Chapter 15
"You look hot. It's nice I can that now rather than just thinking it," Wooyoung said with a small smile as he watched San strap up his hands. San was wearing his white sleeveless shirt and black leather pants, the muscles of his arms on full display. San paused what he was doing and glanced at Wooyoung who was on the couch. A small smirk graced the fighters lips.
"How often do you think it," he asked.
"Often enough," Wooyoung replied with a shrug. San chuckled and continued to wrap his hands.
"The thought that crosses my mind constantly is how beautiful you are. That mole under your eye is so pretty," San said, not looking up from his hands. Wooyoung looked over at him in surprise, not having expected his words. He by no means would use beautiful as a way to describe himself.
"Thanks," he said quietly.
"You know you're beautiful right. You're the prettiest person I've ever seen and I've seen a lot of people," San said, this time raising his head to look at the younger who had wide eyes and a red tint on his cheeks.
"You don't need to play it up," Wooyoung said quietly.
"I'm not," San replied with a frown.
"Sure," Wooyoung scoffed, rolling his eyes. San frowned even more at that, not liking Wooyoung's words. He quickly ripped his tape and stuck it down before getting up and going over to Wooyoung. He grabbed Wooyoung's hands and tugged him up. He lifted up his hand and cupped Wooyoung's face, rubbing his thumb across his cheek, brushing over his mole.
"I'm being truthful Youngie. You're so beautiful, sometimes I just can't keep my eyes off of you. I just wish you could see that as well," San said gently. Wooyoung sighed and shook his head.
"I do appreciate your words San but I just don't see it. I'm not like you, I don't have any muscle. And I'm not like Yeosang, I don't have his looks. I'm just boring old me," Wooyoung whispered. San shook his head adamantly at that.
"You don't need to be me or Yeosang. You're your own person and I find you absolutely breath-taking," San said softly, leaning forwards and placing a delicate kiss to Wooyoung's mole. Wooyoung smiled softly at that, wrapping his arms around San's waist and hugging him tightly.
"I love you," he whispered.
"I love you too, very much," San replied, hugging him back tightly and nuzzling his head against the others. Wooyoung let his eyes slip closed and leant against San, basking in the safety and comfort of his arms. San stayed how he was, knowing Wooyoung very much needed the hug. They were interrupted by a knock on the door and San tensed before relaxing as he heard the voice on the other side.
"It's just me," Hongjoong said.
"Come in," San said. Hongjoong opened the door and slipped inside before closing it again quickly.
"You almost ready? They're going to call you out in about 5 minutes," Hongjoong said. San nodded and pulled away from Wooyoung.
"I'm ready," he said firmly. Hongjoong glanced over at Wooyoung who was looking down at the ground.
"5 more minutes," Wooyoung said quietly.
"Technically 10. It's just 5 until I come out," San said, reaching up and ruffling Wooyoung's hair. Wooyoung frowned and slapped his hand away before giving him a small smile to show he wasn't too mad.
"Can you go grab some chalk from my bag Woo," San asked. Wooyoung nodded and got up, going over to San's bag. San quickly stepped closer to Hongjoong to whisper into his ear.
"Remember your promise." Hongjoong nodded and pat San's back softly, glancing over at the youngest in the room.
"Got it," Wooyoung said as he grabbed the jar and stood up, going over to San again.
"Thanks," San said, grabbing the jar from him.
"Good luck and don't die," Hongjoong said, pulling San into a tight hug.
"I won't. I'll see you after the fight," San replied, hugging him back tightly. They pat each other's backs firmly before pulling apart. Hongjoong waved goodbye to both boys before leaving the room. San quickly put some chalk onto his hands before clapping them together.
"You prepared for this," Wooyoung asked.
"As best as I can be. Don't stress," San replied.
"I can't help it," Wooyoung said with a sigh.
"I know. Would you like another hug," San asked softly as he stepped closer. Wooyoung nodded and quickly moved forwards, hugging him tightly as he squeezed his eyes closed. Wooyoung buried his face into the fighters neck and inhaled deeply. He tried to slow down his heart, taking deep breaths. He really doesn't want San to do this but it's too late now because there's mere minutes before San has to go out.
"Please don't die. Please don't leave me. I can't lose you," he choked out. San clenched his arms tighter around Wooyoung, almost cutting off his breath but Wooyoung didn't mind in the slightest.
"I love you. I promise I'm not going anywhere," San said firmly. Wooyoung sniffled before nodding and pulling away. He wasn't crying but his eyes were watery.
