Katie entered the chat room
Katie renamed the chatroom to GC TRIAL 1
Katie invited Hunk
Katie: Make sure this works.
Hunk entered the chat room
Hunk: This is amazing! You made this app in a few days?
Katie invited Lance
Katie: Yes. If there are any bugs just text me, I'll fix it.
Lance entered the chat room
Lance changed user to Sharpshooter
Sharpshooter changed Katie's user to Pidge
Sharpshooter changed GC TRIAL 1 to Garrison Crew
Pidge: Starting with that. That's annoying.
Sharpshooter: *That's amazing.
Sharpshooter: Who else are we inviting?
Pidge changed user to Hacker
Hacker: Matt and I think he wants to invite his best friend...
Hunk: Takashi?
Hacker invited Loser
Hacker: Yeah him.
Loser entered the chatroom
Loser: Seriously?
Loser changed user to Matt
Hacker: I was just seeing if it worked since your phone is different than ours.
Hacker: I wanted to make sure the app worked on all our phones.
Matt: It works.
Matt changed Hacker's user to PIDGE
Matt: Totally works.
PIDGE changed Matt's user to LOSER
LOSER changed user to GOD
GOD changed PIDGE's user to peasant
peasant changed user to goddess
goddess changed GOD's user to scum under my nails
scum under my nails changed user to rebel fighter
Hunk: guys please can we stop
Hunk: ??
Sharpshooter: I swear to god I'll delete this app if you keep doing this.
rebel fighter: lololol
rebel fighter: also @ Katie
rebel fighter: will you please invite my best friend ??
goddess: fine
goddess invited Shiro
rebel fighter: let me text Shiro to check the app
rebel fighter left the chatroom
goddess changed rebel fighter's name to prokaryote
goddess: nvm I like being able to change each other's users
Hunk: just leave me out of it. I have to study for a test
Shiro entered the chatroom
prokaryote entered the chatroom
Shiro: Is Matt prokaryote?
prokaryote: oh my god
prokaryote changed user to eukaryote
eukaryote: ANYWAY
eukaryote: Pidge and I decided to make an app so we could all get together and chat
goddess: *Katie
eukaryote: yeah whatever
Shiro: Why not just make a group chat?
Hunk: ^^
Sharpshooter: ^^^
goddess: you poor ignorant fools
goddess: with this app, you can chat anytime, anywhere, no signal required.
goddess: plus it has a group calling feature
goddess: like Skype but better
Hunk: can you also voice call with people?
eukaryote: yea why?
Hunk: sometimes Lance forgets to pay his bills and I miss him
Sharpshooter: aw (':
goddess: ew
eukaryote: see! Even more of a reason to use this app!
Matt: and obviously we all need professional help and probably can't afford it.
Sharpshooter: I can't afford anything lolol
Sharpshooter: I stole ramen from Hunk
Sharpshooter: It wasn't even a good flavor
Shiro: Lance you need to take care of yourself.
Sharpshooter: who are you, my dad?
eukaryote changed Shiro's user to dad
dad: really?
eukaryote: I deemed it necessary
eukaryote: ew wtf no
goddess: oh ok
goddess: just asking for a friend
Hunk: wow this app is looking so good
Sharpshooter: so awkward
Hunk: that was the point
dad: Can we add more people?
eukaryote: yea
Sharpshooter: why more ??
Hunk: because the more the merrier
goddess: yea I was thinking about inviting my friend.
eukaryote: you have friends??
Hunk: other than us??
goddess: I hate you all
goddess: all I would have to share the file with them and they would need to download it on their phone
dad: Oh okay, cool!
eukaryote: see this is really like a peer support group
goddess: no it isn't
goddess: watch this
goddess: @ Lance u suck
Sharpshooter: )))))))':
Sharpshooter: there is no support in this group
dad: She doesn't really mean it.
goddess: yes I do
goddess: Lance is the worst
Sharpshooter: Pidge ))))))):
goddess: IT'S KATIE
eukaryote: P
eukaryote: I
eukaryote: D
eukaryote: G
eukaryote: E
goddess: I don't have time for this
goddess: I hope you choke
goddess: peace
goddess left the chatroom
Hunk: I really want to take a nap so I'm going to go...
Hunk left the chatroom
Sharpshooter: Long time no see guys!
eukaryote: it's been a hot minute!
dad: Didn't you guys see each other yesterday?
Sharpshooter: yea
eukaryote: so what?
Sharpshooter: ^^ what's your point ??
Sharpshooter: oh shit wait
Sharpshooter: my roommate texted me gotta go run out and give him his ID !!
Sharpshooter: see ya!
Sharpshooter left the chatroom
dad: I thought Lance's roommate was never there?
eukaryote: guess him and his girlfriend had a fight or something and he stayed in the room...
eukaryote: Must have been awkward for Lance considering the fact that he's pretty much taken over his roommate's side of the room lolol
dad: Not Lance's fault that Rolo or whatever is never there.
eukaryote: lolol Rolo
dad: What?
eukaryote: like the candy lolololol
dad: Haha. Every time I hear about him that's all I'm going to think about.
eukaryote: you're welcome!
dad: Anyway I have to finish my workout but I'll text you later so we can chat.
eukaryote: cool cool
eukaryote: see ya!
dad left the chatroom
eukaryote left the chatroom
eukaryote entered the chatroom
eukaryote changed goddess's user to Pidge
eukaryote changed user to Creator of all
Creator of all left the chat room
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