Chapter 6
"What am I going to do without you? My life is over!"
"Youngie I'm going for 3 days, you're acting like I'm leaving forever," Yeosang said with a raised eyebrow.
"It's the same thing Sangie, you're abandoning me," Wooyoung said with a pout, flopping back onto the olders bed while said person continued packing his suit case.
"You will be fine Woo, stop being so dramatic," Yeosang said, rolling his eyes at the youngers childishness.
"I will not. Who is going to tie my tie for me," Wooyoung asked.
"Woo you're 22, you should know how to do that yourself already," Yeosang said in exasperation.
"Why bother when I have you," Wooyoung said with a shrug.
"You know what, you are far too dependent on me. I think I might need to cut you off," Yeosang said thoughtfully. Wooyoung gasped in outrage, sitting up quickly.
"You wouldn't dare," he gasped.
"It would be for your own good," Yeosang said solemnly. Wooyoung gasped again and lunged from the bed, tackling Yeosang to floor and pinning him down. He wrapped both of his arms and legs around Yeosang, clinging to him tightly.
"Don't you dare ever leave me," Wooyoung said firmly, making Yeosang chuckle lightly.
"Fine," he fake sighed. Neither of the two boys made any attempt to move, soaking in the affection as they would be without it for 3 days. Yeosang knew Wooyoung would need the last minute cuddle time so he just laid there and rubbed his back.
"How've you been. I've noticed you go to the ring alone a lot and I've seen Lynx walk you back home a number of times," Yeosang said.
"I enjoy watching the fights and I get along well with Lynx, he's actually quite nice," Wooyoung said. He wasn't sure why Yeosang was suddenly mentioning it when it had been over a month but he hoped the older wasn't upset about it.
"Good. It's good to see you making a new friend and I feel a lot better knowing that you're safe with him walking home. It's frustrating that I've barely been able to go lately but this new clothing line was a lot of work," Yeosang said with a sigh.
"That's alright, you'll be able to come watch again once you get back," Wooyoung said, nuzzling his head into Yeosang's neck.
"How's Hongjoong been going," Yeosang asked.
"He's been good, still bartending," Wooyoung said.
"He told me the story about how you got drunk there. Apparently it was pretty funny," Yeosang said with a chuckle. Wooyoung rolled his eyes but flushed slightly red in embarrassment.
"No going and getting drunk when there's no one to keep an eye on you while I'm gone," Yeosang said.
"Yes mum," Wooyoung said, rolling his eyes.
"Good, now get up or I'm going to miss my fight," Yeosang said, tapping his back.
"You've got time," Wooyoung said.
"My flight is at 7pm, it is currently almost 6pm and a 20 minute drive to the airport. I need time to check in and everything, we aren't using the jet today," Yeosang said after checking his watch. Wooyoung sighed but reluctantly stood up and pulled away before helping Yeosang to his feet.
"Still can't believe you're leaving me," he muttered, earning a whack to the back of the head.
"Don't turn the apartment into a mess and don't have too many guys over," Yeosang joked making Wooyoung deadpan his gaze.
"I won't be having any guys over, thank you very much," he said. Yeosang chuckled and rolled his eyes, grabbing his suitcase. Wooyoung walked with him over to the door before they both stopped. Yeosang held out an arm and allowed Wooyoung to step forwards and hug him.
"Stay safe," Wooyoung whispered.
"You too, look after yourself and stay out of trouble. Don't hesitate to call me if something happens Wooyoung. I might be in a different country but I will come back the minute you need me," Yeosang said.
"I know, have fun," Wooyoung said, giving him a kiss on the cheek before pulling back. Yeosang gave him one last smile before opening the door and finally leaving. Wooyoung sighed to himself before deciding he would have a lazy night. He went back to his room and grabbed some pj's before heading into the bathroom. He ran himself a nice hot shower to which he ended up staying inside of for an hour, just enjoying the warm water. Once he finished with the shower, he heated himself up some leftover pizza and sat down in front of the TV, putting on a random movie. He grabbed out his phone and opened Yeosang's contact where he had some unread messages.
