Chapter 3
Wooyoung sighed as he got into the car, buckling in quickly. It was a day where he had to go into his dad's office and help out so he spent 6 hours sitting at a desk sorting out files that his dad wanted to organise.
"Is everything ok sir," the driver asked.
"Yeah, just been a long day. Can you take me back home please," Wooyoung asked.
"Of course sir. But would you like me to stop at that grocery store on the corner that you like? Maybe getting that ice-cream and iced coffee that you love so much will cheer you up," the driver said. Wooyoung perked up at that.
"That would actually be amazing Kai, thank you," he said. The driver nodded before driving off. Wooyoung doesn't often call on his driver to take him places nowadays but when he was younger, Kai drove him around a lot more and came to know the small store as one that he loves going to. The drive took about 15 minutes before the car was pulling up in front of the store. Wooyoung felt a smile tug onto his lips, unbuckling quickly.
"I'll be back out in a few minutes," he said as he got out of the car, closing the door behind himself. He quickly walked to the front of the store, opening the door and walking inside. He already knew what he wanted so he walked to the back of the store. He was rummaging through the plastic cups with ice to find one with the perfect amount when he heard sniffles. He paused at the sound and discretely looked to the side to try and see what was going on but also not wanting to be so obvious and draw attention to it. His eyes landed on a man with pink hair that was standing with a basket of groceries in his hand. He was crying into his hand, his shoulders shaking. Wooyoung wasn't sure what to do but given he doesn't know the person, he thought it would be best to give him some space. He quickly grabbed a cup and closed the freezer, moving off quickly. He went to the ice cream section and grabbed his favourite before walking around for a few minutes, grabbing some other snacks before heading to the register. There he saw the pink haired male once again. He had about 8 items that were getting scanned up, just basic things people need. He had eggs, bread, milk, rice and then some first aid things like band aids and bandages.
"That comes to $38.75," the cashier said and Wooyoung could see the way the man in front of him tensed up. He reached into his pockets and pulled out some notes and coins. The cashier was counting the coins and Wooyoung noticed how the man was shifting on his feet and fiddling with his fingers.
"Sir, this is only $31.50. You still need $7.25," the cashier said.
"Oh, um. I might have some more money," the guy said. He searched through his pockets for a few seconds before coming up empty handed.
"Uh, can you take off the rice please," he asked, his voice shaky. Wooyoung's stomach dropped as he realised this person must really be struggling if he can't even afford to pay for basic groceries. He wondered why he wouldn't put back the first air things as they are the most expensive things he was getting but then he realised it was most likely something he needed. Wooyoung quickly slipped a $20 note from his wallet and bent down before standing back up.
"Excuse me sir, I think you dropped this," he said, holding it out. The man turned around and Wooyoung noticed the redness in his eyes despite his bangs coming down and covering them.
"What," he asked.
"This fell out of your pocket when you were searching them," Wooyoung said. The guys seemed surprised, understandably and slowly reached out. His hand closed around Wooyoung's and pushed it down, shaking his head.
"I um, I don't think it's mine," he said quietly.
"No it definitely was. You may not have realised it was there in your back pocket," Wooyoung said firmly.
"Oh, thank you," the man said, grabbing it and turning back to the cashier, handing him the money.
"Here you go, your change is $12.75," the cashier said. The man took his change and groceries before leaving. Wooyoung then stepped up to the register. He placed down his items and waited for the cashier to ring them up.
"That was really nice of you, you know," the cashier said.
"I don't know what you're talking about," Wooyoung said with a shrug.
"Your total is $26.50," the cashier said. Wooyoung nodded and pulled out his card, paying quickly.
"Once again, that was very nice," the cashier said. Wooyoung just smiled before grabbing his bags and leaving the store. When he got outside, he nearly jumped out of his skin when someone said hey. He spun around and saw the pink haired man.
"Oh, hey," he said slowly, unsure what the man was wanting.
"This might be a weird request and it's fine if you aren't comfortable with it but can I please hug you," he asked. Wooyoung wasn't expecting that but he isn't against hugs, in fact he loves them and this person seems like he really needs one. He bent down and placed down his bags before standing up again and holding out his arms. The man hesitated for a second before stepping into Wooyoung's arms and embracing him tightly. Wooyoung hugged him back and gently rubbed his hand up and down his back.
"Thank you for what you did there. You didn't have to but it means so much to me," the man whispered wetly.
"I hope things get better for you," Wooyoung said softly. The man sniffled before pulling back and shaking his head.
