[pictures of dresses will be in the end]
As soon as she had gotten the invitation from Rebekah, or rather, pulled a subtle hustle to get herself invited, Charlie knew that she was going with a bang. All her life she was never able to go to a party, look pretty and have fun. But now that she was in a completely different universe she had made a promise to herself to enjoy everything she could. She really didn't care if she died, but if she would try to survive for as long as she could and enjoy this rather new world and everything good about it. Besides if something went wrong for her in that little town she could always flee and enjoy the world. And firstly she would start by going to the ball.
But for that, she needed a dress. Not that that was a problem, Charlie might've had no money or ability to compel people but she still had her skills. After walking around town asking questions to a couple of strangers, she was able to snatch away some guy's wallet from their pocket. Without waiting a second for him to notice that his wallet was missing, she had slipped into a boutique she had spotted earlier, found herself a dress and shoes, bought them with the guy's credit card, and slipped out of the shop, a smirk on her lips as she threw the wallet into the garbage can and walked away.
Thus she was now standing in front of the double doors at the Mikaelson manner, dressed in her beautiful open-back black gown, her hair wavy and falling down her face away from her face and a smirk playing on her lips.
The doors opened and Charlie walked in—trying really hard to walk elegantly and not trip on her feet, seeing as she had barely used heels before. Everyone stopped to look at her and while most went back to their talks a lot of people watched as the beautiful girl waltzed through the ballroom.
Charlie looked around winking at Matt who was gaping at her and completely oblivious to the stares she was getting from a certain doppelganger—glaring at her for making a bigger entrance than her, I guess—, and other curious glances.
"Charlie!" her name was called out and the girl in question turned around to find herself facing one Rebekah Mikaelson looking fabulous in her green gown. Rebekah handed her a champagne glass, "You came!"
"Of course," Charlie smiled taking a sip from her champagne, "couldn't miss a ball, now could I?"
Rebekah was about to answer when a clicking sound was heard, "Uh, if everyone could gather please," Elijah, the man who she had met in the woods, announced making both girls turned to the staircase to see the Mikaelsons gathering.
"If you'll excuse me," Rebekah said swiftly and headed for the stairs.
"Welcome, thank you for joining us," Elijah began his speech, looking around the room and locking eyes with Charlie for a moment before continuing, "You know, whenever my mother brings our family together like this, it's tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance. Tonight's pick is a centuries-old waltz, so if all of you could please find yourselves a partner, please join us in the ballroom."
Charlie took another sip from her champagne glass as she saw Esther retreat from the ball. She didn't know how she would be able to save the Mikaelsons from their horrid bitch of a mother, but she was sure she would figure something out, even if she had to knock the glasses off of their hands—
"Hello," a voice from behind her said silkily as Charlie felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to look only to find Elijah there holding his hand to her. "Will you join me on the dance floor?"
Charlie pretended to think for a bit a smirk on her lips but eventually, she nodded, putting her champagne glass down on the tray of a waiter passing by and took Elijah's hand as he led her to the dance floor. Getting in line in front of Rebekah and Matt.
"Aren't you gonna ask?" Charlie said amused as they started to dance—a really complicated dance that Charlie was trying not to mess up by following Elijah's lead.
"Why is it that you wanted me to kill you, Ms. . . .?" Elijah said after a moment of silence as they switched positions, now facing each other, and he trailed off waiting for Charlie to fill in the blank.
"Monroe. Charlene Monroe, " Charlie introduced herself silkily giving him a small smile that was verging her signature smirk, "But do call me Charlie."
"Are you not going to answer my question?" Elijah questioned her as they spun around and Charlie online cocked an eyebrow at him tilting her head and waiting a moment before speaking.
"Why should I tell you why I wanted death to greet me when I don't even know your name?" She asked him and Elijah nodded.
"I'm Elijah. Elijah Mikaelson."
"Oh, I know, " Charlie said laughing her blue eyes twinkling, "The noble one right?"
She watched as his eyes widened but a fraction, not having expected her to know about him or the supernatural world for that matter but then it came to the point in the dance for switching partners. And Charlie is suddenly spun into the arms of one Klaus Mikaelson.
"Charlene Monroe, " the hybrid said at once, his British accent strong. Charlie wasn't even surprised he knew her name, seeing as she had already introduced herself to her brother and he had a supernatural hearing or whatever.
"Charlie," she corrected him, and looking at him, an eyebrow raised she continued, "I'm going to take a wild guess and say you're Niklaus."
"Then you're correct, love, " he said slyly, "and I'm going to take a wild guess and say you're new to town."
"Got here just two days ago, " Charlie nodded with a smile though she wasn't particularly overjoyed about the particular detail. Though dancing with hot men was enough to compensate for her unpleasant surprise of not dying. "Are you here with Caroline?"
"It's complicated, " Klaus merely said then placing a dimpled smirk on his lips. "You know, you're quite the dancer, " Klaus informed her and Charlie scrunched up her nose slightly shaking her head.
"I'm not," she said, "I'm just following the lead."
