42: desperate times
Pidge entered the chatroom
Pidge: ugh is no one on?
Pidge: @ everyone I'm bored
Princess Allura entered the chatroom
Princess Allura: Hello!
Pidge: Yay Allura!!
Pidge: I'm so glad you're here omg
Princess Allura: Aw! You're so sweet!
Princess Allura: Why are you bored?
Pidge: There is nothing to do
Princess Allura: Have you finished watching Game of Thrones?
Pidge: I don't want to talk about it.
Princess Allura: Okay...
Dr. Shiro entered the chatroom
Dr. Shiro: Hey, did something happened to Keith?
Pidge: ???
Dr. Shiro: He's been super weird.
Dr. Shiro: Like more weird than usual.
Princess Allura: I haven't talked to him since one of our last chatrooms.
Pidge: Same here.
Dr. Shiro: Okay, thanks anyway!
Pidge: Did you ask him?
Pidge: You know it's one of the rules that we try to stay out of each other's business unless said person wants to talk.
Dr. Shiro: I tried when he came over but he didn't say a thing and crashed on my couch.
Dr. Shiro: He only just left.
Pidge: Then maybe wait to see if he wants to talk??
Princess Allura: I'm with Katie on this one.
Princess Allura: If Keith wants to talk he will, and until then I think we should just wait it out.
Dr. Shiro: I know you're right but I've never seen him like this and honestly I'm a little worried.
Pidge: Big brother of the year goes to you and not that useless parasite that I call mine.
Princess Allura: Well Matt has had a rough few weeks so let's cut him some slack.
Pidge: Oh no. He dug that hole himself, let him suffer.
Dr. Shiro: He did really hurt Romelle. She isn't the same bright and happy girl that she used to be, no matter how hard she tries to hide it.
Princess Allura: We need to invite her over for another sleepover asap!
Pidge: As long as I get to pick the movie I'll be down.
Lancey Lance entered the chatroom
Pidge: !!!
Princess Allura: Long time no talk!
Lancey Lance: Is Keith not here?
Dr. Shiro: Not at the moment.
Dr. Shiro: What's up?
Lancey Lance: I just really need to talk to him but he's not picking up.
Lancey Lance: I'm going to try him again.
Lancey Lance: Someone @ me if he comes in.
Lancey Lance left the chatroom
Pidge: Shit
Princess Allura: What?
Dr. Shiro: Obviously whatever it is that is bothering Keith involves Lance.
Princess Allura: Oh! That's not good.
Dr. Shiro: Especially if he's dodging calls.
Pidge: Okay fuck the rules
Pidge: We need to find out what happened.
Princess Allura: YES!!!!!
Dr. Shiro: How about we suspend the rules because we care about our friends?
Dr. Shiro: I still think those rules are important and will generally keep the chatroom peace.
Pidge: Yeah whatever. I'm suspending them because I can do that.
Princess Allura: 7b. Said rules may be suspended and reinstated by their creator in order to help a user/users if they are unable to help themselves/unwillingly to ask for help.
Dr. Shiro: Woah!
Princess Allura: Having a serious and defined contract allows us to withhold the rules and peace in the future without people objecting or questioning any of our decisions and/or actions in regards to the technical breach in the rules now.
Princess Allura: I'm covering all of our bases lolol
Pidge: All this technical talk is making me nauseous ugh
Dr. Shiro: I like it. Allura's right. 7b is clearly defined.
Princess Allura: Basically you, Katie, are the only one who can suspend the rules and it also has clearly defined limitations on when the rules can be suspended.
Pidge: yes thank you
Pidge: Who knew having a lawyer would be so great?!
Princess Allura: Thank you!
Dr. Shiro: Hey @ Romelle , pop in whenever you get the chance.
Princess Allura: @ Romelle now preferably.
Princess Allura: Also, restrict Lance and Keith's access so we can talk privately!
Pidge: On it!
Melle entered the chatroom
Melle: What's up???
Pidge: thank god you're so reliable ugh
Pidge: If it was anyone else it would have taken like hours ugh
Pidge: Anyway thanks for answering so quick!
Melle: Sure?
Melle: What's with the urgency?
Princess Allura: We need to know if you know what happened between Lance and Keith.
Melle: And if I did?
Pidge: You can tell us.
Melle: Actually rule 2c says otherwise.
Pidge: Holy shit everyone is actually obeying my rules
Pidge: This is such a power rush
Dr. Shiro: Don't let it go to your head.
Dr. Shiro: Actually, it's okay because Pidge suspended the rules for the time being.
Melle: Oh
Melle: I hate to break it to you but I have no idea what you're talking about.
Princess Allura: But you made it seem like you did?
Melle: yeah well Lance is my ride or die so
Melle: I need to always have his back even if I have no idea what's going on.
Pidge: ugh back to square one
Melle: This wouldn't happen to be because of last night?
