Protecting You
A/N/N - Annoying NickName
B/n - Bully Name
B/l/n - Bully's Last Name
Prologue: They had backed you up into a corner, saying horrible things and creating rumors right in front of you. But you couldn't stop them.. You were too afraid. "Cat got your tongue, a/n/n?" They laughed, their followers doing the same. You just stayed silent in a hope they'd leave you alone. You were sitting on the floor, cornered by them while your hair/hoodie covered your eyes, when...
Tamaki: ".... Take your hands off of my princess/prince... Unless you would like to get hurt.." You looked up, your eyes glossy yet hope filled. B/n laughed. "And what are you going to do about it Drama queen?" In a blink of the naked eye, Tamaki suddenly had B/n against the lockers with the collar of his shirt in his fists. He looked absolutely terrifying. "I-I'm sorry Ta-Tamaki-Sempai!! I-I-I won't d-do it a-again!" "You better not.. Now leave my Y/n alone..." "Y-yes sir!" Tamaki then let go of their collar and they immediately ran, their followers already running. He turned back to you with soft yet worried eyes and knelt down in front of you, cupping your face in his hands. "They didn't hurt you did they my darling...?" You blushed and shook your head as you hugged him, looking like an adorable small child while doing so. "Good..."
Kyoya: "Y/n!?" A voice echoed throughout the hall. "It's Kyoya..." B/n grumbled under his/her breath. He/she turned to you. "... Stay away from Kyoua.. Or else I'll get you, you pathetic piece of crap... I will get you, and Kyoya will be mine/will have to love my sister..." Someone cleared their throat as tears started falling down your cheeks. "Excuse me, but would you mind telling me what you're doing with Miss y/l/n...?" B/n then tried playing innocent/dumb and cute. "Oh hey, Kyoya-sempai! What's up?" Kyoya shot him/her a glare. "Miss/mr b/l/n, my family has a police force of over 100 officers that I can call to my will at the press of this-" Kyoya pulled out his cell phone and quickly dialed a number into it. "-Button." Kyoya flashed a sweet yet sickening smile. "Would you like me to press it?" She/he then ran down the hall screaming, their posse not too far behind doing the same, leaving you terrified and in tears. "K-Kyoya..." His now blank expression then turned into a soft smile. "Shh... Don't worry my dear, it's all alright now.." He said as he kneeled down in front of you. He leaned forward and gave you a soft kiss on the forehead. "I wouldn't let anyone hurt you..." He said, wiping off your tears.
Mori: "Y/N!?!" B/n looked down the hall in confusion. "Was that Mori-Sempai... Yelling..?" He/she asked. "Y/N!!" B/n cursed under his/her breath. (Warning: it gets creepy and sad ;-:) "we gotta knock her out, she won't remember come on." B/n said as one of his/her followers brought out a baseball bat. You gasped. "Y-you wouldn't...!" He/she turned to you with a horrifying smile. "Oh I would.." (I'M SORRY!!!!) "n-n-NO!" He/she let out a nauseating laugh. Tears were now slowly falling down your cheeks as you were terrified of what was going to happen next.. But then you finally knew what you could do. Scream. "Y/N!!!!" Just as B/n was raising the bat, it was suddenly kicked out of his/her hands. He/she gasped as Takashi came into view. He slowly turned his gaze to them with a terrifying glare. "Leave..." He said bluntly. And with that, they all ran for the hills. "T-Taka--shi... T-thank yo--u.." You said, your voice warbling from your attempts to hold back your tears. "...." You hurried your face into your knees to try and stop your tears, but that surely didn't work. You felt someone pick you up and start to carry you off of school grounds. "... You're safe in my arms Y/n.."
Honey: "if you touch N/n-chan... I'll make sure you pay..." B/n laughed. "And what are you going to do mr. Fun sized candy bar?" B/n had closed her eyes to laugh, and opened them after that sentence, and Mitskuni was gone. "I'll cut off your limbs and feed them to a stray dog, then your head will be on my wall as a reminder that I don't allow Y/n to take crap like that.." (0-0) b/n actually looked a little scared. "Y-yeah right, shortie.. Keep wishing.." Suddenly, he/she felt something push her to the ground and slam her into the floor. He/she weakly looked up to see Honey glaring at her/him grimly. "Leave her alone.... Now." He slowly took his foot off b/n's back and he/she immediately got up and ran away terrified, his/her posse right behind him/her. After that, he returned to his normal, cute form. "N/n-chan...?" You felt Honey's presence sitting beside you and your face was buried into your knees and you trembled in fear. You felt his arms wrap around you,mans out of instinct you return the hug. "... I meant what I said, n/n-chan.. I won't let anyone hurt you.."
Hikaru: a smoke bomb suddenly went off as you felt someone quickly pick you up bridal style and run. "What the heck!?!" You heard b/n yell from inside he smoke mess. The smoke was green, and thick. You couldn't even see your hands in front of your face, let alone your 'kidnapper'. But once it finally let up and you were outside of the school, you saw your orange-haired boyfriend had you in his arms and was running. He ran into the maze as you just stared off into space, thinking about what could've happened if he hadn't had come. He finally slowed down as he reached the gazebo, and he soon was just walking with your shaking figure in his arms. "... Are you okay..?" Hikaru asked after he sat you down on the table of the gazebo. You didn't reply, you just stared at him in shock and fear. "Y/n!?! Are you alright!?!" His yelling snapped you out of your trance, and you soon came to your senses and immediately started crying. You took a sharp breath and quickly hugged him, sobbing into his chest. "Hikaru....!" You said in between sobs. He slowly and silently wrapped his arms around you. "... Don't worry alight? I'm here..."
Kaoru: you heard fast footsteps and then saw Kaoru throw a punch at B/n. He/she over dramatically fell to the floor. "Ugh! Kaoru! Why would you do that!?" Of course he/she didn't fight back. They were all bark and no bite anyways. Kaoru slowly walked towards him/her, his eyes covered by his hair giving him a grim aura. "If you touch.. My Y/n.. Ever again.. You will be dead.. understood?" B/n suddenly had fear growing in their eyes. "G-got it, K-Kaoru..." "Now leave." He/she quickly nodded and ran the other way, her/his followers up his/her butt. You stood up, wiping your tears before he could see them. "I didn't need saving.. What are you, Mario? And am I Peach or something?" Kaoru grinned with a small laugh and shook his head. "Nope..." You let out a small "hmph" and tsundere pouted as you turned around, your back now facing him. "Well then.. What are we?" "We're Zelda and Link!" He said, suddenly being behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist. You smirked and kissed his check. "I guess I can live with that.. Besides, she's got some good weapons." You looked down, still a bit scared and wondering what could've happened if he hadn't had been there. He seemed to catch onto it. He let go of your waist and turned you around to face him, gently taking your wrists and making you wrap your arms around him as he did the same to you. "... Don't worry, Y/n.. There couldn't had been a situation when I wasn't there to protect you... I promise.. I love you.."
~ Ali-chan💚🇮🇪
If you find anything in any of my chapters offensive, don't hesitate to tell me, lovelies!
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