"Could have fooled me," Klaus said right as the music stopped and they stepped away, bowing to each other.
"If you'll excuse me, " Charlie said not waiting for a response as she walked away, spotting Rebekah standing alongside her brother Kol on the sidelines and walking up to her.
"I'm not settling. I brought him here to kill him. He's Elena's friend. If he dies she suffers, " was the first thing Charlie heard as she approached them.
"Bekah if you're planning a murder I would suggest not doing it in public, " Charlie said smoothly as she approached the siblings and Rebekah looked at her with a smile as Kol raised an eyebrow at her, smirking in amusement. "And if you are killing him could you at least make sure I have a place to stay?"
"You can stay with me, " Rebekah answered rolling her eyes and Charlie smirked.
"Why, here?"
"Of course—" Rebekah was about to answer but she was cut off by her brother stepping from her side to look at Charlie.
"I don't believe we met, " he said with a dashing smile and Charlie tilted her head to the side. "Kol Mikaelson."
"Also known as a wanker, " Rebekah butted in, "Charlie this is my brother, brother this is Charlie Monroe, my new friend."
"Friend?" Kol asked cocking an eyebrow up, "I didn't know you had friends Bekah."
"Well, I'm new to town, " Charlie said before Rebekah could snap her brother's neck. "Me and Bekah bonded over mutual dislikes."
"I see, " Kol nodded still smirking, "Well, darling, it was lovely to meet you."
Charlie just nodded, a smirk playing at her lips, and turned to Rebekah again, "So about the murder you were planning."
"Right, " Rebekah said a mischievous smirk growing on her lips as she turned to Kol, "I've already been scolded once so I was hoping you'd help your baby sister out."
"And spit right in the face of mother's rules?" Kol asked her and then a smirk grew on his lips and his eyes twinkling, "I'm in."
"I'll pass," Charlie announced, "But I am holding on to your offer about me staying with you, Bekah."
"Don't worry about that, " Rebekah said waving her off, "We have enough room or we could just get an apartment together."
"Alright then, " Charlie said with a laugh as she slipped away from them, sure that by now Elena had been stupid enough to sign the siblings' death sentence by giving her blood to the bloody witch.
Charlie wandered around trying to see if she could find the kitchen somewhere and finally she saw one of the waiters go past a door and followed him. When she got there she saw one of the members of the staff grabbing a bottle of champagne for the toast, from the aligned ones by the counter, about to start pouring it into the glasses. With a smirk on her lips, Charlie walked over to him, trying to look innocent and seductive.
"You wouldn't know where I could get a glass of water, would you?" Charlie said silkily approaching the man that looked at her rather flustered.
"I will get you one, Ms, " he said putting the bottle down and turning away. Charlie smiled in triumph.
She then proceeded to pretend to stumble on her own feet, throwing he arms around to steady herself and subsequently purposely on accident hitting the bottles on the counter making them do the domino effect and effectively breaking them all, champagne flooding the kitchen floor.
Charlie yelled as fell to the ground trying to make a scene as she was covered in champagne, causing the members of the staff to hurry over to her and help her stand on her feet.
"Are you okay ma'am?" one of the waiters asked and Charlie flinched faking pain as she nodded.
"I'm so sorry for the mess, " she said frantically putting a hand to her mouth, "the floor was wet so I slipped. Did I ruin the toast?"
"Don't worry ma'am, we have more champagne in the storage, " another one said and Charlie sighed in relief—if the champagne was in storage it hadn't been corrupted yet.
"What was all this ruckus?" came the voice of Rebekah Mikaelson having heard all the drama from outside. The blonde vampire stopped in her tracks as she saw Charlie's figure, soaked in champagne, her dress ruined and champagne droplets dripping from her skin. "Charlie, what happened to your dress?"
"I fell, " Charlie said grimacing as the staff helped her up, "And with me all the champagne bottles. I'm really sorry, Bekah."
"Nevermind that now, " Rebekah waved her off as she grabbed her hand, "We have to find you a new dress.
"No really, I can just go home, " Charlie started but immediately shut up at Rebekah's face.
"We're getting you a new dress, " she said sternly as they started making their way up the stairs, Charlie getting a few weird looks from the guest as she was drenched.
Once they got to Rebekah's room, the blonde told Charlie to wait for a moment as she dived in her walk-in closet, finally coming out after a few minutes with a white silk dress in her hands.
"Now, " Rebekah started, "Your hair isn't that drenched so if you blow-dry and pull it up, it should be fine. But I would recommend a quick shower."
"Thank you so much Bekah, " Charlie smiled as took the dress and slipped into Rebekah's bathroom. After about five minutes she had already showered and put on her dress. The silk flowing freely to the ground, the deep cleavage showing off her tanned skin, only being held up by the soft strings on the back of the dress. Charlie quickly put her hair in a bun—as Rebekah had told her. So the part that was slightly sticky from the champagne was hidden. Satisfied with how she looked and quickly readjusting her makeup, she came out of the bathroom looking gorgeous.
"Perfect, " Rebekah told her with a smile, going over to Charlie and linking arms with her, both girls getting out of her room and starting to head towards the foyer again.
