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"Stop her! Do not let her escape!"
I pulled my goggles down, a cheeky grin widening across my face. My boots thumped through the forest as I charged around trees and leapt over small streams. Hundreds of boots rang out behind me, chasing me, roaring like an oncoming storm.
My hands gripped my dress, holding it up so I could run better and not face-plant into the forest floor. My hair whipped behind me as I cleared a log and charged deeper into the forest.
An arrow whizzed past my head, embedding itself into a nearby tree. More arrows followed, and so did a flying halberd.
I grinned stupidly. I was having a blast! I loved the thrill, the feel of my adrenaline kicking to new heights and my blood thrumming in my ears. But it was dangerous; my job was dangerous.
I released my dress to clench my fists which made my leather gloves squeak. Power coursed through my veins, flowing into my hands. Palm open and fingers apart, I whipped my hand out in front of me. A portal ripped open the atmosphere. A galaxy swirled inside. A platform materialized inside.
I threw myself through the portal, landing on the floating platform. I turned to face my pursuers: an army of armed men. They looked in complete shock at my creation before them.
I pulled up my goggles to rest them atop my head. I grinned. "Tell Elizabeth that it was a pleasure to be in her company." I curtsied. "Farewell."
And with that, I spun on my heel, waving my hand to close the portal behind me.
I was in my own little galaxy; my own little universe. I controlled everything in it. It was my doorway to anywhere, anytime. And no one else could enter it unless I allowed them to.
I gazed down at my clothes: an ugly rose coloured dress cascading to the floor. I groaned. "This is the ugliest dress I've ever seen. And I've seen a fair few." With a snap of my fingers, the dress disappeared and was replaced with a simple flannel button up, black jeans and converses.
When I stepped off my floating platform, a hallway materialized. My Hall of Time. With it being in my universe, I could shape it to any form I liked, and it always looked like a luxurious hotel corridor with white carpeting and white doors with golden handles and outlining. The numbering on the doors were years in time.
I strolled down the hallway until I came to the door I was looking for: 2014. I walked through it and stepped into my Manhattan apartment.
I loved living there. It overlooked Times Square. It was expensive—upfront and up-keeping. But I found a way of getting around it. I'm not going discuss it; just in case the cops are reading this.
Night had fallen. All the lights were off except a single lamp on the coffee table in the corner of the living room.
I fell into the chair next to it and sighed in relief. It was nice to be in a comfortable chair again. Tudor chairs were terrible. And the beds! It was like laying on a brick wall!
Time Travel: Real or Phoney lay unfinished on the table. I liked reading books like that. They made me laugh. Most of them were wrong, to be honest. With every page I read, a scoff escaped my lips. But the author of this book, especially, made me roar in laughter: Professor Grant Puth, and I place great emphasis on his title. He was an ass.
I picked up the book and continued to read, slowly drifting to sleep.
"Hello, Andi."
My eyes snapped open and I shot to my feet, my hands glowing with power defensively.
Once my eyes had adjusted, I relaxed, realising who'd broken into my apartment.
I groaned, rubbing my eyes. "Eilian." I sunk back into my chair. "What are you doing here?"
Eilian was a time traveller like me. He was a young man, and he looked a bit older than me. But, then again, who knew how old he really was. I had the same problem. We looked young, but looks can be deceiving. For all I knew, the 'young' man could be hundreds of thousands of years old. I was fairly sure he was.
Eilian crossed his arms. "What did you think you would achieve by pissing off Queen Elizabeth I?"
I shrugged. "I was doing my job. She just got in the way."
"You know the rules, Andi. You can't pull stunts like that."
I rolled my eyes. I was getting my daily lecture from Papa Time. And they bored me out of my mind. "Yes, Eilian."
"I'm serious. You're taking too many risks."
From my back pocket, I pulled out what I spent weeks suffocating in an ugly dress for. It was a golden circular-like piece with intricate designs etched into it. "But I got the Shard."
Although he tried not to, the corners of his lips curved upwards in a cheeky smile. I wiggled my eyebrows. He had to admit that, even though I screwed around here and there, I got the job done.
