Chapter 4
"Wooyoung, come here." Wooyoung glanced up from where he was filling out some paperwork. Wooyoung got up quickly, knowing when his dad calls for him, it's best to listen otherwise he might get into trouble. He left the office he was in and moved over to his dads, walking inside.
"Close the door please." Wooyoung nodded and shut it quickly before sitting down in the chair across from his dad.
"What's up," he asked, understanding there must be some sort of issue.
"I need you to do me a favour," Mr Jung said.
"Sure dad, whatever you need," Wooyoung said with a nod.
"We're thinking about expanding and adding a hotel down town. There's a few different plots that we're looking into. I need you to check them out and see if any of them would be a good fit," Mr Jung said. Wooyoung was surprised. The last he heard, the board had said they didn't want to be expanding to down town due to the possible security and safety risks.
"I can do that. But how come we're adding a hotel down town? I thought we weren't going to do that," Wooyoung said.
"We've changed our minds now. We can make a lot of money by being one of the first to expand our enterprise and reach out our horizons. The times are changing and it won't be long before everyone starts to follow in our footsteps. It's overrun by low life's at the moment and isn't a great attraction for our city," Mr Jung said. Wooyoung frowned at his dad's words.
"Dad, that's rude. They aren't low life's, they're just people who are less fortunate than us," Wooyoung said, making his dad laugh.
"Wooyoung, whoever has told you that is delusional. They are low life's and criminals, never trust them. But we don't have to worry about that because we aren't them," Mr Jung said. Wooyoung for the first time in his life really listened to what his father said and how he acted. Is this really how he thinks of other people? People like Hongjoong and Lynx. His words didn't sit right with him and he found himself disappointed in his father.
"I'll send the addresses to you and you can check them out and let me know," Mr Jung said. Wooyoung nodded quickly before getting up and leaving. He went back to his office and packed up his stuff before leaving, feeling his phone vibrate in his pocket with what was most likely the addresses. He sighed and walked over to one of the company cars out front, getting inside and buckling in.
"Can you please take me home," he asked the driver as he pulled out his phone. As predicted, his father had sent him four addresses to check out. He ignored that however, in favour of calling Yeosang. If he's going to spend the rest of the day looking at different blocks of land. Yeosang picked up on the third ring.
"Hey, is everything ok," he asked immediately.
"Yeah, yeah everything's fine. What're you doing for the rest of the day though," Wooyoung asked.
"I have a meeting at 2 and then I'm going to be helping Kyungsoo with a design he's been working on. Why," Yeosang asked.
"Ah, don't worry about it. I was gonna see if you wanted to hang out but you're busy. I'll see you tonight," Wooyoung said.
"Ok. Are you going to the ring again tonight? You've gone at least 5 times in the past 2 weeks," Yeosang said.
"I'm not sure. It depends how I'm feeling tonight. Would you want to join me though," Wooyoung asked.
"It's the same with me, it just depends. I've gotta go now, the meeting starts in 20 minutes," Yeosang said.
"Alright, take care. I love you," Wooyoung said.
"Love you too," Yeosang replied before hanging up. Wooyoung sighed and put down his phone before looking out the window. When they finally got to the hotel, Wooyoung thanked the driver and went up to the penthouse. He's going down town for a couple of hours and if there's one thing he's learnt from Lynx, it's that people target those who seem to have wealth so it's best to wear something more modest. He went into his room and got changed into some ripped jeans and a white shirt before going to Yeosang's room. He rummaged through his closet for a minute before finding the back hoodie he wanted and putting it on over the shirt. He switched his dress shoes for a pair of sneakers, relishing in how comfortable they were on his feet. Another major thing that will give away his wealth is being driver around by a personal driver so public transport or walking it is. Once he was ready to go, he pulled out his phone and went over the addresses, finding the closest one which was about 40 minutes on foot or 25 minutes by bus. Wooyoung decided to just walk as it was a nice day outside. He went down to the ground floor and headed towards the front.
"Leaving again so soon," Natalia asked as he walked past. He paused and turned back around, walking over to her.
"Yeah, got some errands to do. You stuck here all day," he asked.
"I'm here almost everyday Wooyoung," she said with a chuckle. Wooyoung grinned and pat her head softly.
