous and yet I didn't heed your warning," Wooyoung said.
"It's my fault because I yelled at you and then let you go alone. And you, you," San trailed off as tears started to stream down his face. Wooyoung was shocked and unsure what to do but gently reached out and grabbed San's hand. San looked back over at him with red, teary eyes.
"You were scared. You wanted to message me but you didn't," San whispered. Wooyoung winced at that and San cried harder.
"Why," he asked through his cries. Wooyoung thought about his answer but couldn't find an excuse so he had to be truthful.
"I thought you were mad at me and wouldn't come," he admitted quietly. San let out a sob and quickly climbed onto the bed, laying down carefully. Wooyoung stayed where he was, allowing San to very gently slip his arm under Wooyoung's back, cradling him forwards into his chest. Wooyoung snuggled in as best as he could without hurting himself. San was still sobbing quietly but he continued to hug Wooyoung, slowly calming himself down.
"I will come. I will always come. No matter what I'm doing, if you say you need me, I will come without question," San said firmly.
"I don't think you're a low life San, honest," Wooyoung said quietly.
"Jeez Wooyoung, I know that. What I said to you was so untrue and I swear I don't believe a word of it. You are the kindest person I have ever met," San said.
"Ok," Wooyoung said quietly. San sighed ad gently ran his fingers through Wooyoung's hair again.
"Hey Sannie, where's my parents," Wooyoung asked softly.
"Your parents," San questioned.
"Yeah, have they come to see me," Wooyoung asked. The nurse said that San had stayed there the entire time so he would know. Wooyoung could tell from the look on San's face that it wasn't a good answer and the fighter was trying to figure out what to say.
"They haven't come here yet, have they," he asked.
"Don't stress about it San, they were probably just busy," Wooyoung said quickly so San wouldn't feel too bad.
"I mean I'm not exactly one to know how parents should act but surely they should come check on their son when he's in the hospital fighting for his life," San said with a frown as he flicked his fingers through Wooyoung's hair.
"It's fine. It's just how my parents are. They aren't exactly the doting type. The business takes priority and they kind of just pay for everything for me to make up for it," Wooyoung said quietly.
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," San said.
"It's no biggy, that's what I have Yeosang for. Has he come to see me," Wooyoung asked.
"Ah, no. I'm sorry Woo, no one has come here," San said nervously. Wooyoung was disheartened at that but knew that Yeosang was also most likely busy or didn't even know about what happened.
"That's ok. Yeosang would come if he could. Plus you haven't left my side this entire time so I've been safe and comforted," Wooyoung said softly, snuggling down into San's hold. San leant his head down and gently pressed a kiss to his hair. He froze immediately after realising what he did, holding his breath in anticipation of Wooyoung's reaction but the other didn't say anything so he relaxed.
"That nurse is taking forever. I'm in pain, I wanna have some pain killers," Wooyoung whined. San frowned worriedly at that, noticing how Wooyoung's brows were slightly pinched together. San reached down quickly and pressed the red button, quietly cursing himself for not noticing the younger was in pain. Not even a minute later the door opened and someone came inside.
"Hi, I'm so sorry. A doctor will be in to see you soon but he's currently in surgery. Is there anything I can help you with," the lady asked.
"Wooyoung is in a lot of pain. Is there anything you can give him to ease the pain a bit," San asked. Wooyoung smiled softly at the protectiveness from the fighter.
"I'll see what I can do," the lady said with a nod before leaving once again.
"They should have something for you," San said gently.
"Thanks. Did they tell you about my injuries," Wooyoung asked.
"Your back is strained, so is your neck. You had some internal bleeding in your stomach from the punches but they fixed that up in an emergency surgery so you've got stitches in. The rest of it is just really bad bruising," San explained.
"So I'm gonna be ok," Wooyoung asked.
"Yeah, luckily. You're never walking alone downtown again. If you want to go through there or come down to the ring, you call me and I will come and get you," San said firmly.
"Isn't that a bit much," Wooyoung asked.
"No, absolutely not. I was terrified when I found you Wooyoung. I thought you were dead. I thought I l-lost you," San said, his voice breaking slightly. Wooyoung gently kneaded his knuckles into San's stomach to try and calm him down.
"You are an important part of my life now Wooyoung, even if it's only been a couple of months. You made a point of getting close to me, you can't leave so quickly," San whispered. Wooyoung nodded and tugged at San's shirt softly.
"I kind of think I have abandonment issues," San whispered.
"That's ok. I don't have any plans of going anywhere," Wooyoung said gently. San nodded and curled closer to Wooyoung, being very careful of what he pressed against, so as to not cause Wooyoung any more pain.
Wooyoung remained in hospital for another 7 hours as doctors did multiple tests on him to make sure he was in a stable condition and could leave. San stayed with him the entire time, listening to what the doctors said and noting it down in his head. Eventually the doctors said he was good to go home as he was in a stable condition.
"You ready to go? I'll help you get home," San said.
