HikaruxBlind!Bullied!Reader: Comfort of Darkness
Requested by @Fanfictionlover59 Enjoy!
Darkness. My entire being has been darkness. I have no inkling of what I look like, but I am told I am very ugly, with dull (e/c) eyes and greasy (h/c) hair. I am also told that I am disfigured, but I will never know.
My only friends are the Host Club, but they are also what brought the onslaught of bullying crashing on my head. Of course, they didn't do it intentionally. They treat me as a little sister. I sit in class and listen to the teacher drone on. I hear the bell ring and stretch my neck. I feel a hand on mine and listen for the person's voice.
'Guess who' was traced on my hand. (Helen Keller style). I lift my hand and feel his face, and his hair. It is soft. I feel his lips pulled into a mischievous smirk.
"Hi Hikaru!" I say sweetly. I feel Hikaru grin and he kisses my hand.
"Hey beautiful!" he says sweetly. I shake my head.
"You know I'm not beautiful," I say and sigh. Hikaru laughs.
"And you know you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen," he says. I roll my eyes and he grabs my arm, pulling me up. "Let's go to the club."
Hikaru and I hold hands as we walk down the hall.
"Hikaru, why are you walking with that blind shrew?" I hear Yuki yell. I put my head down and try to pull away from Hikaru. Hikaru drops my hand, but wraps his arm around my waist.
"What are you going to do about it?" Hikaru growls.
"Watch yourself, (y/n), he won't always be there. See you, whore!" I hear Yuki walk away. Hikaru pulls my face up and kisses me lightly on the lips.
"(Y/n), I love you! You know that, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Will you be my girlfriend?"
"Yes! I love you Hikaru!" I kiss him lightly.
Yuki punches me in the stomach. A daily beating after breakfast has become routine. I refuse to tell Hikaru, afraid that he will leave me for being weak. I meet Hikaru at the front of the school.
"Baby, you have a bloody lip," Hikaru says worriedly. I look down.
"Nothing," I mumble.
"It was Yuki wasn't it." He touches my waist and flinch. Hikaru slightly pulls up my shirt and flinches. "We need to get you to a hospital."
"Hikaru, I am fine." I say. I feel really feel dizzy, and I black out, I guess, but all I ever see is black.
I open my eyes and see a bright light. I groan, and cover my eyes. Wait! I can see! I open my eyes slightly and see a handsome boy sleeping in a chair. He has ginger hair and porcelain skin. He opens his eyes and I see that they are a brilliant gold.
"Hikaru! I can see! Oh my God I can see!" I yell. He walks over to me and kisses me. I start to cry.
"I am so glad your surgery went well, baby! I love you, I hope you enjoy your sight!"
"I won't live long if everyone is as handsome as you!" We fall into a fit of laughter.
"I love you!"
"I love you too!"
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