23: witchcraft and stitches
Keith entered the chatroom
Pidge entered the chatroom
Pidge: are you just rereading what Lance wrote??
Keith: no
Pidge: you can't deny it !!
Pidge: I caught you red handed!
Keith: no you didn't I was just waiting for someone to come in because I'm bored and need a distraction
Pidge: uh huh
Pidge: I totally believe you
Keith: perhaps I glanced at it
Pidge: gotcha ya
Keith: it's not a big deal
Keith: it was just a nice thing for him to say
Pidge: mmmhmmmm
Keith: ugh leave me alone ive had a terrible day
Pidge: kay
Keith: that doesn't sound promising
Pidge: it isn't!
Pidge: I know your secret!
Kieth: no you don't
Keith: i don't have any secrets
Pidge: yes you do!
Keith: no I don't!
Lance entered the chatroom
Lance: what's up guys !!!
Pidge: that's the biggest lie I've ever heard and I used to fucking live with Matt!!!
Lance: wow what's happening?
Keith: Nothing!
Pidge: suddenly quiet now huh
Lance: should I scroll up!?
Keith: no!
Keith deleted twenty one old messages
Pidge: I can undo that
Keith: no u cant thats cheating
Pidge: watch me
Keith: go ahead I have nothing to hide
Pidge: then why did you delete it in the first place ??!!!
Lance: okay guys lets just let it go
Pidge: I can't !
Pidge: I know it
Pidge: it's in my brain
Keith: no it's not
Keith: I have no idea what you're even talking about
Pidge: it's so obvious ughh
Lance: what's obvious
Pidge: never fucking mind bitch
Lance: ????
Matt entered the chatroom
Matt: hey
Keith: sup
Matt: oh is Romelle not here?
Lance: no she's in the lunch line rn
Matt: oh okay
Matt: someone @ me when she is !!
Matt left the chatroom
Lance: !!!!!!
Keith: lolol
Pidge: honestly don't worry about it, he'll lose interest in her like next week
Lance: no he won't !!!
Lance: she's beautiful and nice and once the profile picture stuff happens he'll be head over heels for her !!!
Keith: omg
Lance: you're an enabler Pidge!
Pidge: am not!
Lance: yes you are !!
Lance: Matt is gonna be in love with my best friend )):
Keith: i thought hunk was your best friend
Keith: oh yeah
Keith: what about pidge???
Lance: i think you're all my best friends
Keith: what about Matt then?
Lance: he's being demoted
Pidge: lolol
Lotor entered the chatroom
Lance: if you're looking for Allura she's not here so you can leave
Lotor left the chatroom
Keith: !!!
Lance: What the fuck ???!!! When did the chatroom become dating central???
Pidge: ahhahahahahahahaha
Lotor entered the chatroom
Lotor: I'm just kidding lolol !!
Lotor: I have her number so if I wanted to text her I could just do that
Keith: nice lolol working your way up in the world i see
Lotor: More like I had to have it for our internship but okay.
Pidge: how'd your guys talk go?
Lotor: you know about it?
Pidge: yeah I checked the log last night to see if I missed any juicy stuff duh
Lance: omg
Pidge: also, looking at you two, at least Romelle and Matt talk over calls and not where everyone else can read it
Keith: what do you mean
Pidge: !!!
Lance: you should make a private message thing on here
Lotor: That would be cool!
Pidge: what do you gotta hide
Lance: you just said that some people should be talking privately ^^
Lotor: Lolol
Pidge: hmmm
Pidge: That would be fun and pretty easy actually
Pidge: consider it done !
Keith: nice
Pidge: lolol wanna know something
Lotor: Sure?
Pidge: guess how long Romelle and Matt talked yesterday
Lance: ???
Pidge: just guess
Keith: five mins
Lotor: Two hours?
Lance: I know her and I'm gonna say at least three
Pidge: six
Lance: !!!!!
Lotor: How could you possibly have that much to say to another person?
Keith: especially when it's matt
Lance: yeah!
