“A DATE could refer to a specific day on the calendar or a prearranged meeting between two individuals, which may or may not involve a romantic connection.”
In a late-night scene, as they watched an action movie in Jimhuesh’s dimly lit room and discussed Georgia’s discovery of her true identity, the conversation took an unexpected turn towards Senthie.
“You can’t be serious. That’s absurd!” Jimhuesh defended himself when Rychie suggested he had feelings for Senthie.
Rychie chuckled, effortlessly catching the popcorn Jimhuesh had thrown. “Well, considering how often you bring her up and how our conversations seem to circle back to her, it’s a logical conclusion.”
Jimhuesh shot him a stern look. “I merely mentioned her because she reminds me of you and you remind me of her. Does that mean I’m into you as well? Are you suggesting I have feelings for both of you?”
“Why so defensive? Can’t you take a joke?” He chuckled. “Though, in all seriousness, you do seem quite fond of her. You even shared your family’s secret with her.”
Jimhuesh sighed, a bit exasperated. “I’ve said it before, she just reminds me of you. It’s like talking to you, that’s all. She’s a friend.”
Rychie chuckled and shrugged. “If you say so.”
He let out a heavy sigh. “You don’t believe me, do you? Do you want me to prove that I don’t have feelings for her?”
Flashing a knowing smile, Rychie raised an eyebrow. “And how exactly do you plan to prove it?”
Jimhuesh nonchalantly stuffed his mouth with popcorn, a mischievous smirk dancing across his lips as he chewed. After a casual sip of his cola, he set the can back on the center table, confidently declaring, “I’ll take her out on a date and feel absolutely nothing.”
“Only if she agrees.”
“I’ll make sure there’s no reason for her to decline.”
The next day . . .
Standing before the mirror, Jimhuesh let out a quiet, contemplative sigh. He stood topless, a towel casually draped around his hips, the remnants of his recent shower still clinging to his hair, with droplets tracing their path down his face and chin, collecting in small pools on the sink.
Regret weighed on his voice as he mumbled to himself, “Oh, well, what am I gonna do now? I shouldn’t have said that. How will I ask her out on a date? I must be crazy. There is no way she’ll agree.”
He placed a hand on his hips as he pondered for possible plans. Should I offer her money? He quickly dismissed the thought with a shake of his head. No, she would think I’m insulting her. Perhaps, I should just grant her a wish? Nah, as if I’m a genie. Should I just lie and tell her I like her and ask her out on a date? His eyes shut briefly, exhaling another sigh of frustration. Absolutely not. She hates liars. A final sigh of resignation escaped his lips. “I’m done for.”
After much introspection and candid internal dialogue, Jimhuesh opted to embrace the uncertainty, vowing to accept whatever outcome lay ahead. He had faith that Rychie would offer understanding, even if it meant enduring relentless teasing. In any case, he had no recourse but to set aside his pride and confront the inevitable awkwardness that awaited when Senthie turned him down. However, he wasn’t sure how to approach her about this matter. Besides his fake relationship with Kassandra, he had never asked a girl out on a date.
When lunchtime arrived, Jimhuesh made his way to Senthie’s studio, his demeanor a surprising mix of calm and confidence as he rang the doorbell. Moments later, the door swung open, and her expression bore a hint of surprise upon seeing him.
“Hi, can I come in?” he greeted. He stepped inside, Senthie letting him in.
“Your mother was just here a while ago. She’s nice. You’re lucky to have her. She’s so proud of you,” she said with a smile, though her eyes betrayed a sense of hidden emotion.
Offering a small smile in return, he acknowledged, “Yeah, I know.”
She took a deep breath. “So . . . why are you here?”
Silence hung in the air before he finally responded, “I’d like to take you out on a date.”
Senthie’s unyielding gaze fixed on him, unsettling him slightly. It felt as though she could peer into his very soul, unraveling every truth and lie. Abruptly, she let out a snort. “You can’t be serious. Why would you ask that? Do you like me?”
“Don’t laugh at me; I’m serious.”
She continued to chuckle. “Why wouldn’t I laugh? It’s rather amusing.”
However, as Jimhuesh maintained his unflinching poker face, her laughter dwindled. She must have realized she was making him uncomfortable.
“Sorry,” she said, her laughter subsiding. “It’s just so unbelievable. Why do you want to take me out on a date, anyway?”
Jimhuesh settled onto the single sofa, still composed. “It’s a bit of a long story, but . . . it’s to prove that I don’t have feelings for you.”
She took a seat on the sofa opposite him, her brows knitting in confusion. “I don’t . . . quite understand what you mean.”
He leaned forward, explaining earnestly, “You see, Rychie thinks that I like you. So, I want to prove to him that he’s wrong. I’m convinced I won’t feel anything, even if we go out on a date.”
She shook her head and laughed. “Well, I appreciate your honesty.”
“So, would you consider going on a date with me?”
Her eyes narrowed. “But why would he even think that? Unless you were giving off the impression that you liked me.”
He scoffed. “That’s ridiculous. I wasn’t.” He then added with a hint of vulnerability, “I told you my family’s secret; that’s why.”
Senthie’s surprise registered in the widening of her eyes, but she remained silent, allowing him to continue. Jimhuesh pressed on, “Regardless, I’d like you to agree to go on a date with me, at least three dates.”