"I love you too," Wooyoung whispered.
"Come on," San said. The two of them left the room and went down the hall, through the door to the other hall and up the stairs before pausing. Wooyoung drew in a shaky breath, trying to calm his nerves as he heard people cheering. He wasn't even the one fighting and yet he was terrified.
"It's going to be ok," San whispered.
"And now, the challenger of this fight. The man who hasn't lost a fight in over 3 years. He's quick, he's cunning, he's everybody's favourite. It's Lynx!" San strode forwards and Wooyoung followed him. When he got to the opening of the box, he split off and slipped into a seat, sitting down on the middle chair. The cheers in the crowd were deafening, people chanting Lynx's name. San went around doing his pre-game routine but Wooyoung's eyes drifted over to the other fighter in the ring. Zeus's eyes were already locked on him, a smirk on his face. His gaze made Wooyoung feel uneasy and he shifted uncomfortably, looking down as the memories of the alley drifted back.
The crowd suddenly roared and Wooyoung quickly looked back up to find San had pinned Zeus back against the chains, his hands clutching his shirt. A couple of security rushed into the ring and pulled them apart, shoving San back towards his side. San shoved them off before striding over to the box, pausing by the chains and grabbing them.
"You ok," he asked, his voice barely audible over the crowd. Wooyoung nodded quickly, not wanting San to be unfocused because he was too worried about him. San started to do his stretches and Wooyoung drew in a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves as his knee bounced up and down anxiously.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, there is now only one more minute until this fight in underway. Stay in your seats, you're about to see the fight of the year." San and Wooyoung's eyes locked one last time, San sending Wooyoung a reassuring smile before walking to the middle of the ring. Wooyoung clasped his hands together in his lap, trying to stop them from shaking. San and Zeus walked close together, staring each other down before taking a step back.
"Please be ok. Please get out of this alive," Wooyoung whispered to himself just as the bell rang to signal the beginning of the fight. Zeus threw the first punch but San ducked down, managing to dodge it as it skimmed over the top of his head. He jumped back up, thrusting his fist up and aiming for Zeus's stomach but he shifted just in time and it instead hit the side of his torso. Zeus's leg shot out, connecting with San's ankle and sending him crashing onto his back. He went to stomp down on San's stomach but San managed to roll over quickly and get back to his feet.
Wooyoung's hands were no longer clasped together. Instead they were gripping the arms of his chair, clenched so hard his knuckles were white. Zeus swung at San again but San ducked to the side before landing the first solid hit to Zeus's ribs. Zeus stumbled slightly so San followed up with another swing, clipping Zeus's jaw as he was too slow in ducking away.
Wooyoung let out a breath, nodding in relief. San just needs to continue on with this momentum and he can win this fight. He just needs to keep on landing those hits. Zeus suddenly charged at San and before he could react, Zeus grabbed his waist and slammed him back into the chains. Wooyoung saw San's face scrunch up with pain as he was thrown to the ground and his throat tightened. Zeus jumped on top of San, pinning him to the ground and punching him in the face. He tried to punch him again but San caught his fist and directed it away before slamming his elbow into Zeus's face. It put Zeus off balance and San was able to kick him off before jumping to his feet. Zeus had blood dripping from his nose but he got up and advanced towards San again. San struck first this time, spinning back and shooting his foot into Zeus's stomach as he strode forwards. Zeus keeled over slightly and San quickly followed up with a forward kick into Zeus's shoulder.
Wooyoung let out a breath, trying to calm his racing heart as best as he could. He tried to relax his hands but he couldn't help but continue to clutch it tightly. Zeus stumbled over to the chains near his box and Wooyoung frowned as he noticed one of the people step up to the chains as well, handing something to Zeus. San advanced towards Zeus who turned slightly, his hand shifting by his leg. Wooyoung's hear skipped a beat as he realised something wasn't right. He saw a glint of something shiny in Zeus's hand before the fighter swung towards San's face. San managed to duck back and dodge the swing and Wooyoung realised what was wrong. Zeus had brass knuckles. Wooyoung gasped and sat up straighter in his seat with horror. One hit from those and you would be in a lot of pain.
"Lynx," he cried out instinctively. That was a bad move however as despite the noise from the crowd, San heard him and his head turned to make sure Wooyoung was ok. That gave Zeus the opportunity he needed and he swung his fist out, connecting it with the side of San's head. San cried out and went tumbling down to the ground, giving Zeus the chance to jump on top of him and pin him down again. Wooyoung let out a sob, covering his mouth with his hands as he realised he may have just cost San his life. Zeus swung his fist down into San's stomach before a bell suddenly rung out, confusing Wooyoung.
