Chapter 1
"Back again for another book?" The school's Librarian asked. For someone being in their late 40's she still looked beautiful, Her Shoulder length jet-black hair, her vibrant green eyes, and the way her pale skin seemed to glow. "Yeah, you know me, always looking for a good book to read." The blue-haired girl replied, giving the librarian a weak smile.
The short girl waltzed through the library, skimming the shelves to see if there are any books she hasn't read yet. Although she's read most of the books here, she decided to grab her favorite book. She walked to a specific dark-brown colored shelf in the back corner of the library, getting up on her toes to reach the second to last top shelf, she pulls out a book, smiling as she blew off the dust from its cover.
She walked to the check-out area, grabbing a couple of other books on her way.
"Will that be all Levy?" Levy looked at the Librarian and smiled, nodding her head yes. Handing the books to her, she gives levy a beaming smile, her crystal white teeth showing. Levy gives a small nod, murmuring a quick thank you before leaving.
As soon as she walked past the library's doors, instinctively, she opened up a book and started reading. She heard the clicks of high heeled shoes echo through the halls, assuming it was a teacher, she didn't bother to look up from her book as she walked. The clicking was inching closer and closer, until--
Levy fell to the floor, her books now scattered around her and her elbow now bruised from slamming into a locker.
"Ugh, watch where you're going nerd. My daddy can sue you and get you kicked out of this school."
"I'm sorry..." Levy mumbled, while gathering up her books. She stretched her hand forward to reach the book in front of the girl she bumped into. The girl's eyes twinkled with a sinister smirk, walking toward Levy's outstretched hand, she lifted her black and yellow three inch pointed heels and stepped on Levy's hand.
Levy winced at the pain, looking up, a dour look on her face. Araña Webb, what is it that I ever did to her? She hardly even knows me...
Downcasted, Levy used her other hand to get the book. She piled the book back into the stack, waiting for Araña to get off her hand. Watching Levy sit obediently in front of her like a dog had Araña's eyes blazing in amusement.
After what seemed like an eternity to Levy, Araña finally got of her hand, yawning as if Levy were a toy that she got bored of playing with.
"Next time watch where you're going, Nerd."
She sat there on the floor for a couple of minutes, waiting until the clicking of Araña's heels were out of her hearing range. The halls were now dead silent, she sighed and picked up her stack of books, trudging her way home.
❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖
After walking for an hour, due to her slow pace and occasional breaks, she finally made it home. Placing the books down, she lifts her hand to the door knob, hesitating to open the door.
Her hands are shaking uncontrollably, she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath in and out. She slowly turns the knob, pushing the door open.
She grabs the books off the concrete floor, placing them on top of a table, closing the door behind her.
"You're late!"
Levy flinched at the sound of that voice.
This isn't going to end well...
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