Chapter Twelve
When I woke I found myself in bed. Confused at first I recalled briefly falling asleep on the ride back home. I assumed Henry had carried me to my room. Yawning I stood stretching my arms above my head and groaned softly at the feeling.
With a sigh I quickly made the bed making sure the sheets were tucked in neatly and the pillows were in place. Once finished I made my way to the small bathroom that adjoined my room. Slipping out of the dress and setting it aside to be washed later I gently coaxed my hair out of the pins Mrs. Peters had put in place the previous night.
Auburn hair tumbling down to my shoulders I was now back to my former self. Warming the water to the shower I stepped inside, the steady stream of warm water was relaxing and eased any tension I'd been feeling.
My thoughts wandered back to the previous night. That Alexander man was a piece of work. It became more important to me now than ever before to find what my brother was writing, to see what secrets he was revealing, to replace the corrupted staff, and to denounce Alexander's work.
It seemed like a rather large job but I was up for the challenge. Turning off the water I stood in front of the small sink and mirror drying off hurriedly. I noted my shoulder was colored an ugly purple, the veins beneath my skin a deep blue, from where I'd been cracked in the shoulder by a guard's baton.
Touching it gingerly I winced as a spark of pain jolted me. Sighing I left the bathroom to dress. Faint beams of light skipped through the curtains guarding the windows. It cast a warm glow through the empty apartment.
Once dressed I made a move to the door but paused. Turning I studied my quarters. It was so empty, so un home like, it was like a stranger lived in these walls. There were no pictures to decorate the walls, they were a bland white color, the table was undecorated and plain. There were no decorations, hardly any indication that someone actually lived here.
A melancholy feeling spread through me at the sight of it all. For a moment I imagined what it would be like to have a full house, full of people I knew, full of friends. I imagined Linnea sitting on the floor beneath the window playing chess with Edward. Both of them happy and free of their troubles. Or Henry and Edward teasing one another.
I could picture what it'd be like to have Linnea aiding me in the kitchen, smiling, and talking away no longer quiet and afraid. Edward tucked up in a chair reading all the books his heart desired.
"Maybe someday." I whispered. Turning back to the door I opened it and stepped outside closing the door behind me to seal the phantoms of my fantasy inside the apartment.
Walking downtown the steps I waved at George who smiled happily and went back to whatever work he was taking care of. The air outside seemed to only be getting colder. I wondered what month it was, or even what day, everything seemed to be blurring together.
"A paper please Mr. Thomas." I smiled pausing in front of him. Today his cat, a black and white furball rested at his feet. It was a plump cat, all rolls and stubby legs. "Hello Tubbins."
The cat meowed a reply while his owner exchanged my change for a paper. Stopping down I quickly scratched Tubbins' belly who purred happily and flicked his tail. Mr. Thomas chuckled and bid me adieu as I made my way back down the streets.
Exchanging a brief snippet of words with Helen I went in search of Henry to thank him for bringing me home. Smiling I eased the door open to his office only to be surprised by what I saw.
There was a well dressed man with graying hair, stern black eyes, a sharp jaw and nose. He leaned back a look of detest automatically shifting his features. "What business do you have interrupting us woman?"
His voice was deep, rumbling like thunder. Sucking in a sharp breath I noted Henry sitting across from the man and realized this must have been the boss and I'd just interrupted the meeting. "I-I'm horribly sorry sir...boss...mister-"
"Is she stupid?" He asked looking back at Henry.
"Not in the slightest. I neglected to inform her of your visit sir." Henry tried to smile at me but his eyes looked sullen. "I'll talk to you later Miss Irving."
"Right of course. My apologies once more." Quickly shutting the door I stood their dumbfounded for a brief moment. I truly hoped I hadn't just ruined whatever was going on, and what was worse of a thought, it'd damaged Henry's career.
Biting my lip I quickly walked off before anything else could happen that wouldn't only embarrass myself but Henry as well. What I'd thought couldn't be worse only worsened.
Rounding a corner I managed to run into someone. Rushing out an apology I took a step back rambling to no end when I froze having realized who it was. Alexander Nikiforov, blonde hair, piercing green eyes, tall as a mountain.
"Fancy running into you." He smiled that taunting smile. "Is Henry in there? Never mind I can see for myself."
He waltzed on heading down the hallway to his left and opened the door leading to the meeting. Heart racing I closed my eyes thinking this was all just a dream. What on earth was that beast doing here? Let alone going to the same meeting as Henry?