"That's the first 10 minutes down Ladies and Gentlemen and it seems Lynx was saved by the bell. Wooyoung tuned out the announcer, his eyes focused on San as Zeus reluctantly got up and went over to his box. San remained on the ground, barely moving. Wooyoung wasn't sure what the protocols were but he jumped up and ran from the box, into the ring. He dropped down to San's side, his stomach churning as he saw a trail of blood down the side of San's head.
"Sannie," he whispered, making San's eyes snap open. The fighter quickly sat up before managing to push himself to his feet. The crowd cheered harder at that but both boys only had eyes for each other.
"Get back in the box," San mumbled, directing Wooyoung back to the box where they both sat down. San groaned and used his shirt to wipe some of the blood from the side of his face. Wooyoung felt guilty as he saw how much pain the fighter was in.
"San I'm so sorry," he said quickly.
"Don't worry about it," San sighed.
"No, I shouldn't have called out to you. I distracted you and you got hurt because of it," Wooyoung said.
"Wooyoung just stop. It was an accident and I'm fine. It just aches a bit cos he used bloody brass knuckles," San said with a wince.
"Is that even allowed," Wooyoung asked.
"No rules remember. I just thought he might want to try and win fair and square. Guess I was wrong," San said bitterly.
"Are you sure you're ok? That was a really hard hit to your head," Wooyoung said worriedly.
"Positive. Don't stress," San said, standing back up.
"The fight will resume in one minute."
"Be careful," Wooyoung said. San nodded before walking back into the ring to meet a smirking Zeus again. San scowled before rolling his shoulders and stretching his neck. He was officially pissed off now. It was clear to him that Wooyoung was terrified and would blame himself if anything was to happen to him. He briefly glanced back to see Wooyoung curled up with his knees to his chest. The bell rang and San didn't hesitate before rushing forwards and tackling Zeus who was caught off-guard and not prepared. They collided with the ground roughly and San used the momentum to pin Zeus down before punching him in the face. Zeus struggled slightly, managing to punch San in the ribs but San didn't falter. He continued to punch Zeus until Zeus managed to flip the two of them over.
Wooyoung gasped worriedly, hugging his knees to his chest as he watched with rapt attention. Zeus tried to punch San's face but he managed to block it with his arm. His leg slipped out from under Zeus and he drove his knee up into the other fighters ribs. He then flung his foot out, catching Zeus in the stomach and throwing him off. San rushed to his feet before throwing himself down, smashing his elbow into Zeus's head. Wooyoung jumped and winced, knowing that would definitely hurt. San pushed himself onto his knees while Zeus laid unmoving, the crowd cheering loudly.
Wooyoung's heartrate quickened as he watched San pull Zeus's torso up and get him in a chokehold, one arm wrapping around his neck while his other arm locked over the top of his wrist. Wooyoung's grip tightened around his knees, his eyes welling up with tears. This was it. San was about to take a man's life, to protect him.
San tightened his hold around Zeus's neck, preparing to cut off his oxygen and end it for good. Once he does this, Wooyoung would be safe and that's all he wants, for Wooyoung to be safe. His eyes flicked up and landed on Wooyoung on instinct and it felt like time stopped, all of the sound blocking out. Wooyoung was curled up on his seat, looking so small and vulnerable. Tears were streaming down his face that was half hidden in his knees. San's mind drifted back to throughout the week, all the times Wooyoung had burst into tears at the thought of him killing someone. Not him getting hurt, him killing someone.
His heartrate slowed down and his arms loosened slightly as his eyes were transfixed on Wooyoung. He glanced up in the stands, finding Jay near the top, laughing and talking to some high-end people. He wasn't paying proper attention, probably already boasting about the win that he was sure to come. His heart started racing again, this time in fear but he pushed it away. He let out a deep breath before fully releasing his hold on Zeus and jumping up, sprinting to his box. Wooyoung sat up slightly in shock but San quickly grabbed his arm and yanked him up.
"Run," he yelled as there was a sudden uproar in the crowd. Wooyoung gasped but San kept a tight grip on his wrist, dragging him from the room, down the stairs and into the hall.
"What's go-."
"Just run," San cut him off as they sprinted to the next hall. They got to the door to the bar and hurried inside, not running but still moving at a quick pace. San hurried to the bar where Hongjoong was walking. Said bartender looked up with a frown of confusion.