"I'll catch ya later," he said as she nodded. He left the hotel and made his way to the first location. It ended up taking him 45 minutes to get to the first location which was just an empty warehouse. It was quite large which meant it would be an ideal location for a hotel, however it's best to investigate a bit further before moving on to the next location. The warehouse was fenced off so he decided to walk around and see if there was an opening. It took a few minutes before he found an opening down the bottom of the fence, big enough for someone to and down and shuffle through, which he did. He bent down and begun crawling through.
"Wooyoung? WOOYOUNG! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING? GET AWAY FROM THERE!" Wooyoung jolted at the yell, accidentally standing up slightly and feeling the hood get caught. He reached up to try and pry it out but his hips were suddenly grabbed from behind and he was yanked backwards. His hood was still caught so it got yanked up. The hands left his waist and moved to his hood, prying it off and yanking him to his feet. He stumbled slightly but was dragged away quickly, his hood getting yanked over his head. They were running for about a minute before finally stopping and Wooyoung was pushed back against the wall of an alley.
"Wh-." His voice was muffled immediately as Lynx slapped his hand over his mouth to signal to remain quiet and Wooyoung nodded. Lynx stepped closer so the two of them were huddled up against the wall as Lynx looked around quickly. After a few seconds, he let out a breath and moved his hand from Wooyoung's mouth, placing it on the wall behind instead.
"What the hell were you thinking," he asked with a frown. Wooyoung had no idea what had happened but given Lynx's reaction, it was likely something bad.
"I don't. What happened," he asked breathlessly.
"Wooyoung that was a drug den that you were about to go into. Even if you don't know what is there, why on earth would you try to get into an abandoned warehouse that's fenced off? Are you stupid? Do you want to get stabbed or shot? Do you want to die," Lynx scolded angrily. Wooyoung's voice got caught in his throat, not expecting to be yelled at and certainly not having thought he was in danger, let alone that much. Lynx's words hit him like a ton of bricks and he glanced around worriedly, his heart racing. Wouldn't his dad have looked into the locations he was sending him to?
"Wooyoung. Hey, hey, I didn't mean to yell at you, you just scared the shit out of me," Lynx said worriedly. Wooyoung blinked quickly and turned back to Lynx, seeing the concern on his face and calming down slightly.
"I scared you," he asked in confusion.
"Well yeah. I was out for a jog when I saw a familiar fairy trying to climb through a fence to a known drug den. Of course I was scared," Lynx said with a frown.
"Oh, I didn't think you cared that much," Wooyoung said quietly.
"What do you mean you didn't think I would care? Sure, we originally got off on the wrong foot but that was like a month ago. We, we literally talked at the ring two days ago," Lynx said in confusion.
"I know but that doesn't mean you'll care that much," Wooyoung said. Lynx was quiet for a few seconds as he looked at Wooyoung incredulously before he sighed and rubbed his face.
"Wooyoung I don't have many people I consider friends. I don't just tryst anyone easily. You are my friend and I allow you to come and chat to me whenever at the ring. I only usually talk to Hongjoong or Bear," Lynx said, surprising Wooyoung.
"You and Bear are friends," he asked.
"What? Yeah we are but is that seriously the only thing you took from that," Lynx asked.
"No, just surprised me is all. Did you know Yeosang anonymously donates to Bear sometimes," Wooyoung asked.
"Huh, really? So Yeosang is the mysterious donator, interesting," Lynx said with a nod.
"I'm surprised Hongjoong never told you," Wooyoung said.
"He doesn't tell me everything," Lynx said with a shrug.
"But that's besides the point. You understand that I care right? I wouldn't knowingly let you do something that would get you hurt," he said. Wooyoung nodded quickly to show he understood and Lynx let out a breath.
"Good. Now what the hell were you doing trying to get into that warehouse," Lynx asked.
"My dad wants to expand more and build a hotel down town so I'm checking out some possible places," Wooyoung explained.
"Alone," Lynx asked with a frown.
"I changed out of my clothes so that I wasn't showing off that I had a lot of money," Wooyoung said.
"Woo, that's not enough. You seriously don't understand how dangerous it is out here. You shouldn't be walking alone unless you can protect yourself," Lynx said.
"Even in the day time," Wooyoung asked.
"Always," Lynx said with a nod.
"Oh, my bad," Wooyoung said, giving a grimacing smile,". Lynx chuckled lightly at the boy's cuteness, wrapping his arms around Wooyoung and drawing him into a gentle hug. Wooyoung hugged back quickly, dropping his head to rest on Lynx's shoulder. Lynx's shoulders were very broad so it was easy for Wooyoung to rest his head on it and it was muscly so it was also quite comfortable.