Dozens of conclusions began to race through my head and I found myself short for breath. So I stood there frozen like a frightened deer. What was there to do but wait? Yes, I had other things to worry about, but all I could wonder was what was going on in there.
Time passed by in anxious seconds that felt like years. My anxiety only worsened and I found the only way to relieve it was by pacing. One step and then another. Forward and back. Forward and back.
The sound of a door creaking open caught my attention and I glanced up to see the three men standing in conversation. The boss I took it, that sharp featured, dark eyed man was thin and wiry. He nodded at Henry and turned to leave followed by a smug looking Alexander. The boss' cold eyes settled on me as he passed by and the feeling of my very soul numbing under his gaze was all I could use to describe what I felt.
Alexander paused and leaned casually on the wall in front of me. "I think Henry needs some cheering up."
"What happened?" I demanded.
"Easy, once again I've proven to be better than him." Alexander chuckled though it sounded more like a cough. "Come now, don't frown. A pretty girl like you will get wrinkles if that's all you ever do."
"Move." I growled pushing past him. His antics were more than annoying, they were infuriating.
"Like I've told you Miss Irving, you're going to learn to respect your superiors." His tone darkened before the sound of his steps receded into silence.
"What's going on Henry, I knew you had a meeting but why is Alexander here?" I asked keeping my voice low in the off chance someone else could hear.
His shoulders were slumped and his eyes were trained on the ground. When he looked up and his gaze settled on mine I was surprised to see such raw emotion in his eyes. He looked defeated.
"I'm being replaced Anna." Henry said his voice weak.
"What do you mean?" I asked though I had an inkling suspicion of what he meant.
"The boss believes I'm not strict enough here. He managed to keep the media from finding out about what happened but in his words 'I run a comfortable prison not an institution.'" Henry shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I want to hit something but I can't! He even brought Nikiforov in to mock me. He's taking my position and making reforms to match his research."
"Oh Henry I'm so sorry." He nodded his fingers shaking in a dance of pent up frustration.
"And all of the others support it. Last night's party was just a way to ensure their support for him and the decision. Apparently they all knew of it ahead of time despite my few supporters." He glanced back at his office which stood empty. I could picture the sneering form of Alexander staring at Henry in mock triumph.
"It's my fault isn't it? If I had held my tongue none of this would have happened. If I'd refused your promotion then maybe Victor wouldn't have imagined his fantasy-" Henry cut me off before I could finish my thoughts.
"It's not your fault Anna it was bound to happen. I had an inkling suspicion something like this would happen." Henry turned and walked back into his office sitting on the edge of the desk. "He's already fired the former staff."
It took a moment for his words to sink in. "Including me."
"No, that's what's unnerving. You are the only person he's keeping on staff apart from me. He sees something in you he likes Anna." Henry warned keeping his voice low.
"What will your position be now?" I asked not concerned for myself.
"I'll be working with the cooks. How humiliating isn't it? Being demoted from doctor to dish washer." Henry shook his head in dismay.
"Will he make changes to match his own institution? Will he use electro therapy?" I asked worry consuming me. All I could think of was Edward and Linnea, even our new acquaintance Kat.
"I don't know Anna, for once I don't have the answers, I'm sorry." Henry picked up the small name placard on his desk and snapped it clean in half before tossing it in the small trash bin.
"It's alright." I whispered. We stayed in his office for what felt like years a melancholy silence filling the space. Henry's hands were still wrapped in thin bandages but were making visible progress towards healing. "Henry, what do I do?"
"What do you mean?" He questioned.
"How do I keep Edward and the others safe?" His eyes seemed to melt into a bitter sort of amusement.
"Always worrying about everyone else. The truth is Anna. There's nothing either of us can do." I shook my head at his words.
"There has to be something. There's always a way out you just have to find it." I insisted.
"Well right now there isn't one. That doesn't mean I won't look however, you need to remain inconspicuous. Keep your opinions to yourself. Observe. Watch. See which way the wind blows before sailing." Henry said. "Or you'll end up on the rocks."
"Alright." Nodding I couldn't help the growing sense of despair fill my chest.
"Go now. Talk to Eddie and Linnea. Whoever you need to see for your personal comfort, go. I have no idea whether you'll see them again or not." Henry stood and turned to his shelves and began to collect things. Taking my cue to leave I didn't bother collecting any charts or reports.
Linnea was waiting as always her smile was bright upon my entering her room. I could not return the same smile.
"What's wrong?" She asked fear creeping into her tone as she saw the change in my demeanor.
