= CHAPTER SIXTY - This Is Not a Family... It's /My/ Family. (LOGAN) =
:February 1st, XX47; Saturday.
Logan stood with his husband in his arms, both facing the same way towards the stove in their kitchen. It was almost eleven in the morning, and the two had just woken up about half an hour ago and so they were making breakfast. Or- perhaps it was brunch. It didn't matter much to them, the specifics of it.
"What time do you reckon Joe will wake up?" Logan asked, rubbing the arms of Patton as he monitored an omelet in a pan.
"Hmm... I don't know. Soon, probably, he usually gets up around the same time as us."
Logan stared out one of the windows in the kitchen for a moment. He then glanced towards a calendar hung up near it, realizing the date.
"Oh- we have to change that," he laughed a bit. "I didn't even realize we were finally out of January."
"It sure was a weird month... I am glad it's over, though. Can you change that right now, before we forget?"
"Of course."
Logan walked over to the calendar and flipped it up, clipping the page he had flipped so it would stay reading February. Patton hummed and transferred an omelet onto a plate, next to two others.
"I feel like we should do something today," Patton then said. Logan turned to look at him.
"Something? What do you mean by that?"
"Like, not go anywhere, just... something, you know?"
Logan thought for a moment. He heard the door of his son's bedroom then open upstairs, and Joe's footsteps towards the bathroom.
"...Perhaps we should finally tell him everything."
Patton blinked. "Really? That's a... well, pretty loaded conversation for eleven o'clock on a Saturday morning."
"I know. But I'm not sure when else would be best. We can tell him we'll re-schedule it if he wishes but... we have to tell him everything eventually, right?"
"I'm still surprised, uh, Remy, hasn't yet."
"As am I. So we'll do it ourselves before he can."
Patton grabbed two of the plates with food on them and began transferring them out to the living room, Logan grabbing the third and following him. Both sat on the couch with a plate in their lap, Joe's eventual brunch on the coffee table waiting for him.
"So that's what we're gonna do?" Patton asked.
"I suppose. We don't have to go into detail, though, of course. Maybe we'll just tell him when he gets down here that from now on, if he has any questions regarding anything about our past, we'll answer them."
"That sounds good. Okay."
Not even a minute later, they heard Joe's footsteps nearing the stairs, and he came walking down them, blinking a few times at how his parents were staring at him as he descended.
"...Oh- uh, hello there my parental figures, why are you sitting on the couch staring at me?"
Patton laughed a bit at Logan's side. "Come sit down, honey."
"Oh no."
"It's not bad, don't worry."
Joe raised an eyebrow, but he took a step forward, and then continued walking over, taking his breakfast and sitting next to his dad. Logan and Patton stared at their son, who shrunk a bit into the hoodie he was wearing.
"So, uh... what's going on?"
"Well," Logan started, "your dad and I have decided that, from here on out, if you have any questions regarding... anything," Logan raised his eyebrows towards him, "we will answer them in full."
"And we promise that."
Joe blinked. "Wait- so, you mean about, like, your high school and stuff?"
"Anything along those lines or after, yes."
Joe let out a breath, and smiled. "Oh, wow. Okay."
"And you don't have to ask us anything now, we know you just woke up. But we'll be here to answer."
Joe thought for a moment.
"Uh... so, how many people have you guys actually killed?"
A loaded first question, but that wasn't surprising. Logan sighed.
"My number is six, and your dad's is ten."
"Oh." He blinked to himself. "Uh... wow- okay. Wait, were all of them in high school, then? Can you just tell me what actually happened your senior year, I think it was?"
Logan glanced at his husband, who was already looking at him, since it really was mostly his question to answer. Logan cleared his throat. "Alright. I'll just try to explain the best I can without making it seem too jarring... the two of us met in our sophomore year, and after your dad began showing traits of a sort-of... mentor figure, that I never truly had, I fell in love with him. And out of fear of losing him, once we hit our senior year, I killed anyone who I thought would take him away from me, in a sense. That is also where my annoyance with Remy stems from, because he flirted with your dad and I tried to do the same to him I had done to everyone else who'd tried that, but he... was very smug. Very smug. God, I forgot how annoyed I was with him that day."
"What happened?"
"I... planted high amounts of melatonin in his coffee, and he dumped it out right in front of me. And then I believe he held a pocket knife to my throat or... something."
"That really does sound like him."