My World: Finally at the airport, traffic was horrible
My World: I'm glad I left when I said and didn't let you distract me
My World: Boarding now. If my plane crashes, I've left you my amazing retro leather jacket collection in my will
Wooyoung giggled at that. He's always loved Yeosang's leather jackets so it's good to know if he dies first, he will receive them. He started to type a reply when he got a sudden incoming phone call. It came up as a number meaning it wasn't someone in his contacts and he didn't recognise the number. He hesitated for a second before clicking answer. He was immediately hit with the sounds of yelling in the background.
"W-Wooyoung." Wooyoung didn't recognise the voice on the other end so he was a little wary and confused however he could hear the cries and it worried him.
"Yes this is Wooyoung. Who am I speaking to," he asked.
"Um, I don't know if you'll r-remember me but y-you gave me your number. Said to c-call if I needed h-help," the other said. Wooyoung was confused for a few seconds before it clicked, the pink haired man from the store.
"I remember you. What's wrong," Wooyoung said quickly.
"I don't. I need h-help," the other whimpered. The yelling in the background continuing. Wooyoung was worried for the boys safety and well-being so he quickly jumped up, rushing to get his shoes on.
"Where are you," he asked, quickly typing a message to his driver to come and get him.
"I'm on, I'm on Dalton St, out front of the housing unit."
"Ok, I'm on my way. What's going on," Wooyoung asked quickly as he rushed to the elevator.
"I-I'm late. They want the money but I d-don't have it," he sobbed. Wooyoung's heart clenched and he was glad he had his wallet in his pyjamas pocket. This sounds like there might be some dodgy people involved so it might be best to consult someone else.
"Ok I'm on my way. I need to call someone but you just hang in there alright. I'll be there soon," Wooyoung promised.
"Ok," the other replied quietly. Wooyoung hung up and quickly saved the number just in case as he rushed past the reception desk and outside. He quickly found the number he needed and dialled, getting picked up on the second ring.
"Hey Woo, what-."
"Where are you," Wooyoung asked quickly, cutting him off as he looked around for the car.
"I'm at the ring. I have a fight in 20 minutes, why? Are you ok," San asked quickly.
"I'm ok but I got a call from someone. Do you remember that guy from the grocery store with the pink hair? The one I gave my number to for if he needed help," Wooyoung said.
"Yeah. What's going on? Is he ok," San asked hurriedly.
"I'm not sure. He said something about not having the money to pay someone and there was yelling in the background. He was crying as well," Wooyoung explained. He spotted the car and ran to it, getting in and hurriedly telling the street to the driver and asking to be dropped off to a street over.
"Wooyoung where are you now," San asked.
"I'm on my way," Wooyoung said.
"Stop, go back home. I will deal with this, I don't want you involved," San said.
"San I can't just go back. I'm on my way already and I've told him I'm coming," Wooyoung said.
"Wooyoung go home," San said. Wooyoung frowned at the order in his tone.
"No, I'm not going home, I'm going to help someone who has asked for it," Wooyoung said.
"Wooyoung. Fuck. Can you just listen and not be an idiot for once in your life," San groaned. Wooyoung got angry at that and a little hurt.
"Ok, I'm good. I don't need you to be rude," he said before hanging up. He understands like when he insults him. The car pulled up at the street beside Dalton Street and Wooyoung quickly said goodbye before jumping out and rushing to the housing unit. It wasn't hard to spot the pink haired boy. He rushed over quickly, swallowing his fear and pushing his way in between them, nudging the boy behind him.
"What seems to be the problem," he asked. The man in front of him stepped forwards, running his eyes up and down Wooyoung's frame.
"Who the hell are you," he asked.
"I'm his friend. Again, what's going on," Wooyoung asked.
"His rent was due 2 days ago and he hasn't paid up. He's not leaving until we get the $300," the man said.
"$300? It was $250 and I've told you I don't have enough just yet," the pink haired boy said with a cry. Wooyoung realised these people were trying to take advantage of a clearly struggling person.
"$300," Wooyoung asked.
"Yes. He's not going until I get it," the other man said. $300 is a lot but Wooyoung didn't want this guy to get into trouble. He grabbed out his wallet and sifted through, finding thankfully $300.
"Here," he said, holding it out.
"That's his payment, now you can leave him alone," Wooyoung said firmly. The guy eyed him closely before grabbing the money and counting it.