"It won't but I'm happy how I am, it just gets hard sometimes," the man said. Wooyoung didn't want to pry too much but he also didn't want to leave it at that. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a business card with his phone number on it.
"Listen, if it ever gets too hard, just give this number a call. I don't want to overstep so you don't have to but if you need it, don't hesitate to call," he said. The man didn't say anything but he grabbed the card and nodded. Wooyoung watched hum walk off before he went back to the car with his bags in hand.
"We heading back home," the driver asked and Wooyoung nodded. The drive back to the hotel was silent and Wooyoung took time to think about the pink haired male. He didn't ask his name and it's likely he'll never see him again but it still made Wooyoung sad. He was clearly struggling and he said it wouldn't get better any time soon. Wooyoung has never had to worry about where his next meal will come from, nor has he had to worry about not having enough money to buy something, let alone basic food necessities.
"We're here sir."
"Thanks Kai, have a safe trip home," Wooyoung said as he grabbed the bags and left the car. He took the elevator straight up to the penthouse and went inside, closing the door with a sigh. He went to call out for Yeosang so he could talk to him about what happened but froze when he heard an odd noise. It was quiet for a few seconds before he heard it again. He quickly put down the bags and hurried over to Yeosang's room, knocking lightly before gently pushing the door open. Yeosang's head shot up and he quickly tried to wipe his face but Wooyoung saw the red-rimmed and teary eyes. Why is everyone crying today? He quickly walked inside, closing the door behind himself before going and sitting beside Yeosang leaning against the headboard.
"You ok," he asked quietly.
"Yeah I'm fine. Was a long day is all," Yeosang said replied with a sniffle. He reached over and grabbed Wooyoung's hand, linking their fingers together.
"Do you want to talk about it," Wooyoung asked softly. Yeosang was quiet for a few seconds before sighing.
"Mum and dad want me to get back into modelling. They want me to model in one of the next lines coming out," he said quietly. Wooyoung immediately frowned at that, squeezing Yeosang's hand in reassurance. Yeosang used to model but the agency and standards set by his parents were so harsh that he developed an eating disorder and was in a dark place for quite some time before Wooyoung managed to convince him to quit. That was 4 years ago and he hasn't been happier than making the decision he made.
"You told them no, right? You told them you wouldn't do it," Wooyoung asked.
"Yeah, of course. I don't, I can't go through that again," Yeosang said, shivering slightly as he remembered his previous years. Wooyoung quickly wrapped his arms around the older boy and tugged him close to his side.
"You won't. It's going to be ok, I promise," he said firmly, feeling Yeosang practically melt into his side at his words.
"I can't do that again," Yeosang whispered. Wooyoung hummed and bought his hand up, gently brushing through Yeosang's hair. Yeosang let out a deep breath, shifting so his body was completely leant against Wooyoung.
"You're ok, I've got you," Wooyoung said softly. Yeosang nodded and tucked his head into Wooyoung's neck, the two of them just remaining curled up in each others embrace. It isn't often that Yeosang is the one seeking comfort through affection so Wooyoung made sure to be very attentive. They remained curled up together for around 30 minutes before Yeosang started shifting.
"You ok," Wooyoung asked quickly.
"Yeah, just think I could do with a pick me up. You interested in paying a visit to the ring," Yeosang asked. Wooyoung perked up at that and nodded quickly. It's been a week since he last went to the ring because things have been so busy so he was eager to go check it out again. Hopefully he might briefly run into Lynx again so he could thank him. They weren't exactly on the greatest of terms but Wooyoung still owed him thanks for taking the time to walk him home when he ended up just bailing without saying anything.
"Alright, get changed. We'll leave in 20 minutes," Yeosang said. Wooyoung nodded and slipped out of the bed, going to his room to get changed. He remembered Lynx's words from last time and decided to change it up a bit. Instead of changing into a new suit, he put on some nice tracksuit pants and a decent hoodie.
"Hey Youngie, are these bags of snacks yours," Yeosang called out suddenly. Wooyoung's eyes widened and he cursed, running out of the room quickly.
"Shit, that has my ice-cream," he said, making Yeosang chuckle as he grabbed the bags from his hands. It's been over 30 minutes since he got home which means the ice-ream will most definitely have melted.
"You gonna wear that tonight," Yeosang asked.
"Ah, yeah. Just thought I'd go a bit more comfortable," Wooyoung replied with a shrug.
"Alright, give me a sec and then we'll go," Yeosang said before hurrying back to his room. He returned a few minutes later with his tie and blazer replaced with a hoodie.