"Hongjoong we need to go," San said quickly.
"What, why," Hongjoong asked in bewilderment.
"Please Joong, please," San begged, glancing back at the door they just came from. Hongjoong nodded and quickly climbed over the bar, San helping him down onto the ground. San then quickly grabbed both of their hands before dragging them to the exit. Wooyoung cried out as his other arm was suddenly grabbed but San quickly yanked him away before doing a spinning back kick straight into the securities head, knocking him out.
"Stay quiet and follow me quickly," San said hurriedly. Wooyoung and Hongjoong nodded, the three of them rushing down the streets. San kept glancing back every few seconds to make sure everything was ok. Wooyoung made sure to stay close, realising they were going down streets he didn't recognise. They were running for close to 10 minutes when they started getting closer to the city.
"Are we goin-."
"Yes," San cut in quickly. Wooyoung glanced at Hongjoong but the other didn't falter. Where are they going? A couple of minutes later they finally stopped at a house. San grabbed Wooyoung's hand once again, linking their fingers and guiding him up to the doorstep. San knocked loudly and about 10 seconds later the door opened to reveal a tall boy with ruffled hair and pyjamas.
"San," he questioned with a raised eyebrow.
"I need you to let Hongjoong crash here tonight," San said quickly.
"Ok, but why," the boy asked.
"Something happened and it's not safe for him at home right now," San said. The boy nodded and stepped to the side, allowing Hongjoong, who Wooyoung now realised was on the phone, into the house.
"What about Seonghwa," the boy asked.
"Hongjoong's on the phone with Jongho at the moment. He'll swing by and bring Seonghwa here," San said.
"Ok," the boy said with a nod, turning to close the door.
"And Yunho," San said, making the other pause.
"Thank you," San said quietly.
"Seonghwa is my brother. Of course I'm going to help them," the boy said before slamming the door closed. San sighed and turned to look at Wooyoung who was watching him quietly.
"I can't take you back to the hotel tonight. Is there somewhere else you stay," he asked quietly. Wooyoung swallowed dryly before nodding.
"We can stay in a different hotel," he said.
"It's on Eynesbury St," he added. San nodded and clenched Wooyoung's hand tightly as they walked back onto the street. Wooyoung stayed close to San as they walked. He had so many questions but he knew it wasn't the time to ask them. For now, he was just thankful that he had San with him, safe and not having killed someone. They made it to the hotel 20 minutes later after cautiously walking through the streets. San stopped out the front, causing Wooyoung to stop as well.
"Message me when you-. Shit, I don't have my phone," San groaned.
"Why would I message you? You're not seriously thinking of leaving right now are you," Wooyoung asked. San hesitated and Wooyoung's eyes widened.
"Absolutely not. You said Hongjoong and I can't go home. Why on earth would I let you go home alone," Wooyoung exclaimed.
"I mean to be fair you can't really stop me," San said slowly.
"Choi San," Wooyoung said angrily.
"Right, right. But um, I have blood all over me Woo, I doubt I'll be allowed in," San said. Wooyoung frowned before shrugging off his hoodie, holding it out to San.
"I'm not leaving you right now so either we both go in or we both go home," he said firmly. San smiled softly before nodding, grabbing the hoodie and putting it on. Wooyoung grabbed his hand again and tugged him into the hotel. They walked to the front desk where a man was waiting.
"Hello, welcome to the Jung Hotel, what can I do for you," he asked.
"Uh, hi, Jung Wooyoung, pleasure to meet you," Wooyoung said, making the man's eyes go wide.
"M-Mr Jung, what can I do for you," he asked quickly.
"We need a room for the night please," Wooyoung said.
"Of course. I'll find you the best available suite. Perhaps we can get the penthouse prepared for you," the man muttered.
"Actually, we'll just take a regular suite please. We just need a bed that can fit two people and some spare robes and pyjamas," Wooyoung said before the man could type into his computer. San glanced at him in surprise but the younger didn't turn.
"Of course. Let me just find an available room," the man said. Wooyoung nodded and faintly ran his fingers over San's knuckles.
"We have a room on the 6th level, room 14. Once you exit the elevator, you go down the hall and it will be on the left," the man said, handing Wooyoung a key card, after a 5 minute wait.
"Thank you," Wooyoung said, bowing his head. He took the key card and they went to the elevator, taking it to the 6th floor before walking to room 14. Wooyoung swiped the key card and opened the door, the two of them walking inside. San's eyes widened as he realised this regular suite is still 10 times better than his own room and that was being generous. There was a small kitchen area and three doors at the end of a hall, leading to a bedroom, bathroom and TV room with a couch.