She responded with a throaty laugh, clearly finding the idea somewhat amusing, if not, a touch silly. “All right. Let’s do it. But I can’t promise when, because I’m swamped at the moment. I’m not sure when I’ll be available.”
“I see,” he muttered thoughtfully, clicking his tongue as he rose from his seat and began to pace around, as though assessing the room. “My mom needs the gown next month, so there’s no need to rush.”
He paused briefly and then turned his gaze toward Senthie. “How about this Sunday?”
She got to her feet. “Okay, I’ll do my best.”
Jimhuesh closed the distance between them. “Please. I’d like to find out for myself how it goes.”
Sunday arrived, the eagerly awaited day of their date. For Senthie, a swirl of excitement and nervousness danced within her. Her heart raced, her palms grew clammy and cold, and a wide, joyous grin stretched across her face.
“Finally, a dream come true!” she squealed.
Moments later, the doorbell chimed, and she rushed to answer it, welcoming Jimhuesh with a warm hello. Her heart pounded even faster as she gazed at the man before her, struck by the realization that they were dressed almost identically.
Both sported navy blue sweaters and black nylon pants. Their eyes darted between each other’s outfits and back to their own, and in shared amusement, they burst into laughter.
“You’re copying me again,” she teased, her playful tone lingering as she closed the door behind her.
He countered with a mock glare, “No, I’m not. I’d wager you copied me.”
She chuckled mischievously. “Oh, absolutely. I stalked you, copied you, and even watched you as you slept. Thanks to my unique ability, I can turn into a ghost at night.”
Jimhuesh feigned surprise. “Really now? That’s positively terrifying. I’m quaking in my boots. But . . .” He smirked. “I bet you enjoyed it.”
She burst into laughter, finding the banter hard to resist. “Okay, you got me there. That’s pretty hilarious. But I bet you secretly wish I enjoyed it.”
He groaned, shaking his head. “Oh, come on. Let’s get going. We wouldn’t want to end up with sunburn, would we?”
The moon still hung in the sky as they journeyed along the road, Jimhuesh at the wheel. However, upon reaching their destination, the sun’s rays began to gently illuminate the sky, signaling the moon’s impending farewell.
“The air feels and tastes fresh,” Senthie remarked, tilting her head back to let the breeze caress her face.
He chuckled. “You actually tasted it?”
She turned to him, a proud glint in her eyes. “Yes. Why don’t you find out for yourself?”
He smiled and shook his head. “Never mind that. Let’s go before the sun turns us into toast.”
With Jimhuesh’s attention momentarily diverted, Senthie let out a silent scream of joy and leaped several times, overcome with happiness.
Visiting Mt. Pinatubo had been one of her dreams, a cherished goal. This stratovolcano, nestled in the Zambales mountains on the northern island of Luzon, Philippines, had become a sought-after hiking destination. Its majestic caldera, ringed by massive rock formations that resembled the Alps, encircled a breathtaking turquoise lake. This lake had formed from the collapse of the volcano’s summit during the series of powerful earthquakes, triggered by the massive withdrawal of magma from beneath the volcano.
Mt. Pinatubo, once infamous for its cataclysmic eruption, still held the grim distinction of being the second-largest eruption in the 20th century, causing devastation to the towns and villages in its vicinity.
However, that tragic history had given way to a brighter present. In the aftermath of the disaster, a remarkable transformation occurred, and what had once been an ending became the start of something vibrant and thriving. Who would have imagined that this very volcano would evolve into a popular tourist destination?
As Senthie reflected on her choice to embark on this adventure, she felt that agreeing to a date with Jimhuesh had been the right decision. She had proposed the idea of hiking, and he had acquiesced. In this arrangement, she held the reins, deciding their destination and activities. It had been her condition, but Jimhuesh gladly took on the role of planner and organizer.
At 7:30 AM, they got on a 4X4 open-back jeep to journey toward the base of the mountain. The ride stretched over an hour, weaving through sandy terrains, meandering stream crossings, and breathtaking vistas. As they neared the point where their trek on foot commenced, Senthie’s excitement reached a fever pitch.
Jimhuesh was the first to alight from the jeep, extending a helping hand to her. She hesitated, citing her sweaty palm, but he insisted, and she accepted his hand with gratitude, hopping off eagerly. The sand stirred and danced as her feet met the ground, her backpack bouncing in rhythm.
“Thank you,” she expressed, squeezing his hand gently. “Thank you for bringing me here.”
Jimhuesh’s smile widened warmly. “No, I should be the one thanking you. I have a deep love for adventures, and I can tell this date will be a memorable one for sure.”
Senthie felt her throat tighten, her heart once again quickening its pace, thumping more vigorously as he returned the squeeze in her hand. This time, there was no denying the presence of butterflies in her stomach. She could also feel her face burning, suspecting it had turned a deep shade of red by now. To regain her composure, she gently pulled her hand back, cleared her throat, averted her gaze, and forced laugh. “You think so? I think so too.”
As she wrestled with her feelings, she reassured herself. This is normal. These emotions are familiar and natural. Blushing, butterflies in her stomach, awkwardness, nervousness, and even the sensation of having a crush - they were all part of her usual emotional repertoire. It was only natural for her, entirely normal. She’d felt this way before and would likely feel it again. However, sooner or later, these feelings would dissipate as if they had never existed. Her interest would fade. She knew this about herself and was never worried about falling in love.
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