"Yeah I'm good to go. Any idea if my phone made it out alive," Wooyoung asked.
"Oh yeah, uh here. It's a bit cracked though," San said, grabbing it from his pocket and holding it out. Wooyoung grabbed it and quickly pulled up his drivers contact, messaging him to come and pick him up.
"My driver will come and drive us back to my home so we don't have to walk. Wait, did you drive here," Wooyoung asked, turning to San whose eyes went wide.
"Uh, no. No, I ran here," San said quietly. Wooyoung froze at that, the words sinking in after a few seconds and realising the implication.
"You ran all the way here carrying me," he asked, receiving a nod from San.
"I don't actually own a car. Could never afford it," San said quietly. Wooyoung berated himself for even thinking he could have a car when he has already told him he can barely afford rent.
"Hey, I mean I don't have a car either," Wooyoung said weakly. San chuckled at that, shaking his head as his eyes scrunched up and his dimples popped out.
"It's not exactly the same but I appreciate what you're trying to do," San said. He held out his hands and Wooyoung grabbed them, allowing San to slowly and gently tug him up. He winced and stumbled slightly as he stood up but San tightened his grip on Wooyoung's hand to keep him up.
"You ok," he asked.
"Yep, I'm all good," Wooyoung said with a nod. He didn't want to cause him even more stress than he has in the last couple days. Together they walked from the room, San's arm wrapped around Wooyoung's waist as they walked slowly.
"Sorry," Wooyoung whispered, feeling bad for taking up so much of San's time.
"Don't be," San replied gently. When they got to the front desk, Wooyoung sighed some papers before they continued to the front.
"The car is there," Wooyoung said, pointing to the black car out the front. San guided him over, opening the door for him and helping him inside before hesitantly following inside.
"Everything ok," the driver asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Can you take us home please Kai," Wooyoung replied. He was lucky because despite a lot of bruising there wasn't much on his face apart from a split lip so it could all be covered and hidden. The drive was quick and before long they had arrived. San got out first and went around, opening the door for Wooyoung and helping him out. Wooyoung said a quick goodbye to Kai before he and San went out to the front of the hotel.
"I'll help you up to your room, unless you don't want me to," San said.
"Come up with me please," Wooyoung replied quickly. San nodded and the two of them walked inside.
"Wooyoung, long time no see. I thought you had disappeared on me," Natalia said as they walked in. Wooyoung grinned and paused, leaning against the front desk.
"I wouldn't dream of it Nat. Can't leave you without your resident confident. How's the family," Wooyoung asked.
"They're good, we're all good. I'm happy," she said.
"I'm glad. Well we're just gonna head up," Wooyoung said.
"Of course, nice to meet you," Natalia said, giving San a nod. San slipped his arm around Wooyoung's waist again, helping him over to the elevators. Wooyoung pressed the button up to the penthouse before leaning back against the wall.
"She's nice," San said softly.
"She's lovely. I love Natalia," Wooyoung said with a grin. The elevator stopped and the doors opened, Wooyoung guiding San down the small hall to the door. He unlocked it, the two of them stepping inside. San froze as the door closed, his eyes running over the luxury in the large space. Wooyoung walked forwards slowly, heading towards the couch in front of the TV, not noticing the state San was in. He sat down with a sigh and glanced to the doorway where San was still standing, the fighters chest rising and falling rapidly.
"San, you ok," Wooyoung asked worriedly. San blinked quickly and looked over at Wooyoung.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Anyway, I've dropped you off so I'm going to head out," San said slowly, taking a step back towards the door. "Oh, you're leaving already," Wooyoung said quietly. He was half hoping San would stay with him for a bit longer so he wouldn't have to be alone but he understood that San had other places he needs to be, like the ring and he's already missed 2 days.
"I don't, I don't have to. Did you want me to stay," San asked.
"You don't have to. I know you have other places to be," Wooyoung said timidly.
"Did you want me to stay," San repeated. Wooyoung remained quiet but gave a slight night, trying not to tweak his neck.
"I'd like for you to stay. If, if you have time," he said quietly.
"Ok, I'll stay then," San said with a nod, finally walking inside and sitting down next to Wooyoung. Wooyoung grinned happily and leaned to the side, flopping to rest on San's side. San accepted him with open arms, allowing him to cuddle up to his side.
"Wanna watch some TV," Wooyoung asked.
"Sure. Where's the remote," San asked.
"TV on," Wooyoung called out, the screen lighting up. He does have a remote but he is far too comfortable to move and he wants to remain against San's side. San's eyes widened and his jaw tightened as he watched the screen light up.
"What do you want to watch," Wooyoung asked.
"I don't care," San said, careful to keep his agitation out of his voice. It was hard sitting in this beautiful, expensive penthouse with a smart TV when his home has one room, a bathroom and a tiny kitchen, plus his TV barely works. Wooyoung put on a show but San barely paid attention, settling for watching Wooyoung and making sure he was alright. It was because he was keeping an eye on him that he noticed when Wooyoung was starting to struggle keeping his eyes open. Wooyoung had felt the tiredness start to seep in but tried not to make much of a fuss.