"Ready," he asked and Wooyoung nodded. The two of them left the apartment and headed down to the ground floor. Wooyoung waved to Natalia as they passed and headed outside.
"Are you fine with walking? I could do with fresh air and exercise," Yeosang said.
"Yeah of course. I'm not too fussed," Wooyoung replied with a gentle smile and a nod. Yeosang dropped his hand down and grasped Wooyoung's gently. The two of them walked together hand in hand through the streets. Yeosang's hand tightened around Wooyoung's as they got to the alley, tugging him closer. Wooyoung smiled softly at the olders protectiveness, cuddling slightly into his side.
"Wonderland," Yeosang told the security out the front. He nodded and stepped to the side.
"Welcome to Wonderland," he said. The two of them nodded before walking inside.
"Look, Hongjoong's here," Wooyoung said happily. Yeosang smiled and the two of them quickly went over to the bar. Hongjoong was already serving someone and didn't see them so they just waited patiently. While they were waiting however, they noticed something was off. The two men Hongjoong was serving were standing and talking animatedly to him while his head hung low and he looked at the ground.
"You're a pathetic piece of shit. Ho hard is it to get a stupid drink right." Yeosang and Wooyoung gasped as the guys hand shot out and grasped Hongjoong's shirt, yanking him forwards and into the bar bench.
Before anyone else could react, there was a crash and a man in a hood rushed up, grabbing the man and ripping him back away from Hongjoong. He punched him straight in the face, making him cry out and fall to the ground. He then spun back around, grabbing the second dude and pinning him to the bench with a hand on the back of his neck, grabbing his arm and pinning it back painfully. The guy cried out but Lynx's eyes just hardened in anger, not letting up at all.
"Touch him again and I'll break both of your arms without hesitation," he spat venomously. The person who was pinned down whimpered.
"You grab your mate and get the fuck out of here. If I see either of you again I will not hesitate to beat you bloody," Lynx said. The guy nodded frantically before Lynx finally let him go. He grabbed his mate and the two of them rushed out quickly. Wooyoung glanced around and was shocked to see that none of the other people there were even paying attention to what had happened. When he looked back over to the bar, he found that both Lynx and Hongjoong were gone.
"Come on, I want to go check on Hongjoong," Yeosang said, tugging Wooyoung up and over to where he realised Hongjoong and Lynx must've gone. They went through the side door beside the bar and their eyes landed on Lynx hugging Hongjoong as the blue haired boy sniffled. Lynx turned to the door but seemed to settle slightly when his eyes landed on Wooyoung.
"I'm starting to think you're stalking me," Lynx said. Hongjoong's head snapped up and he tensed but smiled softly at the two boys.
"Hi guys, sorry you had to see that," Hongjoong said quietly, sniffling and wiping his eyes quickly.
"Don't apologise for that. You were just doing your job and those men were assholes. They're lucky I didn't actually break their arms for touching you," Lynx said angrily. His tone of voice and face were different from his actions as he was still hugging Hongjoong with one arm, rubbing his shoulder softly.
"I'm glad you didn't," Hongjoong said.
"You're the only reason I didn't because I knew you wouldn't want that," Lynx said.
"We just wanted to come and check in on you, make sure you're ok," Yeosang said.
"I appreciate it, not many people would care. I'm ok though, I had my little bodyguard there thankfully," Hongjoong said with a grin.
"You're a lot smaller than I am Joong," Lynx said with a frown.
"Oh hush you," Hongjoong said, whacking Lynx's shoulder. Wooyoung smiled softly at the interaction, Lynx having not even bat an eye despite being a fighter. It was even more clear that these two were close.
"You guys wanna know who's on for tonight," Hongjoong asked.
"Are you definitely ok," Yeosang asked.
"Yeah, promise. All the guy did was grab me because he was pissed off. S-Lynx stopped him quickly," Hongjoong said. His eyes went wide and Wooyoung didn't miss the slip up. That's the second time Hongjoong has started saying S before correcting himself and Wooyoung realised he must be going to say Lynx's real name.
"I'm sor-."
"S'okay," Lynx said, cutting him off softly.
"Um, yeah. Fights today are Bear vs Pyke and then it's Maize vs Viper," Hongjoong said.
"You aren't fighting today," Wooyoung asked Lynx.
"Nah, I didn't get one tonight, gotta have a day off," Lynx replied.
"Those two fights should be alright though, you'll enjoy them," Hongjoong said, Yeosang nodding as well.
