36: secrets
Lotor entered the chatroom
Lotor: Is no one on?
Pidge entered the chatroom
Pidge: you called?
Lotor: oh hey lolol
Pidge: what's up?
Lotor: I'm at this lunch with my father and mother and I'm bored.
Pidge: why aren't you talking to them?
Lotor: Because I don't want to?
Pidge: fair point
Pidge: Wait are you texting in front of them rn?
Lotor: I have the common decency to text under the table thank you very much.
Pidge: lolol
Pidge: want me to get Allura
Lotor: don't bother
Lotor: @ Allura
Pidge: woah you put on your big boy pants
Lotor: actually my pants are designer
Allura entered the chatroom
Pidge: damn sis go off
Allura: Hello!
Allura: Are you alright?
Lotor: Yeah just hella bored
Lotor: My father just keeps talking about how my internship with the state is a waste of time.
Allura: Ugh screw him
Pidge: more like screw his son amirite ??
Lotor: UM
Lotor: I'm rigHT HERE
Pidge: I wasn't talking to you I was talking to Allura
Allura: I won't dignify that with a response
Pidge: you're no fun
Keith entered the chatroom
Pidge: what's up bro
Keith: i just got back from having breakfast with Lance
Allura: Oh my!
Lotor: this is interesting
Lotor: Was it a date?
Keith: i don't think so
Pidge: boooooo
Keith: he just bought me pancakes
Pidge: romantic
Pidge: did you share them?
Keith: no were we supposed to ???
Pidge: ur the worst
Allura: Wait wait wait!
Allura: Did you meet for breakfast or ???
Keith: no
Allura: I knew it!
Allura: You slept over!
Pidge: sjdjdjdbhddjisdh
Pidge: skshdksjkskskaksskshdkdkdkkd
Lotor: Oh my god!
Pidge: dhdishsisgdidbdjsbsjdhsisbsjsi
Pidge: @ everyone
Keith: not in the way that you're thinking of lolol
Pidge: wheeze
Lotor: Wait so nothing happened?
Keith: nope
Allura: As Katie said, booooooo
Romelle entered the chatroom
Romelle: Hold on let me catch up!
Lotor: Is Katie alright?
Pidge: I'll never recover from that major let down ever
Keith: I'm sorry ???
Matt entered the chatroom
Romelle: I don't know why I read it, I knew all of that (๑>ᴗ<๑)
Pidge: And you didn't tell me!?
Allura: Or me?
Romelle: I made them promise to get some pictures!
Pidge: the utter betrayal I'm feeling rn can't be put into words
Pidge changed The Voltron Sisters to Romelle is a traitor
Romelle: (ó﹏ò。)
Matt: you made her cry!
Matt changed Romelle is a traitor to Romelle is cute
Romelle: (✿╹◡╹)
Lotor: How does she do that?
Romelle: Magic !!!
Allura: Okay wait, what were you told?
Romelle: That Lance felt bad about falling asleep and crying on Keith so he took him out for pancakes
Keith: see
Matt: Why was he crying?
Hunk entered the chatroom
Hunk: Heyyyy
Lotor: Hey man!
Hunk: so uhh why is everyone in the chatroom
Hunk: or why was everyone called to the chatroom?
Pidge: hush it's story time!
Hunk: ok omg
Keith: I'm not sure myself
Keith: he was fine and then he wasn't
Romelle: Lance didn't tell me either
Romelle: he just said he was looking at the star on his ceiling and it made him sad
Pidge: what a wussy
Lance entered the chatroom
Lance: hey ((((:
Lance: wait hey )))):
Lance: why am I a wussy?
Pidge: you were crying over a glow in the dark star
Pidge: you're a wussy
Lance: you're mean
Keith: I took down the star for you
Lance: What?
Keith: before we left. I took down the star down, it's on your desk.
Keith: I'll buy you more so the star isn't lonely.
Matt: bro (':
Lance: that's really sweet
Lance: Thank you Keith (':
Romelle: swoon
Hunk: what's happening?
Lotor: just scroll up
Hunk: kk
Allura: So where are the Klance breakfast photos?
Lance: I'll send them to Romelle when I leave the chatroom
Pidge: I needed them yesterday !!!
Dr. Shiro entered the chatroom
Dr. Shiro: Sorry I'm late!
Matt: well glad you could finally make it
Dr. Shiro: I'm sensing a lot of sarcasm coming from you...
Lotor: Lolol
Matt: what's up with the old selfie ??
Dr. Shiro: What's up with the edgy profile picture?
Romelle: (∩╹□╹∩)
Keith: damn that's cold
Lance: ahem
Lance: you don't currently look like that either lolol
Lance: your hair is longer
Dr. Shiro: Lance just say it's a mullet.