Patton sighed next to Logan, who continued on. "Well- regardless, I killed four people that year, he killed one, and I framed him for all five combined, which landed him in prison until he escaped about a decade later."
"...Wow. So- then, was dad, like, innocent, in high school?"
Logan turned to his husband, who let out an awkward laugh through his nose. "Yeah... well, when Remy got out of prison I got a little foggy-minded, I guess."
Joe furrowed his eyebrows. "Did you think Remy was in love with-"
"Oh, no, not at all. I thought he was still in love with me, which... to this day I'm not sure if he was or not, he sure acted like it but that could've been fake. Since, from talking to Emile now I know the two of them got married pretty soon after Remy died. But, really I thought a bunch of people we came across were working for him in order to get to your father."
"So you both were really just trying to protect each other, then? Like... really chaotically?"
"Yes, that's about right."
"Do you wanna ask us anything else?"
"Uh, I can't think of anything... but I will if I do."
The three were silent for a moment. Joe grabbed his omelet and took a bite, and Logan noticed how oddly calm he seemed.
"You don't seem very phased by any of this, Joe."
"Eh..." he gulped down his food, "I mean it's weird but I guess I've just gotten used to being related to murderers."
Logan took a breath. "Ah."
Joe stared at them for another moment, and then he looked to his lap, clearly thinking, then furrowing his eyebrows. He looked back up.
"...I don't think I'm gonna have kids," he finally said. Logan blinked.
"That's a bit random, Joe, why?"
"I just feel like this family is cursed or something... like, with grandpop leaving your house when you were young and then the whole high school thing and I feel like it all got continued to me with everything else that happened. I don't know, though. I didn't really want kids before anyways, but... kinda just the nail on the head, now."
"That's true."
"You guys are okay with that, right?"
Patton smiled. "Oh, of course, Joe, it's your choice, not ours. But if you're not gonna have any kids I'm expecting to at least have a dog grandchild. Or a cat. Awe, that would be cute, wouldn't it, Logan?" He turned towards his husband with a smile, who sighed and rubbed his shoulder.
"You're allergic, love. But- Joe, really, don't feel pressured to do anything like that, we're kidding. Just live your life."
"I kind of want something, though... I don't know what. Maybe a frog."
"I've always liked frogs, too," Patton nodded along. "Have you ever heard of Frogger? Old game from when I was maybe in elementary school."
"Dad, everyone's heard of Frogger."
"It deserves a lot more love, though... not many people actually play it anymore. It's very frog-gotten in modern day."
Logan rolled his eyes and stifled a laugh, his son instead smiling and shaking his head at the pun. Patton laughed at his own joke.
"That's something he's been doing since I met him, Joe."
"I'm sure. You haven't made a pun in a while, though, dad... it's kinda nice."
Logan's phone suddenly went off in his pocket, and he got it out, sighing upon seeing who his most recent text message had apparently come from.
"Remy's texted me," he said.
"What does he want?" Patton asked.
"Probably to come over. Again."
11:24 AM
<bored, bringing myself
and your two brother-in-laws
over to wreak havoc
It's actually "brothers-in-law,"
not "brother-in-laws.">
Also, you'd typically put "brothers-in-law"
before yourself in a proper sentence.>
<do u ever shut up
You texted me first.>
Are you mocking me?>
<forever and always, i am
About twenty or so minutes later, the three ghosts did appear at the house, Janus coming in first and having the courtesy to knock, at the very least. They all ended up deciding on watching TV, and so they piled together in the living room. Janus, Emile, and Joe sat together on the couch while Logan and Patton took the floor, Remy deciding on laying himself across the laps of both Emile and Janus. The latter protested this immediately.
"Oh my- would you get the fuck off of me?"
Remy looked at him, his head laid in Emile's lap. "Uhm, excuse you, I am your brother's brother-in-law and I expect to be treated as such. Asshole."
Janus rolled his eyes and stood up, pushing Remy off of him and instead taking a seat next to Logan on the floor. Remy chuckled and sat between Emile and Joe instead.
So, without much more drama, surprisingly, the day went on. And it was odd for Logan to witness, his husband close enough to Emile so they could laugh together and how Joe leaned his head on Remy's shoulder with a smile, but it all happened, and everyone felt content. Happy.
And so did Logan. Because this was his family now.
Awwwe that's so cute, anyways remember how Joe's probably gonna be all alone at prom???? Stay tuned to find out!!🤪
See ya in the next chapter!💃
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