"I gotta head back out but it was good to see you two again," Hongjoong said.
"Yeah we should head out as well," Yeosang said with a nod. The three of headed towards the doorway before Wooyoung paused.
"I'll see you out there in a minute," he told Yeosang. Yeosang nodded and went out with Hongjoong while Wooyoung stayed behind and turned to Lynx.
"I realise I left that night without saying thank you. So thank you," Wooyoung said. Lynx appraised him, his eyes running up and down Wooyoung's body.
"Where'd the suits go," he asked.
"Hoodies are more comfortable. Plus now you can't accuse me of apparently trying to flaunt my money which I don't do in the first place," Wooyoung said.
"Wait, you seriously changed your outfit cos I said you were flaunting your money," Lynx asked. Wooyoung frowned in annoyance.
"I was almost robbed and most likely assaulted because I looked like I had money," Wooyoung pointed out. Lynx frowned at that and stepped forwards.
"Are you ok? You know, after all that. I know it can be scary and you were terrified even when I was there with you," Lynx said. Wooyoung wasn't expecting the gentleness from Lynx but it was a relief for a change. It was sort of giving him whiplash but still a relief. He glanced towards the doorway before sighing.
"Are you genuinely asking me or are you just asking to make fun of me," he asked.
"I'm not a dick Wooyoung. If someone is struggling then I'm going to help if I can," Lynx said. Wooyoung nodded and moved to the side, sitting down on a table.
"I've been in scary situations before but I've never been alone in a dodgy back alley with guys trying to rob me," Wooyoung said.
"Yeah that can be really scary. I didn't think you were that bothered with it, just a little jumpy," Lynx said.
"Yeah well I didn't really know how to react, I didn't really process it until later that night," Wooyoung admitted.
"Did you talk to anyone about it? I know how something like that feels and it's best to talk to someone," Lynx said.
"You're a fighter Lynx, how could you possibly know how that feels," Wooyoung said with a frown.
"I wasn't always a fighter Wooyoung. Trust me I've been through some shit when I was younger," Lynx said as he sat down beside Wooyoung.
"Have you been robbed before," Wooyoung asked.
"Twice. Once I was beat and robbed, so trust me, I know how it feels. Have you had a proper talk to anyone about it," Lynx asked.
"I did talk to my best friend. Not too much though cos I didn't want to stress him out," Wooyoung said.
"The boy from the hotel, the one you came with? Was it Yeosang or something," Lynx asked.
"Yeah, Yeosang," he said with a nod.
"Is there anything that you want to tell me, to get off your chest," Lynx asked. Wooyoung sighed and dropped his head ino his hands.
"There um, there is something I want to talk to someone about but it's not the robbery and I highly doubt you wanna listen to a rich cre-."
"Stop calling yourself that whenever we talk. You haven't propositioned me and you helped Hongjoong without wanting anything in return. I don't have anything on tonight cos I'm not fighting so lay it on me," Lynx said.
"Are you sure? It's probably going to piss you off because of my rich privilege," Wooyoung said. Lynx glanced at him before frowning and glancing down.
"I'll listen objectively, I promise," Lynx said. Wooyoung was nervous but this was also a good chance for him, to speak his mind to someone who it won't hurt if it doesn't go wrong.
"Can I ask you a personal question. You don't have to say yes," Wooyoung said.
"I know, and I won't. But you can ask and I'll see if I want to answer," Lynx said with a nod.
"Hongjoong and Sangie have mentioned a lot of the fighters don't have much money. Is that the same with you," Wooyoung asked. Lynx chuckled lightly.
"Going right out there I see. I don't really think we're on that personal of a level given that we've only met a few times and were bickering for a lot of that. But for some reason you intrigue me. So yes, you could say that might be a reasonable assumption," Lynx said with a nod.
"I'm coming to realise I might not have understood how lucky I am to have money. And I don't mean for it to seem like I'm rubbing it in, sorry," Wooyoung said, realising how it sounded when Lynx just told him he didn't have much money.
"It's fine, I understand what you were trying to say," Lynx said.
"Did Hongjoong mentioned he almost cried when I tipped him," Wooyoung asked.
"I mean he cried when he was telling me about it," Lynx said with a shrug.
"All I gave him was $50 and he was acting like it was the greatest thing in the world," Wooyoung said. Lynx's head shot up and Wooyoung winced at his wide eyes.
"Right, you really are rich. Never thought I'd here the day where someone acts like $50 is nothing," Lynx said. Wooyoung's stomach dropped and he instantly felt like a horrible person.
