Okay, I'm sorry I missed yesterday's upload but I'm just having a hard time dealing with everything. My life right now is all fucked up right now.... I'm trying to do this but I'm just so.... mmmmuuurrrrhhhhhh.
One, two, three, four. The clock ticked on. Jaehee held her breath. 'Where is he?' Jaehee thought. Jumin should have been home ten minutes ago... then again, she may have been paranoid. She was about to turn on the Tv when suddenly her phone rang. She picked it up.
"Jaehee." Jumin's voice came from the other line.
"Jumin." Jaehee sighed in relief.
"Jaehee." Jumin repeated.
"Jumin?" Jaehee asked, confused as to what Jumin was getting at.
"Yes?? Why'd you call me?" Jaehee asked, losing her temper a bit.
"What?!" Jaehee yelled.
"Jaeheeeeeee!" Jumin yelled back.
"Jumin!" Jaehee groaned.
"Jumin, what do you want?!" Jaehee asked, out of breath.
"Jumin, I heard you the first time!! What. Do. You. Want?!" Jaehee asked, getting more and more frustrated.
"Put Jaaaeehheee on the lines." Jumin said. His speech seemed slurred.
"Jumin, this is Jaehee. I'm Jaehee. What's wrong??" Jaehee asked him.
"Ooohhh...." Jumin said. He then stayed quiet.
"Jumin?" Jaehee asked, wondering if he was still there.
"JUMIN. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?!?!" Jaehee yelled, reaching her breaking point.
"I forget." Jumin said, genuinely confused. Jaehee groaned.
"Then why'd you call me?!" She yelled.
"I diiidddnt calls you you callledededed meee...!!" Jumin yelled back.
"No, you called me!!" Jaehee said demandingly. Jumin went quiet for a second, then chuckled.
"Ooh yyeeaaahhh... I forgot." He stated. His speech was still off.
"So, why'd you call?" Jaehee asked again.
"Yyyeaaaah I need helpsss." Jumin said. Jaehee didn't understand what he said.
"What??" She asked, confused.
"I needsss hhheeeeeellpp!!!" Jumin yelled.
"Okay, okay!! What's wrong??" Jaehee said soothingly to him.
I'm looset and I'm drinken." Jumin said. Jaehee couldn't understand his strange lanuguage.
"Your what?" She asked again.
"DRINKEN" Jumin yelled, she heard a bottle smash and jumped at the sound of it.
"Wait... you were drinking?!" Jaehee asked him nervously.
"Jumin!! You said you were going to stop!!"
"Yeeaaassss but it was V who askeded me and Saaaeeyoung ssoo I gone to it..."
"Jumin, sweetie, what are you saying?" Jaehee asked, confused.
"Jumin, who are you talking to?!" A voice came from the other line. It was V.
"I'm talked to Yoosung.." Jumin replied.
"Jumin, I'm Jaehee!" Jaehee said, clearly frustrated.
"Oops, sorry. It's Gayhee." Jumin said. Jaehee gritted her teeth.
"Hand the phone over to me, Jumin." V said. Jaehee heard a bit of bickering, but soon another voice came on the phone. V.
"Jaehee?" He asked her. Jaehee sighed.
"Yes, V, I'm here." She replied. V sighed.
"You may want to come over here. We're at my place, and Jumin just passed out." V said. Jaehee sighed.
"I told him to stop drinking..." Jaehee said, slightly angry.
"The wedding is in two days... and he's not even sober..." She whispered.
"Listen, do you think you could come down here and get him??" V asked. Jaehee sighed once again.
"Yeah, I'm coming..." Jaehee said, hanging up. She put her head in her hands. "You promised, Jumin..." Jaehee said to herself. She got up off the couch and drove over to V's place.
{At V's...}
When Jaehee finally arrived at V's, she wasn't expecting what she saw. When V had told Jaehee Jumin had passed out, she hadn't expected him to be covered in glittery cat stickers, have long fake eyelashes on, and his lips done in dark purple. Jaehee just stood by the door, gawking. V walked over to her. "Yeah... that happened." He said, standing up next to her. "W-Where'd you find the eyelashes?!" Jaehee asked. V shrugged. "I don't know what the fuck he did, but he did it." Jaehee pointed to his lips. "Is that Rikas...??" V shook his head. "I... actually think that's hair chalk." Jaehee opened her mouth to say something more, but couldn't think of anything to actually say.
"If you wanna know where Saeyoung is–" V started to say, but a large gag from the bathroom gave Jaehee the idea on where he was at the moment. Jaehee knelt down by Jumin. "Babe??" She asked, shaking him gently. No reply. She poked his cheek. "Jumin??" She asked him. His eyes fluttered open. "Meow?" "Shit, he's broken..." Jaehee muttered under her breath. Jumin rolled over onto his face. "Hey, Hun, we've gotta go!" Jaehee said. "B-but chu cannnt tell meh wut to dooo you assssiisstttaaannt..." Jumin said. Jaehee sighed. "Come on, Jumin..."
"Nnuuuu!" Jumin said as Jaehee started to pull him up. "Come on, lean on me." Jaehee said, getting Jumin to shift his weight onto her. "When'd chu get chubby?" Jumin asked her. Jaehee sighed. "Just... come on Jumin." Jaehee (by some miracle) got Jumin into the car. While they started to drive, Jumin pointed to a lamppost. "Wha's dat?!" He asked. Jaehee sighed. "It's a pole, Jumin. They exist." Jumin sighed and slumped down in his seat.
They started driving past the ditch where Jaehee's car went over the banks. She tensed up a bit, but kept driving. Jumin suddenly grabbed the steering wheel. "Jumin, What the hell?!?!" Jaehee asked, attempting to regain control of the car. The car swerved off into the other lane, smashing head first into an oncoming truck.
Well, there you have it. Hope it hurts. >:3 I'm sorry it was so short, I just can't deal with anything right now... sorry... >~< I'm trying, I really am... it's just really hard right now... thank you for all your support!! Love you guys 💛💛💛💛 ~TheWeeWeeaboo
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