Dr. Shiro: What happened last night?
Princess Allura: I thought you said you didn't know???
Melle: ughhhhhh this was gonna come out eventually.
Melle: Who's access is restricted?
Dr. Shiro: So this restricting access thing you guys do a lot?
Princess Allura: Shut up we haven't done it to you.
Princess Allura: Spill the tea!
Pidge: Currently only Keith and Lance.
Melle: Restrict Matt's.
Pidge: What the fuck is happening bro lolol
Pidge: done!
Melle: I was with Matt last night...
Princess Allura: !!!
Princess Allura: With Matt or with with Matt?
Melle: If you're asking if I had sex with him I did not.
Melle: I locked myself out last night and for some reason, I called him to break into my apartment because I didn't want to call my landlord.
Melle: He's basically the only person I know who knows how to pick locks.
Dr. Shiro: You didn't want us to know?
Melle: I didn't want Lance to know.
Melle: I still haven't forgiven Matt yet. I'm getting there but it's going to take some time.
Princess Allura: What happened after he opened your door?
Melle: He said goodnight and left.
Princess Allura: Oh.
Melle: While all this was happening I missed a few calls from Lance.
Melle: He stopped calling so I assumed everything was okay.
Melle: Oh god, does that make me a bad friend?!
Dr. Shiro: No, of course not.
Pidge: ugh square one again.
Princess Allura: Not quite!
Princess Allura: We now know that he called Romelle and that he stopped calling which must mean he was in contact with another person.
Dr. Shiro: Another person meaning Keith.
Princess Allura: Exactly!
Dr. Shiro: I'm living for this Nancy Drew stuff but Keith didn't say a word to me about what happened.
Dr. Shiro: He was completely silent.
Melle: Meaning our case has gone cold.
Pidge: I can do something
Pidge: but none of you can be mad
Melle: What?
Princess Allura: I suddenly have a bad feeling.
Pidge: Technically you guys consented when you downloaded my app.
Dr. Shiro: Technically?
Pidge: Before anyone yells at me I've never actually done anything or snooped.
Melle: uh oh
Pidge: The app acts as a door or portal to your phone...
Princess Allura: SO I WAS RIGHT
Dr. Shiro: I should have covered my camera.
Melle: So what can you see/hear on our phones? We might just be able to figure it out!
Princess Allura: You're not more concerned about Katie invading your privacy?
Melle: I don't have anything to hide so it doesn't bother me lolol
Dr. Shiro: Okay yeah but it's still worrying.
Pidge: Everything.
Princess Allura: Excuse me?
Pidge: I have access to everything.
Melle: This is so exciting!
Melle: I feel like I'm on a really cool tv show!
Pidge: is everyone with me?
Pidge: I won't do it if we're not all for it.
Melle: I'm in.
Dr. Shiro: This is fucked but count me in.
Pidge: lolol
Princess Allura: this goes against literally all my morals but I'm hesitantly going to say do it.
Pidge: okay lets listen to Keith's voicemails.
Dr. Shiro: Will he know?
Pidge: nope
Pidge: on his side, it will appear unopened.
Princess Allura: That's creepy.
Melle: that's convenient!
Dr. Shiro: And you weren't going to tell us?
Pidge: no
Pidge: to be honest I made it so I could snoop and get juicy stuff about you guys
Dr. Shiro: Wow.
Princess Allura: Wait does Matt know about that aspect of the app?
Pidge: Hell no. I've gotten the most out of snooping through his phone.
Dr. Shiro: I thought you said you didn't use it?
Pidge: yeah on you guys. I use it all the time on Matt's phone.
Pidge: That's how I knew about Romelle and Matt.
Melle: you knew?
Pidge: Yeah I knew.
Melle: So you found anything good lately?
Melle: On his phone, I mean.
Pidge: Yes.
Melle: Can I know?
Pidge: I don't know...
Princess Allura: We've already suspended the rules.
Princess Allura: Besides, I'm heavily invested in their relationship and want to know.
Melle: Even if it's good or bad.
Melle: it'll only help in the long run!
Dr. Shiro: I can basically tell you everything you want to know because Matt mostly talks to me.
Dr. Shiro: He wants to prove to you that he's changed and such. He's also planning something or trying to because I keep shooting down his ideas lolol.
Pidge: Listen, I know what he's planning but I'm actually sworn to secrecy so I can't tell you.
Melle: Okay
Dr. Shiro: Wait, he decided what he was doing?
Pidge: Yes. Just text him.
Dr. Shiro: Okay, will do.
Princess Allura: Enough about Matt, we need to focus on Keith and Lance.
Pidge: Oh yeah! I was listening and then I got distracted.
Pidge: Okay I'll message if anything interesting comes up.
Princess Allura: What will we do when we find out?
Melle: To be honest, I think it will just depend on what we find out happened.
Dr. Shiro: I just want to know what happened.
Pidge: Everyone shut up.