"I'm sorry. I'm gonna go," he said, standing up quickly. He turned around and stepped towards the door but before he could go far, Lynx shot up and grabbed his wrist to stop him.
"Hey, I wasn't trying to be rude. Just like it's a surprise to you that someone can be so thankful for $50, it's a surprise to me that $50 seems like nothing to you," Lynx said. Wooyoung shook his head, looking down at the ground. He probably picked the worst person to talk about this to.
"Wooyoung, come on. Let's sit back down," Lynx said. Wooyoung was unsure what to do but allowed Lynx to tug him back over to the table.
"I apologise. I said I would listen objectively and I didn't exactly do that," Lynx said.
"Looking back now it's pretty pathetic," Wooyoung said, shaking his head.
"No, no. I promised I would listen, I'm not just gonna back out now," Lynx said gently.
"I's sill now that I think about it. First world problems," Wooyoung said with a sigh.
"Come on, spill it. I need something to occupy me so let's do this," Lynx said.
"Well, obviously I was surprised when I saw how thankful Hongjoong was. How much does he get for bartending by the way," Wooyoung asked.
"Um, well I can't really tell you that but it really isn't that much. Your $50 was a really big contribution," Lynx said.
"How much do you get for fighting? I would have thought you'd get serious money for that," Wooyoung said.
"Ah, that," Lynx said, shifting nervously.
"That's kind of personal," he said quietly.
"Oh, ah, sorry. Right, you don't have to tell me. I don't even know why I asked that," Wooyoung said.
"What I will tell you is that over half of the reward money doesn't even go to us. What I make is barely enough for rent and food," Lynx said. Wooyoung winced at that. Rent can be quite expensive, not that it's anything he has ever had to worry about.
"I'm sorry about that," Wooyoung said, making Lynx glance at him briefly before looking down.
"It's honestly fine. I've dealt with worse and I'm content with life," Lynx said with a shrug.
"I also met this other guy today," Wooyoung said.
"Oh yeah, what happened," Lynx asked.
"I had a long day so I stopped at a corner store to grab some snacks. There was this guy in there that was crying. When I got to the register, he was buying a few basic things like bread, milk, eggs and rice. Then he had some first aid items like band aids and bandages. He couldn't afford it all though, things that I could probably buy in my sleep," Wooyoung said with a sigh. Lynx nodded but stayed silent, allowing Wooyoung to finish explaining what happened.
"He started putting away some of the food and I felt so bad for him. I grabbed $20 and acted like he dropped it and thankfully he went with it," Wooyoung said. Lynx blinked in surprise and looked up at Wooyoung.
"You acted like he dropped it? Why wouldn't you just offer him the money," Lynx asked.
"Because he's having a hard time and I didn't want him to be more embarrassed," Wooyoung said with a shrug.
"That's really thoughtful," Lynx said softly.
"I just didn't want to bring him down anymore. He knew it wasn't his obviously but he was thankful and gave me a hug outside. He was kinda cute with his pink hair and he was sweet. I gave him my card in case he needs help sometime. I doubt he'll use it but I felt bad and wanted to help," Wooyoung said with a sigh.
"He had pink hair," Lynx asked with furrowed eyebrows.
"Yeah, bright bubble-gum pink. If you saw him, you'd be calling him a fairy," Wooyoung said.
"You helped him pay for his groceries," Lynx asked.
"Well, yeah. But this isn't me trying to flaunt my money or anything. I wasn't telling you for praise, I'm just pointing out how hard life seems to be for people, and I've just had a blind eye for it all," Wooyoung said with a sigh. Wooyoung started to get nervous as Lynx was just looking at him for about 10 seconds. He was worried about what his reaction would be, given that he wasn't saying anything.
"Wooyoung, can I please hug you," Lynx asked suddenly, finally breaking the silence. Wooyoung's mouth dropped open in surprise. That's two people in one day asking for a hug. Not to mention one is Lynx who a couple of weeks ago was calling him a creep.
"You want to hug me," he asked incredulously.
"Very much so," Lynx said with a nod. Wooyoung was still surprised but nodded quickly, not one to turn down a hug. And perhaps he just really wants to hug Lynx. He looks like he's a good hugger, sue him. Lynx moved forward and wrapped his arms around Wooyoung, drawing him into a firm embrace. Wooyoung was surprised by how warm and safe it felt in Lynx's arms and found himself practically melting into them, leaning against the fighter. Lynx allowed him and just held him tightly. Wooyoung let out a breath and slowly dropped his head down towards Lynx's shoulder, unsure if he would be ok. He seemed to be completely fine with it however as his hand landed on top of Wooyoung's head and gently pushed it down the rest of the way, allowing him to rest it on his shoulder.