Allura: I don't think that's the right word to describe it though...
Keith: it's not a mullet
Pidge: whatever you say mullet
Lotor: Did you break your mirror.
Matt: no Hunk did
Hunk: no I didn't
Matt: Yeah I did
Lotor: Ah!! You know what they say about broken mirrors...
Matt: I can't summon Bloody Mary ):
Lotor: No
Lotor: What?
Hunk: It's seven years of bad luck dude!
Lotor: Yes, thank you!
Allura: He's just messing with you.
Lotor: I figured.
Keith: it's kinda weird that we're all here right ??? or is that just me lolol
Dr. Shiro: Just you.
Dr. Shiro: Kidding!
Keith: better be
Lance: idk I kinda like it
Pidge: What's to like about the chat being a mess
Romelle: you take that back!
Matt: Yeah!
Hunk: I mean it is kinda all over the place
Pidge: see
Pidge: this is why I love Hunk more than any of you
Lotor: whatever
Allura: that's fair
Hunk: awwww
Lance: guess who just finished another one of Keith's books !!!
Pidge: James?
Lance: What no !!!
Lance: this guy
Romelle: How is Kinkade?
Matt: who's Kinkade?
Dr. Shiro: He's good! He spoke ten whole sentences to me on our last shift. I can tell our friendship is improving.
Hunk: Wait I thought we were talking about James?
Lance: lets not talk about James
Romelle: ooo lets!
Pidge: I can feel the migraine forming rn
Allura: How did your date but not date go?
Lance: It was okay I guess
Lotor: So not great?
Lance: No it was great but I was expecting more
Romelle: oh my god you wanted him to kiss you !!!
Lance: I did not!
Allura: Oh sure! We all definitely believe you...
Pidge: like you're one to talk
Pidge: you wanna kiss Lotor all the time
Allura: !!!
Lotor: Please change the subject I do not want to explain to my parents why I'm blushing at the moment.
Dr. Shiro: I feel like I've missed out on a lot..?
Hunk: So have I
Hunk: sigh
Matt: that's what you get for having lives outside of Voltron
Dr. Shiro: Geez I'll be sure to change that.
Lance: Keith?
Keith: hm
Lance: oh I was just checking up on you. You kinda went radio silent
Keith: oh i just got busy
Keith: pet is by the window again
Romelle: pet?
Keith: pet is a stray i take care of
Pidge: you named your dog pet?
Keith: not exactly
Lotor: that's exactly how it sounds???
Romelle: I wanna see your dog!
Dr. Shiro: Wait Romelle no
Romelle: um Romelle yes!!!!!!!!
Lance: ooo me too, me too!!
Allura: There's not a feature to send pictures in the chat though.
Pidge: that's because I know one of you
Pidge: cough Matt cough
Pidge: would spam the chat if I added it
Matt: guilty as charged
Romelle: dang
Hunk: Why do you call it pet?
Keith: he'll tell me his name when he's ready
Allura: Come again?
Lotor: Do you truly believe that your dog will tell you its name by himself
Hunk: is pet a bird?
Keith: I don't want to explain it
Matt. It's simple really
Matt: What is pet and why don't you name it you monster
Lance: Guys leave Keith alone
Lance: if he thinks his dog is gonna talk to him then let him
Keith: Thank you
Dr. Shiro: Lance is too nice
Pidge: told you he was a wussy
Lance: Yeah well at least I don't teach Zumba
Pidge: I'm banning you from my class
Dr. Shiro: That's cold.
Lance: Wait I wanna go!
Pidge: too late!
Allura: I can be your lawyer @ Lance
Allura: We'll fight this ban with everything we got!
Lotor: or I could be your lawyer
Keith: already stealing clients from one another ???
Hunk: Now that's cold.
Lotor: Well we actually can't steal cases from one another because we'll just be assigned to one.
Allura: Exactly.
Pidge: whatever let me imagine your tv drama lives
Matt: is that like what you do in your free time or something
Pidge: yeah I write fanfics about my friends
Pidge: my Klance one just read 300k
Lance: you're joking
Keith: I would appreciate the link
Lance: !!!
Allura: So would I?
Lance: why??
Keith: I appreciate all forms of literature
Pidge: I was joking
Lotor: Don't tease us like that
Pidge: I mean if there is a demand I'll definitely supply
Romelle: Oh we could all read it and have a fanfic club!
Hunk: That sounds fun!
Allura: Now does your fanfic expertise strictly follow Klance or will there be others ?
Romelle: I have a question
Pidge: Go ahead darling
Romelle: (☆ω☆*)
Romelle: is it strictly Klance bc I would be very interested in a Allura and Lotor one
Lotor: I would be too!
Matt: omg is there gonna be a network for fanfics about us
Allura: I would hope not!
