13: space is nice
Dr. Shiro entered the chatroom
Dr. Shiro: @ Katie I need you to do me a big favor.
Pidge entered the chatroom
Pidge: no
Dr. Shiro: You haven't even heard what it is!
Pidge: no
Pidge: I know exactly what it is
Pidge: my answer is still no
Keith entered the chatroom
Keith: whats going on
Pidge: mind your own fuckin business Keith
Keith: so hostile
Dr. Shiro: Give me his number. Obviously you know what happened so you know I really need to speak with him.
Keith: him who
Dr. Shiro: @ Lance
Dr. Shiro: @ Lance !!!
Pidge: you can @ him all you want, he logged out of the messenger so he's not getting any notifications
Keith: what happened to Lance
Pidge: a reality check
Dr. Shiro: At least tell me if he's alright?
Pidge: I mean would you be alright after you just embarrassed yourself in front of an entire bar and your crush
Keith: what happened to Lance
Keith: is he alright
Pidge: no he's mortified
Dr. Shiro: If you won't give me his number can you give me his email.
Pidge: no no no
Keith: so lance had a crush on shiro
Pidge: yea ever since I introduced him to Shiro sophomore year
Pidge: bet you feel like a bitch now @ Shiro ahahaha
Dr. Shiro: Katie you're not making this any easier. I'm worried about him.
Keith: give me his number
Pidge: Why lolol
Keith: to make sure hes okay
Keith: you said he logged out of the app therefore he wont answer if i call him through the messenger
Keith: im worried
Dr. Shiro: Why do you care?
Dr. Shiro: I've noticed how you've been interacting with him. How you only capitalize his name. @ Keith
Keith: accident
Dr. Shiro: Nothing you ever do is accidental!
Dr. Shiro: So I'm assuming you care about him which is a bit confusing since you barely know him!
Pidge: ugh no wonder why he blew up. he probably thought you might actually like him. no wonder why he was so heartbroken
Pidge: you gave him hope for something he knew was impossible.
Pidge: damn but I wonder what he would say if he knew two brothers were fighting over him
Pidge: this is too rich
Keith: we arent fighting over lance
Dr. Shiro: By all means don't stop capitalizing his name now. We've all noticed.
Math entered the chatroom
Math: what's up bitches !!!!!
Math: oh shit nvm this is intense
Math: what the actual fuck happened while I was gone ????
Pidge: Lance admitted his feelings for Shiro in front of an entire bar
Math: fuck man... that sucks
Keith: yeah it really does
Keith: do you know when he will be back on the messenger
Pidge: if he'll ever be back lolol
Dr. Shiro: Even if you don't tell me his number I'll just see him on Monday at work.
Pidge: fuckin talk to him then
Pidge: obviously he doesn't want to talk to you
Dr. Shiro: I'm begging you. Please.
Keith: she said no
Dr. Shiro: Matt can you talk to her?
Math: dude... if Lance doesn't want to talk to you, he isn't. you know that.
Math: besides
Math: maybe it's better if you guys just not see each other right now
Math: take a break from each other
Dr. Shiro: We're going to have to talk eventually.
Pidge: and today's not fucking eventually.
Math: you could have worded it better
Pidge: no I actually couldn't have.
Pidge: sighhhh
Pidge: listen man I know you didn't mean to but you really hurt him. think about it. He's been in love with you since he was like sixteen
Pidge: that doesn't just go away.
Pidge: just give him some space
Keith: space is nice
Dr. Shiro: Ok. Fine.
Dr. Shiro left the chatroom
Pidge: i don't even care if he's mad at me
Pidge: gotta protect Lance
Keith changed Gettin it to protect lance 2k18
Keith: fixed it
Pidge: niceee
Pidge: you know we don't care if you capitalize his name
Keith: no shiro is right
Keith: i guess i got bit excited
Keith: i dont even know his favorite color or movie
Keith: i dont know lance at all
Keith: i guess i just like to think i do
Pidge: It's Mamma Mia!
