Charlie watched amused, sipping on her strawberry milkshake with drops of blood, as Rebekah and Kennedy squinted their eyes at each other from across the kitchen island.
My Kennedy frowned before side-glancing at Charlie, "This is a bit freaky. Not that I don't love blue eyes staring me down but... I don't think that's a look I should be getting. I don't see any lust or anything really. She's glaring like cerulean daggers at me and I don't know what to do!"
Charlie let out a laugh and Rebekah huffed. "I'm just trying to see why Charlie thinks you're her best friend now—"
"—I never said—"
"It's okay, Charlene," Kennedy said solemnly, "everyone wants to be my best friend. Unfortunately for everyone, the spot is already taken."
"But it wasn't a voluntary decision," came Enzo's voice as he walked into the kitchen and reached for a blah of blood in the fridge.
"Oh please, best friend, you love me."
Rebekah grinned and nodded in approval, "Alright then, nice to see I wasn't replaced. Now, Charlie, we have to go out on a shopping trip."
"We do?" Charlie asked looking longingly at her milkshake.
"Yes! I need to make sure my place as your best friend is unmovable."
"Have fun you two. But don't have too much fun... That's my job and Enzo's we're going to a bowling alley and showing off our skills, and everyone knows you can't have more fun than when you're showing off supernatural skills to thirteen-year-olds at a birthday party. Isn't that right, best friend?"
Enzo sighed.
When Charlie and Rebekah returned home it was with bags piling on in their arms and an unusual amount of clothes. As soon as Charlie made her way into her room, throwing the bags on the ground with a huff she was greeted by a pair of arms wrapping around her waist and twirling her around so she looked up at a grinning Kol.
"Hello, darling."
"Hi," Charlie said with a smile, "Do you usually creep up on people in their own rooms?"
Kol pursed his lips and then shook his head, "Not usually. But you're special, Charlie."
Charlie clicked her tongue as her hands reached up to his neck, "If I'm so special you wouldn't mind helping me with these clothes, would you?" she asked glancing at the bags on the floor.
"I wouldn't mind helping you with these clothes," Kol said and tugged on her shirt. Charlie rolled her eyes with a smirk and gasped when he started kissing her neck.
"Kol, we have to go downstairs," Charlie said breathlessly.
"Kinky. Never thought you'd be up to doing it in public," Kol muttered against her throat and Charlie laughed as she pushed him away making him pout.
"Caroline is leaving, you dumbass. We need to go and say Goodbye."
"I don't care about Caroline," Kol whined as he followed Charlie out of her room.
"Thanks, Kol!" Caroline shouted from the parlor and Charlie let out a laugh.
Now, as a narrator, I'm not really good at retailing goodbyes. It's always Oh, we're gonna miss you so much! You have to come back! Don't leave me with them! So... I'll just let you know eventually Caroline is going to come back so a goodbye isn't needed to be retold.
But there was a funny part by the end when everyone started parting in their own ways and Kol turned to Charlie with a smile, "Where were we?"
"Honey, I know you're needy," Charlie said with a smirk, "But no. I need to go find a way to save your better half."
"My better half?" Kol gasped at her. "You're my better half, darling."
Charlie rolled her eyes and winked at him as she reached for the stairs, "Oh, you're going to love Kai."
"Who's Kai?" Klaus asked as he appeared on top of the stairs, looking at Charlie with a frown.
"Apparently, my better half," Kol grumbled as he looked up at Klaus. The latter grinned.
"Perfect, I can have Charlie all to myself," Klaus said with a smirk and Charlie gaped at both of them offended.
"Just because of that comment, neither of you is going to have me again for a long time," she said and walked past Klaus on the top of the stairs and walked into her room, closing the door behind her just as both brothers yelled, "WHAT?"
Not even a second later there was incessant knocking at Charlie's door and she opened it with a smirk to see both men glaring at her. "Can I help you?"
"You had sex with both of us?" Kol asked bluntly and Charlie smiled innocently.
"Oh, did I not mention that?"
"No," Klaus snarled—quite the wolf that man is; I'm glad Kennedy isn't a wolf, it would ruin my love for her (if I catch fleas I can't work, and if I can't work I can't narrate, and if I can't narrate you poor readers won't know what's happening).
"Well, I did." Charlie rose a challenging eyebrow at both of them. "Is there a problem, soulmates?"
Kol and Klaus glared at one another before grimacing and turning to her with a sigh. "No," they both mumbled and Charlie smiled at them.
"Perfect, I'm glad we cleared things out." She kissed both of the on the cheek and proceeded to close the door of her room in their faces.
Five seconds later she heard glass break and Klaus yelp, she put her headphones in as both brothers started attacking each other, and started listening to Led Zepplin and trying to concentrate on stray memories she had of the show in her head in order to save Kai.
Guys, I got to say, I'm not sure if I can keep writing this story. It literally took like a year to gather inspiration to write this shit of chapter. But I did, so I thought you would like it. So here it is. But be warned, don't expect a chapter soon, because there may not be one.
On a more optimistic note! I hope it's not that bad of a comeback to this story and that you liked this short-ass chapter.
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