Jack's POV
Someone screamed
It came from upstairs
I quickly made my way to the stairwell, and grabbed my staff the was carefully sitting against the wall
I heard a lot of banging and the sound of glass breaking.
But it only made me run faster.
Then finally, I tracked the noise.
I was standing outside of Emma's door
No. No. No. No.
I slammed the door open, getting my staff ready to attack
Pitch had his hand over Emma's mouth and her window was open.
But Elsa was there to, pointing her sword at Pitch.
"Let her go. Or I'll rip out your guts and feed your heart to the stray cats outside"
Pitch tightened his grip around Emma.
"You couldn't do that. My dear Queen, you're too weak"
Elsa's eyes flickered to an electric blue and she slashed her sword towards Pitch's head
But it didn't touch him.
Pitch stopped the sword with his gray slim finger.
This is where I've got to come in.
I ran towards Pitch with my staff raised and aimed it at his head.
I was almost sure he didn't notice I was there.
But he did.
Pitch swiftly turned around and grabbed my staff.
"Silly boy"
He pushed it towards me and I slammed into the wall behind me.
My back ached in all places and my vision was becoming blurry. But I needed to stay awake.
I needed to help Emma.
I looked up.
Elsa had her sword stuck in between the floorboards. With her head laying in the hilt. She was shivering.
"I'm sorry. I-I couldn't save her" Elsa apologized
"We. We need. Need." I was beginning to feel drowsy.
Elsa gritted her teeth and I noticed her bite her tongue.
"Don't struggle. I-I'll get you to the infirmary"
Then everything went black
~~~the chapter was too short to end so I decided to continue~~~
I woke up on one of the infirmary cots. Hiccup, Jamie, and Sophie were sitting around me.
"How're you feeling?" Jamie asked
"I-I'm fine. Where's Elsa"
Hiccup looked down.
"She hasn't been back since last night. I'm pretty sure she's out looking for Emma"
"Calm down. Before she left. Elsa told me to tell something"
"Elsa said that she's going to repay you, no matter what. Even if it means her death"
W-What. Elsa. Elsa would die for me?
"What do you mean by 'repay'" I asked
"For giving her a second chance"
A second chance huh. A second chance at what?
Hiccup stood up and began to walk towards the door.
He waved without looking back.
"Be careful with Elsa. Her heart isn't frozen. But she's trying awfully hard to freeze it. Anyways, we have the troops ready to search for Emma. I've got the place as co-commander, so I gotta go!"
Hiccup exclaimed as he left the room.
They're sending a whole troop to search for Emma?
I didn't know they cared this much for their residents
I should go look for Elsa. Emma is my sister, I should help too.
Carefully, I slid off the cot and unwrapped the bandages around my head.
It hurt a little, but I could handle it.
My staff was leaning against the wall beside me, so I picked it up.
It was long enough to hit a target from far a way, and sturdy enough to cause an injury.
I think I found my new weapon.
~~Beluga Pablo Waffle Warp~~
I was standing in between some intersecting alleyways.
It's kinda like in the movies where the person asks if it can get any worse and it starts raining.
That's exactly what happened.
No Jack. This is no time for laughing. I need to find Emma and Elsa.
Double E's. Em n El. Like M n M. Heh.
Stop it Jack. Stay focused.
Then suddenly, there was a gunshot. Then another. Then another.
But no scream.
Some things will remain unexplained
Anyways sorry for this short cruddy excuse of a chapter and for all the random mistakes.
And just so you know, no one got shot or hurt. Yet.
Anyways thanks for reading.
See ya later my potatoes
*throws apologetic waffle at the audience*
(Please forgive my silly graham crackers)
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