= CHAPTER EIGHT - Both My Uncles Are Dead, Apparently (JOE) =
:September 30th, XX46; Monday.
After he spoke, Joe's father let out a heavy breath and leaned back on the couch. Joe's dad grabbed his arm, staring at him, almost panting from shock. Joe took a second to glance towards Remy.
From what he knew, Joe would have expected Remy to gag at the thought of being related to his father, but he was frozen completely still. Emile was staring up at him, a surprised look on his face. Remy's eyebrows then furrowed, and he reached up to his sunglasses, slowly removing them from his face and setting them on the top of his head. For the first time, Joe saw his eyes.
He didn't except them to be much, but they were... deep, in a way. They were sort of a brown, mocha color, and they didn't really match anything else about Remy, because they were just... sad. He was clearly a very loud and angry and dramatic person, but his eyes were the opposite. Remy's gaze suddenly moved in that moment, from Joe's parents to Joe himself. They made eye contact.
"...He's my nephew," Remy mumbled to himself. Emile put a hand on his shoulder.
"He's... actually my nephew."
Whatever trance Joe felt like he was in at that moment was suddenly broken, when his father leaned back towards the computer, apparently examining where it said he was related to Remy.
"No, that... that cannot be right."
"No way is it right!" Patton chimed in, a bit frantically. "I mean, wait- when is... his birthday?"
His birthday. Joe's father and Remy shared a birthday. Joe had noticed they looked alike a few days ago, too... it should have been more obvious, shouldn't it have?
"We, uh- we learned in school it was November third, dad," Joe answered.
"But- but that's your father's birthday, Joe..."
Joe's father sat in silence for a moment, before his eyes went wider than they had before. He covered his face with a hand and groaned.
"What? What is it?" Joe's dad asked.
"Oh, no... I-I don't want to say this, Patton, but it actually does make sense."
"It does? No it doesn't! You- you were born on the same day, yeah, but you didn't grow up in the same house together! You didn't share a womb, did you?!"
"No, that's the thing- I believe we might have."
"My... my mother was a horrible person, and after my parents got divorced I learned that she cheated on my father about nine months before I was born. But there is a very, very rare and uncommon thing that can happen during pregnancy, and it must have happened to her- if she was ovulating, and there were two prepared eggs in her uterus instead of one, and she copulated with both Remy's father and my father on the same night, both eggs could have been fertilized by a different man which would allow her to give birth to half-siblings."
"B-But you didn't grow up knowing that happened, though! Don't you think your dad would have known about it?"
"And that is another thing, my mother didn't allow my father to attend any of her ultrasounds or be in the room when she gave birth. She could have brought me home from the hospital and let Remy's father run off with Remy without anyone else knowing."
"...I shared a womb with that motherfucker?" Remy mumbled, a bit louder this time.
Joe blinked. "Why are you guys so freaked out about it, though?"
"Joe, you would be panicking as well if you found out you were this closely related to a serial killer. Which... I suppose you technically are his nephew then, but-" Joe's father groaned once more. "...no, I refuse to believe that."
"Well, yeah, but he's dead, right? So... it doesn't really matter."
Both his parents sighed at that point, and his dad buried his head in his hands. Joe's father rubbed his back for a moment before sighing a second time and standing up.
"...I'm going to go collect my thoughts in the backyard."
"Oh, I-I'll come with you, honey."
And so, both of Joe's parents walked past the coffee table and to the back door, exiting into the backyard. Joe stared at them for a moment as they went and sat underneath a tree together, before slowly walking over to the couch and sitting down in front of the laptop.
He pulled it onto his lap, and looked at what was on the screen. The mouse was hovering over a picture of Remy, which had a small line connected to the name Logan Andrew Croft, and a small description of the former person was offered.
"Remy Cafe-" Joe began to read it quietly aloud, "XX00 - XX28. A locally known serial killer close to Gainesville, Florida, he murdered more than fifteen people throughout his life before committing suicide in July of XX28. No true motives were ever recovered for his actions."
"No motives?" Joe suddenly heard Remy say, and he realized he was sitting next to him, arms laid out across the back of the couch. "Damn. Should've just asked me nicely."
Emile sighed and sat next to his husband. Joe blinked.
"...Are you not mad you're related to my father, or..?"
"Oh, no, trust me kid, I'm pissed," Remy rolled his eyes. "But whatever, I guess. Those asses deserve to be panicking about this. I wonder what they're gonna do."
Joe stared at Remy for a moment.
"Wait... I thought you didn't like me, why are you..."
Remy chuckled. "I don't like your parents, Joe. It's not you."
"Why don't you like them, exactly?"
"Why don't I like them? Hah! Wow... you really have a lot to learn. I'll tell you some of that later."
Joe gasped lightly, and he sat up, beginning to get excited. "Wait- really?! I thought you didn't want to because you were protecting me or whatever-?"
"That was just me being a petty bitch, you deserve to know. And, I suppose if you're gonna be my nephew..."
Remy looked him up and down, and smirked.
"...then I'm gonna be the best goddamn uncle this story has ever laid its eyes on."
Welp... he's really back now lol
(yes this is being posted like two hours after the last one. I'll let y'all not live with a cliffhanger lmao... for now)
See ya in the next chapter!😎
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