Elsa's POV
I watched as Jack walked to his room. His footsteps echoing throughout the halls.
What was this feeling?! Something was happening to me.
I heard Jack's door close, but I remained for a few seconds. Reflecting on what just happened. Causing me to shiver a bit.
I can just imagine how awkward it'll be at school.
Oh no.
I entered my room, with my face still shining red in embarrassment.
As I walked in and I was face to face with Anna. Why is my luck so horrible!
"What were you doing outside your room at a time like this!?" Anna asked
"Then why are you blushing?" Anna said with her signature smirk
"I-I don't know what you're talking about!"
Please tell me she wasn't watching.
"Elsa look outside your door" she instructed
I walked out
"Now look up".
I did as I was told.
There. In the corner of the hall was a camera.
"I-It wasn't just me! I mean how could we not! You and Jack are so cute together!" Anna said giddily
I felt the heat rise to my cheeks
"ANNA!" I sighed
" Why aren't you resting! you just got shot for goodness sake!" I began to push her out of my room
"Hey watch it!" she yelled as she fell out the door.
My back fell against the door as I slowly slid down.
I curled my knees to my chest and waited a bit. Just so I can get back on track.
Why is everything so confusing?!
Everything is changing so quickly not even I can keep up.
My eyes began to feel heavy.
Eventually I fell asleep, still in the same position from before.
-Kevin is still in the hospital, so Todd is doing the music for a bit-
I was standing in a blank space. Everything was white, I couldn't tell if I was flying or falling, or just standing still.
My parents stood in front of me.
"Elsa" a whisper echoed through my ears in the voice of my parents, though their lips didn't move
The room suddenly turned into different shades of black and gray.
"Stop......Running" the whispers invaded my mind and thoughts. Those words bounced throughout my head.
Stop running?
I looked down at my feet.
The ground beneath me was moving, as if I was running. But my feet stood still.
I looked up at my parents, but all that was left were two shadows.
I tried to run but my feet still didn't move.
The ground stopped moving.
The shadows steps echoed through the room as they moved closer.
I couldn't scream. My throat felt like someone had just blocked it off.
The shadows got closer and closer until....SLAM
-End the dream music Todd!-
The door I was resting on hit the back of my head.
Anna's face peeked out from behind.
"Hey sorry sis. Breakfast is ready!"
Then she left.
I wanted to be mad at her, but I think she just saved my life
I got up and changed into some clothes. At the time I didn't really care what I chose so I just grabbed something.
I redid my bun.
Suddenly my dream came to mind
How was I running? Running from what?
I got all of the thoughts out of my head and walked to the drawer near my desk.
I needed a reminder.
My eyes moved toward the bloodstained shirt. My hand slowly moved over to touch the blood, but the moment I got close my hand shot back.
I ignored what happened and walked to my bed. Under my pillow, I kept my only hope.
A picture. A memory.
One of the last happy ones I've had.
It was a picture of out family. We were about to board a mini cruise ship that would take us for a small drive. This was one of my most precious memories, but it's also my most horrifying moment. That day my life changed. It was ruined. The hope that I held fell to my feet and I was left with simple orders that I had given myself. But everyday I remember how happy we were before. The calm before the storm, you could say.
I felt the tears threatening to spill, but I needed to be stronger. For Anna. For everyone. I held in the tears.
I shoved the picture back under the pillow and headed out the door.
I ran down the stairs and to the cafeteria.
I quickly grabbed my breakfast and shoved it into a bag.
There was no way it could be more awkward if I sat with Jack.
I quickly made it to the bus stop and sat down on the pavement. Then ate my breakfast.
I was about to take a bite out of my apple when I felt something sit next to me.
I crossed my fingers.
Please don't be Jack. Please don't be Jack.
I looked to my right and guess who was there.
Jack Frost.
"Hey, why weren't you at breakfast?" he asked with a smirk.
"Why aren't you at breakfast?" I turned the question back around to him.
But he continued to smirk.
"I was looking for you. I told you I wasn't leaving your side"
So I'm stuck with this idiot!
I ignored him and waited for the bus to come.
I saw a bit of yellow appear from over the hill.
I hope Anna will be okay at home. Kristoff's there with her, so I'm not as worried.
The bus doors slammed open and u walked up the steps
I noticed Jack going to the same seat as me. He really wanted to make things awkward.
I was about to sit in another seat after Jack sat down but he quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me to his seat.
Jack shushed me
"You're attracting too much attention" he whispered. I noticed everyone was staring at me.
I slouched in my seat and pulled out a book, blocking out Jack's voice and annoying pokes.
This was gonna be a long bus ride
A/N sorry it took so long to update. I don't really have an excuse so you can all scold me. But....WE HIT 8 FRIGGIN K!!!! Okay remember a couple chapters ago I was freaking out because I got 200 reads, IMAGINE ME RIGHT FRIGGIN NOW!! I'm shivering! You are awesome, thank you!!!! you're the best potatoes a waffle could ever have!
*Throws billions of waffles to the audience* oh and Kevin might be back next chapter...if he gets me some chicken nuggets from the hospital. Guys I got an Instagram because of you... I already have a tumblr. So for future spoilsies just ask, but don't expect like full chapters of spoilers, just little snippets. :D same name and everything.
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