Out Of the Closet - [ Larry ]
[3rd Person]
Louis was fiddling with his fingers nervously, as one of the many cameraman counted down to the start of the show.
"And we are live in 5, 4, 3, 2--" the same cameraman says, pointing to the interviewer, letting her know they were now live.
"Hello America, I am Jessie Martin," the crowd cuts off, clapping and a few wolf whistles can be heard. She has to wait for the crowd to quiet down before continuing. "Today I am sitting here with none other than world famous... One Direction!"
Everyone in the crowd are on their feet in seconds, cheering to the point of in hysterics.
"So boys, how are you feeling about the new tour coming up?" Jessie asked, getting straight to the point once the crowd has quieted enough to be heard over.
"Rehearsals have been going good," Liam says, "I'm just so excited to be on stage again, if I'm being completely honest. I think I'm speaking for all of us, when I say it gives us a rush of energy, and that we love performing for all our fans."
The boys nod in agreement as Jessie flips her rather long blonde hair and flashes a photogenic smile in the boys' direction. "Well isn't that super exciting, well I hope all goes well on your guy's tour, and maybe we'll get to see Harry's underwear again," She flirtatiously winks at Harry, making Louis roll his eyes dramatically and Harry scoots as far away from her as possible, feeling really uncomfortable with the situation.
The old bat was like what, 48, at a bare minimum?
"He doesn't go for cougars anymore, so quit trying to seduce him just so you can get in his pants!" Louis remarks sassily, making Harry, Niall, Zayn, and anyone in the crowd who had heard the comment, snort before bursting into and laughter, and while Liam gave a disapproving look that, from what Louis could decipher, was saying, at him like 'really'.
Jessie scoffed before continuing to ask the aimless questions that all the boys had heard in too many interviews for their liking.
Then, the one question Louis have been waiting for finally came up.
"So Louis, rumors of you and Eleanor splitting have been going on for days now. Is this true?" Jessie says while leaning forward in her seat.
'This is it, this is your chance', Louis thought.
"Yes," Louis says immediately, "We have. Well, not really."
"What do you mean?" Jessie asks, furrowing her stick-thick eyebrows in confusion.
Louis sighed, 'it's now or never' and with that thought, Louis laced his fingers with Harry's before he brought out a very confused Harry's hand, raising it in the air from his lap, holding and held it up high enough for everyone in the room to see.
"Well Larry shippers," Louis starts, looking straight into the camera, "You were right, and you always were. Eleanor and I were never dating, she was a beard that Modest! hired," he lets out a breath of relief, he's almost there, he can do this. He turns to look directly into Harry's eyes before continuing, "and I'm in love with a curly-haired lad, with dazzling green eyes named Harry Edward Styles."
The crowds cheering was so loud when he said those magical words, they were all lucky they didn't go deaf. They'd all say it's at least ten times louder from the first two times.
Harry's eyes widened when he realized what had just happened, then his eyes started glazing over with tears.
"Aw, Harry's crying!" Zayn coos, pinching Harry's cheeks.
Harry swats Zayn's hand away, before he wraps his long arms around Louis, and hugging Louis tight to his chest. The cheers from the crowd haven't died down at all, if anything they've grown louder with 'I told you so's' and 'Larry's real bitches!'
"I can't believe we just came out on live television, and I didn't even know anything about it!" exclaims Harry, trying to hold back the tears.
"Oh my gosh," the interviewer says, clearly shocked, "When did this happen?"
Harry lets go of Louis reluctantly, before quickly grabbing Louis' hand in his own, and turning to face the interviewer as Louis replied with a genuine smile on his face, "3 years ago."
"So, I'm guessing The X-Factor was skinny love?"
Louis and Harry look at each other, giving a little squeeze to the other's hand while blue meets green. "Yeah; I guess it was," Harry smile growing with each word.
Louis blushed and looks back at the interviewer, Harry's hand still in his smaller one, sending butterflies swarming in both of the boys' stomachs.
"So, Louis and Harry, when will the Larry sex tape be leaked?" chuckles Jessie leaning forward ever so slightly in anticipation.
"OH MY GOD, CAN I RELEASE IT NOW?! PLEASE?!" Niall bursts out, begging the two boys whose faces are now red as tomatoes, turning to face the now public couple.
"Niall, shut up. That was one time," Harry muttered, both of the guys blushing like hell.
Zayn and Liam chuckled as Niall started to get on his knees, his hands pressed together in a praying motion. "PLEASE, HARRY AND LOUIS! HAZZA AND BOO! SASS MASTER AND--"
"Niall, shut up before I send you back to Ireland in a box!" Louis jokes, sending the crowd into another round of laughter.
Niall pouts and slumps back into the couch. "It'll be released soon," Niall mutters, only loud enough for Zayn to hear, making him crack up into hysterias.
"Well boys, I'm sad to say that's all we have time for today,'' Jessie says while pulling a sad face. "We wish you luck boys! Now, give it up for One Direction, and our newly out couple, Larry Stylinson!"
*One Hour Later*
@Elounor4Evr_: HELL NO. This is a joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #Elounor
@eleanorjcalder: I'm a huge Larry shipper :) Xx Congrats Harry and Louis! #LarryIsReal
@NiallOffical: been the secret captain of the Larry ship for a looong time now. PINTS TO CELEBRATE!!! (: congrats guys. #LarryIsReal
@JohannaDarling: Finally! #LarryIsReal
@GemmaAnneStyles: @Harry_Styles , @Louis_Tomlinson Where's our sex tape goddammit? #LarryIsReal
@EdSheeran: finally! jesus, I was tired of trying to out you guys! some people just can't take a damn hint. #LarryIsReal
@Real_Liam_Payne: wish them luck @Harry_Styles , @Louis_Tomlinson #LarryIsReal
@grimmers: proud of you mate. @Harry_Styles #LarryIsReal
@1DUpdates: Welp, Larry's real. #ImSherlock #LarryIsReal
@CarrotLover: NOO LOUIS ISN'T GAY *sobbing* #Damn
@LarryisAdorbale: my inner fangirl can't take it omfg #LarryIsReal
@justkissthedamngirl: Uhh please say I'm in a terrible dream cause Elounor is supposed to be real @eleanorjcalder , @Louis_Tomlinson #Elounor
@Uhoh: yup. my fangirl killed me. #LarryIsReal
@holaa_jimx: HA I KNEW @Harry_Styles and @Louis_Tomlinson WERE FAGS
"Most of them are taking it very well," Harry sighs, scrolling down through his twitter feed, ignoring all the hate tweets and Elounor tweets, while favoriting the ones from Ed, Gemma, and the other boys.
Louis' arms wrap around Harry's waist, looking over his shoulder at the tweets on the screen.
"Go on worldwide trends," Louis says.
Harry obliged, and what he saw made his heart warm. #LarryIsReal was the number one worldwide trend.
"One hour," Harry chuckled, standing up from his spot in front of the computer, wrapping his arms around Louis' torso.
"Our fans are the best," Louis sighs, falling into Harry's warm embrace, his nose nuzzling into his neck.
Harry nodded, while Louis stood up on his tippy-toes and gave Harry a quick kiss on the cheek.
"I love you, Hazza," Louis says, taking in Harry's lovely scent.
"I love you too, BooBear,'' Harry replies, placing his head on top of Louis', tightening his grip around the older boy, thinking, 'Everything's going to be alright, now that we've made it out of the closet.'
Edited by the amazing
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