Elf maid
(This takes place around when myucel is learning for da first time and I love the quote thing above)
Wow were are we sky"I said
"No clue"she said with her light green fur and her little blue dress
"Hello welcome to the eldant empire i am jinzaburō Matoba I am with the Japanese government"he said
"Japanese? wait I'm I under arrest!!"I said
"No no I hired you on your job you are here to teach the children your culture and I heard you like anime and manga"he said
"Oh it's the best I read it at the guild with levy Chan so you want me to help spread my culture?"I said
"Yes you will be staying with a man spreading the otaku culture and please I know about that Natsu man please don't destroy everything"he said
"Oh don't worry it every dragon slayer is destructive"I said
"Good follow me"he said
Time skip
He took me to a bloody mansion
"Wow this place is so big it's so much bigger than my room in fairy hills girls dorm!"I said
"Who is that"a woman said pulling out a gun
"Sun dragon blazing fist!"I yelled on instinct and hit her
"Oh my god I'm sooooooo sorry I'm the new filore person I'm supposed to spread my peoples culture"I said healing her
"It's okay I should have realized"she said
I helped her up
"I'm minori who are you"she said
"I am (y/n) (l/n) I'm a galaxy dragon slayer"I said
"Your Japanese is amazing"she said
"Oh really I just learnt it not a while ago like a couple hours"I said
"Wow I'll take you to your room and your study"she said she said
"Thank you ma'am"I said bowing
Time skip
My room was amazing it even had four extra bed (you now why)
My study was awesome and turns out the kingdom of filore gave me magic tools
"Awesome celestial keys oh and fire lacrama's oh cool some magic saved from edolas awesome!!!"I said
Someone opened a door
"H h hello"she said I could understand her thanks to anima(your dragon) teaching me translating magic along with celestial
She then put a ring on my finger for some reason
Except requip because I can't do it
"Hi I'm (y/n) (l/n) I'm here to teach people here about Fiores culture who are you"I said with my exceed laying on the bed
"I I I'm myucel I am your servent"she said
"Oh you don't have to I can help you if you want o don't like people doing my work plus I love helping plus why did you but this ring on my hand"I said
"So you can under stand me"she said
"Oh I don't need it it's okay I could understand you perfectly I have translation magic"I said giving her the ring
"B b but your a human only elves can use magic"she said
"Elves? Actually the place I come from has tons of magic users called wizards and were just normal people"I said
"Amazing what else can you do"she said
"We- DRAGON!"I said running to the window
"Look! Do you think anima is here sky!"I said
"Of course not that dragon is from here in guessing and also how would a dragon fit thru that hole"Sky said
"Your right"I said
"Hey myucel I have a question what is everyone like I would hate messing with someone important"I said
"Well everyone is really nice there is brook,shinichi,petralka and elbia"she said
"Wow!"I said
"C can you tell me about your realm"she said
"Well Natsu and gray always pick fights then erza gets them to stop
In her own violent way gramps are master for are guild is kinda pervertic sometimes but he is like a grandpa to everyone oh and Wendy is just so adorable are first master mavis is really in love with shipping us and juvia is all like ohh gray sama ohhh oh and levy is super smart and gajeel and laxus well there super rude oh and then there is Lucy spirt Virgo who is always saying
Will you punish me princess
And there are so many others and we went on so many adventures and everyone is like family to each other even f some people were not there as kids like me Natsu,levy,gray and erza"I said
"Wow your guild sounds amazing and you were there since childhood"she said
"Yup I remember I would use to hang out with Natsu and lissana in fact j got my exceed egg before Natsu"I said
"Really so that's what this is"she said looking at sky
"Hey I'm not a it I'm a she rude"Sky said
"Sorry she is really rude"I said
"C c can I see your study with all your magic tools"she said
"Sure lets go if I remember"I said dragging her
Time skip
Myucel was looking at the celestial keys
"Wow what are these"she said
"Oh these are celestial keys I was able to get some of the golden ones in fact there all off them and some Lucy has here I'll summon Aries."I said
"OPEN GATE OF THE RAM ARIES!!!"I yelled as Aries came
"How may I help you (y/n) oh who is this"Aries said
"Hi I'm myucel"she said and Aries could understand her
Lucky celestial perks
"Wow amazing (y y y/n) would you like to join us for dinner"she asked
"Sure I'm a great cook if you need help I hare to make erza strawberry cake after mirajane ate it as a kid she asks me to make it all the time now"I said
Time skip
I was in the kitchen with myucel making food I decided to keep my celestial keys on me
I took the cake out of the oven and put the frosting on it and the it strawberries
"So how is it "I said as she tried a test one I made earlier
"It's amazing! I'm sure all the guys will love it and you!"she said
"Well I think I might stay in here I'm not good with people other than my guild mates and other people I have known for a long time"I said
"Well maybe you could try plus I feel like it would be good for you to get to know people"she said
"I I it's just
I stutter in front of people sometimes in large groups the only reason I can talk in front of you is because you remind me of mirajane and the only reason I can talk in front of minori is because she kinda reminds me of erza
I can talk in front of people sometimes like when it's for a job because I know that I can count on my friends if something happens but this time there not here only Sky is and I don't think it's a good idea to spread my culture that fast I only showed you because I trust you also I was told from the job paper not to show that much of are magic but it's hard because then you can't see sky because she is a exceed"I said
"Aww your adorable (y/n)"she said hugging me and kissing my forehead as I blushed
"I thought you would be all strong and tough but you have a soft side it's nice"she said
She gave me a cute cute face I can't resist
"Pleeaaaaasssssseeeeeeeee"she said
"No no the cuteness is to much ahhhh fineeee"I said
She laughed and hugged me
"C c can't b b breath"I said and she let me go
We walked to the dinner table I one was there but minori
"I can't do this"I said about to run but myucel and minori duck taped me to a chairwith my hands free just my waist tied
"So since no one else is here and we know you have magic what can you do"minori said
"W w well I can do a lot of things but I can also do this
Solem script fire"I said as the words fire on fire appeared
"Solem script water"I said as the fire was put out
"Amaizing that unlike any magic we have seen here"myucel said clapping as I blushed
"Can you show us what those keys do"she asked
"Well they are used to summon celestial spirits but of them get really angry when I summon them when I don't need them and some are not pg so I think it's better not also one of them is a big pervert"I said
"Well what else can you do"minori said
"Well a lot of things see I can basically speak every langue spoken to me that's how I can understand myucel without a ring thing"I said holding up both of my hands
"Wow"they said
"Also I have a thing called dragon slayer magic with can get pretty destructive so it's not a good idea to do it inside oh and I can also to take over Satan soul and animal soul but I prefer Satan soul because animal soul is a little yeah"I said
"Wow can you show us"myucel said
"Okay"I said turning into one of my Satan souls (the one Mira used to defeat freed)
"Wow"they said as I turned back
"That's amazing I think we have time for one more"they said
"Okay ice make flowers!"I said as a bunch of (f/c) tinted ice flowers appeared
"It's beautiful"minori said as she picked up a flower
"I'll go get the food"I said as myucel released me from the seat
I got the food and when I got in a boy a dragon and a puppy girl I'm guessing showed up
"Nope can't do it"I said placeing the food and running but myucel grabbed me and duck taped me to the chair again
"Who is that"the dragon said
"Yeah I never seen her before"the puppy said
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