Dr. Shiro: As fun as all that sounds I'll stick to reading them rather than starring in them.
Pidge: I have so many ideas rn it's not funny
Keith: I will gladly help
Pidge: I got it!
Pidge: you guys could commission Keith and I and we'll write whatever you want
Lance: this seems like a bad idea
Pidge: this seems like a great idea, I have no idea what you're talking about
Dr. Shiro: I'm with Lance with this one.
Matt: You're always with Lance
Matt: sigh
Dr. Shiro: He's generally the only one who is reasonably sensible about things.
Lance: Thank you!
Dr. Shiro: You're welcome.
Hunk: ugh get a room
Pidge: Not in my chatroom
Romelle: $5 for any pairing of your choosing but I want it to be hurt/comfort
Pidge: I think I just got my first costumer !
Romelle: (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و
Allura: I can't believe this is happening
Lotor: I want to read it when it's done!
Pidge: I'll make a designated library in the app where everyone can view it
Keith: Oh god
Lance: where's my private message system??
Pidge: oh yeah
Pidge: First private messages then fanfic library !!
Lotor: Private messaging sounds fun!
Pidge: Keep it fucking PG
Pidge: For your sake and mine
Pidge: I'll still get the codes and such for it so if I was really interested I could translate it
Lotor: Got it!
Romelle: You weren't gonna keep it clean?
Allura: This is so embarrassing
Hunk: Is it because you know that we all know that he would be talking to you
Dr. Shiro: I think so.
Lotor: I keep it PG most of the time!
Romelle: Most of the time?
Romelle: half the time I'm blushing for Allura
Allura: Thank you!
Lotor: Hmmm
Lotor: I could have sworn you liked the way I talk
Hunk: he's got you there
Allura: !!!
Pidge: can't think of anything to retort back
Allura: Perhaps.
Allura: I have to go so I'll see you guys around
Keith: are you running away?
Allura: no
Matt: she totally is!!!!!
Allura: shut up
Allura left the chatroom
Lotor: Should I go after her?
Dr. Shiro: I don't know should you?
Pidge: yes!
Lotor left the chatroom
Dr. Shiro: @ Matt have you done any of the research you need to?
Romelle: ooo what research
Matt: no lolol
Matt: And it's not that interesting, let's just drop it
Lance: no enlighten us!
Keith: who cares if it's not interesting, we wanna know
Dr. Shiro: He's supposed to be looking at stuff for Houston
Romelle: As in Texas?
Romelle: What are you looking at all the way over there?
Lance: big ole Texas huh
Keith: dude what
Lance: oh nothing lolol
Pidge: Yeah Matt why don't you tell everyone
Matt: I was gonna tell you later I promise
Lance: ???? who are you talking to???
Keith: are you talking to Romelle?
Lance: Wait why would she care?
Lance: what's going on?
Romelle: I was going to tell you that Matt and I met but then you met Keith and it slipped my mind!
Keith: oh?
Lance: that's a pretty big thing to forget!
Romelle: well it's become so mundane to see Matt
Dr. Shiro: Mundane?
Matt: Yeah mundane?
Romelle: I meant I've gotten used to seeing you not that I don't enjoy your company!
Pidge: holy shit is this really happening ??
Lance: You're seeing him regularly?
Keith: by choice?
Matt: heyyyy
Keith: no offense
Matt: none taken
Keith: nvm offense
Dr. Shiro: Haha!
Matt: )):
Romelle: Lance we'll talk about this later I swear
Romelle: but what about Houston?
Dr. Shiro: Once he gets accepted to become an astronaut he has to move there.
Pidge: That's where they train
Romelle: And you weren't going to tell me?
Matt: I'm sorry I didn't know how to bring it up
Lance: Yeah uh hi excuse me
Lance: What in the actual fuck is going on?
Dr. Shiro: Language Lance.
Lance: whatever
Lance: Romelle, my loving best friend, whom I spend my whole week with, what is going on?
Romelle: Matt and I are friends
Pidge: you guys talk more than Keith and Lance and they talk every night
Keith: katie shut up before you say anything else
Keith: please
Lance: ???
Pidge: Shut up I wasn't going to say anything
Dr. Shiro: huh?
Dr. Shiro: Oh!
Pidge: don't worry about it
Matt: anyway let's stop talking about things that don't concern us
Lance: So is everyone keeping something from everyone then?
Pidge: shut up, even you have your secrets
Lance: What secrets? I don't keep things from my friends.
Romelle: I didn't know how to bring it up!
Pidge: Are you guys fucking?
Dr. Shiro: Katie please she said they were just friends
Hunk: How is it that I step away for a few minutes and so much has happened?!?
Keith: welcome back
Matt: it's complicated
Pidge: you are fucking!