"Pleasure doing business with you," he said with a grin before motioning for the others to follow him. The four of them slowly off walked down the street, leaving Wooyoung and the pink haired boy alone. Wooyoung spun around quickly to see the boy still crying.
"Are you ok? They're gone now, they're not going to hurt you," Wooyoung said.
"I c-can't pay you back," the other said.
"No, no, that's ok. You don't have to pay me back, I did that to help you and make sure you're ok," Wooyoung said quickly.
"I'm s-sorry. I didn't know who to c-call," the other stuttered.
"It's ok, really. I told you to call me if you needed help at all. To be honest, I wasn't even expecting you to actually call so I'm really glad you did," Wooyoung said. The boy sniffled and nodded, wiping his eyes. Wooyoung realised he still didn't know his name and went to ask but was cut off by a yell.
"SEONGHWA!" Both Wooyoung and the pink haired male turned at the voice, Wooyoung recognising it immediately. Is Seonghwa the pink haired boy? Does San know him? San ran up to them and immediately threw his arms around the pink haired boy, who reciprocated and started to sob.
"Oh thank god you're ok Hwa," San breathed out.
"Haesoo wanted rent and he wanted more," the other man, Seonghwa said.
"I know, I'm sorry you had to deal with that. He's been a bigger asshole than usual lately," San said with a sigh.
"Why didn't you call me," he added.
"Didn't want to bother you and Joongie said you have a fight soon. Wait, don't you have a fight soon," Seonghwa asked hurriedly.
I pulled out and called Jongho, he's coming in. I may get into a little trouble but I'll be fine whereas Hongjoong would have lost his job," San explained.
"That is true," Seonghwa said with a nod.
"Wait where did Haesoo and his- I thought I told you to stay out of it," San said in a cold tone, his eyes narrowing when they locked on Wooyoung. Wooyoung was unimpressed by the sudden treatment and he frowned. He just saved someone who is clearly a friend of San's, not to mention he didn't even realise they knew each other as San only mentions Hongjoong.
"Wait they're gone. What the hell did you do," San asked.
"Excuse me? I just got your friend out of a difficult situation," Wooyoung said.
"What did you do Wooyoung," San said angrily.
"I paid his rent for him to ease his burden," Wooyoung said.
"You shouldn't have done that, I told you to stay out of it," San said.
"He called me for help, so I helped. Wh-."
"You should have butt out when I told you to. Do you have any idea what your so called help has done? You've basically told them that he has the means to pay those outrageous prices they try to force on people. They will never leave him alone now," San said. Wooyoung faltered slightly, glancing at the crying boy tucked in San's eyes despite being taller.
"You think that money just makes things better. Go back to your precious, expensive penthouse and let us low-lifes deal with our own problems," San spat. Wooyoung was shocked, and deeply hurt. He thought the two of them were getting alone well, exchanging phone numbers, chatting a lot and Wooyoung often sitting in the coaches box to watch San fight. He thought they were good so hearing the words coming from his mouth, felt like he was getting his heart torn.
"I-I'm sorry," he said sadly. He hesitated for a moment, hoping that San would calm down, say that he was joking but he just continued to glare at him. Wooyoung turned around quickly and walked away down the street. He wasn't sure what was going to happen with their friendship but he really hoped San didn't hate him now. All he wanted to do was help out as he was asked.
He was walking for a few minutes, shuffling his feet along when he heard another noise. He glanced back in confusion and his heart skipped a beat when he noticed 2 people about 5m back wearing black hoods and face masks. He faced ahead quickly and continued walking, trying to will down his panic. He's overreacting, it's probably nothing. He took a dee breath to calm himself before crossing the road and turning into another street. He strained his ears to try and hear if they were following him and sure enough, he heard the footsteps following. There was no other explanation other than they were following him and he was in trouble. His heart started racing but he tried to remain calm and not stop or slow down his pace. He discretely pulled out his phone, quickly typing a message for help before stopping. He couldn't send this message. He wasn't here and most likely wouldn't answer the message. He was debating what to do but time ran out.
Something smashed into the back of his knee, making him collapse and fall to the ground, catching himself with his hands as his phone skidded away. He gasped and quickly tried to stand back up to run away. He couldn't even stand before a foot collided with his face and he cried out in pain. He begun to sob at the pain in his nose and felt liquid trailing down his lips. He tried to curl up and cover his face with his hands but each arm was grabbed and he was hauled to his feet and dragged down an alley.