Eilian snatched the Shard from my delicate fingers. His bright green eyes inspected it. And just as quickly, he stuffed it into his satchel.
"You got what you came for, Eilian." I nodded to the door. "I think it's now your cue to leave."
Eilian rose an eyebrow. "Not quite yet." He held out his hand. "There's something I have to show you."
I didn't like where this was going. I was very good friends with my fellow time traveller, and I mean very. But after doing this kind of thing for so long, you learn not to trust people.
I stood, burying my hands in my jeans pockets. "Why should I trust you, Eilian? Last time you did this you trapped me in 1033."
"Hey, you like Vikings."
"No, I don't. And you know that perfectly well."
"Andi, listen to me. I'm being serious this time. This is important."
I suddenly felt less hesitant. I was more...troubled. There was something in his eyes. The usual playful glint was replaced by a serious one; Eilian was telling the truth. And whatever he wanted to show me scared even him.
With a sigh, I took his hand. "You better not be leading me on, Eilian."
Eilian looked at me seriously, and it made me shiver. "Trust me. This is no joke."
I pulled down my goggles as Eilian created a portal to his galaxy.
Something was wrong. I'd been there plenty of times. It looked different; felt different.
A broken galaxy swirled before us. Stars flickered weakly. And blackness enveloped everything like a shroud.
I stared in horror at the destructive world, standing on a floating platform next to Eilian.
"What did this...?"
My attention snapped to him immediately. "Eon's back?! B-But that's impossible! We locked him away!"
I spread my arms out to the sides. "How is this possible? Our galaxies are under better protection than last time. Not to mention yours is one of the toughest to crack open."
Eilian sighed. "He's more powerful this time. If he can do this to me, you're not safe."
I realised the toll Eilan's fragmented galaxy was taking on him. He looked pale and tired. He wasn't his usual perky self, and he was struggling on his feet. He swayed dangerously.
"Hey, hey," I cooed, grabbing his arm to keep him upright.
He clasped my hand tightly. His breathing quickened. He slammed his eyes shut in pain. "I'm...dying, Andi."
I slowly shook my head in disbelief. As much as I hated to admit it, he was right. Our galaxies were our home. Our galaxies were us. Destroy that, you destroy us. But Eilian couldn't die. He couldn't leave me. He'd taught me everything I knew today. I couldn't go on without him, without my best friend. "No, no, no. You're gonna be fine. We'll get you help."
There was an explosion. Right in front of us, stars began to snuff out, imploding before my eyes. In sync, Eilian wailed in pain and collapsed.
Like a tsunami, stars were snuffed out and blackness enveloped the galaxy. I tried to drag my friend to his feet. "Eilian! We have to leave!"
"I can't go," he wheezed. "I'll never make it." He yanked his satchel over his head and handed it to me. "Here. Find the rest of the Shards. Stop Eon."
"How?! I couldn't defeat him alone last time! I need you with me!"
He pointed to the satchel. "There's a list in there. They'll help you. You need to stop him. He'll slaughter millions if you don't." He cried out as an asteroid belt imploded. "You know how dangerous he is when he's at full power. We cannot let another war begin."
He caressed my cheek, an act of affection he hadn't used in too long a time. "You're strong, Andi. I know you can do it."
My tears flowed freely. For the last time, I kissed my best friend, gentle and wanting, forgiving all past rivalries and maltreatment of one another. "I love you, old man."
Eilian grinned cheekily. "I love you, old girl."
I opened a portal behind me to my Hall of Time. The tsunami of destruction charged faster and faster. Eilian slowly lay on his back. The last look he gave me shattered my heart: his signature boyish grin that I'd grown to love.
I stepped back, and the portal closed, the tsunami of destruction swallowing up the last of Eilian's galaxy. And him as well.
I slunk to my knees. And I wept.
❈Author's Note: Hey, there! Thanks for choosing to read my book. This piece of work is quite close to my heart, so I thank you for taking time out of your day to read the beginning of a [hopefully] amazing story.
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