Lol it's 12 so it's technically tomorrow yay
~ Ali 🇮🇪💚
Tamaki: "A-Are you sure about this Tamaki? I-I don't think this is a normal commoners game..." A worried Y/n said, clutching onto her boyfriend's arm. "Don't worry, we'll be fine! Now come on." And with that, Tamaki turned off the lights. "Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary..." You shut your eyes tight and held onto Tamaki as tight as possible. "... Y/n..." You let out a small squeak. "It worked..." You looked up to see a woman drenched in red, and the bathroom now smelt like blood. Tears filled your eyes from tears. "Okay that's enough, Tamaki!" You quickly turned the light on and the girl dissapeared. You grabbed Tamaki's shoulders and made him face you. "Never do that again, Tamaki! That was terrifying!" You said. Tamaki seemed to be in some trance, like he couldn't speak. "... Hm? Oh, are you ready start, Y/n?" He was brainwashed from the last 20 seconds. "Tamaki..! We just did..!" "What?!" You wrapped your arms around him and lightly cried into his chest. "..." "Please, nev--er play this g--ame a-again.." You said, your voice quivering. He slightly smile and returned your hug. "Don't worry.. I promise I won't.." And the bathroom never let go of the horrible stench of blood.
Kyoya: Kyoya was sitting outside of your bathroom while you were taking a shower. Why? (Your disease) was acting up again, and you were scared that you were gonna (pass out, fall, hallucinate, etc) so you asked him to wait outside. Kyoya wasn't exactly paying attention to you, he was honestly just on his computer. That was until you screamed, screamed so loud someone would probably think you were being murdered. "KYOYA!!" You screamed. Kyoya opened the door to see a boy with a bloody axe, about to swing at a cowering (now dressed)Y/n. The boy immediately dissapeared leaving a terrified and crying (H/C) haired girl in the corner. You immediately stood up and wrapped your arms around him, crying into his chest/shoulder. "Kyoya..! ... Kyoya......!" You said in between sobs. Kyoya tightly wrapped his arms around you and eyed the small pool of mysterious red blood splattered onto the floor with red handprints covering the walls.
Mori: You woke up to light snoring beside you. "... Mori?" You thought. You looked to your side to see, Mori asleep next to you. You looked back to the front of room and to the TV, to see it was shut off. "We must've fallen asleep watching a movie..." You mumbled to yourself. You slowly got out of, Mori's grip and got up. The place was dark, and eerie. You started walking to the kitchen. Your throat was on fire, but surly some water could help with that. You got the glass cup down from the cupboard, and set it down on the counter. But something out of the corner of your eyes, made you look twice. The sight was absolutely terrifying. A small girl, no older than 9 or 10, with a ripped up, and sewn back up teddy bear in one hand, and a bloody butchers knife in the other. You couldn't scream, you physically could not scream. You tried to make a noise, but nothing came out. So you did the one thing you thought you could do. You immediately grabbed the cup and threw it to the ground. The noise of glass shattering hit your ears as small pieces of the sharp object stuck into your skin. "M--ori...!" Your voice was no more than a whisper. The girl slowly creeped closer and closer, until... The door opened the reveal a worried Takashi. The girl giggled creepily and then she was gone. "Taka...shi.." "Y/n!" Then everything went black.
You woke up to the feeling of being cradled in someone's arms. "T-Takashi..." You mumbled, feeling the warmth of the person slowly engulf you. Something was on your face, like sticky cloth. Band aids probably. "Go back to sleep Y/n..." A deep voice said. You opened your eyes to see you were in Mori's arms. "... I'll be right here." You nodded and slowly fell back asleep, both of you oblivious to the young girl drenched in red behind the couch.
"Honey.. I'm not so sure that this is what you think...!" A worried Y/N said as she clutched onto her short boyfriend. "Don't worry, Y/n-chan! I got this! He's gonna give us candy!" Y/n swallowed the lump in her throat, and Honey tuned off the light with an excited grin. "Candy man, Candy man, Candy man, Candy man, Candy Man." A flash of red appeared and the next time Y/n looked, a man was behind her with an axe. "NOPE!" She turned on the lights, grabbed Honey's hand and ran into the living room. "Waah! Y/n! He didn't bring us Candy yet!!" "Honey, that's not the meaning of the- 'Candy Man' he's a murderer!" Honey's face turned pale at his girlfriend's remark. "A-a what!?" "A murderer! As in he kills people! He's an evil spirit, Honey." Honey immediately started crying after that. "I'M SO SORRY Y/NNNN!" Honey yelled hugging you and making you fall onto the couch. "It's okay, Honey.. Just don't do it again, please..."