"You seriously need to get better survival skills," Lynx said, patting Wooyoung's back softly. Wooyoung hummed quietly, snuggling closer.
"You really like hugs don't you," Lynx said. Wooyoung tensed up, wondering if maybe he was overstepping and getting too comfortable.
"It's cute. I like it," Lynx said softly, dropping his head down to rest on Wooyoung's, making him relax again. Wooyoung felt so comfortable, he could just stand there all day. He's really buff so it's like extra padding.
"Thank you, I think. That was a compliment, right," Lynx asked. Wooyoung froze, his eyes snapping open.
"Wh-What," he stuttered.
"Being buff and extra padded is a compliment right," Lynx asked. Wooyoung flushed red in embarrassment, dying slightly inside and trying not to panic.
"Um y-yeah. It was a compliment. Just that you're comfortable," he said awkwardly. Lynx chuckled and pat Wooyoung's head softly before pulling away.
"Come on, I'll walk you home," Lynx said.
"Oh, I can't. I still have 3 more places I need to check out," Wooyoung said. Lynx frowned at that, glancing around before sighing.
"I have about 3 more hours until I need to get to the ring, I'll come with you," Lynx said.
"Are you sure? You don't have to," Wooyoung said.
"I'm not going to leave you to wander around here alone. People here like to prey on cute, clueless boys," Lynx said. Wooyoung blushed slightly at Lynx's words, glancing down.
"Alright come on. The next place is on Fawkes St," Wooyoung said. Lynx nodded and the two of them left the alley they were down. They walked together, side by side to the next location that was an empty lot. It wasn't as big as the warehouse but it would be sufficient. Wooyoung went to step forwards but Lynx grabbed his wrist to stop him.
"You wanna take a closer look," he asked and Wooyoung nodded. Lynx scanned the area before nodding and allowing Wooyoung to walk over. Wooyoung walked around the paddock, happy to find that it was level. It would be an ideal place to have a hotel, only perhaps a tad bit smaller than they would like. Wooyoung startled as there was a presence beside him suddenly, an arm slipping around his waist. He glanced around and noticed there was a group of four people walking past. Wooyoung was confused but Lynx tugged him closer, his other arm moving to wrap around Wooyoung's waist as well, back hugging him.
"Sorry, just relax. Those guys are a bunch of thugs but we'll be ok," Lynx whispered, tucking his head into Wooyoung's shoulder. Wooyoung's heart was racing but he relaxed back against Lynx. They stayed like that for about a minute before Lynx pulled away.
"They're gone. Are you done here," he asked.
"Yeah, we've just got two more places," Wooyoung said with a nod. They went to the next location which was another empty block, though it wasn't as good as the last one. It was smaller and the ground was uneven.
"Last place is on Dalton St," Wooyoung said.
"Dalton St," Lynx questioned.
"Yeah," Wooyoung replied. They got to Dalton St and Wooyoung looked around in confusion. There was no empty lots or warehouses, only buildings with one main big one.
"Which one is number 12," Wooyoung asked.
"Number 12," Lynx said and Wooyoung nodded.
"Um, it's that big one there," Lynx replied, pointing to the building.
"Huh, I don't know why dad would send me to somewhere that already has a large building. It's old so there's no way they could build the hotel from that. They'd have to tear it all down," Wooyoung said with a frown.
"They're going to tear it down," Lynx asked.
"Nah, it'd be way too much effort. The second lot was the best option. What is this building anyway," Wooyoung asked.
"Uh it's a housing unit. Probably houses 40% of down town," Lynx said.
"Yeah, I'm definitely not gonna let dad tear that down, we'll probably go with number 2," Wooyoung said with a nod, turning back to Lynx who was watching him with an odd expression. He stepped forwards suddenly and pressed a kiss to Wooyoung's forehead, surprising him.
"What was that for," he asked.
"I just appreciate that you care about the people who don't have as much money as you," Lynx said.
"My dad said something today that made me realise he may not be the greatest person," Wooyoung said quietly. Lynx frowned but nodded at him to continue.
"I don't wanna say what he said. It was rude and it refers to you as well so I don't want to say it. But yeah, I've realise rich people can be assholes," Wooyoung said with a sigh.