"I'm sorry." I whispered shaking my head. She hesitantly asked what the matter was and I explained it to her as best as I could without giving away any fort details. I wasn't sure if I was doing her an injustice by neglecting to mention the horror that was about to come swirling through these doors, but I didn't mention anything of the tortures Alexander could provide.
"I may not see you anymore. And I'm truly sorry." My voice cracked despite myself but I couldn't help it. I'd invested so much time and energy into her that I couldn't help but feel attached. In a way it was like having Ben back all over again.
"It's alright." I could tell she was trying for a brave smile but the sadness and fear in her eyes could not be hidden with a flash of teeth.
"Promise to stay close to Edward do you understand?" She nodded at the seriousness of my tone. "Whatever people tell you to do, do it alright? I want you to stay safe."
"Can I ask you something?" She asked softly.
"Yes. Anything." I nodded.
"Why do you care so much about what happens to me, to everyone?" Her words were heavy in meaning and her eyes searched mine for an answer.
"Because someone has to, and if it's going to be anyone, it might as well be me." Her eyes glistened with admiration and for a brief moment her expression mirrored that of my brother's. Eyes so full of adoration for me and what I believed in that for a moment I was sure she thought I could do anything.
Standing I turned to leave giving her one last glance. Linnea watched me mixed emotions painting her features. "Anna?"
"Yes." I answered my voice cracking slightly. Once I stepped out there was a likely hood I'd never re enter.
"Don't be sad." She smiled slightly. "I've seen to much sadness already."
Nodding I smiled one last time before stepping out, the door being locked behind me by guards whose last day was today. Walking towards Edward's room I struggled to keep my composure.
He looked up expectantly upon my entrance and as I'd explained to Linnea I explained to him all that was to happen. But unlike Linnea he was far too intelligent for his own good. Edward sat motionless for a long moment not saying or doing anything.
"Edward talk to me." I whispered trying to get a judge of his reaction.
"What's there to say?" He asked taking off his new glasses having had them replaced since the others were shattered.
"I don't know. Something. Anything." I begged but he simply gave me a saddened look.
"My words won't fix anything. That is what you really desire." Edward smiled and took my hand gently in his.
"Tell me how to fix it Edward? You're smart." He chuckled lightly.
"Even I can't turn the tides." He gave my hand a gentle squeeze. "As long as you've been taking care of me I've learned one thing about you. That is the fact that you will stop at nothing to finish what you start, that you are driven by your passion and no one can tell you to do something you don't want to. Your determination is a trait most men lack. Use it."
"How? How can I when this man has all of the support in the world?" I asked.
"Words." Edward breathed. "Write Anna. Write like your brother tried to."
"What can words possibly do Edward?" He saw the panic in my eyes and the desperation in my voice. A look flashed across his face, one I'd never seen grace his features, raw and pure determination. Power.
"Words are weapons. Your mind is your ally. They can be your greatest assets or they can be your greatest destruction." His warm brown eyes stared into mine. "You decide what they are."
A knock jolted me and Edward hurriedly dropped my hand. Henry walked inside. "Come now. Alexander is back. "
"What does he want?" I questioned. Henry glanced over his shoulder.
"He's already making reforms, new guards will be here any moment." Henry had a slight edge to his tone.
"Already? But it's so fast. He can't possibly-" Henry shook his head and grabbed my hand. He looked at Edward with a sad expression.
"It's good to see you Eddie." Edward smiled slightly and nodded in return.
"Go Anna." Edward whispered. Henry pulled me gently out of the room and shut the door locking it.
"We can't just leave." I argued trying to tug free from his grasp.
"What more can you do but prolong a goodbye?" Henry asked holding me firm. "Listen to me Anna. You don't want to be here to see what's going to happen."
"What? What is happening Henry? Just tell me!" I demanded. Henry nodded and guided me along until we stood in one of the upper floor's hall peering out of a window. Construction men were in the yard tearing down the visiting center, the tables and chairs were being removed, the fences were being condensed creating a smaller space.
"They're going to replace the yard with a new section of the building." Henry explained. "According to Alexander a hundred new patients will be moved here by tomorrow. They'll be sharing rooms for the time being. Walls will encase the institution. Guards will be increased so that nearly the entire facility will have three roaming in each hallway. Staff is to double, treatments will be decided by Alexander and only Alexander. Anyone who disobeys orders will be fired and replaced on sight."
"It sounds like a military camp!" I breathed watching the chaos go on below. Henry nodded and peered out of the window as well. "What are we going to do?"
I glanced up at him to see his features in a somber look as if he were at a funeral. He turned to look at me and I was surprised to see fear in his eyes. "I don't know."
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