Keith: what
Pidge: His favorite movie is Mamma Mia! and his favorite color is blue.
Pidge: and if it gets you to capitalize his name again I'll tell you all about him
Keith: really ???
Math: Of course we will !! We know everything there is to know about him.
Math: Lance is helpless romantic. He loves animals and his go to karaoke song is anything by spice girls or ABBA.
Pidge: He's a total book geek. He binge read all the Percy Jackson books and he secretly still reads them.
Pidge: He's an amazing listener. I'll talk for hours and he just listens and gets it.
Math: he was in the school's choir and almost passed out when he had a solo but he has an amazing voice don't let him tell you otherwise
Math: plus he plays guitar!
Pidge: total mama's boy and has watched every episode of SVU at least three times
Math: he's the messy organized type and this one time he had his tarot cards read and he cried lolol
Pidge: we rescued a cat together sophomore year and we hid it from our parents for three weeks and we didn't get caught lolol
Math: We egged my ex's house together we got caught and he tried to take the fall for me
Math: I mean he always has your back no matter what. you can always rely on him. he's always down for an adventure.
Pidge: we had this stupid tree house and he named it when we were in high school lolol
Keith: what did he name it?
Pidge: Voltron. I'm not even sure how he came up with it if I'm being perfectly honest.
Keith: voltron?
Math: yeah it was safe place for all of us
Math: !!!!!!!! @ Katie
Math: crazy idea we name the app Voltron
Pidge: !!!!
Pidge: you right !!!
Pidge: I like it, it's sentimental and has a deep meaning. I fuck with it. I really fuck with it.
Keith: yea Lance would like it
Math: You capitalized his name!
Keith: yea i guess i feel like i know him a bit better than before
Keith: i just kinda wished he was the one who told me all these things
Pidge: he's glad you know them
Keith: huh
Pidge: I'm on the phone with him, giving him live updates on everything
Pidge: he says he okay and that he's happy you're worried for him
Pidge: and that he's going to be back here soon and that he'll call you later just to talk
Pidge: god i feel like a messenger pidgeon
Math: lolol Pidge like pidgeon lolol
Pidge: fuck u
Pidge: also @ Keith Lance says don't wait by the phone lolol
Math: classic Lance
Pidge: He said you better have smiled
Keith: i did
Pidge: I'm gonna go and finally name the app lolololololol
Pidge left the chatroom
Math: sucks that when I finally come back to the chatroom there's all this drama
Keith: where did you go anyway
Math: a little bit of everywhere
Math: went on adventure
Keith: you forgot the app existed didnt you
Math: I forgot the app existed
Keith: hahaha
Math: not my fault entirely !! I just got super busy and didn't have time to even breathe.
Allura entered the chatroom
Allura: Hi guys!
Math: you missed the most lolol
Allura: What on earth happened?
Keith: something happened between Lance and shiro and now Lance doesnt want to talk to him
Allura: Oh my god! Let me read the past messages to see what happened.
Keith: i thought my explanation was good
Math: I did too
Allura: My poor fellow Ravenclaw! That's disastrous.
Math: yea you could say that again
Keith: it sucks but thats life
Math: more like Lance's life sounds like a bad romantic comedy movie
Allura: Not bad just cliche.
Keith: i happen to like some cliches
Allura: Of course you do haha.
Lotor entered the chatroom
Allura: Hey!
Lotor: Didn't think I'd see you again so soon lol
Math: hey
Math: go lolol
Lotor: Pardon?
Keith: it looks lonely
Lotor: What does?
Math: your lol
Math: It looks weird without an additional ending
Lotor: So lolol?
Math: ye
Keith: exactly
Lotor: So you must be Katie's brother Matthew?
Math: ye but I just go by Matt
Keith: actually you go by math
Math: Shut up Kuro
Keith: what?