"Hey Sannie," Wooyoung said softly, gaining his attention. San paused where he was looking around the rooms and turned to where Wooyoung was standing in the entryway of the bedroom, shifting nervously.
"Yeah, what's wrong? Are you ok," San asked worriedly as he walked over. Wooyoung nibbled nervously on his bottom lip, trying to keep his heartrate calm. He stepped closer and gently placed his hand onto San's hip.
"Can I, can I kiss you," he whispered. San's eyes widened before he smiled softly.
"Not yet. Can you wait until after I have a shower? I want our first kiss to be special, not when I've got blood all over me," San said softly.
"I can wait. Whenever you're ready," Wooyoung said with a serious nod. He didn't want to push San into something he wasn't comfortable with.
"You're adorable," San said with a light chuckle as he ran his hand through the youngers hair.
"Go have a shower," Wooyoung said, looking down to hide his blush.
"Trying to rush me huh? Are you a bit excited," San teased.
"Just shut up and go get rid of all that blood. There should be some pyjamas in the bathroom on the sink," Wooyoung said. San chuckled but nodded and went into the bathroom before closing the door. Wooyoung waited until he heard the shower start before he faceplanted on the bed and screamed into a pillow. He didn't do it. He had the perfect opportunity to kill Zeus and yet he didn't. He stopped himself and he got Wooyoung out. Wooyoung's thoughts drifted to Yeosang and he quickly pulled out his phone. The last message he got from the older was wishing him luck and letting him know he won't be home until late.
Annoying Brat: San won but he didn't kill Zeus
Annoying Brat: He grabbed Hongjoong and I and we ran to avoid the outrage
Annoying Brat: San doesn't want us going home yet so we're staying together at a hotel
Annoying Brat: I'm safe and I'm unharmed but I wanted to let you know not to go home tonight
Wooyoung waited anxiously for a few minutes before Yeosang replied.
My World: Mingi is letting me stay at his house. I told him I was worried about getting sick
My World: I'm glad you're all ok. Stay safe and we'll talk more tomorrow. I love you
Annoying Brat: I love you too
Wooyoung sighed and locked his phone, putting it on the bedside table. He then grabbed the other pair of pyjamas on the bed and quickly got changed. Once that was done, he wasn't sure what else to do so he just walked around the suite, having a look to see what was there. The shower shut off a few minutes later and Wooyoung nervously leant back against the table. He wasn't quite sure what to do with himself so he just stayed like that, fiddling with his fingers. He jumped slightly as the door to the bathroom opened and his head snapped up to see San walk out, drying his hair with a towel. He had on his own set of pyjamas that fit perfectly and Wooyoung could see a slight bruise on his cheek. He had no doubt that there would be many more bruises littering his skin, hidden beneath the fabric covering his body.
"Take a picture, it'll last longer," San said with a chuckle. Wooyoung blushed but shook his head.
"I'm just worried about your injuries. Zeus had those brass knuckles and they looked like they would hurt," Wooyoung said quietly.
"They don't actually hurt too much right now. I'll probably feel them more in the morning but they're still not the worst I've had," San said with a shrug as he discarded the towel onto a chair and walked over to Wooyoung.
"Are you sure it's not too bad," Wooyoung asked softly as he wrapped his arms around San's neck, the older leaning down. San hummed in reply, snaking his arms around Wooyoung's waist and tugging him up so they were pressed close together.
"They may hurt a little. But I know something that will make me feel better," San said, a smirk slipping onto his lips.
"That's so cheesy," Wooyoung groaned, making San chuckle as he leant closer.
"So you disagree? Fine then, I can ju-." Wooyoung cut him off by closing the distance between them and sealing their lips together. San's stomach swooped as he tugged Wooyoung closer by the waist. The youngers lips were warm and soft and San felt like he was kissing a cloud. A warm, beautiful cloud that he was in love with. Wooyoung sighed into the kiss, his body melting in San's arms. They pulled away when they began to run out of air and San looked at Wooyoung with adoring eyes.
"You're so beautiful," he whispered, making a pretty red blush painting Wooyoung's cheeks.
"I love you," Wooyoung said quietly. San surged forwards, claiming Wooyoung's lips again and kissing him softly. Wooyoung tightened his hold and stood up on his tip-toes to reach San better, smiling into the kiss. The fighters lips were slightly rough but Wooyoung could already feel himself getting addicted.