"You're not an asshole though, remember that," Lynx said. Wooyoung smiled softly and nodded, opening his mouth to say something when a sudden bang cut through the air. Lynx's eyes went wide and he lunged forwards, grabbing Wooyoung's hoodie and yanking him down, making him hit the pavement hard as he cried out. Before he could react, Lynx yanked him back up, dragging him behind a car and tugging him down as more shot rang out. Wooyoung whimpered in fear, realising it was gunshots. Why is it that he always has such bad luck?
"Lynx," he whimpered as his eyes welled up, hearing more gunshots.
"Shh, shh, were gonna be ok. They aren't shooting at us, they likely don't even know we're here," Lynx said quickly. More shots rang out and Wooyoung felt tears begun to fall down his face in fear. Lynx saw the terrified look in his eyes and immediately yanked him back into his arms. He tucked Wooyoung's legs so he was in a ball, turning so he was pinned to the car, his own body shielding the smaller boy just in case and for added security.
"I've got you, I won't let you get hurt," Lynx said firmly. Wooyoung sobbed and slapped his hands over his ears to try and block out the sounds. Lynx's heart broke and he tried his best to curl Wooyoung up more but they were already curled up as much as they could be. They were safe but Wooyoung wouldn't think that and certainly wouldn't be able to calm down.
"Wooyoung. Hey Wooyoung, look at me," he said quickly. Wooyoung's hands were covering his ears still so he wasn't able to hear. Lynx winced and quickly glanced over the car, seeing about 5 men down the street, shooting at each other. He glanced nearby and saw an alleyway not far off. He took a deep breath, moving around so his feet were on the ground and he was crouched down. He slipped his arms under Wooyoung's knees and back taking one last deep breath before jumping up with Wooyoung in his arms and sprinting to the alley as Wooyoung cried in fear. He got them down the alley and behind a dumpster where he sat back down with Wooyoung curled into his side, still sobbing.
"Wooyoung you need to calm down. We're safe, I promise we're safe," Lynx said. He tugged Wooyoung's hands down to unblock his ears. Wooyoung shivered and whimpered in fear, scared that someone was going to come down the alley and shoot them. The gunshots were wait but you could still hear them and that scared Wooyoung.
"My name's San," Lynx blurt out suddenly. Wooyoung froze in surprise, the tears and panick stopping.
"Choi San to be exact," he added.
"S-San," Wooyoung sniffled.
"Yeah, that's my name," Lynx said with a nod.
"That's a very pretty name. Like mountain," Wooyoung said quietly. San smiled softly and nodded.
"Yeah, just like mountain," he said. Wooyoung sniffled and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand.
"It suits you," Wooyoung said. San chuckled and lifted his hand, gently wiping the tears from Wooyoung's face. There was another bang and Wooyoung flinched.
"Come here, give me a hug," San said softly. Wooyoung sniffled and moved to climb into his lap but hesitated, not wanting to make him uncomfortable. San didn't seem to mind as he grabbed him and tugged him fully into his lap. Wooyoung curled up and tucked his head under San's chin. San sighed and hugged him gently, feeling like he was something fragile he needed to protect.
"Do you think someone just got killed," Wooyoung asked quietly. San shifted slightly, not knowing what to say.
"I'm going to go with yes based off your reaction," Wooyoung whispered.
"We can't know for sure and I'm definitely not letting you go anywhere near there until it's safe," San said softly. Wooyoung nodded into his chest, not wanting to go anywhere near there for a while.
"Does this happen often? Shootings," Wooyoung asked.
"Not that often but enough for people to be on guard and to know what to do if it happens," San replied.
"I'm sorry," Wooyoung whispered.
"What for," San asked with a frown.
"That you have to go through this," Wooyoung replied. San closed his eyes and sighed, resting his chin down on Wooyoung's head.
"I seriously misjudged you, jeez. To think I was going to punch you for trying to proposition me. I can't believe I thought you would do that," San said, making Wooyoung chuckle weakly.
"I think I would seriously get traumatised if I lived here," Wooyoung said.
"Oh yeah, you definitely wouldn't last living here," San said with a fond smile.
"Can we please get out of here," Wooyoung asked and San nodded quickly.
"Of course," he said, helping the two of them to stand. The shots had stopped a few minutes ago but there was no way to know if it was safe or not.
"Come on, let's go this way," San said, grabbing Wooyoung's hand and tugging him the rest of the way down the alley. San guided Wooyoung through the streets until they got properly into the city again.
