1200 (12:00pm)
When I was younger I was never on time, if I had to leave at 8am that was when I would set my alarm to wake up. I never thought being on time mattered, I was running on my own watch, except everyone else's ran two hours faster. The army makes you realise that there's no time like the present. If dishes are made, then dishes are done, if an order is given, it is already completed. I was always slow to get ready, I ran late almost all the time, even as a soldier it seemed everyone could complete a task those few seconds before me. I was never a perfectionist when it came to time, but since leaving the army I've realised that at least now I was more on time than 90% of the rest of the world.
If Thomas wasn't my best mate it'd probably be weird that I was always on time now but thankfully we're both as trained as one another. Even though Thomas was three years younger than me and joined the force later, he was a quick learner. Not only did he learn how to do as he was told, but he also knew exactly how to prioritise the orders he was given. The rest of us upon instinct chose to prioritise orders by the rank of the person giving them, rather than thinking about the person who gave them.
Thomas knew who he had to impress to rank up faster, and that was what he did. Three years less service than me and within two years we were the same rank. I wouldn't've been surprised if he made Officer by twenty-five, I guess it makes sense that after injury he would want to return to the army. He was at home there, he knew the system and knew how to make it work for him. I, on the other hand, wasn't so lucky. While part of me considered a rebound job in the offices, I knew it wasn't for me.
'Private.' Thomas smirked grabbing my shoulders from behind before sitting down opposite me outside our favourite cafe, Gracie's. 'Did you get a new chair or polish it up or something? It's got you looking extra slick.'
'Well I've only been in the goddamn thing for two months, how scuffed up could it get?' I laughed while reading the options on the menu in front of us, regardless of the fact that I would always order the same thing. 'You excited to go back tomorrow?'
'I am, actually. Beats sitting on my ass all day.' Thomas smiled before looking guilty for his comment. 'I know you don't like that I'm going back to the force, but it's a desk job! It's not like I'll even go near line of duty again.'
'You say that now, Tom. Then you know someone will be pissed with someone else, and then you'll be dragged out anyway. Just because you're at a desk doesn't mean you don't have rank.' I stated. 'I'm just surprised you wouldn't want to try something else while you have the chance.'
'I could get dragged out, but I've done my fighting. Plus, there's nothing else I'm any good at.' He shrugged.
'Good afternoon, gentlemen. Can I get you anything?' A waitress asked as she walked over to our table, pouring us both a glass of water. Thomas and I exchanged a glance, it was rare that there was ever any new staff at Gracie's
'A scotch would be great.' Thomas said, raising an eyebrow at me. 'What about you, Oberon?'
'Hmmm, you know what Gregor, a scotch does sound lovely, also a brownie and a lighter would be great.' I smiled to the waitress handing her the menus off the table.
'Umm, none of those are on the menu, can I get you something else?' She spoke nervously.
'Can you believe this girl?' Thomas mocked.
'Thomas....' I sighed.
'Get Gracie out here, tell her it's private.' Thomas stated, smacking his hand against the table in a false rage. The waitress scuttered inside just in time for us both to start laughing.
'There's a nicer way to tell Gracie we're here, you know?' I smirked pulling a packet of cigarettes from my pocket, taking one out for myself before offering to Thomas who shook his head. 'No? I know we agreed to quit once we leave the service but you're going back in, you don't have to quit.'
'Can't smoke in the offices...but I guess I still have a day.' He smirked, grabbing a cigarette from the packet before placing it down on the table.
Almost as if queued Gracie walked outside, dusting flour from her apron. She was at least 70 now and had owned this café for 40 years. My parents used to take all of us kids here every weekend after a basketball game and taught us the magic of earning the secret menu. Once Thomas moved to town when we started serving together I had brought him to Gracie's and he fell in love, not sure if he fell for Gracie's granddaughter or the brownies, but regardless, he always insisted we come to Gracie's whenever we were on leave.
'You boys are troublemakers.' She chuckled, throwing me the gas lighter that they keep inside for the stove and candles. She put a plate with three brownies on it, down on the table before pulling a small flask from her apron, and gesturing to my chair. 'You watch yourself on the scotch, can't let you get a DUI on those wheels."
I don't know what it was about Gracie, but ever since I was a kid she always had this magic ability to make me laugh and feel like my problems didn't matter, like I could survive anything. Gracie's always felt like home, since my parents' divorce it felt even more like home. After these past few weeks it was good to feel at home, because home sure didn't feel the same anymore.
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