"Shut up. I'm gonna teach him a lesson. He thinks he can beat me. I'll just beat his little pet," one of them spat. Wooyoung was confused and in pain but then a cold dread washed over him. These are people San has fought and now they're beating him to get pay back for losing.
His thoughts were cut off by pain as a fist collided with his stomach. He collapsed and curled up as much as he could while still being held up.
"Hold him so I can get some good hits," the earlier man said. He let go and the other grabbed both of Wooyoung's arms and pinned them back, leaving his entire body exposed. He was in too much pain to struggle and fight back, his vision blurring due to his tears. The person cocked their arm back before slamming their fist into Wooyoung's stomach. Wooyoung gagged, feeling bile crawl up his throat as his stomach spasmed and churned.
"Stupid Lynx, thinks he's so much better than everyone else," the man said angrily before punching Wooyoung straight in the mouth. Wooyoung was dazed by the hit and tasted something metallic in his mouth. He lolled his head to the side and spat it out to the ground.
"I'll show him," the man growled before punching Wooyoung in the neck, making him scream in agony as a white hot pain shot through his body. By this point Wooyoung's legs had completely given out and the only thing keeping him up was the second person holding his arms. From the way they were being held as well, it made pain shoot through his shoulders and back.
"Let him go." The other obeyed, releasing his arms and he was unable to move, to even brace himself as he collided with the ground. He coughed weakly, feeling something splatter on his mouth, dripping from his lips. He was exhausted and in pain, his tears falling quickly and quiet whimpers escaping his lips. He screamed out in pain once again and vomitted onto the ground as he was kicked harshly in the stomach. He barely registered the pain in his leg as it was stomped on multiple times.
It felt like his mind was disconnected from his body, vision blurry and head going fuzzy as if he was under water. He was alone, in pain and there was no one around to save him. This is how he was going to die. Alone, cold and in pain.
"Are you ok now," San asked gently as he got Seonghwa situated in his apartment.
"I'm fine. You know, you were really harsh with Wooyoung. You might not know him but he's a decent person and he was trying to help me. I mean I'm the one who called him and asked him for help," Seonghwa said.
"I know him, and I know he isn't a bad person. In fact he's probably one of the purest souls I have met in my life," San said quietly.
"Then why would you say all that," Seonghwa asked.
"I was worried about you. Hongjoong would kill me if anything happened to you. But I, I was also worried about Wooyoung. I don't want him to get hurt and he isn't the greatest at assessing danger. He's the one that called me and I told him not to go so he wouldn't be in danger but he didn't listen. He's too naive to the dangers of our world," San said with a sigh. He felt guilty for what he said but Wooyoung really needs a wake up call because one day he won't be there to protect him. He dreads that day coming because he's become quite a close friend that he holds sort of dear to his heart.
"San, I think you went about that the wrong way. You need to go and apologise to you," Seonghwa said. San knew he was right but wasn't sure if it would be the best idea.
"Go San, I'll be fine. He literally paid $300 for my rent so I'm alright for the next few weeks," Seonghwa said softly. San hesitated briefly before getting up.
"Call if you need anything," he said before leaving the room, heading out of the building. He decided it would be best to go to Wooyoung's hotel and then message for him to come down so they could talk. He was walking for a few minutes before he started to get a weird feeling. He continued walking but glanced around, scanning the street to try and figure out what was off. Everything was completely fine, nothing out of place until he noticed something glowing off to the side. He frowned and walked over, realising it was a phone. He bent down and picked it up before standing again. The screen was cracked slightly but it was unlocked to messages so he decided to investigate.
He froze when he saw the contact name that was pulled up. Sannie ❤️. He scrolled up sightly, checking the messages and realising that it was Wooyoung's phone and he must've dropped it. He was about to turn it off and put it in his pocket to return it to Wooyoung when he noticed there was a message the younger hadn't sent and he was hit with a bone chilling realisation.
I'm really sorry. I know you're mad at me but someone is following me and I need help
San's breath caught in his throat and his hands shook slightly as he searched around but there was no sign of the younger boy. San wondered if perhaps nothing happened but he knew deep in his heart that something was wrong. Something is wrong with Wooyoung. He looked back to where he found the phone, his eyes landing on an alleyway close by. He pulled out his phone and turned on the flashlight, using it to guide his way down the alley. It didn't take long to spot the anomaly halfway down the alley and he shone the light, his heart shattering at the sight.