Pidge: listen I don't get the audio I just get the time stamp and duration
Pidge: that's all
Pidge: if you wanna ask then ask them
Lotor: I hate to bring up this possibility but what if, perhaps, she likes talking with him?
Lance: impossible!
Keith: witchcraft
Lance: Yeah!!! burn him at the stake!
Pidge: lolol
Pidge: I saw that Allura and you talked for a little over an hour
Lotor: Yeah
Pidge: what about
Lotor: That's between her and I.
Pidge: ugh give me the scoop
Lotor: We talked about ourselves and our relationship that's all.
Lance: So you guys are in a relationship?
Lotor: Not exactly.
Keith: that sucks
Lotor: I generally tend to move fast when I really like someone and I forgot to take into consideration her feelings so I told her that I'll be there for her whenever she's ready.
Pidge: dude you're a whole man
Keith: wow that's really mature
Pidge: I promise to not make fun of you anymore
Lotor: Thanks lolol
Lance: but why doesn't she want to be with you
Lance: I don't get it
Lance: you're there
Lance: you're willing to be there for her
Lance: I don't get it
Lotor: It's not just about that though.
Pidge: it's about feelingssss
Keith: yeah
Keith: it's like with Holden he's surrounded by people but he feels alone
Keith: just being there isn't enough. there needs to be something else
Lotor: Anyway are we accusing Matt of witchcraft?
Lance: yes!
Keith: or maybe he sold his soul
Lance: either way I don't believe it
Pidge: I always thought he was gonna die alone
Pidge: with like I don't know 89 cats or something
Lotor: From what I know about him he seems like the relationship type?
Lance: he's really not
Lance: he likes people yeah but like getting together with them isn't what he's into
Keith: the last relationship i remember hearing about didn't end well
Lotor: What happened?
Lance: she cheated on him and it just really broke him
Pidge: hasn't been in a relationship since
Lotor: Why?
Lance: I think he was in love with her
Lance: and I think he was really hurt by her
Keith: then why is he already professing his love to romelle ???
Pidge: because he's Matt
Lotor: Lolol you're right!
Keith: but what if she really likes him
Lance: Matt's not her type
Lance: I think ??
Lance: she thought Shiro was cute
Pidge: everyone thinks Shiro's cute
Lotor: But what if she's one of those pure people who believe beauty is on the inside rather than what's on the outside.
Lance: oh my god
Keith: she probably is
Pidge: Romelle is going to be my new sister !!!
Lance: !!!!!
Lance: He's probably break her heart )):
Pidge: ugh he's the worst
Pidge: I'll tell him to grow up next time I see him
Lance: you better !!!
Pidge: Don't fuckin tell me what to do
Keith: !!!!
Pidge: but yeah I'll do it
Lance: then why did you snap at me omg
Pidge: you're getting to comfortable and I gotta keep you on your toes lolol
Lotor: I mean she's technically looking out for you?
Lance: Thanks?
Pidge: You're welcome!
Pidge: I appreciate our friendship!
Keith: awww
Pidge: shut up before I permanently change your name to Kuro
Keith: !!!!
Lance: stop bullying Keith!
Pidge: but whyyyy
Pidge: it's so much fun!!
Lotor: How would you like if he did it to you?
Keith: yeah ever think about that gremlin !!!!
Pidge: my name is Keith
Pidge: I'm so emo
Lance: he's barely emo
Lance: like a good 40%
Keith: hey!
Lance: I like that about you though !!
Keith: oh ok
Lotor: Wow
Pidge: Right???
Lotor: Anyway have you guys thought about stuff for the meet up?
Lance: I have an idea but I need to do more research.
Pidge: what do you need to research ??
Lance: price, day, and time.
Lotor: Oh?
Lance: I think it will be really fun (not that going to the observatory won't be!) but like this one is cool
Pidge: just tell me!
Lance: not yet!
Keith: will you tell me?
Lance: maybe!
Lotor: I'm curious too!