Hikaru: "Hey! Y/n! I brought a game~!" Y/n's boyfriend sang, bringing out the most fearful board game ever. "... WHAT THE HECK HIKARU!? YOU BROUGHT A FREAKING OUIJA BOARD INTO MY HOUSE!?!" "WHAT!? IT SAID IT WAS A GAME!!!" "IT ISN'T A FRICKIN' GAME YOU IDIOT! DON'T BRING THAT CRAP INTO MY HOUSE!!" "It's already set up! Come on, Y/n! Just one time! PLEAAAASE!" She huffed and looked to her side. "Fine..." A devilish smirk appeared on his face. "Then let the game begin..." "... I wish I could say he's already possessed, but that's sadly his normal smile..." So, you sat down next to Hikaru, and immediately was regretting agreeing to this. "Okay, so we have to ask if anyone is there.. Uh.. AY GHOSTY HOW YA DOIN'?!" Hikaru yelled. You took one hand off and whacked the teen upside the head "gently". "Ow!" The board piece started to move. ".. Hikaru stop, it isn't funny." He didn't reply, all he did was stare at the object in fear. "Hikaru!" You said a bit louder. "HIKARU STOP!" You yelled, grabbing his hands and taking them off of the board piece, tears now stinging your eyes. "... Uh.. What are you doing..?" Hikaru asked, slowly looking at his hands that were being held up by the wrists by you. A tear fell down your face as he looked back at you. His expression softened. ".. Y/n..?! Babe, what's wrong..?" He asked. You blinked a few times, then wrapped your arms around him, going your face in the crook of his neck. He didn't protest as he wrapped his arms around you, returning your embrace as a ghostly figure spied on you. The ghostly figure smirked, and flew down to the basement. Never to be seen again.
"Are you sure t-this is safe, Kaoru...?" Y/n asked, sheepishly following behind her boyfriend on a trail in the woods. "Of course it is! Hikaru and I went on this trails too many times to count." Kaoru said, a bright smile on his face. "... Okay.." Now, I wouldn't say that Y/n could sense spirits, but kinda sorta she could. Basically, whenever a spirit is around, her chest feels heavy and she begins to feel the emotion the spirit is experiencing. Let's just say, most of her encounters with ghosts have not been the best. Out of the corner of her eye, something white, like a snowman appeared. A sharp gasp came from the young girl as she stopped in her tracks and her grip tightened on Kaoru's arm. "D-did you see that!?!" She asked. Kaoru looked at her, puzzled. "See what?" "T-there was a-... I-it was....!" Kaoru then turned to the h/c haired girl and put his hand on her forehead. "N/n, are you sick?" "W-what!? No!" "Have you gotten enough sleep? You fell asleep on the way here..." "Yes! I got enough sl-" "Have you been eating enough?" "Kaoru!" "What?" Tears of frustration were now building in poor Y/n's eyes. She knew she saw something, she just didn't know what.. ".. I-... I saw something..." Kaoru- who is now feeling sorry for his girlfriend, gently wrapped his arms around her. ".. You didn't see anything, N/n.. Your eyes were just playing tricks o-..." Kaoru stopped mid sentence as he saw a white figure quickly running- floating more like actually, along the path towards them. Out of instinct, he quickly picked you up and started running away. "Kaoru-! What-!?" You looked behind his shoulder and your face went pale. Y/n started to have a panic attack, her palms were sweaty and her breathing g increased from not being able to breathe because of how heavy of a weight there was on her chest. The white figure was getting closer, and closer until it was so close Y/n could've sworn she could make out a face in the white glowing blob. Tears welled up in her eyes as she buried her face into Kaoru's shoulder slightly screaming. That was until... Kaoru's running got slower and the heavy weight on her chest slowly was taken away. He kept getting slower and slower until he stood still. "... Y/n.. You can look again, now.." She slowly looked up to see Kaoru looking at her worried. He slowly helped her onto her feet and she immediately glomped him in a teary hug. "... I'm so sorry I didn't believe you, Y/n..." He said as he stroked her hair/rubbed her back.
"... I hope you never have to go through that again..." The white figure creeped out from behind the tree, standing there and watching your figure as Kaoru picked you up and walked away, an equally important fact, is that it followed. Hiding in the shadows, like a tiger waiting to pounce on it's prey.
If you find anything in any of my chapters offensive, don't hesitate to tell me, lovelies!
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