Math: nothing
Math changed user to Matt
Lotor: It's nice to meet you both.
Allura: You'll eventually get to meet Lance, sadly he isn't logged on today.
Lotor: Your Ravenclaw buddy?
Allura: Yes! He's really sweet.
Keith: what house are you in
Lotor: What?
Allura: He means Hogwarts house.
Keith: Lance wanted to know for his study
Matt: no Lance just wanted to talk to you lolol
Keith: he still might want to know
Lotor: Slytherin.
Allura: How fitting.
Lotor: I'm not evil just a tad cunning and a bit ambitious.
Allura: More like manipulative but okay go off I guess.
Keith: i thought you were working on being nice to each other
Lotor: I think little jests fit us.
Allura: I guess they do.
Pidge entered the chatroom
Pidge changed Matt's user to Math
Pidge: No flirting in the chatroom
Lotor: That was hardly flirting.
Math: Come on man I just changed it back
Keith: just be happy that it isn't meth
Math: don't give her any ideas
Pidge: Welcome to the new and improved Voltron app!
Pidge: Lance wants to have it trademarked lolol
Allura: That's cute.
Lotor: Will we ever know what it means?
Pidge: Probably never. I guarantee he doesn't even remember how he came up with it.
Math: No one knows what goes through his head
Keith: it would be nice to know
Allura: It would be nice to understand.
Pidge: lance is lance
Math: And that is a perfect description of our friend
Allura: We're hyping him up and all honest he's going to be such a dork when Lotor meets him.
Pidge: oh yea. I already have the feeling in my bones.
Math: It's going to be so embarrassing
Keith left the chatroom
Math: ??????? what the hell
Lotor: That was abrupt.
Pidge: That's because he got a call from Lanceeeeee
Allura: How come he didn't come into the chat?
Pidge: I don't think he's quite ready yet.
Lotor: What happened?
Pidge: I'm not fucking repeating this. Scroll up.
Lotor: Alright.
Allura: I guess it's expected.
Math: I'm gonna call Shiro to see if he's okay
Pidge: tell him to fuck off but feel better
Pidge: also don't forget about the app
Math: No promises
Math left the chatroom
Lotor: That is absolutely horrid.
Pidge: Any other adjectives for a shitty situation bro.
Lotor: I mean I could come up with more if you want.
Pidge: don't
Allura: Please.
Lotor: lolol
Allura: You're sticking with it?
Lotor: I think it quite cute.
Pidge: how was you guys's date ???
Allura: It was just lunch.
Lotor: Yeah.
Pidge: The only ones you're fooling is yourselves.. just fuck already
Pidge: everyone knows you like each other but won't admit to it.
Allura: I don't have to stand for this blasphemy.
Pidge: lololol whatever
Allura: I'm visiting my uncle so see ya!
Allura left the chatroom
Pidge: So when are you inviting her to "lunch" again
Lotor: Soon. I mean I had a great time but I don't know about Allura. I'd hate to push her to do something she isn't comfortable with.
Pidge: Allura spent three hours on the phone with me picking out an outfit and then another three hours gushing about you.
Pidge: She liked it.
Pidge: fuckin man up and just ask her out on a date.
Lotor: ... I don't know. We'll see how another lunch goes and then maybe I'll work from there.
Pidge: sigh
Lotor: Oh and thanks again for the invite but I still don't know exactly why you did it if I'm being perfectly honest.
Pidge: To spice things up.
Lotor: I beg you pardon?
Pidge: Simply for the fun of it. You're a wildcard and I think you will be really entertaining to keep around.
Lotor: I'm here for your entertainment?
Pidge: Yes and that's it. No other special reason. I do things like this for no apparent reason.
Lotor: You keep on repeating that sentiment and it makes it seem like there is a specific reason you asked me to join Voltron.
Pidge: Don't read too much into it.
Pidge left the chatroom
Lotor: Okay... Thanks.
Lotor left the chatroom
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