Lance: I'll run it by Keith and see what he says and if he likes then I'll say something
Pidge: you better like it Kuro
Keith: geez okay
Lance: I think he will I mean it's pretty cool
Lotor: Love that confidence man!
Lance: Thanks!!!
Pidge: what is everyone up to today?
Lance: studying
Lance: I got a big test when my rotation is over so studying during lunch is a must !
Lance: I gotta
Keith: that sucks man
Keith: I'm getting stitches
Lance: !!!!!
Lotor: Are you alright?
Keith: oh yeah I'm cool
Keith: also @ Lance Shiro said he'll be there any minute for lunch
Lance: you're here?
Lance: like rightnow you're here????
Pidge: you forgot a space
Keith: yea?
Lance: !!!!
Pidge: oh shit are you guys gonna meet ??
Lance: I haven't slept since yesterday and my skin is gross !!
Lance: and I have a weird stain on my scrubs ))):
Lance: not like this !!
Keith: we don't have to meet now!
Keith: I want to do it when we're both comfortable and I'm just not sure if I want you to see me just yet.
Lotor: aww so cute but aww so sad ):
Pidge: lolol
Lance: is your curtain closed?
Keith: yeah why?
Lance: because I just want to hear your voice in person
Keith: !!!
Keith: I would be okay with that.
Keith: hurry now I want to hear your voice too
Lance: be there soon!
Lance left the chatroom
Keith left the chatroom
Pidge: That was so gay
Pidge: I think I have cavities from their convo
Lotor: Book a dentist appointment!
Lotor: Lolol
Pidge: I just might if they keep that shit up
Dr. Shiro entered the chatroom
Pidge: aw hey dude !!
Dr. Shiro: Hello!
Dr. Shiro: I swear those two are so weird.
Lotor: What are they doing?
Dr. Shiro: I just left to go on my lunch break and I see Lance running down the hall and I point to Keith's curtain and now they're just chatting through a hospital curtain.
Dr. Shiro: Like it's the most normal thing ever!
Pidge: it's probably normal for them.
Lotor: What did Keith do?
Dr. Shiro: He cut himself pretty bad.
Pidge: what was he doing ??
Pidge: playing with knifes?
Dr. Shiro: I think he's trying to teach himself how to cook?
Lotor: That's admirable.
Dr. Shiro: I guess but I just wish he wouldn't hurt himself.
Pidge: lolol dumb idiot
Dr. Shiro: He burned himself last week taking something out of the oven!
Lotor: Put him in bubble wrap so he doesn't hurt himself.
Dr. Shiro: I would love to!
Dr. Shiro: Then he would just call me overbearing again.
Dr. Shiro: I had to find out from one of the interns that he was here.
Pidge: wait he didn't even tell you??
Lotor: Maybe he was embarrassed?
Dr. Shiro: He's lucky I love him.
Pidge: Aw brotherly love !!!!
Dr. Shiro: Anyway I gotta go.
Dr. Shiro: I just got to our lunch table.
Pidge: Say hello to my future sister-in-law!
Dr. Shiro: Romelle?
Pidge: yeah!
Dr. Shiro: She's says hello back.
Dr. Shiro: I have to eat my lunch so I'll talk to you guys later!
Lotor: See ya man!
Pidge: byeeeeee
Dr. Shiro left the chatroom
Lotor: And then there were two
Pidge: actually just one because Allura just showed up with two pints of ice cream
Pidge: I'm gonna have to deal with this now sighhh
Lotor: Listen I don't ask for much but please cheer her up.
Lotor: I'd hate to think she was crying because of me.
Pidge: she's not crying because of you but for you
Pidge: she really likes you but doesn't want to seem so eager than you lose interest in like a week
Lotor: I'd never lose interest in her. I'll probably be smitten with her for as long as I live.
Lotor: but you know this. She truly is so beautiful inside and out.
Pidge: double book me because I'm c r y i n g now
Lotor: What are you doing talking to me still?
Lotor: Cheer her up!
Pidge left the chatroom
Lotor left the chatroom
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