"You tired Fairy," San asked softly, lifting his hand to brush Wooyoung's hair back.
"Yeah," Wooyoung said with a small yawn.
"Come on, let's get you to bed. Where's your room," San asked. Wooyoung leaned his head back and pointed to his door.
"Alright, come on," San said, standing up. Wooyoung pouted as San's warmth left him.
"Come on," San repeated, holding out his hand.
"Carry me," Wooyoung asked, feeling too lazy to move around much. San raised an eyebrow before chuckling and squatting down. He slipped an arm under Wooyoung's knees, his other hand going behind his back. He stood up, lifting Wooyoung with ease. Wooyoung blushed at how easily San picked him up, not seeing any strain on his face. San carried him to the bedroom, opening the door while still holding Wooyoung. He went to drop Wooyoung down on the bed but quickly remembered his injuries so he walked to beside the bed and crouched down. Wooyoung's heart fluttered slightly at how delicate San was being with him.
"I should probably head home," San said quietly.
"Stay," Wooyoung whispered, his hand grasping San's wrist gently.
"Here," San questioned in shock.
"Yeah, it's a big bed," Wooyoung replied sleepily.
"If you need a change of clothes, I've got some pj's in the draw over there," Wooyoung added, pointing to a nice dressed. San glanced at it before glancing back to Wooyoung, seeing the hopeful look in his eyes. He gave in and nodded.
"Do you want to get changed as well," he asked and Wooyoung nodded. Though Wooyoung was tired, he couldn't deny that changing out of these old random clothes he was given at the hospital would be great.
"Alright, sit up," San said, going to the drawers. He grabbed out two sets of pj's, glad they were about the same size, though he was a bit more buff.
"Do you want me to help you," he asked. Wooyoung hesitated at that. He could really use the help but he didn't want San to see him. He didn't care about the bruises but San is a very toned and muscly person whereas he is flat with absolutely no muscle.
"C-Can you close your eyes," Wooyoung asked nervously. San glanced over at him and noticed the clear anxiousness in his eyes.
"Yeah, yeah of course I can," he replied quickly. He stepped closer and grabbed the shirt, letting his eyes slip closed. He felt for the bottom of Wooyoung's shirt, gently pulling it over his head. He found himself tempted to open his eyes and look at Wooyoung but stopped himself as the younger wasn't comfortable. He managed to get the shirt around his shoulders and buttoned up. Wooyoung stood up at that, glancing down to make sure San's eyes were closed before unzipping them slightly. He shimmied his pants down a little, wincing as he bent down more, so he grabbed San's hand and guided it to his pants. San quickly tugged it the rest of the way down and helped him slip out of them before helping him into the pyjama pants, letting them go softly at his hips.
"All good," Wooyoung said and San let his eyes slip open.
"Get comfortable, I'll just get changed and join you," San said. Wooyoung did as asked while San quickly got changed, discarding his clothes onto the floor.
"Come on," Wooyoung said, patting the other side of the bed. San flicked on the bedside lamp before going and turning off the bedroom lights. He then went over to the bed, hesitating for a second before laying down and slipping under the covers.
"Can I cuddle," Wooyoung asked nervously. At the hospital they were cuddling but this was different. He was worried he was overstepping given he had already asked San to stay.
"Sure, come here," San said softly. Wooyoung quickly turned off the lamp before turning into San's arms, cuddling into his chest and slipping an arm around his waist.
"Comfy," San asked, receiving an incoherent mumble from Wooyoung in return.
"Hey Woo. If it isn't too hard to talk about, what actually happened? Why did they beat you," San asked quietly, dropping his head to lean on Wooyoung's. Wooyoung thought about what happened and his stomach dropped. There is no way he can tell San what actually happened.
"A couple of guys were following me. They wanted to rob me so they beat me and took my wallet but there was no money anyway," he lied. San hummed and placed a soft kiss to his hair, remembering that he didn't react badly.
"I'm sorry that happened to you. I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you like I should have been," San whispered.
"It's ok. It wasn't your fault," Wooyoung replied quietly.
"Get some sleep, you need the rest. You stay in bed tomorrow ok, the rest will help," San said. Wooyoung nodded and let his eyes slip closed.
"Night Sannie," he whispered.
"Good night Woo," San replied. He felt Wooyoung fall asleep quickly, relaxing against his chest. San usually struggles to fall asleep, his bed so hard and cold but here it felt like he was laying on a warm cloud. He found himself quickly drifting off to one of the best sleeps he has had in a long time.
Here is Chapter 7 everyone. I had this finished a few days ago but my friend was busy so they've just finished typing it now. Big thanks to them for sticking with it despite having other stuff going on.
Thank you everyone for reading and I hope you all enjoyed it.
Let me know your thoughts on this chapter, what you enjoyed about it.
Why do you think Yeosang never went to the hospital and what do you think will happen when he and Wooyoung next see each other?
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