And as soon as they stepped foot on the top of the stairs, most eyes turn to them again, or rather the beautiful blonde in the white dress, looking pure as an angel as she along with Rebekah glided down the stairs. In truth, Charlie was gripping the banister trying not to fall on her face which made Rebekah crack a grin.
As they got to the end of the stairs, Rebekah told Charlie she would be with her soon and scampered off leaving the blonde to fend for herself. She was about to venture outside when she bumped into someone.
"Why the change of clothes, love?" came the voice of Nicklaus Mikaelson and Charlie smiled rolling her eyes.
"Champagne accident, " she told him with a laugh, "Your sister was actually the one to lend me this dress. We're becoming rather close."
"I see, " Klaus nodded, "she already offered you a place to stay, aye?"
"Well, my taking it up depends if someone dies tonight, " Charlie shrugged a smirk playing at her lips—
"Good Evening, Ladies and gentlemen, " Esther Mikaelson announced her presence to the audience below her, making Klaus and Charlie snap their attention to her. Charlie almost glared at the woman but prevented herself from doing so as she imagined the bitch catching on fire. "Waiters are coming around with champagne, " and at that moment Klaus grabbed two glasses from a waiter passing by handing one to Charlie. "I invite you all to join me in raising a glass. It provides me with no greater joy than to see my family back together as one. I'd like to thank you all for being part of this spectacular evening. Cheers!"
"Cheers!" everyone said raising their glasses.
Charlie clicked hers with Klaus and sipped her glass trying not to smirk as she watched the hybrid watch her.
"Shouldn't you be with Cinderella, over there?" Charlie asked pointing a finger from the hand holding to her glass at Caroline drinking her champagne in the middle of the crowd.
"Do you not want my company?" Klaus asked back with an amused smile and Charlie rolled her eyes.
"One blonde at the time, Nicklaus, " she told him with a smirk, letting her hand glide over his shoulder as she walked away.
She downed her glass of champagne, putting it down on a tray, and passing around people—having to jab ones in the ribs with her elbows—finally making her way through the front door only to watch the body of Kol Mikaelson hitting the ground, Damon Salvatore not too far behind snapping the former vampire's neck.
"Well, that was unnecessary," Charlie muttered making Damon snap his head to her. But before he could say anything Stefan was rushing out of the party.
"Damon! Are you crazy?" the younger Salvatore asked wearily giving a one over to Charlie who gave him a twirl of her fingers in return just as the Mikaelsons plus Elena also made their way through the door to see what happened.
"Maybe a little, " Damon answered, his face stoic as he looked over at Elena, "Far be it from me to cause a problem."
They watched as Damon walked away and Charlie pursed her lips as she approached Kol's body. She looked down at him with a slight frown, then back at Rebekah and Elijah who had approached him too ready to take his body inside. "How long is he going to be like this?"
"Some time, " Elijah answered vaguely picking him up, "I hope to see you soon Ms. Monroe, maybe then we can finish our talk."
"There isn't much to say but I'll look forward to it, " Charlie said with a smile as Elijah sped off with Kol.
"What was Elijah talking about?" Rebekah asked Charlie frowning at her.
"Elijah and I met in the woods the first night I was here, " Charlie said honestly smiling at her newfound friend, "I guess he was looking for a blood bag. And I told him he could go ahead and kill me."
"What is it with you and death, Charlie?" Rebekah asked with a sigh and Charlie shrugged then smiling at Rebekah as they linked their arms going back inside. Charlie was glad she had Rebekah, and even if she couldn't say much yet about their friendship, she was happy they had bonded. After all, being friends with a Mikaelson was never a bad idea and Rebekah Mikaelson was a bitch. And despite their differences, she and the Mikaelson girl had that in common.
Later that evening Rebekah gave Charlie a ride to the Grill. The former wanted to speak with Matt and Charlie needed his ride home. When they got there Charlie wandered along sitting down on a table as Rebekah went to speak with Matt. After a few moments, she saw Matt getting up and leaving so she quickly sent a smile her friend's way and followed the blue-eyed boy out of the Grill.
"Matt!" she called out and he turned to her.
"Hey, Charlie, " Matt said sounding exhausted as she walked up to him, her white dress flowing behind her, and they both started walking back to his truck.
"Why don't I drive tonight?" Charlie asked scrunching up her nose as she looked at his hand.
"Do you even know the way?"
"No, but you'll tell me, " Charlie shrugged holding out the keys of the truck in her hand making Matt gape.
"How—How did you even get them?"
"You dropped them, " Charlie said simply, lying through teeth. Matt nodded in understanding, rolling his eyes and they got into his truck, heading to his house. Charlie didn't know if she would stay there much longer, but for now, it was fine. And Matt—though slightly annoying—wasn't that bad of housemate, and he was a good person—hence someone Charlie could persuade.
»first dress
»second dress
What do you think of Charlie? Because I'm not sure whether to like her or be slightly apprehensive. . . . But I think it's the former.
Anyway, enjoy! Next chapter will be up soon!
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