"I'm really sorry Wooyoung, for how I first perceived you. I've been an ass to you every time we've met but I'm just so used to all the rich guys being condescending pricks. I shouldn't have judged, I know but in my life you have to judge really quickly or you're gonna get hurt," Lynx said. Wooyoung didn't know how to reply straight away so he waited a few seconds before speaking up.
"It's ok, honestly. The stories I've heard from Sangie and Hongjoong were not great so I understand. It didn't feel nice but I understand," Wooyoung said. Lynx sighed and his grip tightened around Wooyoung, making the smallers eyes slip closed as he relaxed.
"I'm sorry. I'm not trying to make excuses but I've been through a lot and I find it hard to trust people I don't know, especially in my line of work," Lynx said with a sigh.
"I'm confused Lync. Do you, do you like me or not? Do you trust me," Wooyoung asked.
"I trust you," Lynx breathed out.
"I trust that you're a decent person, I can see that now. I'm pretty private person and I only have a couple close friends but if you ever want to say hello to me at the ring, you can," Lynx said. Wooyoung smiled softly at that, feeling giddy inside. It was a start and he'll take it.
"Any chance I could know your real name," Wooyoung asked as he sat up to properly look at Lynx. Lynx tensed up at that, his eyes widening slightly. He opened his mouth before closing it again quickly, not saying anything. He seemed to be trying to figure out what to say but Wooyoung realised that he wasn't comfortable with telling him his name just yet.
"It's ok, you don't have to tell me," he said quickly. Lynx relaxed at that and he smiled gently. Wooyoung panicked internally as Lynx's eyes crinkled up and dimples popped up on his cheeks. It was far different from the intense fighter in the ring.
"I appreciate that Wooyoung. Also from what you've just told me, you're doing what you can. You've gotta be realistic though. There's so many people out there who don't have enough money to get by. You alone can't change that," Lynx said.
"I know, but I can still help at least some people out," Wooyoung said with a sigh.
"Hongjoong mentioned that you don't accept donations. Would you ever let me help you," Wooyoung asked quietly. Lynx frowned at that and shook his head.
"Absolutely not. I appreciate it but I'm good, I don't accept any forms of pay out," Lynx said. Wooyoung didn't really classify it as a payout but it's not his decision anyway.
"Ok, I respect that. Friends though," Wooyoung asked, holding out his hand. Lynx glanced down before nodding and shaking his hand.
"Good. Now I should probably go find Yeosang because I was only supposed to be a minute," Wooyoung said.
"He probably thinks you've been kidnapped by me," Lynx said with a chuckle. The two of them finally got up from the table and left the room. Wooyoung glanced around the bar but found no sign of Yeosang.
"He went out already," Hongjoong said as he walked past them to hand someone their drinks.
"Hey Lynx, what're you planning on doing now," Wooyoung asked, getting an idea.
"I was just gonna hang out at the bar, why," Lynx asked.
"Do you want to come sit with Yeosang and I and watch the fighting," Wooyoung asked. Lynx contemplated it for a few seconds before struggling.
"Sure, why not," Lynx said with a shrug.
"Come on," Wooyoung said, beckoning Lynx to follow him. They went to the door at the back, going through it and down the hall, heading to the seats where he found Yeosang sitting.
"Sorry Sangie, I took a bit longer than I was expecting," Wooyoung said. Yeosang looked up before smiling, his eyes landing on Lynx in surprise.
"Hey guys," he said.
"Yeosang, this is Lynx. Lynx, this is my best friend Yeosang," Wooyoung said. Lynx held out his hand for Yeosang to shake however he had other ideas. He stood up and moved past Wooyoung, hugging Lynx. Lynx froze in surprise, not sure what to do but Yeosang pulled away after a few seconds.
"Thank you for looking after Wooyoung. I seriously owe you one," Yeosang said.
"No problem," Lynx replied.
"Come on, let's sit down and watch the fights," Wooyoung said. The other two nodded and sat down, focusing in on the ring. Lynx was sitting behind Wooyoung and he found himself focusing more on the fighter beside him than the two in the ring.
Here is chapter 3 everyone, I hope you enjoyed it and thank you for reading
Let me know what your favourite parts were
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