KaoruxSelfHarm!Reader: Save Me From Myself
Just one more day. That is all I have to do to be likeable. Don't eat for one more day...
That is what I have been telling myself for a week. Just don't eat. For every morsel of food that goes into my mouth, I get a cut. I know in my heart this isn't right, but I can't stop. I won't stop. It is like an addiction that I cannot stop.
I head to Kaoru's house, my (h/c) hair blowing in my face. I shiver in the harsh winds. I had forgotten my jacket so I am walking in nothing but a blouse and jeans. Where I am going? Kaoru asked me to come over and work on a project and I forgot to put gas in my car. So I am walking.
I am almost there when I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. I open the text and read:
Hey (Y/n), when are you showing up?
I text back: Almost there, it is a bit of a walk.
He responds a minute later: YOU ARE WALKING?
Yeah, so?
It is fucking cold because of the upcoming hurricane! Just as he says this, it begins to drizzle.
"Fuck," I mumble under my breath. It becomes an onslaught of evil water and I begin to run. By the time I reach the Hitachiin household, I was soaked to the bone. I rang the doorbell and a maid opens it.
"Hello miss, can I help you?" I nod.
"Kao... Kao... ru... Kaoru..." She nods.
"Wait there miss." She shuts the door on me. I sit on the porch and feel the rain pound on me. I close my eyes and listen to the rain pitter patter...
pitter patter
pitter... patter...
Kaoru's PoV:
A maid knocks on my door. "Mr. Kaoru?"
"There is a young woman outside saying she is here for you."
"Outside! Why did you not let her in!" I yell. She shrugs and walks off. That bitch is so fired. I run to the front door to find (Y/n) laying on the ground, shivering. I pick her up bridal style and run to my room. But there is something off. She is too light. I place her in the bathroom and find her a change of warm clothes. I grab a large shirt, some boxers and some sweatpants and go back to the bathroom. I feel bad for having to do it, but I peel the clothes off of her and gasp...
The scars...
Your PoV
I wake up in a warm environment, my clothes suddenly dry. I frantically turn in the soft sheets and feel a hand on my arm. "(Y/n), stop." I look over to see Kaoru sitting on the bed next to me.
"Kaoru? Where am I?" I ask, confused. He shakes his head.
"I found you lying in the rain. I was worried. But what really scared me was the fact that I picked you up and you didn't weigh more than one hundred pounds. What scared me was the fact that you have a shit ton of scars on your stomach. That is what fucking scared me." I feel tears spring to my eyes as I see his angered gold eyes.
"I'm s-s-sorry..." I say as I choke on a sob. His eyes soften and he grabs my hands.
"(Y/n), this needs to stop." I shake my head.
"I can't. If I stop I won't ever be good enough." He shakes his head and pulls my shaking body into a warm hug.
"(Y/n), you were already good enough. No, you were better than good enough! You were perfect!" Kaoru pulls back to look me in the eye. "You may not see it, but I do. I love you, YOU! Not this skeleton before me! I want to have you! I don't care what you look like as long as you are true to yourself!" I try to look away, but he grabs my chin and makes me look at him. Tears stream down my face as I stare at him. "I will help you, just open up to me!"
"Kaoru... I can't burden you... you deserve better... you don't really love me... it's just a phase... yeah... a phase..." SMACK! My face whips around as he slaps me, hard.
"I will not let you do that. I am not letting you hurt yourself! I love you and you will hear it until you believe it." I stare at him. He sighs and grabs my hand gently and kisses my cheek where he hit me. " We are going to go to bed and in the morning and you will eat. Not a lot, but a little." I nod absentmindedly. He stands up and moves to leave.
"Wait!" I call out desperately and grab his hand. He turns and frowns. "Stay," I whisper. He nods and climbs into the bed with me, pulling me close and kissing the top of my head.
"Goodnight (Y/n), I love you."
"I love you too."
Satisfying ending?
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