San suddenly bent down and slipped his arms under Wooyoung's thighs, lifting him up swiftly. Wooyoung yelled and pulled back from the kiss, tightening his hold on San and instinctively wrapping his legs around his waist as well. San chuckled and placed a kiss to Wooyoung's neck as he carried him to their bedroom. He leant down and gently dropped Wooyoung down onto the bed. Wooyoung giggled as his body bounced lightly and San smiled at the sound before climbing onto the bed as well. He threw his leg over Wooyoung's body so he had one on either side of his waist and leaned down, kissing him again. Wooyoung hummed happily, slipping his arms around San's neck again. San cupped Wooyoung's face with one hand, lightly brushing his thumb over his cheek as they continued to kiss. San moved off to the side, kissing along Wooyoung's neck. Wooyoung giggled at the sensation, his hand slipping up to gently tug through the strands at the back of his hair. San chuckled and pulled back slightly to gaze at Wooyoung.
"Why're you giggling baby," he asked softly.
"It tickles," Wooyoung said with a grin. San snorted but rolled his eyes fondly before kissing Wooyoung again. They continued kissing on and off for a few minutes before San shifted slightly. His hand slipped down from Wooyoung's cheek to his stomach before gently slipping it under his shirt. Wooyoung's heart started to race slightly but he tried to keep his body from reacting.
San didn't notice anything, just continuing to run his fingertips over Wooyoung's lower stomach. Wooyoung let out a shaky breath between kisses before kissing him again. San's hand started to trail up more and Wooyoung tensed, squirming slightly. San's hand slipped out suddenly and it trailed up Wooyoung's shirt. His hand landed on Wooyoung's button and he slowly slipped it open. That's when the panic truly started to set in for Wooyoung.
"Wait, wait. No, no, no. San stop. Stop, st-."
"Hey, hey, shh. I've stopped, I've stopped," San rushed out quickly. The minute Wooyoung had said wait, he had stopped but the second he realised Wooyoung was going into full panic, he threw himself off of the younger and jumped from the bed. Wooyoung shuffled back on the bed, drawing his knees to his chest to cover his stomach as his heart raced and he breathed heavily.
"I'm sorry. I am so sorry. I should have never tried to go further without your consent. What do you need? Do you want some water? Do you want me to leave," San asked hurriedly. Wooyoung drew in a shaky breath and shook his head quickly.
"What do you need Youngie? Whatever you need, I will give it to you. I'm so sorry Wooyoung," San said guiltily.
"No, it's fine. I'm ok. I just panicked a little, it was stupid," Wooyoung mumbled.
"No, absolutely not. It was not stupid in any way. I am so fucken glad you told me to stop ok. If I ever and I mean ever make you uncomfortable in any way, I want you to tell me and I will never get mad or annoyed," San said firmly as he sat on the end of the bed, away from Wooyoung.
"Are you sure," Wooyoung asked quietly.
"I'm positive. I should have asked first and I didn't. It's my fault and I'm really sorry," San said worriedly. Wooyoung gave San a small smile, dropping his legs down.
"I'm ok, you haven't traumatised me Sannie. I just panicked thinking you wouldn't stop but you did," Wooyoung said softly.
"Are you sure? You can tell me if I was way out of line," San said.
"You weren't. You just got a little into the moment but you stopped when I told you to," Wooyoung said.
"And I always will. Any time you want me to stop something, I will do so in an instance with no questions asked," San promised with a nod.
"I appreciate that. Now cuddles please," Wooyoung asked softly.
"Are you sure," San asked hesitantly but Wooyoung nodded his head quickly. San got up from the end of the bed and shuffled over to where Wooyoung was lying and laid down beside him. Wooyoung quickly moved up against his side and wrapped his arm around the fighters waist.
"How're you feeling," Wooyoung asked tiredly as he snuggled down in San's arms.
"I'm good but we'll talk more tomorrow. You get some sleep now ok," San said softly.
"You didn't kill him," Wooyoung mumbled as his eyes slipped closed.
"I didn't but don't worry about that right now. You just get some rest Youngie," San whispered. He held the younger boy tight as he drifted off, staying awake and thinking about everything that had happened in the past few hours.
Here is Chapter 15 everyone and I hope you all enjoyed it. Thank you for reading.
This was quite an eventful chapter. It had the main fight and it also had Woosan's first kiss.
Let me know your thoughts on this chapter, what you enjoyed and what surprised you.
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