Pidge: Okay so Lance keeps saying that they have to talk about it, that he wants to talk about it, and that they need to talk about it.
Princess Allura: Did he say what it was?
Pidge: I just listened to one voicemail lolol.
Pidge: Aight, give me a sec.
Dr. Shiro: What could 'it' be?
Melle: An action obviously.
Dr. Shiro: Thank you for that enlightening information.
Melle: I'm sensing a lot of sarcasm from you.
Princess Allura: Well obviously it was something big.
Pidge: Okay so Lance is just begging Keith to pick up in the second one.
Dr. Shiro: That's no help.
Pidge: Obviously.
Pidge: The next one is only 20 seconds of silence and then Lance just hangs up.
Melle: ugh this is the worst.
Melle: Unrestrict Lance's access.
Pidge: What? Why?
Melle: Just do it.
Pidge: Okay...
Melle: Keith is here @ Lance
Dr. Shiro: So not only are we suspending the rules but we're lying to members now?
Melle: Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Princess Allura: I agree with Romelle. I think that in order to help we must sometimes hurt.
Lancey Lance entered the chatroom
Lancey Lance: I've been trying to call you for hours
Lancey Lance: I don't want to do this here, can you just call me back?
Melle: Listen to me, Keith isn't here but we just want to know what happened.
Lancey Lance: What?
Dr. Shiro: What happened between you and my brother?
Princess Allura: We've been trying to figure it out but we can't so you just need to tell us.
Lancey Lance: Why?
Dr. Shiro: He's not talking. He's really upset.
Dr. Shiro: If you ever really cared about me, you'll help me understand what happened.
Lancey Lance: You're the worst.
Princess Allura: This about Keith. We're not trying to start a fight.
Dr. Shiro: I'm sorry.
Lancey Lance: Keith kissed me.
Princess Allura: Shit.
Lancey Lance: I didn't kiss back. I was upset about this thing with James and he kissed me because we were arguing about something and he leaned over and kissed me.
Lancey Lance: I'm trying to get him to call me so I can explain everything.
Princess Allura: I'm sure he just needs to cool off.
Pidge: Lance, I hate to break this to you but Keith has liked you since you guys first talked.
Melle: I can confirm.
Lancey Lance: This isn't helping me at all.
Princess Allura: How about this... Did you want to kiss him back?
Lancey Lance: I did.
Pidge: This is all I wanted yet it's so unfilling.
Pidge: Okay. Keith's last location was his apartment.
Lancey Lance: Wait how do you know that?
Dr. Shiro: It's actually a long story...
Melle: Pidge is using the app to hack our phones.
Lancey Lance: !!!
Princess Allura: She says she hasn't hacked our phones just Matt's
Lancey Lance: Is that supposed to make me feel better?
Pidge: Yes.
Lancey Lance: Yeah ok. I trust you.
Dr. Shiro: Really?
Lancey Lance: Yep.
Melle: I guess Lance and I just have nothing to hide lolol.
Lancey Lance: I'm going to go. I'm going to take a nap. Didn't get much sleep.
Melle: I'm going to head over and we can cuddle and stuff.
Lancey Lance: Ok, that sounds good.
Lancey Lance left the chatroom
Melle left the chatroom
Princess Allura: Wow.
Pidge: I don't even know where to start.
Dr. Shiro: I do. I'm going to head over to Keith's place to check on him.
Pidge: Say hello to Cosmo for me.
Dr. Shiro: Ok, I will.
Dr. Shiro left the chatroom
Princess Allura: We need to delete the chatroom.
Pidge: Or we can leave it up...
Princess Allura: Oh?
Pidge: I don't want to exclude both Hunk and Lotor because they're not here. They deserve to know all that happened and be kept in the loop too.
Princess Allura: That's fair.
Pidge: Where is Lotor anyway?
Princess Allura: Not sure, I texted him earlier and he seemed off and then we had to cancel our date...
Pidge: What?
Princess Allura: Yeah... His dad called him and he was pretty upset about it.
Princess Allura: What about Hunk?
Pidge: Last I checked he was asleep.
Pidge: He pulled an all-nighter for an insane test but he said he thought he aced it!
Princess Allura: Oh good job Hunk!
Pidge: I told him that he didn't need to because he was smart but he insisted.
Princess Allura: Everyone in this chatroom is wicked smart lolol
Pidge: Agree to disagree.
Pidge: Lance is oblivious. Matt is stupid. Shiro doesn't have common sense apparently. etc etc.
Pidge: I can go on if you like.
Princess Allura: I'm good omg.
Princess Allura: Wait Lotor just texted me.
Princess Allura: Somethings up. It's not good.
Pidge: Aw jeez Rick
Pidge: Is he okay?
Princess Allura: I'm not sure... I'm going to call him. I'll keep you in the loop.
Princess Allura left the chatroom
Pidge left the chatroom
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