It was a body, sprawled out on the ground unconscious, the shirt half ripped and blood everywhere. There was no mistaking the pretty lavender hair. It was Wooyoung.
"Oh god no. No, no, please. No. Oh my god," San rambled out, his knees feeling weak as he stumbled over. He dropped to them beside Wooyoung, the phone slipping from his hand as he moved them to hover over the unconscious boy. He grabbed his phone again, feeling bile crawl up his throat as he shone the light over Wooyoung, seeing the bruises cascading down his body and the blood all over him.
"No. What've I done. What the hell have I done," he whispered, feeling tears well up in his eyes. He did this. He sent Wooyoung away. He yelled out in anger and frustration, slamming his fist into the ground, not even registering the pain. He then shakily cupped the youngers face with his hand, trying to brush away some of the blood but it didn't work at all. He did notice something odd though. He placed his finger under Wooyoung's nose, beginning to panic as he realised how uneven the breaths were. He quickly moved his fingers to Wooyoung's neck and his stomach dropped at how thready his pulse was. It suddenly dawned on San, the horrifying truth. This wasn't Wooyoung being badly hurt, this was Wooyoung very well having the possibility of dying. He needs to get him to a hospital, now!
San jumped into action, pocketing his phone, gently but quickly picking Wooyoung up and holding him in his arms bridal style. Once Wooyoung was in his arms, his head just flopped back and San held back a whimper. Wooyoung looked dead, his entire body lifeless. San gently turned him over, slipping an arm under the boys thighs, wrapping Wooyoung's legs around his waist as best as he could. The then put the others arms around his own neck and dropped the boys head on his shoulder. He placed his hand on the youngers back, making sure he was holding him secure. Once that was done, he ran. He ran as fast as he could through the streets, taking every short cut he knew. The hospital was at the other end of all the city but it didn't deter San. He ran as fast as he could, ignoring the pain in his legs and the burning in his lungs. He doesn't know how, perhaps it was the fear of losing Wooyoung but he was out the front of the hospital in less than 10 minutes. He kept running to the door, turning slightly and pushing it open with his back.
"HELP. SOMEONE HELP. PLEASE. I NEED A DOCTOR," he yelled out desperately. Within seconds there were medical staff around him, one coming up with a stretcher. San didn't want to let go of Wooyoung but he knew for the sake of saving his life, he had to. With the help of a nurse, he gently laid Wooyoung down on the stretcher. The doctors started saying things but San was completely zoned out, watching as they took Wooyoung away to a room and begun frantically working on him. San was snapped from his thoughts by a hand being placed on his shoulder.
"Sir, I need to ask you a few questions," the nurse said. San just nodded numbly, his eyes fixed on Wooyoung through the glass.
"Do you know anything about the patient," the nurse asked.
"Jung Wooyoung, 22 years old. His blood type is A which is really weird that I know but he's an odd kid and told me at one point," San replied.
"Can you tell me what happened," the nurse asked.
"I told him to leave and he did, he actually listened to me. He was followed and beaten and then they left his to die alone in an alley," San whispered. He stepped closer to the glass and finally took note of what Wooyoung was wearing now that he was in the light. His heart sunk as he saw the cute kitten patters on his clothes. He was wearing pyjamas. He was at home ready to relax but went to help Seonghwa and San yelled at him and sent him away. Now he's fighting for his life in hospital.
There were suddenly many beeps coming from the room Wooyoung was in and people started shouting code blue and something about a crash cart. Holy shit, he did this, he's responsible.
Here is Chapter 6 everyone, I hope you enjoyed it and thank you for reading
Thankyou also to my dedicated scribe who will whack me if they heard me call them this lol but they got it written in a couple of hours which I really appreciate
Now obviously there's going to be alot of thoughts on this chapter so I'm going to leave a few questions for you to answer
First of all, did anyone guess the pink haired boy was going to be Seonghwa and that San knew him?
What do you think is going to happen with Wooyoung and also Wooyoung and San's friendship?
What's your favourite parts of this Chapter?
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