Dr. Shiro: Language Katie.
Hunk: Wait what happened?!?
Lance: Matt is moving away, Romelle and him are screwing each other, and everyone is keeping secrets from me
Keith: actually they didn't tell anyone so they kept it from everyone
Lance: oh yeah? what's the fucking thing then?
Keith: it's nothing
Hunk: it doesn't seem like nothing
Lance: Thank you!!!
Matt: yes I'll be moving away
Matt: that's always been the plan, it's not like I can stay here and train. I have to go if I want to be an astronaut.
Matt: I just thought that everyone knew that
Pidge: apparently not
Dr. Shiro: Obviously.
Lance: were you going to say goodbye to all of your other girlfriends but not Romelle?
Romelle: Other girlfriends?
Hunk: oh no
Dr. Shiro: Lance perhaps we should take a step back
Keith: yeah i agree ^^
Lance: I'm just trying to protect my friend
Romelle: answer the question
Matt: you just said we were only friends
Romelle left the chatroom
Pidge: shit
Hunk: that's not good
Lance: ugh fuck me
Lance: I have to go
Keith: why?
Lance: I need to make sure my friend is alright
Lance: hopefully next time there won't be any secrets
Lance left the chatroom
Matt: Was it something I said?
Dr. Shiro: Yes!
Dr. Shiro: All of what you said was wrong!
Pidge: you're so stupid
Matt: I thought she knew we weren't exclusive !!
Matt: you act like that's never happened to any of you ?!
Keith: it hasn't
Matt: Like Lance isn't stringing you along while dating James?
Keith: he isnt dating james
Matt: okay fine he isn't dating him
Matt: but that's what people do!
Matt: There's always someone on the side and the other person always ends up broken
Matt: exactly how James has someone on the side and I bet Adam does too!
Hunk: hey Matt buddy
Hunk: let's maybe stop going down this spiral before you ruin any of your friendships and such
Hunk: I know that your ex hurt you but that doesn't mean you can hurt other people or take it out on them
Pidge: sigh
Pidge: Go put yourself in time out
Matt: What?
Matt: why?
Pidge: because you hurt a lot of people today asshole.
Pidge: get off Voltron for a little bit and take a breather
Hunk: that sounds like an amazing idea!
Matt: ...
Matt: fine
Matt: And I'm sorry
Matt left the chatroom
Pidge: everyone sound off
Hunk: why
Pidge: So I know you're not crying over what my idiot brother said
Dr. Shiro: I'm here
Keith: here
Hunk: I'm good
Pidge: well at least he didn't mention Shay
Hunk: if he did I might have really cried
Keith: is Lance stringing me along?
Pidge: whoa
Hunk: I don't think so
Hunk: he just doesn't know what he wants
Keith: well he wanted my brother a few months ago
Dr. Shiro: I already told you that was a misunderstanding.
Keith: i gotta go
Pidge: don't listen to Matt!
Pidge: I mean it!
Pidge: he's a pessimistic asshole who can't be in a relationship because he ruins it for himself
Keith: ok
Keith left the chatroom
Dr. Shiro: Well this chat took a turn for the worst.
Hunk: it's been interesting to say the least
Pidge: I'm going to wipe the chatroom when everyone leaves therefore no one can reread it
Pidge: clean slate
Dr. Shiro: All of it?
Pidge: yes all of it
Pidge: It needs to be done
Pidge: It does not spark joy
Hunk: aw I'm gonna miss reading the old chats
Pidge: too bad
Pidge: we must purge the uncleanliness from my app
Dr. Shiro: That's intense.
Pidge: Sorry?
Hunk: I gotta go gang
Pidge: Aw really ):
Hunk: yeah ):
Hunk: I'll see you around in the new and improved chatroom!
Hunk left the chatroom
Dr. Shiro: We should change the group chat name too.
Dr. Shiro: To make sure it really is a clean slate
Pidge: yeah you're right
Pidge: I'll also ban anyone who wants to bring up today to try to start a fight
Pidge: I think I don't like when my friends fight as much as I think I do, it's not entertaining
Pidge: It just makes my chest feel weird and my stomach hurt
Dr. Shiro: I like that idea.
Pidge: Of course you do, I'm a genius
Dr. Shiro changed Romelle is cute to Pidge is a genius
Pidge: I think that might be my favorite GC name (':
Dr. Shiro: You deserve it!
Pidge: As touching as this is you gotta leave so I can clear everything
Dr. Shiro: Okay! Have fun!
Pidge: Thanks!
Dr. Shiro left the chatroom
Pidge left the chatroom
Admin cleared all app history
Sorry for the delay with the past few chapters! I would like to promise that it won't happen again but I know myself lolol. Things are getting crazy for me as my senior year is beginning to wrap up but I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
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