"Hey San. It feels weird calling you that," Wooyoung said, making San chuckle.
"Yes Wooyoung, what's up," San asked.
"How long do you have until you need to get to the ring," Wooyoung asked. San checked his watch quickly.
"About an hour, why? Don't worry, I'm going to walk you home. I'm definitely not going to let you go alone rig-."
"Can we get ice-cream," Wooyoung asked, cutting him off. San doesn't usually get ice-cream, especially not before a fight but Wooyoung went through something scary.
"Sure, ice-cream sounds great," he said with a nod. Wooyoung smiled happily, his eyes lighting up and he quickly dragged San down the street and over to one of his favourite well-known ice-cream stores. He tugged San inside and over to the counter.
"What's your favourite flavours. Are you going to get two or three scoops," Wooyoung asked.
"Oh, ah. I only really eat choc mint," San said awkwardly.
"Oh ok. It's a great flavour though so I feel you," Wooyoung said.
"Hi, what can I get for you," the man asked as he went in front of them.
"We'll get two cones. One with a scoop of mango and a scoop of choc mint and the other with two scoops of choc mint," Wooyoung said. San's eyes widened and he glanced at the prices.
"Ah actually, just one scoop of the choc mint for me please," he said quickly.
"Come on, indulge a bit," Wooyoung said.
"No, it's fine," San said.
"San, eating more ic-."
"Wooyoung, I don't live in a penthouse," San said quietly, looking down. Wooyoung's stomach dropped and he realised San was saying no because he couldn't afford it, not because he didn't want to eat too much. He immediately wanted to pay for San to get two scoops but knew that probably wouldn't go well. "We'll get a cone with a scoop of mint and a cone with a scoop of mango," he said. San's head snapped up in surprise and he opened his mouth to protest but Wooyoung quickly squeezed his hand to keep him quiet.
"Ok, that's $15," the man said. Wooyoung glanced at San in worry, not sure how he would react when the cashier put the ice-creams together. San seemed conflicted so Wooyoung stepped in quickly. He pulled out his card and paid for them, feeling San's hand tighten in his. They grabbed their ice-creams and left the store.
"Before you get mad, you can pay me back $7.50 if you want," Wooyoung said quickly.
"I will, I promise. I just, can I please wait until I paid tonight," San asked.
"Of course not you horrible person," Wooyoung said, making San smile softly.
"Rude," he said, making Wooyoung grin happily. It was nice to see Lynx be so relaced and carefree, to know his name.
"Who're you fighting tonight," Wooyoung asked.
"Zeus," San replied.
"Zeus? Seriously? Who decides their fighting nose should be Zeus," Wooyoung said with a chuckle.
"He's a bit of a tosser. He thinks he's the best fighter out there so I'm going to love knocking him down a peg or two tonight," San said with a grin. Wooyoung couldn't help but to think cocky San was just a little hot.
"Where'd Lynx come from then," he asked.
"It wasn't anything special. The people at the foster home used to call me Lynx growing up," San replied with a shrug. Wooyoung's head snapped up at the sudden information but he saw that San didn't seem to have realised so he remained quiet.
"So are you going to come watch the fight tonight," San asked.
"I'm honestly not sure. I was supposed to go home and then see how I was feeling," Wooyoung replied with a shrug.
"You should come. I can walk you home afterwards if you need," San said. Wooyoung was technically supposed to talk about what was going to happen but if San's going to be there then it will be fine anyway.
"Or I can just walk you home now if you'd rather that," San said when Wooyoung didn't reply.
"What? Oh, no. No I'll come," Wooyoung said quickly.
"Are you sure? You don't have to come you know," San said.
"Seriously? I love watching you fight. You're the reason I kept coming back in the first place.
"Really," San asked in surprise.
"Really. I love watching you fight, it's so cool and you're so good," Wooyoung said.
"Well I'm glad you enjoy it. I don't think I've really talked to a fan before," San said, making him scoff.
"You have so many fans and ouch, burn. I see how it is," Wooyoung said, making San grin.
"Come on, let's head to the ring. I'll show you my warm ups," San said.
"Please tell me you're gonna be shirtless," Wooyoung muttered.
"What," San asked.
"Nothing, let's go," Wooyoung said with a giggle, grabbing San's free hand and yanking him forwards.
Here is chapter 4 everyone, thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it
Some big events in this chapter, let me know your favourite moments
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